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Thanks for showing me how to program this. WOW it works Need I say more. Another happy camper.
  James Juarez

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.


*Most Frequently Asked
Designing Forms

Last Updated: Jan 24, 2008

*Most Frequently Asked

Will Sesame run on my operating system?
Sesame runs on the following operating systems:

  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows ME
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista (32 bit)
  • Windows Vista (64 bit)
  • Windows 7 (32 bit)
  • Windows 7 (64 bit)
As well as:
  • Linux (for Intel)

Last updated: Nov 1, 2009

How do I add an image to my form that always stays the same?
In SDesigner, an image that always stays the same is called a "Static Picture". It is added to the form using the Layout Element Adder. From the Select Element Type pulldown menu, select "Static Picture". Fill in the Label text box for the Static Picture with the full path to that image file. Example:

Label: C:\MyPictures\MyCompanyLogos\logo_12.bmp

Then press the Add Element to Form button. After the Static Picture has been added, it can be moved or resized.
Last updated: Nov 6, 2004

How do I create a unique sequential number for each record (@Number)?
You can use @Number, as you do in Q&A. But in Sesame there is only one @Number per application, which can contain several databases.

You can also use variables to get multiple @Numbers. And you can also use the handy technique of adding one to the highest existing number in that field with programming like this ...

IF Number1 = "" THEN Number1 =
@ToNumber(@XLookupR(@Filename, 99999, "Number1", "Number1")) + 1

The field that Number1 is bound to MUST be a number field.
This is easy to copy to other fields, you can use it in as many fields as you want, and requires no "@Number maintenance".
Last updated: Feb 20, 2004

Reserved Names in Translation
I want to know about Q&A Translation. I discovered that the Q&A is using one of Sesame's reserved words as a field name and it is used all over the programming code so that it becomes necessary to change the name because the Sesame program fails. Should we change the name in both the existing Q&A database and the layout element name as well or is it enough that we modify one of them and if this is the case which one?

The best way to address this problem is to change the field names in Q&A and then do a re-translation. This way, Q&A will make the adjustments where necessary in all parts of the database and Sesame will do the correct translation from numbers to element/field names.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

I've translated my Q&A for Windows database, but I the form that's translated is an old plain form, not my nice one.
Only the Q&A for Windows Master Form is translated into Sesame. Sesame can only 'see' what Q&A DOS can see.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

Q&A Data file Conversions
I am ready to translate my Q&A databases to Sesame. What should I do first and where are my Q&A files?

Sesame is not a new version of Q&A, it is a new program that can read and translate Q&A. The first thing to do is to carefully read the Q&A Database Translation Guide supplied with Sesame. In summary, you will want to clean up your database structure, clean up your data, legalize your field names, and check your programming. While Sesame will translate most of your Q&A databases, you must make sure that they are both healthy and ready for translation. If a Q&A database has internal damage - records disappear, error messages occur, problems with finding records - it will probably not translate correctly. The damage must be repaired first. If your data is not what Sesame expects - text in date or yes/no fields, etc. - Sesame will reject it on translation. If your field names contain illegal characters like *, /, -, @, etc. - Sesame will not translate them successfully. There are also some programming issues to be addressed in order to take care of the differences between Sesame and Q&A. The best way to fix any of these problems is to do it in Q&A before attempting translation. The Guide covers all of this and more. There are a surprising number of people who don't know where their Q&A data files are or what they are called. The best way to find your databases is to start Q&A and take the steps to open a database. Carefully note the location of the files - usually something like C:\QA\ or C:\QADOS50\. A Q&A database, like Customer, is made up of two files - Customer.Dtf and Customer.Idx. Sesame will need access to both of these files. You can copy them to the Sesame\Data folder using your regular Windows file management tools or even the Q&A internal backup or F5 (copy) tools.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

When I type on the form and add a : Sesame creates a static text element, not a field.
You're not in the US or UK, right? We have found that this technique does not work with foreign keyboards. We're looking into it. In the meantime use the Layout Element Adder.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

