Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Merge or Not to Merge Applications (Read 1762 times)
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Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Mar 4th, 2004 at 4:30pm
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After translating most of the Q&A databases in the separate applications, I am still left with unanswered dilemma as to Merge or not to Merge applications.

First I thought that external lookups will be slow but putting one xlookup statement in Global Code will internalize the external applications as far as xlookups are concerned.  Then I thought that popup list and getting interactions might get hamperred if I do not merge but that could be done effectively without merging the applications. What about Reports from External  applications?  Well, you can do that using loops, procedures and MassUpdate.  What about opening up forms from other applications on the fly and add data etc.  That too using Shell command one can do that. Only if we have switch for UserID and Password insertion this would be accomplished on the fly without interruption. Form - SubForm is application based so that has to be in the same application.

I want to have feedback performance-wise and practical point of view to Merge applications. If I merge all my applications in Office Management System with 15 years of data in there, it will be close to 300 Megabytes of Load and it will take a lot longer time to open the application and if something goes wrong, everything will be gone. Backup would be simpler but then system Tree will be chaotic.

I want to know what other people are doing and Pros and cons of Mergeing. I have asked for similar feedback earlier but I believe, since users have chance to work with the system for a longer time now and some of you already have system going, this is more appropriate time for such feedback.
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #1 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 5:47pm
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As I understand, a server can serve only one application. How does that affect keeping the applications separate instead of merging while working within server-client network? I really would appreciate feedback from anyone and everyone on the subject of cofiguring the system. I believe, this will have to be addressed by everyone sooner or later and being clear about the subject will lessen the growing pains. Thanks.
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #2 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 6:33pm
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I believe that a server can serve many applications.  Once an application is being served, it can be used by as many sesame clients as permitted by your license, but the application cannot be opened or served by a second sesame server.  So one server can have multiple applications open(served) and all can be accessed by multiple clients(limited by your license).  You can also have different servers each serving different applications, being accessed by multiple clients.  At least that is how it is working for us with 11 licenses. I can have our server serving as many applications as I need and each application can be accessed by multiple clients.
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #3 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 6:40pm
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I believe that a server can serve many applications.  Once an application is being served, it can be used by as many sesame clients as permitted by your license, but the application cannot be opened or served by a second sesame server.  So one server can have multiple applications open(served) and all can be accessed by multiple clients(limited by your license).  You can also have different servers each serving different applications, being accessed by multiple clients.  At least that is how it is working for us with 11 licenses. I can have our server serving as many applications as I need and each application can be accessed by multiple clients.

This is correct. A server can serve multiple applications and you can run multiple servers. But no two servers can serve the same single application simultaneously.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #4 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 6:50pm
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That is good. Because network setup is not going to affect the decision to merge one way or the other. What are the pros and cons of merging applications?
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #5 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 7:09pm
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You can also have different servers each serving different applications, being accessed by multiple clients.  At least that is how it is working for us with 11 licenses. I can have our server serving as many applications as I need and each application can be accessed by multiple clients.

Could you possibly share with us a little more about your server setup that you are using with sesame, Such as  OS memory etc. Also possibly a little about the application you have with 11 users and any other data you have learned about multi user and Sesame. Many of us are about to deal with getting our Sesame applications up and running with large multi user installations and can use any info we can get. The amount of discussion on this subject is a little limited on this board at the moment and we are desperate for info.


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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #6 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 7:39pm
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As to the question of merging or not - given no specifics as the requirements of the application, I would ask myself whether or not I wished to grant users frequent standalone access to the forms in the merging-in databases. In other words, should those forms appear on the command tree? If so, then merge is the answer.

I suppose then we need to ask if the databases will be used by multiple applications. If so, then merging them into all of applications will cause data synchronization problems as each different app writes different data into that database. In that case the "X" commands would be the choice, because they can all aim at one central place.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #7 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 8:26pm
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First, just know that I know just enough to be dangerous  - so my terminology may be off.  A quick background of our program might help.  I started working with Q&A about a year before the whole Year 2000 scare.  I was hired to convert their system from Q&A to Access.  Of course I fell in love with Q&A and the ease/speed right away.  I am not a programmer so the conversion was very slow and difficult - lots of scouring forums to learn how to do things.  Anyway, we were able to stay with Q&A and it is a good thing because the Access application crawled along. 

