Normal Topic I Want My Money Back (Read 1942 times)

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I Want My Money Back
Jan 22nd, 2004 at 2:56am
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I received my copy of Sesame on Friday.  On Saturday, I received an error message that my "Database...failed to open."  It has now "failed to open" for 5 days.  What's the point here?

I have used Q&A without a hitch for 10 years.  Is it perfect?  I don't know, but it works for me.  Are there things about it I'd like to change (or learn?)  Absolutely.  But it works for me.  I run one simple form, which, 10 years ago, I named "customer."

Once I start trying to use Sesame, I find I have to change the name of my data base.  How do I change the name of the sample "customer" database in Sesame?  I don't know, and there are no instructions to do so.

I use Sesame, and I don't like the way my form looks.  How do I change this?  Well, I try to use "Designer" and do what it tells me, but I am unable to "save" the changes.  I think I know how, but it just doesn't work.

I use Sesame, and send an on line help request, and 5 days later I haven't received an answer.

I won't get into little pet peeves like the "all caps" user- and password features.

Just tell me where I can return the materials, and send me back my money.

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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #1 - Jan 22nd, 2004 at 1:31pm
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If you want to request a refund, contact Customer Service using any of the methods listed on the Lantica Contact Us page.

If you have specific questions, you can post them here and the Sesame community will try to help.

Before translating your Q&A database, you may want to read the Q&A Translation guide and/or do the Tutorials.

If your application "fails to open", waiting a few days is not going to help. Normally this happens when an application was not closed properly due to a crash. Did Sesame crash when you were using your Application? Are you able to open the sample applications?

I do see your Support request. It arrived at 9:34PM on Jan 19. Support is trying to handle Support requests within one business day. In your case, it has now been two business days. We apologize for the delay. You should receive a response from Support sometime today.

- Hammer
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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #2 - Jan 23rd, 2004 at 6:56am
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I read the manuals, etc., before translating.   I cleaned up my fields to make them acceptable to Sesame.  I had no trouble doing the translation. 

The program did not crash - I was locked out of my data base.  I was able to open and use the samples.

The online request was sent on Saturday night!  Why it arrived on Monday is beyond me - Pony express perhaps - but provides further discomfort for me, as does the fact that my request takes 2 business days to answer.  In 10 years of using Q&A, I never had a crash or lock-out, and never once had occasion to contact support.

Can you tell me how to change the name of a sample database - it coincides with the name of my own, which I've already had to give a new name in order to input into Sesame.  And can you tell me why I am unable to save changes to my form?
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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #3 - Jan 23rd, 2004 at 8:08am
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Chuck, like yourself I am also a fan of Q&A. Invested a lot time and efforts over period of several years and happy that Q&A serves my present requirement.

Having said that we have to acknowledge the facts that the Lanticans are also very fond of Q&A and they have been trying to save whatever left of Q&A and in the process came out with an excellent product in the form of Sesame. The changing operating systems and Microsoft pulling the plug on DOS has created urgency and sudden death situation for Q&A.  I am ever grateful to Lanticans to undertake such a project so all my knowledge and efforts of several years did not go to waste.

Is Sesame perfect? Ofcourse not. It is unrealistic to expect version 1.0 without bugs and initial problems. The company has made all the efforts to make the users of Sesame at ease by providing detailed manuals, programming guide, translation guide, discussion forum, online support and phone support. I had some problem with one of my applications that I turned in and got the solution within 24 hours. The support went an extra mile to detect the glitch in programming. What more can one expect?  All problems cannot be that simple, some requires more time.

Q&A users are the real beneciaries of the efforts of competent group of developers to bring out Sesame and it took a team more than three years to do that. Here we are under no pressure, learning to use while they work on the product. Our work is not affected as most of us are still working with Q&A. The pressure is on lanticans who know that once users and developers  have enough confidence about stability and dependability, they are likely sell a lot of multi-user licenses as well as product itself.

So, have patience. Don't let your temper tantrum cost you 10 years of efforts that you have invested in Q&A.
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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #4 - Jan 23rd, 2004 at 12:40pm
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Chuck, pardon my bluntness, but as they say - "You fired the first shot".  You sound really frustrated!  You may have some valid concerns and problems, but some of your comments upset me.  I know most everyone directly involved with Sesame, and your spiteful comments are not necessary.  You have problems - fine - but have a little respect and courtesy.

