Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Quirk or Bug? (Read 4053 times)
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Quirk or Bug?
Dec 28th, 2003 at 10:24pm
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While working in designer & testing as I go, I have come across some quirks/bugs or I may be I'm just missing something, but here goes,

1. In Propertry Editor / Format . Applying format to a text element there is no option of "Initialize Caps"

2.  Property Editor / Text . There is no option to Justify Text to Center of text box element.

3. In an Data Field Element bound to number field. When adding records Sesame drops leading zeros entered in field.
eg: 04100 will end up 4100 after leaving data field. We need that 04 for the 2 digit year in a invoice # field.

4. Property Editor / Other . Apply "Initial Value" to text field element.
In the data base, add records, the "Initial Value" is in the data field on entering a new record, complete record, F10 to save, exit to "Search/Update" and retrieve record. The data field is empty of the initial value that was applied, it is not saving initial values to the record.

5. In Designer. When I click on File / Open Application. The pop up box shows all db and dsr files, shouldn't it show only the dsr files, thats what I thought I read in one of the manuals.

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #1 - Dec 28th, 2003 at 10:40pm
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While working in designer & testing as I go, I have come across some quirks/bugs or I may be I'm just missing something, but here goes,

1. In Propertry Editor / Format . Applying format to a text element there is no option of "Initialize Caps"

This version does not offer that option.

2.  Property Editor / Text . There is no option to Justify Text to Center of text box element.

This version does not offer that option. You can center text in a Static Text element.

3. In an Data Field Element bound to number field. When adding records Sesame drops leading zeros entered in field.
eg: 04100 will end up 4100 after leaving data field. We need that 04 for the 2 digit year in a invoice # field.

This is correct. In Sesame, Number fields are actually number fields, not text fields pretending to be number fields. It will try to convert what you type into a valid number, meaning no leading zeroes. If you want to retain leading zeroes, you need to use a Text Field.

4. Property Editor / Other . Apply "Initial Value" to text field element.
In the data base, add records, the "Initial Value" is in the data field on entering a new record, complete record, F10 to save, exit to "Search/Update" and retrieve record. The data field is empty of the initial value that was applied, it is not saving initial values to the record.

Initial Values are saving for us. Can you be more specific? What are you using for your Initial Value? What kind of field does the value save into? What kind of element? The more detail we have, the better we'll be able to track it down.

5. In Designer. When I click on File / Open Application. The pop up box shows all db and dsr files, shouldn't it show only the dsr files, thats what I thought I read in one of the manuals.

It should show both. If you select a db, Sesame will create a dsr for you, based on that db. Under the hood, it's the same thing that happens when you select Redesign Current Application. The file dialog that asks you to name your new dsr will show only dsr files, so you can overwrite an existing dsr, if you want to.


- Hammer
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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #2 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 12:12am
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Thanks for the reply, you have clarified a number of things. Pitty these small format items were not brought over from Q&A, although minor they make entry simplified and gives class to a printed form, well maybe in the upgrade huh!

Quote:2.  Property Editor / Text . There is no option to Justify Text to Center of text box element. 

This version does not offer that option. You can center text in a Static Text element.

When you place a combo box on your form, then in the selection list you have 3 letter words to a 5 word sentence, it will look more professional on your printed form if the text is centered instead of a 3 letter word justified left in a box space that is large enough to show a 5 word sentence.

This is correct. In Sesame, Number fields are actually number fields, not text fields pretending to be number fields. It will try to convert what you type into a valid number, meaning no leading zeroes. If you want to retain leading zeroes, you need to use a Text Field.

If I change my "Invoice #" field to a text field can I use the @number programing  statement, I was under the belief this needed to be a number field. 

