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PickList with more choices
Feb 25th, 2004 at 4:27pm
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In following discussions --;action=display...;action=display...

We could narrow the picklist using @userselectr function.  Entering "new.." in the field will present the list of the items which start with New.  This is all good. But sometimes, especially when the list is descriptive, we are not sure about the starting string, but we know we are looking for certain string (keywords).  In search for something like this, we use "..String.."  search criteria.  I believe this will give us more comprehensive and complete list. So instead of string.., I would also like to have choice of entering ..string.. for selecting appropriate picklist.  

Looking for Bronchi..,  the list will not have "Acute Bronchitis"  while ..Bronchi.. will present list with all kinds of Bronchitis such as, Chronic Brochitis, Acute Brochitis, Koch's Brochitis, Purulent Brochitis, like on and on.  

I will appreciate your ideas, input and broad outline as to how can we accomplish this?  I believe, we need to brainstorm (ofcourse lanticans probably come up with something like this in no time).  If I enter Harvard.. it will not present me Harvard University if it is listed as The Harvard University. I hope, you are getting my point and see the need for expanding horizon for picklist.
« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:01pm by Bharat_Naik »  
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Re: PickList with more choice
Reply #1 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 4:57pm
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This code runs against Customers.
Select All
// Finds all values in vVals that contain vMatch. Returns matching
// values as a semicolon separated list.
Function FilterValueList(var vVals as String, vMatch as String) as String
var vList as String
var vItem as String

	vList = ""
	While @Len(vVals) > 0
		vItem = Split(vVals, ";")
		If @Instr(vItem, vMatch) > 0
			If @Len(vList) > 0
				vList = vList + ";"
			vList = vList + vItem
End Function

var vVals as String
var vFinalList as String
var vSearch as String

	vSearch = "op"	// Set the search string to whatever you want to match
	vFinalList = ""
	vVals = @XListValues(@FN, "Company")	// Get all the Company names
	vFinalList = FilterValueList(vVals, vSearch)


- Hammer
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Re: PickList with more choice
Reply #2 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 5:04pm
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I never thought it would be this quick.  Smiley
I will try to incorporate this.  Thank You.. Thank You.. Thank You..
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Re: PickList with more choice
Reply #3 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:00pm
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Erika, thanks for the code. It works perfectly well. I would like to have the function placed in the Global Code, So it is available for other LEs. What varables I have to make Static Global variables for function to work properly from Global Code? Your guidance and help is very much appreciated. This is undoubtedly the best picklist code so far.
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #4 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:11pm
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You shouldn't need any Global Statics. Just put the FilterValueList function in the GlobalCode area so any of the LE's can call it.

- Hammer
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #5 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:16pm
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I mean Static Variable, not global static. I will try and get back if I have any trouble.
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #6 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:17pm
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I mean Static Variable, not global static. I will try and get back if I have any trouble.

So do I. Grin You still shouldn't need any.

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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #7 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:25pm
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As per your instruction, I placed the function part in Global Code and everything is working just fine. Thanks again.
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #8 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:31pm
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Anyone following this thread that is lost or a little confused should see the post Erika has entered in programming examples. It explains this a little better.

Thanks Erika, this is an excellent little snippet, it does indeed work nicely! Cheesy

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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #9 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:39pm
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You're quite welcome, gentlemen. I'm just surprised and gratified that two people in a row have managed to spell my name correctly! I think that's a record.  Wink Wink  Cheesy

- Hammer
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #10 - Feb 25th, 2004 at 11:49pm
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Bob Scott,
I have the previous code with @xuserselectr ( ) also in place. So practically one can use selection like, string.. or ..String..    This is the most commonly used retrival spec available to picklist.  This is just great.
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #11 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 4:28pm
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Erika, the custom filtering function seem to break the string when it counters "/" in the String (vItem). Unfortunately, I have to use a lot of "/"s.  Such as 150mg/5ml.  1/2 tsf, OrthoNovum 7/7/7, Tenoretic 25/12.5 mg. Any ideas to deal with this problem?  ???
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #12 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 4:53pm
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This character is always going to be a problem in a picklist. Under the hood, it indicates that you want to create a submenu. This can actually be quite powerful, but, if you don't want a submenu, you need to either filter slashes out of your data or double the slashes.

If you want 1/2 tsf to appear on a picklist, you need to make it 1//2 tsf.


- Hammer
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #13 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 6:16pm
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Under the hood, it indicates that you want to create a submenu. This can actually be quite powerful, but, if you don't want a submenu,

With two slashes, it works fine. I would not have thought of anything like this in a million years. Smiley Thank. Can you please elaborate about a submenu? How would it work in this situation? What is its applicability?
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #14 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 6:32pm
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With two slashes, it works fine. I would not have thought of anything like this in a million years. Smiley Thank. Can you please elaborate about a submenu? How would it work in this situation? What is its applicability?

