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Programming help
Mar 26th, 2004 at 6:31pm
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Does anyone have any ideas on how to click on a field and have it pop up an email in Outlook express?

Or even to click on a field and have it open explorer?

I really need help on this! I'm really confused here and need some clarification.

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Re: Programming help
Reply #1 - Mar 26th, 2004 at 7:39pm
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Take a look at the @shell command starting on page 111 of the programming Guide.

If you need more info let us know.

This is an example of calling Lantica  calandar program and tells were to return value

@MSG (@SHELL ("C:\Sesame\utils\lancal.exe c:\sesame\utils\mydate.txt"))
DOB = @insert("c:\sesame\utils\mydate.txt")

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Re: Programming help
Reply #2 - Apr 8th, 2004 at 6:30pm
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all the pg.111 tells me to do is use @shell. So I did that with this code:

var IEWebSite as Int
var IEpath as String
IEpath = @Chr(34) + "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE. EXE" + @Chr(34)

If IEWebSite <> "" THEN
   IEWebSite = @Shell (IEpath + " + "WebSite")
IF NOT IEpath = 0 THEN
    @Msg ("Couldn't open web browser")
//@Shell returns a 0 if it is sucessful, a 1 if it fails

However, there are no warnings or anything in the program editor, but when I click on the web site field it doesn't do anything. I'm trying to get it so that when I click on the field it brings up internet explorer and copys and pastes the web site into the url box. What is wrong with my code? I really need to figure this out, but I'm totally clueless here! If someone could rescue me it would be great!

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Re: Programming help
Reply #3 - Apr 8th, 2004 at 6:38pm
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The way your code is written, you are declaring IEWebSite as an Int. You don't set it to anything. You then check to see if it is not equal to "".

1. An Int cannot reliably be checked with "".
2. I suspect you are actually wanting to check an element on your form to see if it has a value.
3. You are not checking the correct return value.

Try something like this:
Select All
var IEWebSite as Int
var IEpath as String
IEpath = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE. EXE" + @Chr(34)

If WebSite <> "" Then
   IEWebSite = @Shell (IEpath + " " + WebSite)
If Not IEWebSite = 0 Then
    @Msg ("Couldn't open web browser")  

You may also want to make sure your slashes are going the right way where you set IEpath.
« Last Edit: Apr 9th, 2004 at 3:41pm by Hammer »  

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Re: Programming help
Reply #4 - Apr 8th, 2004 at 10:56pm
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Here is some syntax that can be called with @shell for Outlook Express:

"FullPath\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /mailurl:mailto:<Recipient>

or with a distribution list

"FullPath\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /mailurl:mailto:<Recipient1>?subject=<my subject>&CC=<Recipient2>;<Recipient3>&BCC=<Recipient4>;body=Hello World

"FullPath\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /

Works in other programs, I have not actually used with Sesame shell but expect it will be OK

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #5 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 3:24pm
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I tried the code but this error came up:

Error whil parsing module "Web Site - www.(4)"
    Unknown Identifier.
Line 5, position 4 [Identifier:Web]
    If Web Site

What does that mean? And how can I fix it???
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Re: Programming help
Reply #6 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 3:32pm
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Could you post the entire code snippet? It's hard to find syntax error with just that little bit.  Smiley

- Hammer
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Re: Programming help
Reply #7 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 3:34pm
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OH boy! I just tried the code for the outlook that Bob_Hansen gave and it says:

Error whil parsing module "Contact E-mail (4)"
    Statement or End-Of-File expected.
Line 1, position 1 :[String:"C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe"]
"C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe"

I have NO idea what any of this means, if someone could translate it and help me out that would be wonderful.

I'm so confused!!   Cry

Thanks everybody!
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Re: Programming help
Reply #8 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 3:36pm
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You have a syntax error someplace. We can't find it without seeing the whole piece of code.

