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Screen Print Utility
May 22nd, 2004 at 2:39pm
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A posting  in the General Discussion section of the forum (;action=modify;... ) made me think of a utility that has been very useful to me for a few years.  Thought I would mention it here. 

The program name is HardCopy.  It is available for downloading at: ;

It is freeware, but a registered version with 175 page manual is available for only $15.  Comparison of features between free and registered can be seen at

It is an image processing utility but has some nice features  for screen captures and processing of the results.  It adds an icon to your SysTray and you can also make hot keys, and right click tools. 

Some of the features and capablilties are shown here:
  * Determine what you would like to select with the key and/or with the symbol:
         o Example screen
         o Example window
         o Example rectangle
         o Example part of a window
         o Example menu under the mouse pointer

           You determine as you would like to process the selection:
               + To printings
               + Selecting the desired printer
               + Opening the Hardcopy - window
               + Call "Save as..."
               + Copy to the clipboard
               + Inserting into the current image
               + Request text for print after the image
               + Copy to WinWord (Also with supplementary text)
               + Copy to Excel
               + Copy to PowerPoint
               + Send with E-Mail
               + Inserting mouse pointers
               + Converting to gray levels
               + Monochrome convert
               + Black and white
               + Invert
               + Excluding the Taskbar from printing
               + Rotating the image automatically (Landscape)
               + Delete SAP R/3® background color
               + Delete a color (Background)
               + Executing a macro
               + Set the image size
               + Save automatically into a file (Also into a database)

               + Set the filename
                 You can use following filename variables:
                     # PC-name = :h
                     # User name = :u
                     # Date = :d
                     # Time = :t
                     # Window-title = :w
                     # Next number = :#

               + Determining the file-format:
                     # hcp (Windows Bitmap)
                     # bmp (Windows Bitmap)
                     # bmp (OS/2 Bitmap)
                     # cmp (Lead Bitmap)
                     # cur (Cursor)
                     # ico (Icon)
                     # jpg (Jpeg) (with storage of text)
                       and so on
                       Please see: More graphics formats
                       In addition with the registered release:
                     # gif (Compuserve GIF)*1 (with storage of text)

               + Determining the color resulution:
                     # 1 bit of - 2 colours
                     # 2 bit of - 4 colours
                     # 3 bit of - 8 colours
                     # 4 bit of - 16 colours
                     # 5 bit of - 32 colours
                     # 6 bit of - 64 colours
                     # 7 bit of - 128 colours
                     # 8 bit of - 256 colours
                     # 16 bit of - 65.000 colours
                     # 24 bit of - 16.000.000 colours
                     # 32 bit of - colours
     *1 GIF
     The GIF-format is only for registered users available.
     The company UNISYS demands a patent fee per installation !
     Registered release:
     With the registered release you receive a GIF-licence patented through the company UNISYS !
     ("Software GIF patent License Agreement", name of License: "sw4you")

     The used graphics functions are licensed!

    * You can store the window content in different file formats.
     (During the storage in the bitmap format are required with True Color approx. 2.200 KB in the Gif format 10-60 KB.)
    * You can print up to 20 Hardcopys onto one page (also time-controlled).
    * You can reflect the window content with vertical or horizontal mirrors.
    * You can rotate the window content to the left or to the right after.
    * You can extend the window content or reduce the window content.
    * You can edit the window content with another graphics program.
    * You can insert one or more mouse pointers.
    * You can adjust, whether a page count, Date + Time, PC name, or the user name is printed.
    * You can adjust, whether you want to align the printout vertically or horizontally.
    * You can set the margins.
    * You can printout into monochrome (monochrome) or in gray levels.
    * You can adjust to print out directly or use the function 'Save as...'
    * You can adjust to use the standard printer or another printer.

    * You can use simple paint functions. Example
         o Drawing rectangle
         o Drawing filled rectangle
         o Drawing circle / ellipse
         o Drawing filled circle / ellipse
         o Drawing line
         o Drawing filled rectangle with round edges
         o Filling out
    * You can create all nth seconds one Hardcopy.
    * They can put in a file all nth seconds in Hardcopy.

Hardcopy complements SAP R/3®

    * Hardcopy offers the possibility to you, to print or save the current window or screen, whether you work with SAP R/3® or with any other program !

    * You see in SAP R/3® only the hourglass cursor, a Hardcopy is possible !

    * You can characterize the application by a text in the title line of the window. Example

    * You can insert one or more mouse pointers into the image. (This is very advantageous for a documentation.) Example

    * For the revision it is necessary that date and user name are also printed out. Example
     (You can print also still supplementary SAP® information, look example.)

    * You can store the Hardcopy also directly in a database. Example
     This can be also your database of the SAP® system.

    * You can printout in landscape format (also automatic, dependent on the size).

    * You can determine the margins.

    * You can delete automatically the background color with the printout. Example

    * You can print out in monochrome.

    * You can use the standard-printer or any other printer. (For example "normal" prints from WinWord, etc. to the standard printer and prints from SAP R/3® to a network printer.)
     You can make this dependent on the pressed key.

    * You can use Hardcopy with all Windows systems!

    * Every screen / every window can be send by E-Mail.
     (Example: Send a error message directly to a helpdesk.)

    * An image can be inserted directly to WinWord/Excel.

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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Re: Screen Print Utility
Reply #1 - May 24th, 2004 at 6:42pm
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Bob I downloaded that.  But it says it is not a valid win32 application
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Re: Screen Print Utility
Reply #2 - May 25th, 2004 at 12:25am
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Hi jyellis.....

Do you have the correct file?

Download is near bottom of page, centered, saying:
Download Hardcopy (2.2MB)

My current copy is named hc.exe, size= 2,352,640 Mb, Version 15.0.14.  Installed on WIN98SE.

I just used HardCopy to copy the bold blue centered label above.  That was done by drawing a rectangle around the screen section I wanted to copy.

If you cannot get the correct file, let me know and I will put a copy on my website and send you some instructions to download it from there.


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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