We're working that out now. The automatic sorting behavior of the menu is interfering with creating custom submenus. We're looking for how to get around it.

The applicability is that you could present your user with categorized choices. Instead of a menu that looks like this:
Small could offer a menu like this:
Color >
Size >

... where the > indicates a popout submenu like you get on the Windows Start Menu.

- Hammer
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #15 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 7:09pm
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Thanks Erika.
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #16 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 9:02pm
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As indicated earlier, the items with "/" display fine in the list like it should be.  But now @UserSelect does not seem to like that forward shlash!  If I choose anything with forward slash from the displayed list, nothing gets selected. Poor "/", nobody seems to like it.  Smiley  I believe, I am running out of choices here and its getting extremely difficult to provide refuge to slashes in my data. I am ready to throw towel, unless somebody comes with some solution.  Grin  Grin

Erika, I am sorry to annoy you with this one but it seems I am almost there and yet so far.
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #17 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 9:10pm
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I'm able to select values with the slashes from @UserSelect. Why don't you post your code and I'll see if I can spot the problem?

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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #18 - Feb 27th, 2004 at 9:38pm
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I am using different picklists for different elements. I have placed the Function that you provided in the Global Code.

var vFieldName as String  (This variable to defined in Global Code earlier and first initialized in Dx1 element exit code) so are the vStart and vEnd variables.

Moreover the following also goes Global Code

var vStart as String
var vEnd as String
var vFieldName as String
var vApplication as String
var vTarget as String
var vDisplay as string

//For PickList

Subroutine PickList_choose( )
var vVals as String
var vFinalList as String
var vSearch as String

If @Right (vfieldName, 2) = ".." and @Left (vFieldName, 2) <> ".." then
           vStart = @left (vFieldName, @in (vFieldName, "..") - 1) + @chr (1)
           vEnd = @left (vFieldName,   @in (vFieldName, "..") - 1) + "zzzzzzz"


If @left (@(vFieldName), 2) = ".." and @Right (@(vFieldName), 2) = ".." then
           vSearch = @replace (@(vFieldName), "..", "")
            vFinalList = ""
            vVals = @XListValues(vApplication, vDisplay)  
            vFinalList = FilterValueList(vVals, vSearch)
            @(vFieldName) = @UserSelect(vFinalList)
/* The following statement is added to add an extra "/" into the list value that was picked up by userselect in the preceding statement, so that it will match with the Display1 element value in the external application, where we had to add an extra "/" to correct the problem having "/" in the data. The following statement add that "/"

If @in (@(vFieldName), "/") > 0 then
           @(vFieldName) = @Replace (@(vFieldName), "/", "//")
           //writeln (@(vFieldName))            

@(vFieldName) = @xlookup (vApplication, @(vFieldName), "Display1", vTarget)


End Subroutine

In the Element Exit of Dx1 (Diagnosis1)

If @left (Dx1, 2) = ".." and @right (Dx1, 2) = ".." then

           vApplication = "data\diag.db"
           vTarget = "DiagCode"
           vDisplay = "Diag!Display1"
           vFieldName = "Dx1"
           picklist_choose ( )

if @Right (Dx1, 2) = ".." and @Left (Dx1, 2) <> ".." then

           vFieldName = Dx1
           picklist_choose ( )
           Dx1 = @xUserselectR ("data\Diag.db", "Diag!Display", "DiagCode", vStart, vEnd)

I am using picklist in 14 Medications elements and 3 Diagnosis elements to begin with.  [ The string.. code part works fine with "/" but not the ..string.. part. The items without slash in them work fine with both the codes.]

The above problem is corrected.

Display and Display1 are the two standard elements of Forms, where I prepare a Display and maupulate it accordingly like, remove any "," or ";" or any characters that I do not wish to have. Since it is standard, I do not have to create and assign any variable to these items.  


« Last Edit: Feb 28th, 2004 at 1:19am by Bharat_Naik »  
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Re: PickList with more choices
Reply #19 - Feb 28th, 2004 at 12:55am
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The culprit is detected and problem solved. The program is performing xlookup in the display1 field where we had to manupulate and add one more Slash. When it picks up the value from the list, it has only one slash, so the key will not match. I modified the code in the Global Code to put an extra "/" and then do the lookup. It works just fine. I was reluctant to trouble you with deciphering the code which could be really difficult when you are not aware of all the other applications with which the code is interacting.  I have corrected the code in the previous note and placed a note to indicate where and why the statement is added, so if somebody is following this code, he will get an idea.  Thank you very much for all the help and hints.
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