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I might as well use ACCESS
Jan 16th, 2004 at 12:53am
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I've been a dedicated Q&A fan for nearly 20 years.  I love it's simple interface.  It allows anyone to get data into and out of a computer with ease.  Even people with little computer experience.  There is always a mini menu on the bottom of every screen -- despite the fact that it uses the "old, outdated, antiquated" DOS screen.  Need more help?  Just press F10.  I've never seen a Windows product that offers help as easily.  Every Windows product just leads me endlessly through meaningless screens, and by the time I find a possible solution, I've forgotten what the problem was.

Another joy of Q&A is it's simple menu and control keys.  My options are clearly presented on the screen and I can pick them without even using the mouse -- if I want.  It's nearly impossible to get lost and I always find what I need to do.  THE OPTIONS ARE CLEAR.

Now we have Sesame.  What a catastrophe.  I've tried it on two computers and they keep blowing up.  When they do work, it destroys my data when I redesign the forms, and I can never find the option pertaining to what I want to do.  No easy, fast menu on the bottom of the screen.  If I want to do something simple -- like create a database or a form -- I've got to switch to Sdesigner then figure out how to get back to Sesame without losing my design and/or my data.  Jeez, that's why I use Q&A -- to avoid all that ACCESS-style crap.

I guess Bill Gates wins again, but at least I still have Q&A to work with.  A Q&A database that a neophyte could set up in 10 minutes would take them a week to set up in Sesame -- same with Access.  Where's the benefit.

Anyway, thanks for trying, guys.
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #1 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 2:21am
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I'm sorry you feel like that. Sesame isn't "Q&A 6". It never could be.  No relational, multi-form database manager could ever be as simple as Q&A, and no Windows program could ever be as simple as Q&A.  Many of the design parameters are dictated by the need to work in a Graphical User Interface, which is what everyone is demanding these days.  I think you will find there is a learning curve if you switch to any Windows database program.

... I've tried it on two computers and they keep blowing up.  When they do work, it destroys my data when I redesign the forms

Your experience cannot have been enhanced by suffering your computers "blowing up".  By this I assume you mean that Sesame crashed. This obviously should not happen and we want to find out what the problem is. Would you kindly send an email to or phone 1-800 293 9549 between 9-5 EST so we can get more information on this problem. Likewise the "destroys my data" problem.

Many people have told us that after investing 3 hours or so in learning the ins and outs of Sesame, that they like it a lot and actually find it has great potential over and above Q&A.

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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #2 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 5:21am
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I have been using Q&A for the last 15 years and just like yourself, I love Q&A. Q&A runs my busy medical practice.  From patient scheduling, charting, electronic billing, patient recall and all other office functions are being performed using Q&A.  I feel, I can do anything with Q&A. Thanks to good people who later on formed Lantica, who kept Q&A alive until now by providing workaround in the changing environment. William Halpern, Tom Marcellus, Alec Mulvey, Mark Lasersohn, Erika Yoxall, John Dow, just to name a few.  I have not met any one of them face to face but I owe them a lot.  They are extremely talented and capable group of people who deserve nothing but profuse gratitude from Q&A users.

When I received Sesame three weeks ago, I recognized that there will be a learning curve and after using and   playing around for a while, I feel a lot better already. I think one can do a lot more using Sesame as it has a lot more to offer in the form of programming capabilities. Addition of variables, arrays and loops provide a whole new dimention for the power users and yet it maintains the simplicity and user-friendliness of Q&A. 

There are users of Q&A who will initially feel more comfortable with Q&A because they have been using it for the past several years. After using Sesame for a few months, I am sure, we will feel the same way about Sesame and perhaps we will find Q&A inadequete at best and helpless and hopeless after Bill Gates makes it unusable in Windows Environment.

Q&A users are the real beneficiary of Sesame. They can use all the knowledge that they have aquired using Q&A.  Programs Transportability, being able to use the same programming language that they have learned and have been using for several years along with field and event base programming and support from the same talented group of people who have kept Q&A alive. What more can you ask for?

As a matter of fact, I am very delighted and thrilled to have product like Sesame, that opens the whole new possibilities for small business owners and professionals as well as computer enthusiasts.

I plead to you to keep working with Sesame until you feel comfortable. Use this forum and ask questions if you have any difficulties. People in this forum are very knowledgable and are backed by lanticans who have designed the program.  After a very short period, you might find yourself wondering, how did you ever manage without Sesame? 

