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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Function (Read 5076 times)
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Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Function
Aug 16th, 2004 at 5:33pm
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I was trying to improve upon my existing code by creating a subroutine to replace code I used in every telephone number element and thought I could make use of the new command ThisElement released in version 1.0.4.

The code below was what I was using to properly format and control the data for a telephone number.
// Formats Telephone Number (not Subroutine)

var vHPhone as String    
var vNewHPhone As String 
var vhphonecount
var vhpnentered

     Vhpnentered = @num(HomePhone)
     // Writeln(Vhpnentered)
     vhphonecount = @num(@len(vhpnentered))

If vhphonecount = "10"

     vHPhone = @Num(HomePhone)
     vNewHPhone = "(" + @Left(vHPhone, 3) + ") " + @Mid(vHPhone, 4, 3) + "-" + @Right(vHPhone, 4)
     HomePhone = vNewHPhone 
     @msgbox("The Telephone Number needs to be Exactly 10 Digits", "The numbers you entered " +
     @num(Homephone),"is : " + Vhphonecount + " Digits Please check Home Telephone and Re-enter")

Originally I used this code in on element change on every telephone element by copying and changing the element name.  I have since learned that the better method would be to create a subroutine or a function that will be called from each element.  So I tried creating a subroutine (see below) It does not work.

//  Formats Telephone Number with a Subroutine using ThisElement

Subroutine FormatPhone() // Name of Subroutine

// Declare Variables
var vHPhone as String    
var vNewHPhone As String 
var vhphonecount
var vhpnentered

// set Variables to empty
var vHPhone = “”   
var vNewHPhone = “” 
var vhphonecount = “”
var vhpnentered = “”

// Setting variable Vhpnentered to @num of element called from.

     Vhpnentered = @num(ThisElement)      // Writeln(Vhpnentered)

// Calculating number of digits
     vhphonecount = @num(@len(vhpnentered))

// how to handle if or if not 10 digits

If vhphonecount = "10"

     vHPhone = @Num(ThisElement)
     vNewHPhone = "(" + @Left(vHPhone, 3) + ") " + @Mid(vHPhone, 4, 3) + "-" + @Right(vHPhone, 4)
     ThisElement = vNewHPhone 
     @msgbox("The Telephone Number needs to be Exactly 10 Digits", "The numbers you entered " +
     @num(ThisElement),"is : " + Vhphonecount + " Digits Please check Home Telephone and Re-enter")

End Subroutine

I placed this code in Global Code section

And in my telephone elements on element change I put FormatPhone()

I thought that this would call the subroutine named FormatPhone and pass the Element Name it was called from. I seem to be misunderstanding the correct method to create my subroutine

Can someone comfortable with Subroutines and functions please explain were I went wrong. Some of us are slow learners and need a little more help then others. (This shows the importance of the upcoming Sesame conference and Masters Seminar classes in October)



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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #1 - Aug 16th, 2004 at 5:39pm
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I see a couple of issues. One is that you are not typing two of your variables. This will cause them to be Ints. However, you treat them as Strings. This can cause strange behavior.

Your description of how your code should be working is correct. In what way is it failing? Does it not run at all? Produce incorrect results?

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #2 - Aug 16th, 2004 at 6:26pm
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I see a couple of issues. One is that you are not typing two of your variables. This will cause them to be Ints. However, you treat them as Strings. This can cause strange behavior.

That is a Rookie Error.  Angry

I have changed these from string to integer and back a dozen times this weekend. Must of left them off by accident. I even removed the section that sets the variables to null. I will correct and see if that solves my problem


Your description of how your code should be working is correct. In what way is it failing? Does it not run at all? Produce incorrect results?

It runs inconsistently and does not run every time. I figured I was doing something incorrect with ThisElement because my other subroutines seem to work fine. If you do not see anything flagrantly wrong with my process other then my declarations I will correct my errors and contact Tech support if my problem continues.

Thanks for the Quick Response as always You guys and gals are the best. Cheesy


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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #3 - Aug 16th, 2004 at 6:30pm
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ThisElement does exactly what you think it does, and you are doing just what you should be doing by making a subroutine and using it in this way.

