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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) 2004 Sesame Users Conference (Read 10234 times)
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #15 - Sep 27th, 2004 at 7:47pm
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I don't think we're videotaping, but there may be a CD available with some of the materials. Also, I hope to be able to travel some of the seminars for those who couldn't come to us.

- Hammer
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #16 - Sep 28th, 2004 at 9:10pm
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Well, folks, we're off to the Conference. We'll see you there!
Grin Grin Grin

- Hammer
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #17 - Sep 30th, 2004 at 7:54pm
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Can we tune in for a webcast?

Maybe next year?


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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #18 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 10:39am
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A few forum users E-mailed me and asked what was going on at the conference so here is my biased editorial and update to those forum users not fortunate enough to be at the conference.

Day one:

Cliff Sobin started us off with a welcome and a little history on the journey of Sesame. He also did a great job of keeping us on schedule throughout the day. Cliff (being a Lawyer) should be easy to dislike, however he is actually a charming and very disarming fellow. (Ahh so that’s how those lawyers do it)

We got to see a number of terrific presentations.  Gordon Meigs did a fine job covering Translating a QA databases, He pointed out numerous things to do to make a smoother translation.

John Mclaughlin gave 2 wonderful presentations the first covering form design the second on basic report design. As much as I have used sesame he was still able to teach me something new!

Alec Mulvey from England gave an informative, witty and very enjoyable 2 part presentation on using your Sesame Application. Alec shared with us many useful ideas and covered data retrieval tips and techniques in detail.

Erika Yoxall introduced basic Sesame programming techniques using a Sesame application designed specifically for a carpet business. Erika has the unique ability to be informative while also making it fun. There is nothing better then learning great programming techniques and feeling like you had fun doing it. This Gal knows her stuff and shares her knowledge freely.

The day ended with Bill Halpern giving a quick demonstration of a working invoicing application that was complete with monthly reports and the ability to generate (print) a multi page invoice (if needed) with a colored logo. This application was designed by Ray Yoxall (Ray the Reaper to us forum users) He did a magnificent job. This app is something to see! Bill gave out a CD with a beta version of Sesame 1.05, Rays application (Named Sesame Seasons) and files relating to the days presentations.

Version 1.05 has many improvements and new features (too many to list now) and performed flawlessly throughout all the presentations today. There are others Like Tom (Inside Sesame) Ray (Sesame Tech Support) and Jay (Sesame Sales) that were handling the necessary logistical matters.

Thanks to all (and anyone I might have left out) for making Day 1 a great day.


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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #19 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 3:09pm
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I just wanted to say how nice it was to meet so many other Sesame users. I enjoyed meeting, talking, sharing ideas and learning from them. It was really interesting to see the many different ways that Sesame is being implemented. 

I saw demonstrations that showed me that I could use Sesame many different ways to accomplish my desired tasks.  I the user-developer can choose the level of complexity that is correct for me. I can start using many QA like features with a small amount of effort or I can use the powerful programming language that is built into Sesame to create applications that are made up of my wildest dreams and expectations.

On the final day Sunday (with brain overload from all the incredible knowledge from the previous 2 days) I was wowed once more.

Tom Marcellus (of Inside Sesame) gave us almost 3hrs of advanced printing techniques. Every time you thought you had seen every possible way you can print from Sesame Tom showed us 1 more.

Bill Halpern demonstrated creating an entirely custom menu system with the use of just a few commands. It is interesting to see how Bill gets Sesame to do lots of things quickly with the use of the standard features found in Sesame. His techniques are a perfect example of how powerful applications can be created for the user-developer designing applications for there own use with little to no experience. He chooses to use the minimal amount of advanced program techniques to achieve his goals.

And to finish the day Erika Yoxall taught us how to create advanced reports.  The funny thing is I had the least desire of everything shown this weekend to see this section. I constantly heard (and unfortunately probably echoed) that Reports are the weakest part of Sesame, Talk about being 360 degrees off. As it turns out Reports is super powerful. Erika showed us how we can create reports easily that can have multiple reports on 1 page. She showed us how we can immediately E-mail the report to others and how that same report can be instantly brought into excel for any accounting need (now those strange requests from the accounting department can be handled by the accounting people themselves) Erika showed us how we can add pop-up calendars to our reports for user date selections, how to have drill down features within our reports and most importantly how to have a report interact with the user.  She showed us so many incredible things it would take an entire issue of Inside Sesame to even scratch the surface. The bottom line is we can choose to use basic reporting features or we can choose to use the Sbasic language we use in Sesame to program a report as sophisticated as we would like it to be. 

What I am trying to say is that Sesame reporting mechanism is robust and powerful and after seeing how valuable the use of the HTML code that the reports are generated in is I need  to open my mind a little and try using it more instead of just comparing it to the report mechanisms I know.

There was also the question asked from Lantica:

If they were to offer a classroom style (not demonstrations, actual training sessions) teaching of Sesame or Sbasic would we be interested in something like this.