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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #3 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 2:08pm
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Bharat_Naik,  WOW! Incredibly well said! Smiley

(for the religious amongst us AMEN for the rest HEAR HEAR!)  Grin

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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #4 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 4:46pm
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I have used Q&A both DOS 5.0 and 4.06 for win 3.x since the early 1990's.  I am a die hard fan and user.  I currently am a project manager of a 5 million dollar environmental company and use QA to run this companies operation. I work in an extremely fast paced environment with lots of changes happening. I was a little apprehensive at first to make the transition to Sesame. However, I am in the process of translating all databases that I use to run the company. I am running both programs simultaneously to compare differences on the same tasks. With the help of this forum and support I have been successful in the translation of all databases.

I like Q&A for the reasons you describe. It is very intuitive, easy to use,  and more importantly, you can train people to use it with ease. I never liked Microsoft Access ("It is like learning to speak French and then writing in Arabic")

Granted Sesame v1.0 takes some getting used compared to Q&A ;I liked that I was able   transfers all my data to Sesame with out loosing a thing. It uses very similar commands as Q&A. I find once you get used to it, the more I like. Navigating is second nature like in Q&A.  It is extremely powerful. I creating things that I just could not do it Q&A. (ie merging two database applications together, email capabilities, the html reports are very nice(no formatting to fit the page) etc.
Seame is a great replacement product that fits in with todays operating systems and capabilities. It can be used from simple to complex design applications.

I found reading APPENDIX 3  PHILOSOHY in User Guide helps to understand what Sesame is about in relation to Q&A.  It is not Q&A v 6.0. 

I highly support Sesame product and the company's hard work to produce this product. They have taken a dead horse Q&A (in terms of support and upgrade versions) and created a thoroughbred race horse.  I am sure its future evolution will be even more powerful.


David Costanzo

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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #5 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 5:58pm
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If I want to do something simple -- like create a database or a form -- I've got to switch to Sdesigner then figure out how to get back to Sesame without losing my design and/or my data. 

This is a case when you see something positive as being negative. To me this is a leap forward and great productivity enhancer.  In Q&A, if you have to make minor change in form design or add little programming or change anything minor to customize application, everything in the office has to come to halt. Nobody can open files as other files may have been connected using xlooup commands.  Debugging is little time consuming.

On the other hand, In Sesame because of separate design module, you can keep on working on design, programming changes and debugging while other people keep on working with the existing application.  What a relief not just for yourself but also for all other office workers.

Once you learn how these two modules work, there is no problem about losing design or data. It is like 1-2-3 and done.
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #6 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 6:00pm
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<< I am sure its future evolution will be even more powerful. >>

I don't want more power.  I'll leave that to Tim Taylor.  What I want is ease of use.  Not just for myself, but for all the people who I'm supposed to get to use this software.  They already know the basics of ACCESS, and all I can offer them is another plate of spaghetti.  Currently, I can tell them, "Don't worry, we can use Q&A and ANY idiot can use it".  It's no surprise to any of you that I have lots of Q&A converts.  When they have a new project, they always ask for Q&A and refuse to work with ACCESS.

But plop the same person in front of a machine with Sesame and I'll make an instant ememy.  I can no longer tell them, "This is SO much easier than ACCESS.  ANY idiot can use it".   I have a reputation to uphold.  I can't just give them the standard Microsoft line, "Things will be better with the next upgrade".
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #7 - Jan 18th, 2004 at 4:06pm
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I have been using QA (all versions) since the early 90's. With QA5 I have been able to provide my customers with an application to run their computerized information needs and comply with federal, state regulations.

I agree that QA5 has done a good job and for several years I have been sitting in the drivers seat. By this I mean, a mature application, easy maintenance and satisfaction from my customers. Then competition came along with Windows products.

QA5 is now ugly and everyone wants Windows. I began to lose some customers. I started to program in Access but what a nightmare.  One of my good customers went with another firm that had their program in Access.  This was two years ago. They have had to spend close to $200,000 in software and hardware upgrades just to get it running like QA5 had them spoiled.  Now since Microsoft has eliminated the Access XP developer, they will have to change to SQL and whatever cost that will be. Every time I see the owner, now he asks when will I have my program in Windows and be able to use the current computers he has. He buys me coffee now.

Access is powerful but complex and requires a good degree of knowledge to really get it to run fast in a Lan that has over 20 computers. This particular old customer has 75 PC's. The overall cost is high and when a customer sees that the cost is too high, better off hiring someone full time to run it and thus eliminate you.