How do I check the server admin log?
Start Sesame
File / Server Administration
Enter the user name: admin
Enter the password: hello
(both these must be lower case)
Click on Accept

The second tab in Server Administration is "Logs".
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

How come I can't see the changes I made?
After making changes to your application in Designer, you need to implement these changes in the Sesame DB file. You can do this either by Selecting Application / Save as New Application or Application / Reconcile Existing Application.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

I want to change the order in which I navigate between layout elements. I adjusted this in Program Execution order, but it's still the same. What's wrong?
The Program Execution Order has nothing to do with tab order. You set "tab order" using GoTo programming statements in the program editor. You only need to do this if you want to tab between layout elements other than in "natural order". Natural order is top left to bottom right.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

I've redesigned my form, now I move between fields in the wrong order. What's happened?
This is usually caused by the fields in one row not actually being aligned correctly, despite looking as if they are. Lining them up by eye can result in tiny 1-pixel misalignments which you can't see, but which results in a layout element being higher than the one to its left.

To correct this, select all the fields that are in one "row", go to Property Editor / Position tab / Align Vertically, and select "Top".
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

My numbers are not displaying correctly in Sesame.
I have translated my Q&A 4.0 database in Sesame. I had used two fields to define an address, Street Number and Street Name. In Q&A I got:

1234 Main Street

In Sesame I get:

1234.000000 Main Street

This is another issue of translation. You have the Street Number field in Q&A set to be a Number field (N). When Sesame translates that data, it has no idea that you don't want it to truly display the entire number with all of its internal decimal places, so it displays the whole thing. There are a few ways to correct this issue.

1. In Q&A, before translation set the field to be N0 rather than N (zero decimal places).
2. In Q&A, before translation set the field to be T rather than N (text field).
3. In Sesame, after translation set the field to display zero decimal places using the Property Editor, Format Tab, Custom Format, Decimal Places setting.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

How do I resize my form?
Click on a blank area of the form. Hold down the shift key and use the arrow keys to change its size. You can also use the Property Editor to set the Height and Width for the Form.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004

How do I set initial values like @number, @time, and @date in my Sesame forms? If I put these functions in the initial value field in the Property Editor they don't work.
An initial value in Sesame can be anything you can type from the keyboard but cannot include Sesame functions such as @Number, @Date, @Time, @Userid, or the like. To make Sesame functions an initial value on a form, use the programming capability and assign these functions to a layout element On-Form-Entry. The best way to do this is to also use an "If/Then" statement in the programming to make sure that your values are only entered one time. As an Example, consider that you want to add a today's date to a new order form in the Order_Date field. Your On-Form-Entry programming in the Order_Date element could be:

If Order_Date = "" Then
    Order_Date = @date
Last updated: Feb 10, 2004


Does the server need to use a special server operating system?
No. The Sesame Server software is the same as the Sesame Client software and runs on the same operating systems:

  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows ME
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista (32 bit)
  • Windows Vista (64 bit)
  • Windows 7 (32 bit)
  • Windows 7 (64 bit)
As well as:
  • Linux (for Intel)

Last updated: Nov 1, 2009

How can I view the server's log file when I am running client/server?
The log viewer in the server administration dialog only views log files from the machine showing the dialog. So if you view the log while attached as a client to a server, you are viewing the client's log file - not the server's. To view the log from a different machine, you should run Sesame standalone (not client/server) on that machine. This ensures access rights to that machine through the operating system's security and passwords. If you do not have physical access to the server, or the server does not have a graphical user interface, you must transfer the log file to your local machine, or use one of the many remote display programs, such as XWindows (X11), XP remote desktop, or VNC.
Last updated: Nov 6, 2004

Sometimes, when I open my application, the menu tree displays things I don't recognize instead of my databases and forms. What's going on?
This can happen if you have a version mismatch between the Client and the Server. When upgrading Sesame in a client-server environment, make sure you upgrade all the clients and the server to the same version.
Last updated: Mar 9, 2004