- Hammer
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Re: Programming help
Reply #9 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:10pm
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Ok. I enter the code in Web Site -www. field on the On Form Entry part.
This is the code:
Select All
var WebSite as Int
var IEpath as String
IEpath = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" + @Chr(34)

If WebSite <> " Then
   WebSite = @Shell (IEpath + " " WebSite)
If Not WebSite = 0 Then
   @Msg ("Couldn't open web browser")

I hope that helps! Thanks!
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Re: Programming help
Reply #10 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:19pm
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You have several problems here:

1. Web site - www. contains illegal characters in the element name. You need to rename this element before it can be used in programming.

2. You reference an element named "WebSite" in your code, but it does not appear to be named that. Problems 1 and 2 will both be solved by renaming the element to WebSite.

3. You have several other syntax errors.
var WebSite as Int
should be
var IEWebSite as Int
(so it is not named the same as your element)

If WebSite <> " Then
should be
If WebSite <> "" Then

WebSite = @Shell (IEpath + " " WebSite)
should be
IEWebSite = @Shell (IEpath + " " + WebSite)
(Note the corrected variable name and the added + sign)

If Not WebSite = 0 Then
should be
If Not IEWebSite = 0 Then
(Note we're checking the variable, not the element value)

Here's the whole thing corrected, assuming you rename the element to be called WebSite.
Select All
var IEWebSite as Int
var IEpath as String
IEpath = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" + @Chr(34)

If WebSite <> "" Then
   IEWebSite = @Shell (IEpath + " " + WebSite)
If Not IEWebSite = 0 Then
   @Msg ("Couldn't open web browser")


- Hammer
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Re: Programming help
Reply #11 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:31pm
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I have a field with the contact's email in it, such as and I want to click on that field and have it open up an email from Outlook Express with in the To: part of the email.

Would this be possible? And how would I do it?
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Re: Programming help
Reply #12 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:53pm
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I tried out your code and this is what happened:

Error while parsing module "Web Site (4)"
Unknown Identifier
Line 5, position 4:[Identifier:Web Site]
If WebSite <>

I also changed the element name to Web Site. I'm not sure why it won't work so if you could clarify, it would be appreciated.

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Re: Programming help
Reply #13 - Apr 9th, 2004 at 5:18pm
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WebSite and Web Site are not the same thing. Note that one has a space and the other does not.

- Hammer
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Re: Programming help
Reply #14 - Apr 10th, 2004 at 1:37pm
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For both Website and Email opening, you will add a command buttons. Enter following Codes in the respective Command Button On Element Entry Event.

For WebSite:
var IEpath as String
var IEfailure as Int
IEPath = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" + @Chr(34)
// The @Chr(34) wraps double quotes around the pathname of Internet Explorer

IF WebSite <>"" THEN
   IEfailure = @Shell(IEpath + " " + WebSite)
IF NOT IEfailure = 0 THEN
   @Msg("Couldn't open web browser")
// @Shell returns a 0 if it is successful, a 1 if it fails
/* WebSite is the Name of the Element which stores website address, you might have to replace that as per the name you have given for that element */


For Outlook Express, the following code will go in On Element Entry Event on the Command Button.

var Outlook_Exp_Path as string
var OutLook_failure as Int

Outlook_Exp_Path = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" + @Chr(34)

IF Email <>"" THEN
   OutLook_failure = @Shell(Outlook_Exp_Path + " " + "/mailurl:mailto:" + Email)
IF NOT OutLook_failure = 0 THEN
   @Msg("Couldn't open Outlook Express")
// @Shell returns a 0 if it is successful, a 1 if it fails

/* Email is the Name of the Element which stores e-mail address, you might have to replace that as per the name you have given for that element */


Both of the above work work perfectly fine for me. Please let us know how do they work for you. You just have to change the name of two elements namely WebSite and Email, as per your application.
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Re: Programming help
Reply #15 - Apr 10th, 2004 at 3:51pm
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Thanks Bharat_Naik for confirming that the Outlook Express code I submitted would work in a Sesame shell.

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #16 - Apr 10th, 2004 at 4:31pm
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Thank you for the code. Yes, it works great.
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Re: Programming help
Reply #17 - Apr 11th, 2004 at 2:54pm
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Bob_Hansen or Bharat_Naik,

One of you should post this code under Programming Examples.

