Normal Topic trouble with spec manager and Mass updates. (Read 1510 times)
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trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Sep 14th, 2004 at 5:45pm
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You probably already fixed this 'annoyance' I've been experiencing, but I am posting anyways because today it actually caused me to 'trash' about 100 records.

The "Clear" command in the spec manager (the list of LE's on the left side of the screen, used for mass updating and sorting, etc) does remove the "P" from old mass updates, but the "P" reappears unexpectedly due to various reasons. They only way I could REALLY Clear out my old mass updates was to exit and re-enter the form.

Let me know if you need more details.

Also, the "Find" command in the program manager seems to be too sensitive, or faulty. It rarely works correctly for me. By exporting to .txt and searching with Notepad finds the same words right away. Is this intentional?

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The Cow
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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #1 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 6:10pm
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You probably already fixed this 'annoyance' I've been experiencing, but I am posting anyways because today it actually caused me to 'trash' about 100 records.

The "Clear" command in the spec manager (the list of LE's on the left side of the screen, used for mass updating and sorting, etc) does remove the "P" from old mass updates, but the "P" reappears unexpectedly due to various reasons. They only way I could REALLY Clear out my old mass updates was to exit and re-enter the form.

It is that way very much on purpose. The clear is simply there to allow you to temporarily disable all of the mass update. This is especially important in that it allows you to run parts of a mass update without running all of a mass update - very handy during debug, or if you have many different mass update programs (each attached to a differen LE) and you use them individually.

Also, the "Find" command in the program manager seems to be too sensitive, or faulty. It rarely works correctly for me. By exporting to .txt and searching with Notepad finds the same words right away. Is this intentional?

Please describe - I am not sure what you mean by "sensitive". I would like to add the ability to search and search/replace across LEs and events.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #2 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 6:25pm
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I agree, it is convenient that "Clear" does not completely wipe out the mass update. Great feature!

Here's the bug:

I load a saved mass update (and run it). I then hit "clear" and the 'P' disappears. I then enter any other LE name in the spec manager to write a new mass update but then change my mind and exit the LE. My old mass update Appears AGAIN with a P in the box.

Clear removes the P, but entering and exiting any other LE (in the spec manager) put the P back in. Major trouble if you have lots of LE and some of the P's are hidding below the screen.

This is easy to reproduce on my form.

Regarding the the "Find" option. It does not find any results for words that I KNOW are in my programming. (I am not trying to search across other LE's and events. and Notepad finds them right away.) My guess is that Find (or is it "Search"?) is Case sensitive AND ignores your request if there is another character adjecent to your word. Example:

Search for VFirstname would not find:


But would find:
VFirstname = "John"    //Due to the space before the '='

I haven't spent any time trying to diagnose it, I just know that it only finds some of my requests.


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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #3 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 6:52pm
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Here's the bug:

I load a saved mass update (and run it). I then hit "clear" and the 'P' disappears. I then enter any other LE name in the spec manager to write a new mass update but then change my mind and exit the LE. My old mass update Appears AGAIN with a P in the box.

Clear removes the P, but entering and exiting any other LE (in the spec manager) put the P back in. Major trouble if you have lots of LE and some of the P's are hidding below the screen.

This is easy to reproduce on my form.


It's easy to reproduce on any form. That's how it works. When you close the Program Editor, any element with a Mass Update program typed in it gets the P reset. Clear turns off the P, but does not delete your programming. It's still there, which is why the P comes back.

We agree that it would be nice in all the Program Editors had a Clear All Programming choice that would wipe all the programming. It's on our list. Meanwhile, try saving a blank Mass Update spec. When you want to clear all your Mass Update programming, load that Spec.

Incidentally, there is no real reason to type your Mass Update into different elements. That is mainly there for Q&A compatibility for translated Specs. You can (and should) write your entire Mass Update (exept for Global Code) in one element, to ensure that you are accurately controlling the execution order. Then, you can use Ctrl-A to select the whole thing and clear it.

The only exception to this  is if you are, as Mark says, wanting to separate bits of your Mass Update for debug purposes or for use on different occasions. Then, if they are in separate elements, it's easy to turn pieces on and off.


- Hammer
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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #4 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 7:08pm
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Thanks Erika,

Your suggestion of a "Clear All" option would be perfect. When a "cleared" program keeps showing up, it seems a bit intrusive.

I'll use your workarounds in the meantime.

Regarding "Find", let me know if you want me to email my programming to you.

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The Cow
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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #5 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 7:55pm
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Thanks Erika,

Your suggestion of a "Clear All" option would be perfect. When a "cleared" program keeps showing up, it seems a bit intrusive.

The word clear (in "Clear All") does not refer to the programming content, it refers to the intent to run a particular portion of that content.

I'll use your workarounds in the meantime.

Not a workaround. If we cleared the programming because you hit clear in the spec (as opposed to in the programming itself) - we might well be deleting what took hours or days or weeks to create. If we don't reset the "P" when there is programming in that event, we would get a lot of people complaining that we didn't notice their programming and how are they supposed to be able to find it (since without setting the "P" there is no indication there is any programming in that event). So the only viable way to clear programming (not the intent to run programming) is to actually clear the programming out of the programming editor. This makes it a very explicit and clear statement on the users part, in which we do not have to infer or guess their intent in any way.

One way to consider this: if Sesame turns on a spec's "active indicator", it is Sesame telling the user there is something there to run. If the user turns it off, that is the user telling Sesame to not run that specific portion.

Regarding "Find", let me know if you want me to email my programming to you.

Ray is looking into it. So far search is finding words without problem whether or not there is a space following that word. It will even find parts of a word in the middle. It is, however, case sensitive.


Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #6 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 8:15pm
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Thanks Mark,

Consider an option in the Spec manager to "Erase" in addition to 'Clear". This way once your are done with a mass update, you dont have to watch cautiously for it to re-appear (causing severe reprocussions to records in your batch).

As our Form has 100 LE names,  and the nature of LE names to 'jump around' in the spec manager list, its very easy for an old mass update program to sneak back into the list, but be hidden down at the bottom of a long list of Le Names.

On another note, as the form grows, so does the list of saved Mass Updates. Is there a way to permanently (or even temporarily) enlarge the "spec manager' window so I can more easily read through my list. I'm referring to the window that opens whe you "Load SPec Manager". Sorry if Im using the wrong terms.

Regarding Find: I can see a benefit of being case sensitive during a Find/Replace, but if doing just a find, it seems it should be case INsensitive. If you need to change something that you wrote 2 months ago, you may never find it (which is my situation) Smiley

Sorry if I'm nitpicking.

By they way, we LOVE the fact that the screen begins to scroll down before the curser hits the bottom row in table view. VERY nice feature, you can see whats coming before you 'trash it'. Shouldn't it be the same going UP?


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Re: trouble with spec manager and Mass updates.
Reply #7 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 8:41pm
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I tried the "find' in my program and this time was able to find my requests. Knowing that it is case sensitive HELPS, but with words like


I vote that Find be 'case INsensitive', or a check box so the user can select depending on his needs.

Thanks for listening.

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