Lantica is not a mega corporation with thousands of employees.  It's small and making a valiant effort to provide a product that will be of benefit to many people. They aren't perfect, and neither is Sesame - but they are performing their work in a proper and professional manner.

If your simple Q&A database is working fine, then you may not need Sesame.  At some point in the future though, you'll need to move to something besides Q&A, or just stop your business or whatever it is you use Q&A for.   And regardless of how many problems you are having with Sesame right now - your Q&A database was not altered in any way by translating it into Sesame, so you can continue to use it.  It's always prudent to run new applications or software "side-by-side" with the old, anyway - to avoid potential problems.

You said:  "How do I change the name of the sample "customer" database in Sesame?  I don't know, and there are no instructions to do so."  And also:  "Can you tell me how to change the name of a sample database - it coincides with the name of my own, which I've already had to give a new name in order to input into Sesame.  And can you tell me why I am unable to save changes to my form?"

There most certainly are instructions on how to perform the functions you want.  They may not be in the exact words you use above - but there's plenty of instructions on how to design a database, take an existing database, make changes and save to a new file name.  Just reading through the Quick-Start Tutorials should have answered some of your questions.  But "reading" is NOT the same as "DOING".  Try doing the tutorial, step by step - and perhaps things will be a little clearer about how to use Sesame and Designer and the menus.

Example of how to save to new filename:

Open Designer. Click Open Application.  Pick one of the Sample applications, say Callback.  At the "Set a designer filename and directory, enter a NEW name for this DSR file, such as NewCall.  Click Accept.  Now you can make changes to the Callback application by clicking on Forms, Redesign a Form, click Callback, click Callback Form.  Make your changes...  When done, click Save Layout Design (twice - watch for it to flash the second time briefly).  Click Close Design Tab.  You are back to the menu tree.  Click on Application then Save as New Application.  Give it a name - NewCall  would work, and it would match your DSR filename.  Click Accept.  Close Designer.  Open Sesame. You should now have a new application called NewCall.  (I've skipped over a lot of other things that could be done, such as Preview, what folder to save your file in, etc. - as I figure these are things that you can learn as you work through the program.)

I was very impressed when I got my copy of Sesame, to see such extensive PRINTED documentation.  Not often you get this much paper with a software package.  And, the manuals are on the CD, so you can use Adobe Reader (Free program) to search the manuals for topics you want to read about.

But, I found an issue that was not covered in the manuals, and was not able to deduce the solution on my own.  A simple, "please help" message on the Forum got me an answer.

I can't answer why your database "failed to open".  Could it have been passworded in Q&A?  Maybe there is a security issue here that is preventing the Sesame app. from opening.  Lantica WILL try to help you, but you have to realize you are not the "only fish in the sea" so you may have to wait your turn. 

Try using a carrot instead of a stick, and maybe you'll get answers, and everyone will be happy.


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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #5 - Jan 23rd, 2004 at 4:35pm
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The program did not crash - I was locked out of my data base.  I was able to open and use the samples...

Can you tell me how to change the name of a sample database - it coincides with the name of my own, which I've already had to give a new name in order to input into Sesame.

I think perhaps you are locked out of your database because it is "locked" - see page 423 of the User Guide to use Sesame's Unlock.
As for renaming a file - Any File - on your computer, one would normally expect that familiarity with your operating system, and using other programs, folders, email, etc, etc, or even going to Help in, for instance, Windows Explorer and searching for "rename", you would be able to find out how to rename files. I do not think Lantica should be responsible for teaching you how to use your computer, mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc.
If you don't need the sample customer.db, get it out of the way by deleting (erasing) the customer.db and customer.dat files.
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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #6 - Jan 23rd, 2004 at 5:06pm
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I've spoken to Tech Support and they confirmed that they have started working with you on your support issues. I'm sure that they will be able to help you get your Q&A database translated into Sesame.

- Hammer
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Re: I Want My Money Back
Reply #7 - Jan 23rd, 2004 at 9:47pm
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I found that you can just delete the sample database along with its .dat files and presto magico!!!
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