- Hammer
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Re: Programming help
Reply #18 - Apr 11th, 2004 at 3:52pm
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I think Bharat_Naik should do that.  I only provided the generic piece.  He has done a great job of implementing that in Sesame with use of variables.

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #19 - Apr 26th, 2004 at 6:20pm
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I tried the web site code and it worked perfectly fine. Thank you soo much!! However when I tried the Outlook Express one this is what happened:
Select All
Error while parsing module "Email (0)" :
Type mismatch error (operation is not defined for the types of the operands
Line 8, position 73: +
    Outlook_failure = @Shell(Outlook_Exp_Path + " " + "/mailurl:mailto:" 

I pasted the code exactly as it was in the last post. I want to use Outlook instead of Outlook Express, however I do have Outlook Express on my computer. How do I fix this?? I can't start working again until this is fixed. I need to fix this and I don't understand anything, if anyone knows please help me! Smiley Thanks!!
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Re: Programming help
Reply #20 - Apr 26th, 2004 at 6:36pm
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I believe this is due to error in path.  What operating system do you use?
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Re: Programming help
Reply #21 - Apr 26th, 2004 at 6:38pm
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I use Windows 2000 and I'm a client on a server.
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Re: Programming help
Reply #22 - Apr 26th, 2004 at 6:45pm
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If you are using Windows 98 or earlier operating system try using path -

Outlook_Exp_Path = @Chr(34) + "C:\progra~1\outloo~1\msimn.exe" + @Chr(34) 

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Re: Programming help
Reply #23 - Apr 26th, 2004 at 7:43pm
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In Windows XP and Windows 98, the original code seems to work fine. You might want to check where is msimn.exe is located in your system and put the path accordingly.
« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2004 at 11:05am by Bharat_Naik »  
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Re: Programming help
Reply #24 - Apr 29th, 2004 at 7:25pm
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I put the correct path in and that did not fix the error. The error is specifically pertaining to this part of the code :
   OutLook_failure = @Shell(Outlook_Path + " " + "/mailurl:mailto:" + Email) 

Do you have any idea how I can fix it? What is wrong with this part???

And do I need to do something different if I'm running a server?

Does it matter that I'm running Windows 2000 Professional ?

Thanks !!
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Re: Programming help
Reply #25 - Apr 29th, 2004 at 11:49pm
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Cqn you provide how you defined the variables Outlook_Path and email?

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Re: Programming help
Reply #26 - Apr 30th, 2004 at 1:51pm
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This is the exact code that I put in:
Select All
var Outlook_Exp_Path as string
var OutLook_failure as Int

Outlook_Exp_Path = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msimn.exe" + @Chr(34)

IF Email <>"" THEN
   OutLook_failure = @Shell(Outlook_Exp_Path + " " + "/mailurl:mailto:" + Email)
IF NOT OutLook_failure = 0 THEN
   @Msg("Couldn't open Microsoft Outlook") 

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Re: Programming help
Reply #27 - May 3rd, 2004 at 6:54pm
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Thanks Dnolan, submitting the code is a big help.  I think I see the cause of the problem.

I think you may have unintentionally confused the issue for us (did for me, anyway).  The code that I submitted in this Topic is for Outlook Express, not for Outlook.  In one of your earlier messages, you said you wanted to use Outlook, but you did have Outlook Express on your system.  So which are you actually trying to do with this code?  Because of your statement, I thought that you were going to try this with Outlook Express.

As Bharat_Naik has noted a number of times, I also believe that this is a problem with your path.  You want the Outlook Express path, not the Outlook path.  The path you are using ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\) is the path where Outlook is frequently found, but the program you are calling is msimn.exe which is the email command for Outlook Express, not for Outlook.  The syntax for Outlook is different from what I provided here.  This syntax will not work with Outlook.  You have mixed the path for Outlook with the command for Outlook Express.

To find the correct path for Outlook Express, try this (may vary depending on operating system):
Right click on Start Button, Left click on Find or Search.
Enter msimn.exe into the field for the file to search for.
In the field for Look In, enter C:\
Click on Find Now or Search Now.
If this file is on your machine, you should see the path if your view is showing Details.  That will be the path you need in the @Shell command.