My machine name has spaces in it. How can I get Sesame to start a server on this machine?
Put the machine name inside double quotes.
sesame -server "my machine"
Last updated: Feb 11, 2004

I set up my client and server shortcuts just like it says in Appendix 1 of the User Guide, but it doesn't connect. What's wrong?
There is a syntax error in the examples in the User Guide. There needs to be dash (-) preceding the client or server switch. Also, there should not be a space between the machine name and the port numbers. The correct syntax is:

sesame -server mymachine:20020:20021
sesame -client mymachine:20020:20021

Last updated: Feb 11, 2004

Can Sesame be run behind a firewall?
Yes. Sesame can be set up so that only computers behind the firewall can gain access to the Sesame server. With most firewalls, this will be the default (and desired) behavior. See your firewall's user manual for details on how to set up a program to operate through the firewall, if you want to make your Sesame server available to the public. Some firewalls will produce a warning when Sesame is first launched indicating that a program has "opened ports". Your firewall may need to be informed that Sesame is going to open two ports. Again see your firewall's user manual for details.
Last updated: Jan 20, 2004

Can Sesame be set up so that only certain computers can connect to it?
Yes. Sesame can use an Allow file and a Deny file to allow and disallow specific computers and/or ranges of IP addresses.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I run more than one Sesame server?
Yes. Only one server can open any one database file at a time. But if you have multiple database files you can run more than one server, each serving up a different database.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

What is the difference between running "Client/Server" and just hitting my database through Windows networking?
When using Client/Server there is an active executable program running on another computer. The Client executable program running on your computer talks to this other program through a network connection - making requests for data and other operations. The server program then responds to the client program though the same network connection. If you simply open a database through Microsoft's networking (drive mapping, etc.) both the client and the server are running locally on your computer. Only the data is on the other computer. This forces the entire database to be "sucked" through the network connection.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Do I have to buy a separate program to run Client/Server?
No, The Sesame client and the Sesame server are the exact same program running in different modes.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I run Sesame on Novell?
Sesame will run on computers running any of the allowed operating systems that are also running the Novell protocol. But Sesame will not run on the Novell operating system.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame lock a database that is being accessed by a client?
No. Sesame will lock individual records on a first come first serve basis. If someone else arrives at that same record, it will be "read only" until the first person moves on.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

How many clients can connect to a Sesame server?
As many clients as you have bought "client seat" licenses for can connect simultaneously. The only other limit is the performance of your server and your network.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

What do I need to let multiple users connect to my database?
Sesame can be used as a true Client/Server application. You can set up the server on one computer running any of the allowed operating systems, and set up the clients on any computers connected to that computer via a local area network using the TCP/IP protocol, or through the internet.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Designing Forms

How do I rubber-band elements on a tab page?
Rubber-banding of tab elements is done by starting the process with the mouse on the primary form (off the tab) and dragging across the tab and the elements desired. This action selects the desired elements AND the tab group itself. Before working with the layout elements, you must remove the tab group from the selection. This is done by holding down the Shift key and clicking on the tab group at the bottom, to the right of the last tab page label.

Or step-by-step

1. Start by clicking outside the tab group
2. Draw a rectangle to select the layout elements - the tab group is also selected
3. Shift-click on the blank gray area at the bottom of the tab group, to right of the labels, to de-select the group
4. Proceed with your actions

Last updated: Apr 7, 2004

What sorts of things (elements) can I put on my forms?
Sesame currently supports the following form elements:

  • Static Text
  • Text Input Box
  • Numeric Input Box
  • Combo Box
  • Images (Formats: JPEG, BMP, and PNG)
  • Command Buttons
  • Radio Buttons
  • List Box
  • Check Box
  • Tab Pages
  • Sub Forms (as both forms and tables)
  • Lines and Boxes

Last updated: Jan 20, 2004

Can I use one form as a menu to get to other forms?
Yes. Using command buttons and SBasic you can build a central form, or set of forms that can be used to navigate your application.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Is there any way to lock the user onto a particular form?, can I?
Yes, using a "startup macro" and the "-closed" startup flag you can lock the user onto a particular form.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