I write not to convince you of anything, but just to share an experience. There are many products out there. I have tried and looked at many, many of them during this waiting period. Cost, power, ease of development and maintenance, Windows and Linux compatibility, ability to translate my current QA programs, data, reports, etc. I would like to be in the drivers seat again, so I am going with Sesame, because of what I see tomorrow and not today. I am not young (54) but able to learn new tricks.

I wish you the best.

Jose Muñoz


Jose L. Muñoz
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #8 - Jan 18th, 2004 at 6:13pm
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QA5 is now ugly and everyone wants Windows. I began to lose some customers. I started to program in Access but what a nightmare.  One of my good customers went with another firm that had their program in Access.  This was two years ago. They have had to spend close to $200,000 in software and hardware upgrades just to get it running like QA5 had them spoiled.

This particular old customer has 75 PC's. The overall cost is high and when a customer sees that the cost is too high, better off hiring someone full time to run it and thus eliminate you.

I agree - virtually everything other than Q&A is much more expensive, slow, and hard to maintain. We've had several clients try to go to Access. Most are back on Q&A. One "spent thousands and thousands of dollars" and about 2 years getting a developer to create a functionally duplicate Access system. The client "found us" and asked if they could go back to Q&A. They still had the old QA4 databases. We had them up and running on QA5 with QA4 for Windows as the delux form printer, with their new data, in less than 2 months, for under $2500. Been a client for about 2 years now - someday they will move this app to Sesame.
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #9 - Jan 18th, 2004 at 6:25pm
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 Every Windows product just leads me endlessly through meaningless screens, and by the time I find a possible solution, I've forgotten what the problem was.

Sesame IS different, but it is the same, too. F1 in Sesame will bring up a Context Sensitive help screen, just like Q&A does - not a general help that forces you to search topics. Searching forms? F10 moves forward, F9 back, just like Q&A. Want to return to the Retrieve Spec? Press F7, just like Q&A. The developers at Lantica took as much of the Q&A keystrokes into Sesame as they could. Further, if you have programmed in Q&A, those programming statements and techniques are almost identical in Sesame. The time you have invested in Q&A does not have to be re-invested from scratch. One of the things I AM having trouble with is: there is Soooo much more you can do with Sesame. Not that you have to, but many of the features are really, really going to be useful.

I hope you are responding to Alec's request for the "trashed 2 computers" and "lost data" issues. Among the databases I have translated and redesigned is one with about 280,000 records, and I haven't lost anything.
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #10 - Jan 19th, 2004 at 3:17am
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I forgot to mention some important facts.

1. After such an expense, the program runs 80% what the used to have in QA5.
2. This school had to partially rely on written records to pass their most recent accreditation and program review because the program was not reliable.
3. They have broken off relations with them.
4. My son-in-law was hired about two years ago as their Lan Administrator (he was a professor before) and he now has the unfortunate task of trying to make it work. He constantly tells me what a headache the spagetti code has turned out to be.
5.The biggest complaint is too many menu's to get to a specific form. The users want to enter their particular data and go home.
6. Our service contract used to cost them only $1,000 a month. But now it will cost them much more because Sesame is graphical, pretty and in Windows.
7. Thank you Sesame.

Jose L. Muñoz
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Re: I might as well use ACCESS
Reply #11 - Jan 19th, 2004 at 3:14pm
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Sesame IS different, but it is the same, too. F1 in Sesame will bring up a Context Sensitive help screen, just like Q&A does - not a general help that forces you to search topics. Searching forms? F10 moves forward, F9 back, just like Q&A. Want to return to the Retrieve Spec? Press F7, just like Q&A. The developers at Lantica took as much of the Q&A keystrokes into Sesame as they could. Further, if you have programmed in Q&A, those programming statements and techniques are almost identical in Sesame.


You seem to be missing my point.  Sure, if I spend enough time I can get to know the wonders of Sesame.  But in MY job, I need to be able to get people up and running in as little time as possible.  People who know nothing about Sesame -- or Q&A, for that matter.

At the University, where I work, they have classess on Access that we can send people too.  (and to get people to use Access, they need to take a class.  That's how complicated it is.)  But the University doesn't have classess in Sesame, and I don't have the time to teach these people the ins and outs of Sesame.  With Q&A, I could have anyone up and running in a few minutes.  No class was needed.  And it took little of my time. 

Sesame does not offer the solution that I need.  At least now I can tell people to take the Access course and "figure it out yourself".  That's not much of a real solution, but at least the responsibility is off of me.  I can't take the time to teach them Sesame, whereas I did have the time to teach people Q&A -- because it was so simple.
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