Normal Topic Print Form to text file - is it possible? (Read 1144 times)

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Print Form to text file - is it possible?
May 21st, 2004 at 1:04pm
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How do I print the entire form of a result set as a TEXT file?

(and don't tell me I have to spend 3 hours using the Report Form utility moving each field, space and newline to a column)  If I have to program (which I can) just to print something very basic (like the screen), I might as well use another program like Paradox or Access or even dBase.  This is why I (and probable a lot of others) stuck with Q&A so long.

Q&A had it querks, but it was simple.   Sesame date entry and setup retained that simplicity, but the printing feature has got to be running users and potential purchasers away.

BTW, why can't I just select all the text on the screen and Alt-C copy it to the buffer? 

When I Print Form to HTML, the resulting html file will not import into Corel Wordperfect 10 (the field names appear but the field values are lost in the conversion).

I tried setting up a Generic Text Printer in Windows that would print to a file.   It half worked.  There was a 2 inch left margin and all of the data past 80 characters on a line was truncated.  Plus a few field values did not show up.   

   Robert Wood
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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2004 at 1:21pm
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How do I print the entire form of a result set as a TEXT file?

I'm not sure what you mean by "form of a result set". Do you want a graphical representation of your form design as a text file? A graphical representation of each record in your result set?  If you are trying to duplicate a process you did in Q&A, could you tell us what you were doing in Q&A?

Part of your problem may be that you are in a graphical (GUI) environment now. The elements drawn on your screen are not text characters as they were in Q&A. Simply printing the form is a matter of clicking Print Form. Getting a GUI screen dump to translate itself into a plain text file is a different story. You are dealing with pixels, not ASCII characters. You also appear to need to push the output through Wordperfect. Perhaps if you explained what the actual end result needs to be, we could help?


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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #2 - May 21st, 2004 at 1:51pm
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Just as an illustration of what I said earlier, below is an enlarged image of the Key element from the Customers application.  Note that there is no "text" on the screen. There are only pictures of letters and lines created with dots (pixels). This is why it requires some work to turn a GUI screen into anything like plain text.


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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #3 - May 21st, 2004 at 2:32pm
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[quote ]I  If you are trying to duplicate a process you did in Q&A, could you tell us what you were doing in Q&A? [/quote]

File, Print, enter file name, Print Records, F10 all,  Print Field Labels: Yes

That will print the whole form, including Label Entries, to either the 
printer or a ascii file.

I'm not sure what you mean by "form of a result set".

Select and retrieve a group of records from the database, then "print" the Field Labels and field entries for all fields for all of those forms, one form after another, all in one ascii file.

Part of your problem may be that you are in a graphical (GUI) environment now. The elements drawn on your screen are not text characters as they were in Q&A. Simply printing the form is a matter of clicking Print Form. Getting a GUI screen dump to translate itself into a plain text file is a different story. You are dealing with pixels, not ASCII characters. You also appear to need to push the output through Wordperfect. Perhaps if you explained what the actual end result needs to be, we could help?

I understand the difference between a set of pixels and an ascii character, but a displayed webpage is a "graphical environment", yet you can select the text and copy it (regardless of its Font attributes).  Isn't that part of the reason for the ODBC specs?  To be able to move info from one GUI ap to another?

My end result is to get my Form and its data (as nearly as possible as it is displayed on my database screen) to Wordperfect.  I then do a little editing for some alignment and word wrap to make it visually appealing.  Bold the Field Names and add several graphics at changing points on the page depending on the length of various field contents.  Since the placement is visual, the graphics have to be added manually.

Sorry for my frustrated rantings.  Thanks for helping me find a solution to my questions.

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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #4 - May 21st, 2004 at 3:14pm
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That process out of Q&A turns all the lines and stuff into funny umlat-ed characters anyway, so you must not care too much about that. Other than that, it just prints the labels and text in about the right position. I bet we can do that!

There are two ways to go with this:
1. You can build an empty "template" of your Form in WordPerfect and merge in your data. We can give you SBasic to help you write out your export file with formatted data. This is probably the easier way.

2. You can send me your app. If the Form is not too complex, we can show you how to use SBasic to get the label and data for each element and write it out in about the correct position.

What do you think?  Smiley

- Hammer
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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #5 - May 21st, 2004 at 5:17pm
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I like the idea of the merge file, that is a great and simple solution.  In checking the Wordperfect help on merging, I should be able to merge a delimited text file.  So I will manually edit the Sesame exported file myself, and search and replace the decimal and extra zeroes on the whole number fields.  It should be ready to import at that point.  Shouldn't it?

That should make your offered SBasic code unnecessary at this point.  But just for info, where would the SBasic bode be put in Sesame? 

I understand "on Entry" and "on exit" and the other "in record" calculations, but I am fuzzy about where code to print a result set would be placed.   

    Thanks, Robert
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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #6 - May 21st, 2004 at 5:45pm
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Workaround until Sesame changes:  It's a few steps,  but nor too bad, requires Microsoft Paint (or some other image editor).

Make the form to be printed the active window on the screen, press ALT-PrintScreen, which will copy active window to clipboard.  Open Paint.  Edit, Paste.  Cut/crop as needed, save desired result as filename. bmp.

Can print directly from Paint, or

Insert filename.bmp into your Word document.
Only good for one current screen at a time, but would be OK if putting together a procedure manual with screen shots of forms, or just need a quick screenshot printed..

« Last Edit: May 22nd, 2004 at 2:45pm by Bob_Hansen »  

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #7 - May 22nd, 2004 at 12:03pm
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I like the idea of the merge file, that is a great and simple solution.  In checking the Wordperfect help on merging, I should be able to merge a delimited text file.  So I will manually edit the Sesame exported file myself, and search and replace the decimal and extra zeroes on the whole number fields.  It should be ready to import at that point.  Shouldn't it?


That should make your offered SBasic code unnecessary at this point.  But just for info, where would the SBasic bode be put in Sesame?

We would do this as a Mass Update. For each record, we would write a line to a text file, with the data formatted however you wanted. The end result would be a delimited text file, just like you get with export, but with custom data formatting. 

- Hammer
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Re: Print Form to text file - is it possible?
Reply #8 - May 22nd, 2004 at 2:45pm
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A useful utility to look at is Hardcopy.  I will post info in Off Topic section, Topic is Screen Print Utility.;action=modify;messag....


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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