When I made my Q&A database, all I had to do was type a colon (":") to make a new field, can I do the same thing with Sesame?
Yes. In SDesigner, making a new text field is as simple as pressing the colon (":"). As with Q&A, you can also press the open angle brace ("<") to make a multi-line text field.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I work on the design of my forms and data while people are using the same database?
Yes. SDesigner makes a special copy of the original database called a .DSR file, that can be edited while people are using the original. Changes are then merged back into the original once they are finalized.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Do I need to get a different program in order to design my own forms and databases?
No, Sesame comes with a fully featured form designer called SDesigner. It can be launched from within Sesame "Runtime". SDesigner can also test the forms and databases you are designing by launching a "preview" client while the designer is open.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame respect my color, font, and internationalization settings?
As much as possible we default to your system settings. Also, where possible, Sesame allows the user to override these settings within Sesame.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame support all of my fonts in forms and reports?
Yes. Sesame can use all of the fonts available to your system.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004


What are the minimum system requirements to run Sesame?
Sesame requires a Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, Vista or a Linux (for Intel) operating system. Minimum RAM requirements are the same as for the operating system. However, it is a good idea to have a total amount of RAM that is three times the size of your largest database. For network use over a LAN (local area network) or WAN (wide area network), Sesame requires installation of the TCP/IP (standard Internet) protocol on the network. The network server must be capable of running a Windows or Linux (for Intel) program on itself.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2008

Is Sesame a DOS program?
No, Sesame is a cross-platform program, running both on Win32 operating systems (Win95, Win98, WinNT, Win2000, WinME, WinXP, Vista) and Linux (under X11). Sesame has a graphical user interface.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2008

How do I make special characters, accented characters and diacritics?
You can make these characters in Sesame by composing them. On keyboards which do not have a dead-key, the compose key is F12. For example, to make an accented a (á) you type:

F12(or dead-key) ' a

The keys are pressed in sequence, as opposed to holding one down while typing others. The table below shows the compose sequence for other special characters.

Character Composition Table
KeysChar KeysChar KeysChar KeysChar KeysChar KeysChar
spnbsp *° ` AÀ D -Ð ` aà d -ð
!¡ + -± ' AÁ ~ NÑ ' aá ~ nñ
%¢ 2² A ^Â ` OÒ ^ aâ ` oò
#£ 3³ ~ AÃ ' OÓ ~ aã ' oó
$¤ '´ : AÄ ^ OÔ : aä ^ oô
y =¥ uµ * AÅ ~ OÕ * aå ~ oõ
|¦ p A EÆ : OÖ a eæ : oö
&§ .· , CÇ x× , cç - :÷
:¨ ,¸ E `È O /Ø ` eè o /ø
c© 1¹ ' EÉ ` UÙ ' eé ` uù
aª oº ^ EÊ ' UÚ ^ eê ' uú
< <« > >» : EË ^ UÛ : eë ^ uû
~¬ 1 4¼ ` IÌ : UÜ ` iì : uü
-­ 1 2½ ' IÍ ' YÝ ' ií ' yý
r® 3 4¾ ^ IÎ T HÞ ^ iî t hþ
_¯ ?¿ : IÏ s sß : iï : yÿ

Last updated: Jan 20, 2004

I want to put a different logo on Sesame when it starts up, can I?
Yes. Sesame has a number of start up flags you can use. The "-splash" flag allows you to replace the default logo with any image file of suitable size (.jpeg, .bmp, .png).
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can Sesame "Back Up" my database?
Sesame supports a file copy operation labeled as "Save As" which allows the user to save a copy of the database files under a new name.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can Sesame deal with the plug getting pulled while it is up and running?
For the most part - yes. The only time this might be a problem is when Sesame is actively writing to the database file. Sesame is not constantly connected to the file on the hard drive, and is thus less likely to suffer from file corruption during a power outage. Because Sesame does "lock" the database file during use, the file may have to be "unlocked" after a power outage. Sesame provides a utility for this purpose under the Server Administration tools. There is also an included standalone command line utility for this purpose, called "Sunlock".
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