Let me know if you need help getting it straightened out.

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #4 - Aug 16th, 2004 at 7:16pm
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Just to be official I figured I would point out that while upgrading using ThisElement it was also appropriate to replace the old @color command with the improved and more consistant RGBColor() command and the replacement of  the problematic not to be used Goto with ThrowFocus()

     vHPhone = @Num(ThisElement)
     vNewHPhone = "(" + @Left(vHPhone, 3) + ") " + @Mid(vHPhone, 4, 3) + "-" + @Right(vHPhone, 4)
     ThisElement = vNewHPhone 
     @msgbox("The Telephone Number needs to be Exactly 10 Digits", "The numbers you entered " +
     @num(ThisElement),"is : " + Vhphonecount + " Digits Please check Home Telephone and Re-enter")

End Subroutine

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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #5 - Aug 16th, 2004 at 7:18pm
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Boy, somebody was paying attention in the SBasic class!  Grin

Gold stars for Robert!!!  Grin Grin Grin

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #6 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 3:21pm
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I figured I was on a subroutine roll so I created a few more to handle some simple tasks like first letter capitalization and things like that.

I then created one that checks the validity of a zip code by counting digits and comparing information contained in your zipcode samples database. All was going well until I tried returning values to other fields based on that lookup.

In this example I had the user enter the zip code and then on element exit I want to do a lookup into the zipcode database and return the city, state, time zone, county and +4 digits if available.

I can do this easily if I place my code in all the elements and specifically name the element I want data returned to

Xlookup("C:\Sesame\Data\Samples\ZipCode.db", homezip, "zip code", "city", Homecity)
      Xlookup("C:\Sesame\Data\Samples\ZipCode.db", homezip, "zip code", "state", Homestate)
      Xlookup("C:\Sesame\Data\Samples\ZipCode.db", homezip, "zip code",  "Full county", HomeCounty)
      Xlookup("C:\Sesame\Data\Samples\ZipCode.db", homezip, "zip code",  "Time Zone", HomeTZ)


If I want to do this in a subroutine I can change the first parameter to ThisElement  because that stays constant but I need to specify different elements that receive the data.

Can you point me in the direction of the methods you recommend I employ to do that?


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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #7 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 3:39pm
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1. I recommend you use @XLookupSourceList instead of the multiple XLookups. It's much faster.  Smiley

2. You can use @ElementName(ThisElement) to get and use the name of ThisElement. That way, you can use an If...Then to behave differently based on which element is current.

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #8 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 4:27pm
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I must be missing something  ???   Because if I understand you correctly your saying I should use @ElementName(ThisElement) to identify were the subroutine is being called from and then change the parameters accordingly:

Basically create a subroutine that tests for the element I am working with and set my variables to the ones needed something sort of like this:

Var vfrom as string
Var vcity as string
Var vstate as string
Var vzip as string
Var vcounty as string
Var vtimezone as string

Vfrom = @ElementName(ThisElement)

If Vfrom = Homezip
     vstate = Homestate
     vcity = HomeCity
     vzip = HomeZip
     vcounty = HomeCounty
     vtimezone = HomeTz
Else If Vfrom = Workzip
     vstate = Workstate
     vcity = WorkCity
     vzip = WorkZip
     vcounty = WorkCounty
     vtimezone = WorkTz
Else If Vfrom = Shipzip
     vstate = Shipstate
     vcity = ShipCity
     vzip = ShipZip
     vcounty = ShipCounty
     vtimezone = ShipTz
Else If Vfrom = Otherzip
     vstate = Outherstate
     vcity = OutherCity
     vzip = OutherZip
     vcounty = OutherCounty
     vtimezone = OutherTz


and then return the values to vstate, vcity, vzip, vcounty.vtimezone.

If  I am understanding this correctly would it not be simpler and easier to put separate code in each element or is there an advantage I am missing or am I totally going down the wrong path?

Sorry if I am being dense I am just trying to get a good grasp on the concepts not just the way to accomplish the task.