I just did this on a WIN98ME and the path is "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express".  And it is in the same path on a WIN98SE system. 

If you find the same path, then change your statement to:
Outlook_Exp_Path = @Chr(34) + "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" + @Chr(34)
and let us know the results.

If you are going to use Outlook then you must use a different set of commands in the Shell statement.
There are a number of Outlook items that can be created with @Shell.
The basic syntax for Outlook with command switches is:
"FullPath\Outlook.exe /c ipm.class"

On March 7, I submitted the correct syntax to use with Outlook on the forum at:;action=display...
« Last Edit: May 7th, 2004 at 8:09pm by Bob_Hansen »  

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #28 - May 3rd, 2004 at 7:32pm
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Strange world Dnolan.  I just noticed that the Outlook code that I submitted on 3/7 was in response to your question! Grin.  Does it not work for you?  Worked OK for Steve_in_Texas

If you follow the thread, you will see that there was an error in the original code, but I subsequently corrected it.  So if you tried it at first, and it did not work, try it again with the current information.  I think I made the necessary corrections to all postings that had my syntax in them.  Sorry for any confusion.

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #29 - May 6th, 2004 at 5:42pm
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What is the recipients address? I want it so that I click on the E-Mail button and it copy's the email address from the E-Mail text box and paste's it to the To: part of the Outook email.

I haven't tried the code yet, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but in the code it says, and I don't know what to put:

Select All
var n as Int
n = @SHELL(@CHR(34) + "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\outlook.exe" + @CHR(34) + " /c ipm.note /m;")

I don't know what to do, maybe I'm in the completely wrong section  Embarrassed But let me know. Thanks!  Grin
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Re: Programming help
Reply #30 - May 7th, 2004 at 2:13am
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var n as Int 
n = @SHELL(@CHR(34) + "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\outlook.exe" + @CHR(34) + " /c ipm.note /m;") 

";" are just samples of two email addresses who receive the email.  No CC or BCC, but they can be cut and pasted after the email opens up.  This sample was to show where the recipient would be located, and to also show you can have more than one recipient, separated by a semicolon.
« Last Edit: Jul 14th, 2004 at 12:05am by Bob_Hansen »  

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #31 - May 7th, 2004 at 7:07pm
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So If I don't put an address in there will the code just paste the email in the recipient address part of the email? So I would just end the code with @CHR(34) + " /c ipm.note /m ??
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Re: Programming help
Reply #32 - May 7th, 2004 at 7:21pm
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So If I don't put an address in there will the code just paste the email in the recipient address part of the email?
If you don't put the address in there, how will the code know what to paste in the recipient box? 

Include the email address of the recipient and that email address will show up in the "To:" box of the email..  If you don't include the recipient's email address, then that box will be blank, and you can type/paste in whaterver value(s) you want.

Bob Hansen
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Re: Programming help
Reply #33 - May 7th, 2004 at 7:47pm
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Is there a way to program Sesame to copy the email from another text box and paste it into the recipients email address of the email? I understand that I can do it manually but I would LOVE it if Sesame could do that for me.

I have another text box that contains the email address, so I would like Sesame to copy the email from the text box and paste it into the email (To: ) that opens up. Is that even possible??  

Thank you so much for your help!
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Re: Programming help
Reply #34 - May 7th, 2004 at 8:39pm
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Hello Dnolan

The following code does exactly what you are asking for.  In this example, Addressee is a text field on the form.  The code that follows could be placed in the programming section to be executed On Element Entry for the field or button or anywhere else that you want to click on.  This is really basic, for example, it does not check that valid email address in in Addressee field.  It ONLY opens up an Outlook Email with the Addressee information in the To: field of the email.

var n as Int
var vRecipient as String

vRecipient = Addressee
n = @SHELL(@CHR(34) + "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\outlook.exe" + @CHR(34) + " /c ipm.note /m " + vRecipient)

Be sure to include the space character after the /m

Bob Hansen
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