The biggest question I heard from other users all weekend at the conference was were can I learn Sesame or Sbasic is there a book on Sesame or Sbasic. These classes would fill that void so e-mail or call Lantica and let them know how you feel. If enough of us show interest maybe we will get what we wish for.

Finally I want to just say thanks to the entire Lantica team and all the other users that helped to make this a great and informative weekend for me.

P.S. A big thanks to Mark Lasersohn (The Cow)  We know that he likes to keep a low profile and stay out of the spotlight but we also know that none of the presentations we saw would have been possible without the little magical features he has and continues to make available to us under the hood (or bonnet ) of Sesame.

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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #20 - Oct 4th, 2004 at 5:41pm
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Thanks for the report! Sounds like the conference was a big success!

I can't wait to see what Lantica comes up with next.

I'm eagerly awaiting putting 1.0.5 to the test!

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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #21 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 3:23pm
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We really enjoyed meeting some of the Forum members, although, we should have made you put your Forum handles on your name tags!  Grin

- Hammer
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #22 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 6:13pm
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BTW, it wasn't a part of any of the presentations, so I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but the Conference CD contains a Sesame database called SBasicCodeLibrary which includes the following generic procedures which can be pasted into the GLOBAL CODE area of any Form or Report. This app can be added to or annotated as you develop your own procedures.

CheckUnique() - Tests any element to see if its value in unique within its database.

ChangeByPercentage() - Alters the original value by the specified percentage.

ElementColorByName() - Lets you set element colors by specifying colors like "Red" rather than RGB values.

FlagElement() - Marks an element as OK, Warn or Error using colors.

GetHighestValue() - Returns the highest value in the database for a particular field.

FormatMyDate() - Formats a date in any of the 20 built-in formats

MakeTitleCase() - Changes a value to title case

CalculateAge() - Calculates age in years for a given date

TotalSubrecordElement() - Returns the total of the values from any column/element in a subform.

MoneyToText() - Converts a money value to its text equivalent (for check writing routines)

IsCardDateValid() - Validates a credit card date

IsCardNumberValid() - Validates a credit card number

SortArray() - Sorts a generic array

MakeDate() - Makes a date value out of a Year, Month and Day. Checks for valid date.

DaysBetweenDates() - Returns the number of days between two dates.

- Hammer
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #23 - Oct 7th, 2004 at 3:22pm
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I don't remember anyone mentioning them, and there are a few on there that I find extremely helpful.

Thanks for the mention.

And while I'm here, thanks to everyone who helped put the program on and did the presentations.  It was great to meet all of you and I'm looking forward already to next year when I'll have more knowledge. Perhaps even enough to ask an intelligent question!
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #24 - Oct 7th, 2004 at 8:37pm
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   I would echo everything Bob Scott said about the presentations.  Thanks to all who put so much work into it!
    I have definitely been one of the "lurkers," having put off actually doing anything with Sesame, and I'm hoping the conference has given me a jump start.   
Cappy Haskin
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #25 - Oct 7th, 2004 at 10:22pm
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Im curious to know how many people were able to go to the conference? Any idea how many of them are active on these forums?

I still regret not being able to attend. I'm hoping the next one will be earlier in the year.

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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #26 - Oct 7th, 2004 at 11:08pm
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While there I was hearing numbers between 70 - 90 attendees.  But those are rumors, not any official number. 

There were many people that I never got to meet personally, so easy to get involved with each person you spoke with.   The days were packed with in depth seminars.  In depth does not mean highly technical, it means packed with real information and tools that you could take away. 

Plan ahead now for next year's conference.   Start budgeting now so you have no other reason not to attend.  Cannot beat the Users' Conference, Inside Sesame, and local User Groups to maximize the benefits of Sesame.

See you next year.......

Also re Erika's comment: Quote:
although, we should have made you put your Forum handles on your name tags!
I not only had my handle on my name tag, I had my forum photo there also (brought my own tag).

Bob Hansen
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #27 - Oct 8th, 2004 at 3:46am
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Thanks for the insight, Bob. We're going to need an 'advanced Sesame' class next year.....hopefully!


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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #28 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 9:21pm
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There was also the question asked from Lantica: 

If they were to offer a classroom style (not demonstrations, actual training sessions) teaching of Sesame or Sbasic would we be interested in something like this.

The biggest question I heard from other users all weekend at the conference was were can I learn Sesame or Sbasic is there a book on Sesame or Sbasic. These classes would fill that void so e-mail or call Lantica and let them know how you feel. If enough of us show interest maybe we will get what we wish for.

One of the impediments to giving the classes is that it is difficult for me to get away for the length of time needed to give multi-day classes in multiple locations. It is also difficult to make the arrangements for hotel rooms and meeting spaces in unfamiliar cities via long distance.

Hammer Data Systems (located approximately 30 miles southeast of Cleveland, OH) has a nice meeting/training facility on premises. If we were to offer the classes at our facility, would you be willing to come here to take them?

- Hammer
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Re: 2004 Sesame Users Conference
Reply #29 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 9:53pm
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....And the line forms were?  Smiley

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