Normal Topic Macro Names have fixed extension. (Read 1325 times)
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Macro Names have fixed extension.
Jan 4th, 2004 at 3:12am
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Note that macro names will always be given the extension "mac", regardless of how you name it. 

In Q&A it was possible to give any extension to the macro filename, but we are not able to do this in Sesame.  This means that similar macros with slight variations can no longer have identical names with different extensitions in Q&A but a new naming convention will have to be used.

Bob Hansen
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Re: Macro Names have fixed extension.
Reply #1 - Jan 5th, 2004 at 6:59pm
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I would consider it tidier and more logical to have a fixed file extension for a class of file such as a Sesame macro file. With Q&A you were limited to an 8-character file name: a restriction removed in Sesame.

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Re: Macro Names have fixed extension.
Reply #2 - Jan 6th, 2004 at 1:27am
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I would consider it tidier and more logical to have a fixed file extension for a class of file such as a Sesame macro file.

Aaargh!  Watch out.  It is obvious that Microsoft has slipped in a ventriloquist putting those words into Alec's mouth.  Bill Gates people have been notorious for knowing what we want to do.  They made decisions for us because they knew what was right.  What was good for MS had to be good for everyone else. 

I think we would want to maintain the most flexibility to let the users establish their own work disciplines and methods as we see fit.

I understand the issue of "How do you tell Sesame what files are macros if they are not all the same class"?  But this could also be overcome with some macro folder locations in a separate macrodirs.ini instead of sharing the rootdirs.ini

This is not a big deal, it was just a note that some existing work methods may have to be modified with the translation.

But the dummy strings must have broken because you are certainly right that the ability to use long filenames is much better.  Another nice touch would be similar to an earlier post to have some type of comments field for the macro files like for the applications, forms, reports, etc.

But please be careful that the ventriloquist does not creep into the development group. Grin

Bob Hansen
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Re: Macro Names have fixed extension.
Reply #3 - Jan 6th, 2004 at 1:52pm
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But please be careful that the ventriloquist does not creep into the development group.

You may not be aware of this, Bob, but those are fighting words around here. If you look at page 440 of the User Guide, you will see that staying out of the users way is a core element of the Sesame philosophy. 

There are a number of good technical reasons to assign a known extension to the macro files. Caliing someone a Bill Gates sock puppet who, like Alec, puts a tremendous amount of thought and energy into which of the myriad possibilities for implementation is best in any particular case, falls a bit short. As does the implication that we lack committment to maintaining user flexibility, when "leave the user's options open" is the rallying cry for this development team, and is maintained wherever the cost to the user does not outweigh the benefit.

We have assiduously avoided dlls, registry entries, and dependencies of any kind. Our lead programmer has worked with many other systems than Windows. Unlike many current developers, he is actually aware that there are other ways to do things. Wink

We have written a product that runs on all versions of Windows since Win95 and Linux with almost no differences in the source code. It keeps us honest, and it keeps Sesame free of many of the traps software has to navigate around.

The development team is extremely committed to maintaining a product that tries to evolve in a direction that makes sense for our users, rather than simply doing what is "done". Sometimes we'll make mistakes in our choices, but it won't be because we blindly followed Redmond, and it won't be because we didn't take the time to thoroughly consider the options.

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Re: Macro Names have fixed extension.
Reply #4 - Jan 7th, 2004 at 1:43am
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Embarrassed My sincerest apologies to Alec, Erika, Mark, and the whole team.  Embarrassed

That was an attempt at humor, not fighting words.....did you miss the smiley face?  Keep doing what you have been doing.   If I had been talking directly to Alec I would have made that statement and would have expected him to come back with one of his usual witty quips.

I guess my poor attempt at humor fell through.  Spending too many hours on this.  There is no question about the effort you have put in to provide a flexible product, no registry hassles, multiple OS, etc.

The effort at this end would not be happening if there was no belief that you are all supporting our needs.  I would not be making so many requests for help if I didn't think you wouldn't have solutions.

I am out here, sending emails to users, making people aware of the product now that it is released, and also trying to bootstrap myself to be ready with answers to their questions.  Many people have been waiting, are anxious and looking forward to using Sesame.

I will be glad to go back and edit my earlier message, or perhaps you could delete the entire message and this reply to your well written but unnecessary explanation.  But leave your content there, good for new users who do not know the development people to understand Lantica's philosophy.

Embarrassed Once again, I did not mean to offend anyone or to suggest that you did not have the users interests paramount in your design decisions. Embarrassed

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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