Initial Values are saving for us. Can you be more specific? What are you using for your Initial Value? What kind of field does the value save into? What kind of element? The more detail we have, the better we'll be able to track it down

I have an invoice form with static text "Sold to" on the left side. Under that going down the page I have the following Text Boxes "Name, Address, City, State" to the right of state on the same line I have "Zip" and to the right of that "+4".
The "State" box is a text element has the following under the Property Viewer
Label: State
Name: State0
Bound To: !State0
Bound To Type: Text
Initial Value: Ks
Read Only: False
Visible: True

It is this Initial Value of Ks to the State field I'm having trouble with. It comes up on add record but does not save with record.

#5. makes sense now. Bear with me here, I screamed so hard at work to wait for Sesame, I'm now under the gun to produce and be up and running for the 1st of Jan.
So am a little tense with some frustration while going through the learning curve, but try and explain that to the boss  Smiley

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #3 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 12:24am
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If I change my "Invoice #" field to a text field can I use the @number programing  statement, I was under the belief this needed to be a number field.

It should work just fine. If you are concatenating other values with it, you may want to use @Str(@Number).

It is this Initial Value of Ks to the State field I'm having trouble with. It comes up on add record but does not save with record.

We see it now. We will be issuing bug fix releases, and this will probably get taken care of in the first one. Thank you for the bug report.  Grin

- Hammer
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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #4 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 2:20pm
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While working in designer & testing as I go, I have come across some quirks/bugs or I may be I'm just missing something, but here goes,

1. In Propertry Editor / Format . Applying format to a text element there is no option of "Initialize Caps"


The following code snippet takes a text field, capitilizes the first letter, and makes the rest lowercase.
just modify it a bit for the fields you need to use it with and you will achieve the same results as Initialize Caps.

Var vName as String
Var vFirst as Char

vName = Name //Name is a Text Field
if @len(vname) > 0 then
vFirst = @left(vname,1)
vname = ToLower(vname)
vname = @ReplFir(vname, vFirst, ToUpper(vFirst))
Name = vName


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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #5 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 5:18pm
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Thanks Bob for the above programing, I can work with that until we get additional text box formating  Wink Wink

You guys at Lantica must be getting sick of me by now but here we go again  Cry

I have our new Invoice form progressed far enough along that I saved it as a new application, exited designer and commenced adding some trial records. Went back to designer and made some minor changes then resaved application. Went I went back to search/update to view the records they were gone. It appears the save application not only saved the updated form but deleted all my records, am I doing something wrong here?
The records were saved at add data with the Ctrl-F10 (has subform). The records were also viewed in search/update prior to going back to designer. Tried this twice with the same outcome.

I also noticed that at search/update when advancing through records using  F10 or the advance arrow on the menu bar when I get to the end of the records Sesame adds a blank record to the data base, when I revisit the data base there is an added number of records by one and a blank record to match.
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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #6 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 5:39pm
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It appears the save application not only saved the updated form but deleted all my records, am I doing something wrong here?

- Yes you are!  To apply just the Design changes, you should have Reconciled. Save as New Application does just that.

I also noticed that at search/update when advancing through records using  F10 or the advance arrow on the menu bar when I get to the end of the records Sesame adds a blank record to the data base, when I revisit the data base there is an added number of records by one and a blank record to match.

- This is the way Sesame works. You can go to the last record in any result set and advance to a new blank record and add records that way.  Blank records though are not saved. If they are we need more information on just what you are doing.

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #7 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 5:50pm
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I have our new Invoice form progressed far enough along that I saved it as a new application, exited designer and commenced adding some trial records. Went back to designer and made some minor changes then resaved application. Went I went back to search/update to view the records they were gone. It appears the save application not only saved the updated form but deleted all my records, am I doing something wrong here?

In a nutshell, yes.  Grin 

Save As New Application will overwrite your db/dat with your dsr/ddt in its current state. That means it has the records it had when you first made it, plus those entered in Preview mode. If you created your application from scratch, it will have no records.

To apply your design changes to a working application without losing the data, you want to Reconcile. This applies the design changes rather than overwriting the existing application.

I also noticed that at search/update when advancing through records using  F10 or the advance arrow on the menu bar when I get to the end of the records Sesame adds a blank record to the data base, when I revisit the data base there is an added number of records by one and a blank record to match.