We are a private money lender (yes, loan shark) and we generate loans and then sell the notes to private parties.  If the loan is large, we sell the note to multiple investors and if it is small, one investor will buy the note.  We track some 600 fields of data on each loan and then in a separate system we track the larger investments, the investors, capital added, interest due. etc.  Each entity has multiple investors who each can have one or more capital contributions and then monthly interest paid out. The Q&A Database was 23MB and has 12 years of history.

Now to the specifics.  We have a simple network set up using all dell computers.  Our server has a Pentium 4 1.2GHz with 768 MB Ram running Windows 2000 Small Business Server Service Pack 4.  We have 13 (only 11 use Q&A and now Sesame) people connected to the server with a switch.  Most of the workstations are Windows 98 SE and three of them run Windows XP Pro. 

I have been working with Sesame since the middle of the beta tests and have really just done what is in the User Guide and the Multi-User Installation Guide that came with our license disk.  It has been a piece of cake to set up and run.  We have never experienced any locking or crashing with our system like some of the posts.  I followed the guides and set up shortcuts on the server to start serving each program and then put the shorcuts into the startup folder so they would start automatically in case of a reboot(which never happens.)  I also created a shortcut for designer and sesame client for each application on the server.  I also set up shortcuts on each workstation for sesame client to each application.  Everyone here has access to all functions of each application.  We don't have a need to use security at this point but may add it later.  I did increase the RAM on each workstation to at least 512MB before sesame was released - based on suggestions in the forum and the QuickAnswer newsletter. 

I even set up a temporary server over the internet and that worked great - even though we currently have no need of that. 

I am still making changes/improvements to our programs.  I like(not quite love) Designer - especially where I can make changes while others are still working in the application.  I can test and test and test before I reconcile.  For a first generation program, Sesame is head and shoulders above the pack - with room to continue to improve until they will tower over the competition.  The long wait was worth it for our company. 

Sorry for the long windedness.

I mention the Sesame Multi-User Installation guide above and have not seen it available on the website.  There is really not any new information in it that is not in the user guide and on the forum, but it is all in one place.  Maybe it could be made available for download (or if it is available, maybe I could open my eyes.) Roll Eyes
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #8 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 8:48pm
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As to the question of merging or not - given no specifics as the requirements of the application,

Mark, thanks for your response. Basically I have all databases related to Medical Office Management that interact with each other, like Client Info, History, Physical, Vitals, Billing Forms, Insurance Company database, Doctors, procedures, info tracking databasem etc. Practically different employees work with those files and get data from other applications using xlookups. However, they might have to get into other applications to add data or view certain information. Interaction in the form of getting data using xlookups and minor reports to help data entry can be carried out from external applications but to add data on the fly using @shell command is difficult cosidering one has to pass though entering userID and password ( I do not believe, macro can handle this part.) etc.  and also in order to transfer or create records on the fly, I believe one has to have two forms open in the same application. 

One more consideration is about the amount of data in one application if I merge main applications that require daily working on it and not kind of getting data to fill up the forms using xlookups, the resulting application will be massive considering so much of old but important data. Keeping them separate will keep them slim and managable.

Also in case of corruption of data, the whole complex conglomerate of applications will have to be dealt with rather then one separate small application.

Any thought and feedback is very much appreciated.
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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #9 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 9:26pm
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Thank you so much for your open and insightful response.  Smiley

I am quickly approaching the point were I will need to make some tough decisions on how to progress. I am glad to hear that Sesame works well in the multi-user environment.

Was there a specific reason that you went with Windows 2000 Small Business Server Service Pack 4.?

Do you maintain your network and servers in house or contract out?

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Re: Merge or Not to Merge Applications
Reply #10 - Mar 5th, 2004 at 9:43pm
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Posted by: BOBSCOTT Posted on: Today at 2:26pm
Was there a specific reason that you went with Windows 2000 Small Business Server Service Pack 4.?

Do you maintain your network and servers in house or contract out?

When we purchased our server, Windows 2000 SBS was the software that dell was recommending.  We didn't and don't know any better.  We will probably continue to use it until it stops working or becomes completely obsolete.  (If it works - don't fix it) 

We maintain it in house.   In twelve years I have never had a computer have any problems other than one modem and one hard drive go bad.  Other than that, I just have a simple routine of maintenance that I follow religiously on every system I have and have been very lucky so far.
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