What is the difference between Sesame "Runtime" and SDesigner?
Sesame Runtime is the program used to use a Sesame database. You would launch the "Runtime" to Search and Update a database, print reports, etc... SDesigner is for creating new databases, forms and reports and redesigning them. The Runtime can launch SDesigner and vice-versa.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame have keyboard shortcuts for all of its operations?
The Sesame Runtime supports the keyboard for all operations. SDesigner requires using the mouse for some operations, though it is not required for building a simple form. Many of the most commonly used shortcuts in Sesame are the same as in Q&A.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Is Sesame a "relational" database?
Yes. Sesame supports two kinds of relational data. By default, and with very little effort on the part of the developer, Sesame supports a one-to-many hierarchial relationship. That means, that without much effort you can set up an invoice form that has a line item table, with entries unique to the customer on each invoice. Sesame also supports (without much more effort) a "keyed" relationship between a form and subform, where one field on the subform must match a field on the parent form. Forms can be nested as deeply as necessary.

Sesame also supports the same kinds of relationships as Q&A, through the use of XLookup and related SBasic functions.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Are there any bugs?
Unfortunately, being a version 1.0 program ("brand new"), there are likely to be a few bugs that have slipped through our very lengthy testing. We have made every effort to make Sesame as bug free as possible. But as with any human endeavor, some mistakes are inevitable. If you find a bug, please report it to Lantica's support group as quickly as possible, and we will do everything in our power to make sure that your bug is fixed. Bug fix releases will be freely available to Sesame customers.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame have security?
Yes. Sesame supports optional connection security on the server, only allowing particular clients to connect. It can also "deny" connection to set of specified clients. Sesame also supports login/password security on the application as a whole. Furthermore, users can be placed in "groups". Each group can then be set to have "read", "write", and "execute" privileges on various elements within the application.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame use any .DLL files?
Sesame uses only those .DLL files that are part of every Windows operating system. It does not have to "find" any .DLLs, nor does it come with any .DLLs by default. The ODBC driver for Sesame does include some .DLLs that are installed when the optional ODBC driver is installed.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does installing Sesame affect my Registry?
No. Sesame does not use or make or edit any registry entries. The only part of the Sesame package that affects the registry is the ODBC driver - which is optional, and not installed by default.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Is a version of Sesame in the works for my operating system?
If market forces call for it: yes. We have plans currently to expand development to include Mac O/S X, Solaris, Novell, and Irix.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Do I need a network to run Sesame?
No. Sesame will run on a standalone computer.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004


Does Sesame support "remote access"?
Yes. By running a Sesame Server on the remote computer, Sesame clients can then connect through an internet connection. This can be any kind of internet connection, on either computer - including a simple "dial-up" connection
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I run Sesame on the internet?
Yes. Sesame uses the same network protocol as the internet (TCP/IP) and works well through an internet connection. There is no change in syntax, installation, or licensing for use of Sesame on the internet.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I email from within Sesame?
Yes. The Sesame programming language (SBasic) supports an email function that can email data from within your Sesame database and can be addressed by data in your Sesame database. In other words, it can be used to perform an Email mail merge.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can Sesame make a web page using my data?
Yes. The Sesame Report Writer uses HTML (web page) as its default format.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can Sesame make web page forms (HTML) from my Sesame form?
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004


Can I use my Sesame database from within Microsoft Office® programs (Word, Excel, Access, etc...)
Yes. Using ODBC. (Easy mail merge )
Last updated: Jan 19, 2004

Does Sesame have an ODBC driver?
Yes. Sesame supports both Query and Read from ODBC.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004


I have some database fields that use field templates. What will happen to these fields and the data in them when the database is translated?
Sesame will translate such fields along with the data in them. However, any characters that are not part of the actual data value will not come across. For example, a phone number field in a Q&A database might contain a template like this:


In this case, just the phone number (without the dashes supplied by the template) will be translated.