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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #9 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 4:39pm
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Using a subroutine is fine for this, but your pseudocode isn't going to work as is, for several reasons, most of which have to do with the difference between a string (element name) and an element reference. I know you like to figure things out, and I don't want to spoil your fun. Do you want me to show you a working example of how to do this, or do you want to figure it out for yourself?

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #10 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 4:47pm
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When you say the:

(difference between a string (element name) and an element reference.)

Are you reffering to element name verses field it is bound to or ?   ???


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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #11 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 4:59pm
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When you say the:

(difference between a string (element name) and an element reference.)

Are you reffering to element name verses field it is bound to or ?   ???


"HomePhone" is a string. HomePhone (no quotes) is an element reference. If you use an element reference, you either get the value in the element or the element itself, depending on context. Therefore, for example,

If Vfrom = Homezip
compares the value in vFrom to the value in Homezip.

If Vfrom = "Homezip"
compares the value in vFrom to the string "Homezip".

And so on...

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #12 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 5:08pm
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Sure,  I got that. The one in the quote is the literal the other is what is contained in the element.

Ok show me how I should be doing this subroutine. Sesame version 99999999.0.5 might be released by the time I get this on my own.

Thanks for the help.

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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #13 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 5:38pm
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Here's how I'd do it. I'd actually make three procedures.
1. A generic function that can lookup a bunch of address info based on a zip code.
2. An assignment subroutine that sorts out where the values go.
3. A subroutine to put them together to minimize the repeated code.

By separating them, I end up with a nice generic function that is usable on other Forms.

NOTE: I don't have your Form, so I'm just typing off the top of my head. There may be compile errors.  Also, the routines could probabaly use some error handling. :)

FUNCTION GetLocationInfo(vZip as String) As String
var vRet as String

    vRet = ""
    vRet = @XlookupSourceList("C:\Sesame\Data\Samples\ZipCode.db", vZip, "zipcode", "state;city;zip;county;timezone")


SUBROUTINE AssignLocationInfo(vName as String, vVals as String)
Var vstate as string 
Var vcity as string
Var vzip as string
Var vcounty as string
Var vtimezone as string

  vstate = @AccessStringArray(vVals, 1)
  vcity = @AccessStringArray(vVals, 2)
  vzip = @AccessStringArray(vVals, 3)
  vcounty = @AccessStringArray(vVals, 4)
  vtimezone = @AccessStringArray(vVals, 5)

If vName = "Homezip"
Homestate = vstate
HomeCity = vcity
HomeZip = vzip
HomeCounty = vcounty
HomeTz = vtimezone
Else If vName = "Workzip"
Workstate = vstate
WorkCity = vcity
WorkZip = vzip
WorkCounty = vcounty
WorkTz = vtimezone
Else If vName = "Shipzip"
Shipstate = vstate
ShipCity = vcity
ShipZip = vzip
ShipCounty = vcounty
ShipTz = vtimezone
Else If vName = "Otherzip"
Otherstate = vstate
OtherCity = vcity
OtherZip = vzip
OtherCounty = vcounty
OtherTz = vtimezone


SUBROUTINE DoAssignLocationInfo()
var vName as String
var vZip as String
var vLVals as String

    vName = @ElementName(ThisElement)
    vZip = ThisElement
    vLVals = GetLocationInfo(vZip)
    If @Len(vLVals) > 0
       AssignLocationInfo(vName, vLVals)

Then, in each element event where needed:

- Hammer
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Re: Help with ThisElement in a Subroutine or Funct
Reply #14 - Aug 17th, 2004 at 8:01pm
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Thanks these examples are really helpful.  Smiley

This is good learning material for reverse engineering how things are done. It seems I need to confront Arrays head on. I have not really confronted them in detail yet.

Is Arrays still a topic being covered in the classes in October?

I also need to get a better understanding of  function versus subroutine. I am re-reading that section once again. Eventually it will sink in.

Finally is the reason you would make this a routine instead of a quick cut, paste and edit for each element you  would call this from mainly for better speed or is it just good programming practices to routine and function as much as possible.

Thanks again

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