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Note lines on a file
Feb 5th, 2004 at 7:20pm
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Well I finally got a copy of Sesame, there seemed to have been a delay for us beyond the usual. I have been experimenting with it and I can't seem to find a way to generate note lines in a separate database.

To give an idea of my background I have done quite extensive work in SQL (Oracle, MySql) and I have been developing in Q&A for about 8 months now. I also have experience programming in Basic, C++ etc.

What I am trying to do is have a database for clients and a second database for the note lines on the file. I want the program to automatically insert the date, time, user information, a counter and then accept a noteline. The catch is I want unlimited number of notes so I need to store it in another database. I have tried using subforms to allow me to do this - i used the table view as I can't think of any other way to view all the related records. The only problem is I can't do programming on the subform and I can't seem to get it to reverse the order of the notes (I want the newest one at the top).

The only other way I can think of to do it would be very heavy programming where it automatically creates the records in the other database but it doesn't resolve the problem of listing more than one note line at a time. For that route I was thinking I would have a few entry fields and then have a "ADD note" button that automatically creates the note into the other database and then use a subform to show all the notes.

Anyone have any ideas?

Here is a diagram of what it should look like (with hidden indicating fields that would not be shown to the users):
Client Screen
|------------------- -------------------------
| client # _____________
| client Name _____________
| ... misc info ...
| ** hidden ** | ****** visible **** ********|
| # client # date time user note
| 5 2001 01/28/2004 10:58 JM newmsg
| 4 2001 01/27/2004 13:50 RG old msg
| 3 2001 01/25/2004 11:58 JM older msg
| 2 ...............
| 1 ...............
|--- ------------ -------------- ---------------

Any help would be grealy appreciated

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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #1 - Feb 5th, 2004 at 7:53pm
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[quote author=Justin_ICC link=board=gen_disc;num=1076008814;start=0#0 date=02/05/04 The only problem is I can't do programming on the subform [/quote]

Can you be more specific about not being able to do programming in a subform? Unless we are talking about different programming, you can use Sbasic with a subform.

I might not of understood you correctly, please correct me if I am wrong.

It sounds like you are building a contact management system. You have clients in one data base and each contact (note) is in another database as a separate entry.

I equate this to a invoice and line items. The client is the invoice and the note is a line item. I have set up something similar that has a database of clients and a database of events (interaction with that customer).

I use a subform with table view to display the running events on the form that has the client specific data.

Is this sort of what you are looking for?

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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #2 - Feb 5th, 2004 at 8:00pm
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To give an idea of my background I have done quite extensive work in SQL (Oracle, MySql) and I have been developing in Q&A for about 8 months now. I also have experience programming in Basic, C++ etc.

The only problem is I can't do programming on the subform and I can't seem to get it to reverse the order of the notes (I want the newest one at the top).  

Justine, I am not a programmer and do not understand much about programming either. But I understand, you can sort the value of the subform as you look into it. Sort spec works in the subform.  I tried out that in Countries.db for trying out. Moreover, there is examples of using arrays to Sort Values on Appendix 2 of programming Guide. You may have your answer somewhere there if ordinary sorting does not do the job for you.

If you do Descending Sorting on date field in subform (table view) should do the job. Moreover you can add the record in subform while viewing the record.

Or may be this is all too high for me to understand....
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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #3 - Feb 5th, 2004 at 8:18pm
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I am not a programmer and do not understand much about programming either.

Just for the record Bharat,

You might not be a QUOTE programmer but looking at the way you work with Sbasic my money is on you to turn out workable solutions.  Smiley

It should be a real compliment to Sesame to be able to have non programmers like us accomplishing the tasks we desire using Sesame and Sbasic.

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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #4 - Feb 5th, 2004 at 9:18pm
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What i meant by programming on a subform I forgot to explain that I meant programming on it in table form, what I want to do is that whenever a new record is created some information automatically gets filled in, I want it to get the active Client # from the main form, automatically increment the Note # field, then automatically enter the current date, time and user into appropriate fields. I am doing this with relational linking as I will need to be exporting this information and including the client # from the parent form when doing the export - it would be easier if that information is just stored in the notes database.

If i open up the programming window while in the main form layout design I am unable to select the subform as an object I can apply OnChange programming to. I still have a lot more experimenting to do though.

I will also see if I can get that sorting to work, hopefully there will be somewhere where I can define a sort automatically upon loading the record.

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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #5 - Feb 5th, 2004 at 9:51pm
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If you put code in the element on the form that you are using to make the subform from it executes fine when it is on the main form as a subform.

I hope I am being clear. If you need to put specific code in the element that is on the subform go to the form the element is on and then when the subform is made the logic is there.

You can definitely do the kind of things you are describing. 

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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #6 - Feb 6th, 2004 at 12:51am
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I was experimenting with the SubForm using Sbasic and Sesame tools to achieve what you are trying to do. As I understand, what you want are the followings:

1. Take the ClientID automatically from the mainform to subform and assign it ClientID in Subform.
2. Enter Date automatically in Subform and so is the time.
3. Sort the records in SubForm in descending order of dateofnotes automatically.

(You cannot make a field invisible in subform, I settled it for having read only)

Here how I have achieved all of the required.

In the mainform, in ClientID on Form entry event, please put the following code

if @update then

           Globalvalue ("main ClientID", ClientID)
           writeln (@globalvalue ("main ClientID") + " is new Globalvalue")


//for new Client

In the mainform, in ClientID on Element Exit event, please put the following code

if @Isnew then

           Globalvalue ("main ClientID", ClientID)
           writeln (@globalvalue ("main ClientID") + " is new Globalvalue")


You may remove writeln line after you are confident that the code is working.


Now goto the subform (not in the Form-Subform setup, but only subform by itself), in your case, I think it is notes.db

On form entry goes following code (you can put this in the form name that is also listed as an element in the program editor drop-down menu for elements)

ClientID = @globalvalue ("Main ClientID")

On Record exit event in ClientID, please put following Code:

If DateOfNote = "" then
               DateOfNote = @Date

you can use the same method to get present time entry automatically.

This much should achieve our first two goals.

For the third and Final, I had used Macro:

(As such the third step could have been achieved with programming with @SelectTreeItem( ) and @LoadSortSpec ( ) but I could not get @LoadSortSpec to work.  I believe the problem is already fixed for Sesame, version 1.0.2)

First Make the Sort Spec that will Sort DateOfNote field in Notes subform and save that. We will use this macro. Search the main Database with all record and hit F10 to creat the record set of all records.

Now start recording Macro,  first take the cursor to one of the main form element, hit <Alt -f8>, open dropdown menu in specmanager choose sort, and then load the sort spec you had earlier created.  make sure the cursor is in the mainform element and hit <alt R>, (you will see that this arranged records in descending order of the dateOfNote.  You can assign this macro to a button in the main form.

« Last Edit: Feb 6th, 2004 at 1:14pm by Bharat_Naik »  
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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #7 - Feb 6th, 2004 at 2:40pm
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Thank you very much that greatly helped me and gave me ideas on how to do this. I hadn't though of using global variables  - I was always taught never to use them as they are normally a bad programming technique. One thing I would add though is on Form Exit I would put something to either destroy or set the global variable back to 0 so it doesn't cause confusion. My only other concern is what is the scope of a global variable? How would it work in a multi-user system.

Thanks again,

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Re: Note lines on a file
Reply #8 - Feb 6th, 2004 at 3:23pm
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Just a quick note. If you are using any Tableview subforms with the code Bharat posted to populate your client ID field do not panic if it does not work properly, there is a known problem that has been rectified in the next version of Sesame. Bharats code works great with form style subforms.


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