You have an option here. You can remove all of your records from the Sesame database after translation, export the records from your Q&A database (to Standard ASCII) and include the field templates as an export option, then import the ASCII file into the Sesame database. This way, you can retain your template characters or formats. In Sesame Release 1.0, since there is no specific field template feature, you will have to apply any template characters with programming. Sesame 2 does have templates.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2008

What features of Q&A does Sesame not support?
Sesame cannot translate Q&A's macros. Sesame does not have a full featured Word Processor, but does support many of the operations performed by Q&A Write, including mail merges.
Last updated: Jan 19, 2004

Is Sesame compatible with Q&A?
Sesame can translate Q&A (versions 4.0 and 5.0 for DOS and Q&A for Windows) database files for use within Sesame. This is a one time operation that translates the .DTF file into the Sesame file format, producing a new file for use within Sesame. The original .DTF file remains in place and is completely unchanged. Click here for detailed information.

Last updated: Jan 19, 2004

Is Sesame a new version of Q&A or a Q&A upgrade?
No! Sesame is not Q&A.
It is not an upgrade to Q&A.
It is not a DOS or Windows 3x program!
It is not from the makers of Q&A.
Sesame is an entirely new database management product from a completely separate company. Sesame is designed to read Q&A databases and translate them into new Sesame database applications. Your Q&A databases stay intact. Sesame enables Q&A users to bring their data and database designs into the modern world of computing and allows them to stop worrying about things like printer, hardware, and operating system incompatibilities. See our Translating Q&A Databases to Sesame article for more information on how Sesame translates Q&A databases.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I export Sesame data to Q&A?
Yes. Sesame has export facilities that rival Q&A's. You can easily export data from Sesame to an ASCII file which you can then import into Q&A. This way you can port your Sesame data to your Q&A databases during a period where you might be using both programs.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Will Sesame translate all my Q&A for Windows reports?
For Q&A for Windows, Sesame will only translate what is seen by Q&A for DOS. So, not all of the reports will be translated. Only those in the DOS columnar format. Free-form reports and Q&A for Windows columnar reports will need to be recreated.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can Sesame translate Q&A for Windows databases?
Yes. Sesame will see what Q&A 5.0 for DOS sees when it imports a Q&A for Windows database. In other words, Sesame will translate the "master" form, specs, reports, etc.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I do an XLookup to my Q&A (.DTF) database from within Sesame?
Yes. In order to assist in the translation process, we have given Sesame the ability to perform external lookups to your Q&A for DOS 4.0/5.0 and Q&A for Windows databases. This way you can manage your transition and testing at your own pace. You do not have to translate all of your Q&A databases at once.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Is Sesame another version of Q&A (Q&A 6 perhaps)?
No. Sesame was written from scratch. It is entirely original to Lantica. It is simply very "Q&A aware".
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Can I use the programming from my Q&A database in Sesame?
Yes. Sesame will translate the Q&A Basic programming into SBasic programming, which shares the same functions and subroutines as Q&A Basic. SBasic also supports many additions, functions and subroutines, as well as user defined variables and subroutines. SBasic has greatly expanded the palette of the application programmer and yet retains compatibility with Q&A.

Most of the changes necessary for running a Q&A program from within Sesame take place automatically. The only exceptions to this are that SBasic does not support the rarely used "pound-quote" syntax, and SBasic does not support a variable number of arguments to functions and subroutines.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Do I need Q&A to run Sesame?
No, Sesame is completely independent from Q&A or any other program.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Does Sesame do everything the same way that Q&A does?
No. Sesame attempts to achieve the same attitude and philosophy that made Q&A a great DBMS. But because Sesame supports many more features, structures, and elements than Q&A, it is impossible to do everything exactly the same way. In every case, we have attempted to determine the intent of the operation, and achieve the same results.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

Are all the features of Q&A supported by Sesame?
Sesame is a superset of the features of Q&A. In other words, we support almost all of Q&A's features, and then many more.
Last updated: Jan 14, 2004

  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
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