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Elements not saving data
Jun 28th, 2004 at 8:55pm
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Six Read Only fields on a Tab are not saving values.  These are fields for doing Time/Date/User Stamps on Record Adds and Changes.  Also contains unique record number.

First noticed that Record number was always = 1.  Spent some time checking that, found no coding problems.
Then noticed that the initial values for Date Added was not being retained.
Then found that when defaults or values were changed, the change was not retained. 
Then I ultimately found that none of the fields on the Tab were being saved.  I removed ReadOnly from the fields to make some manual changes.  Nope, changes are not being saved. either
Is it possible that the Tab itself was marked as Read Only?  Nope, that was not the case.

After a number of hours I have come to the conclusion that it is not me.  It appears to be a problem with fields that were added using Database Manager.

I added a new field to the Tab page directly and that field keeps the values entered.  I recalled that these other fields were an enhancement, and that all of the fields were added using the Database Manager, then adding the elements on to a new Tab Page. 

If I add a new element to the form and create a new field using the Layout Element Adder, then the field will keep the values entered into the element.

So it appears that if I add a field using Database Manager, then add an element to a form bound to that field, then the field will not keep the value entered into the element.

Can anyone else confirm this problem?  Version 1.0.4


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #1 - Jun 28th, 2004 at 9:32pm
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Is this the problem described in the Hot Fix announcement?;action=display...

and asked about in the earlier thread?;action=display...

If so, contact Tech Support, so we can see if you need the Hot Fix.

Six Read Only fields on a Tab are not saving values.  These are fields for doing Time/Date/User Stamps on Record Adds and Changes.  Also contains unique record number.

First noticed that Record number was always = 1.  Spent some time checking that, found no coding problems.
Then noticed that the initial values for Date Added was not being retained.
Then found that when defaults or values were changed, the change was not retained. 
Then I ultimately found that none of the fields on the Tab were being saved.  I removed ReadOnly from the fields to make some manual changes.  Nope, changes are not being saved. either
Is it possible that the Tab itself was marked as Read Only?  Nope, that was not the case.

After a number of hours I have come to the conclusion that it is not me.  It appears to be a problem with fields that were added using Database Manager.

I added a new field to the Tab page directly and that field keeps the values entered.  I recalled that these other fields were an enhancement, and that all of the fields were added using the Database Manager, then adding the elements on to a new Tab Page. 

If I add a new element to the form and create a new field using the Layout Element Adder, then the field will keep the values entered into the element.

So it appears that if I add a field using Database Manager, then add an element to a form bound to that field, then the field will not keep the value entered into the element.

Can anyone else confirm this problem?  Version 1.0.4


- Hammer
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #2 - Jun 28th, 2004 at 9:55pm
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It may possibly be related, but I think the symptoms are slightly different. 

1.  I added 8 fields with Database Manager.  Already had about 10 elements on form added from scratch with Layout Element Adder
2.  Made a Tab page on existing form. 
3.  Added 8 elements, bound to new fields, to form and dragged them to Tab Page. 
4.  Reconciled database. 
4.  Opened database, all 8 fields show up.
6.  Added records, took a while to realize data was not being saved.  First noticed unique Record element that uses XLR to increment value.  All records had value=0.

Hmmmm. I see that bug issue does not allow XLU writing to element, I am using XLR, but is probably the same family.

I will contact Tech Support to see what their thoughts are.  Thanks for reminding me about the earlier HotFix.....

Update...have sent info to Tech Support.

Additional observation.  Elements do seem to keep their values in Preview Application, but not in the actual database after Reconciling.  Cannot tell if XLU/XLR will increment because cannot run in Preview mode.

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #3 - Jun 29th, 2004 at 10:41am
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These are exactly the symptoms caused by the HotFixed issue. If you make a dsr from your reconciled db, you will likely find that the fields that are not saving data do not appear in Field Manager. They exist in the original dsr, but are not reconciled correctly to the db.

You can get around this without the HotFix by deleting the Fields using Field Manager, deleting the affected elements from your Form, then adding the fields back in by adding elements to the Form, not by using Field Manager.

I'm not sure what you mean by the bug causing XLU to not write. The XLU thing is unrelated with very different symptoms.