This behavior may be a symptom of the Initial Values problem you reported . We'll check into it. That blank record should only be saved if you actually change a value. Are you changing any values in programming?

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #8 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 6:56pm
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You'll be delighted to know, Becky, that we don't charge extra for Stereo replies !  Grin

Erika and I will really have to get ourselves in sync.

(But isn't it reassuring that we give the same answers!)

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #9 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 8:05pm
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Reconcile! Oops missed that one  Embarrassed
Now I know what that funny thing with the spiral is for Grin

That blank record should only be saved if you actually change a value. Are you changing any values in programming?

No, my mistake its as Alec said above, the blank record is there but not saved. The record count goes 5 of 5 press F10 it goes 6 of 6 press F9 is goes 5 of 5.
OK I will try and refrain from these embarrassing moments.  Embarrassed Embarrassed
But I do like two for the price of one Grin

I have to say, even with the glitches I'm having, we are glad we took the option to re-design our db's rather than convert, its gives us a lot more depth and understanding of Sesame. GR8T Job thankyou.

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #10 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 9:38pm
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- Yes you are!  To apply just the Design changes, you should have Reconciled. Save as New Application does just that.

- This is the way Sesame works. You can go to the last record in any result set and advance to a new blank record and add records that way.  Blank records though are not saved. If they are we need more information on just what you are doing.

Becky, I wanted to comment - and maybe clarify something Alec said.  Please read his statement above.   Note that he says "...go the the last record in ANY RESULT SET and advance to a new blank record..."  The capitalization is my emphasis.  If you test this on any of the Sample databases, (try Callback) you will see this same action.  You can actually ADD records to an application while in EITHER the ADD mode or SEARCH/UPDATE!  Something that Q&A didn't allow can be done in Sesame.  When you press F10 to the end of the records and press F10 again, Sesame provides a blank record for use (if you wish).  When you press F9 to go back to a previously saved record, Sesame realizes that you have entered no data into a blank record, so does not save that blank record, hence the record count drops back to what it was when you were on the last record that was populated with actual data.

I hope this helps to clarify your issue about a "blank" record being saved in your database.

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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #11 - Dec 29th, 2003 at 9:49pm
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Thanks T.J.  I had gone back and played with it some more after the reply's, then that big bright light flickered and came on, nice feature Wink I'm sure there's a lot more to surface yet.
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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #12 - Jan 2nd, 2004 at 3:18pm
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Here is a piece of code that capitilizes the first letter of every word in a field as opposed to my other piece of code that Bob Scott posted earlier which only capitilizes the first letter of the first word.

It was written for the On Exit Event of the field Company in the database Customers.db, but can easily be modified to any text field by just changing the field name in two places.

var vName as String
var vFirst as Char
var vCnt as int
var vSnipet as String

vCnt = 0
vName = Company //Company is a Text Field  
if @Len(vName) > 0 then
     vFirst = @Left(vName,1)
     vName = ToLower(vName)
     vName = @ReplFir(vName, vFirst, ToUpper(vFirst))
     While vCnt < @Len(vName)
           if @Mid(vName,vCnt,1) = " " then
                 vSnipet = vSnipet + @Left(vName, vCnt)
                 VName = @Del(vName, 0, vCnt)
                 vCnt = 0
                 vFirst = @Left(vName,1)
                 vName = @ReplFir(vName, vFirst, ToUpper(vFirst))
           vCnt = vCnt + 1
     vSnipet = vSnipet + vName
     Company = vSnipet

Hope this helps.  Smiley

Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Quirk or Bug?
Reply #13 - Jan 2nd, 2004 at 4:12pm
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Thanks for the new snippet.  Smiley

We love your snippets, and use them appreciatively. Maybe we can get a separate category on the forum just for approved Snippets. It could be read only so only working logical and well written snippets could be posted.

Thanks again and please post more! Cheesy

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