- Hammer
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #4 - Jun 29th, 2004 at 1:20pm
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I'm not sure what you mean by the bug causing XLU to not write. The XLU thing is unrelated with very different symptoms.
I'm not sure what I meant either!  Don't recall what I was reading when I wrote that.

I did open the DB to generate a new DSR and you were correct.  On the one form in question I had 20 fields all with the same name and type as the first fields added.  It was actually worse than I thought.

I will be removing the fields as detailed by Tech Support vs. using the not fully-tested hot-fix.

It sounds like this may not affect everyone, but would it be a good idea to suggest not using the Field Manager to add fields until this is resolved?  Knowing how to respond after the fact can prevent total loss, but knowing how to avoid it up front can save hours of work and prevent loss of data.

Thanks for the current fix, gotta get back to work again.....

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #5 - Jun 29th, 2004 at 1:25pm
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It sounds like this may not affect everyone, but would it be a good idea to suggest not using the Field Manager to add fields until this is resolved?

I thought I had done so with the threads referenced above...  Smiley

If anyone missed them:
There is an issue with adding fields using Field Manager. It is fixed in the next release. Meanwhile, details available on the Workarounds Page.

Bob, when you go to fix your app, make sure you are using a dsr created directly from the affected db. Don't just fix up your original dsr and Reconcile.

- Hammer
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #6 - Jun 29th, 2004 at 7:48pm
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Good distinction about which file to do the repair from.

As things would happen I have already done about half the repair in the original DSR vs. the affected DB.

Glad you told me about that.....thanks again.....

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #7 - Jun 29th, 2004 at 10:24pm
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Made changes in DSR created from bad DB.
Fields deleted and recreated using Layout Element Adder , database is now saving values.

But using XLR for unique record does not work.  Always get value = 6.  Removed all records from database, add a new record, record number=6.  Add a second record, record number = 6.

Programming is exact copy from another form in same application.  Other form increments properly.

Code follows here: Quote:
     IF @ISBLANK(AddBy)   THEN { Addby = @USERID }
     IF @ISBLANK(AddBy)   THEN { AddBy = "Not Logged In" }
     IF @ISBLANK(AddDate) THEN { AddDate = @DATE }
     IF @ISBLANK(AddTime) THEN { AddTime = @TIME }
     Record = @TONUMBER(@XLR(@FN,99999999,"Record","Record"))+1


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #8 - Jun 30th, 2004 at 10:33am
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6 is an awfully strange number to be coming out of nowhere. Do you have multiple Forms or Databases in this Application? Any other programming that might produce a 6?

- Hammer
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #9 - Jun 30th, 2004 at 10:04pm
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Have four databases in application, one form per database.  As noted in earlier message, coding is a Cut/Paste exact duplicate of another form in different database, same application.  This is part of my boilerplate for all forms.

Three things come to mind...
1.  When trying originally to find out why increment did not work, I did overwrite manually and did insert a "5" as the highest number.  But all of those records were deleted.  The database field was removed.  The form element was removed.  The form element was recreated resulting in new field in database.

2.  Although the element "Record" is a number type, and is also set to Justify Right, the value appears to stay left aligned like a text field.

3.  The Tab Page was not removed, just all of the elements that were on it.
Additional development stopped at this point.  Cannot afford time to recreate forms and databases again, need to understand state of current design.

Want to take a look at the app?   Where to send?
« Last Edit: Jul 1st, 2004 at 3:54am by Bob_Hansen »  

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #10 - Jul 1st, 2004 at 10:31am
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If you have multiple databases and forms, and you are not specifying a FormName in your XLR, then Sesame is grabbing the first element called Record it finds, which may be in a different database. Try specifying the FormName. FormName!Record

As to the Justify issue, if you want, you can send the app to and one of us will check the app for remnants of the Field Manager issue. Please specify which Form and element are having the problem.

- Hammer
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Re: Elements not saving data
Reply #11 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 2:23pm
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I removed the element and recreated, bound to the same field.  The justification problem is now corrected.

But, I am still seeing wrong number come in for Record.  I did modify program to include reference to the form, but same results.

I have started a new topic with the Subject = XLR not using correct number at;action=display...

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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