Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintString (Read 14993 times)
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Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintString
May 23rd, 2004 at 7:24pm
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I'm using the tial version of Sesame and one of my biggest concern about Sesame is reporting.  I was delighted to download the PrintString program example. My joy was short lived. I'm incapable to oped the database or its DSR file. The message state that... The application PrintString was created with a trial version of Sesame and has expired. To activate the application, the full version of Sesame is available at.....etc.  My own trial version still has over 20 days of life. I can't imagine that a Lantician would use a Trial version of Sesame to produce that sample file Shocked.

Is it impossible to open it with a trial version ??? If so, then the message is all wrong. Also, this sample file could have convince me that Sesame is the right DBMS for me.  If I c'ant use the sample file, that won't help Cry

A disappointed potential user


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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #1 - May 24th, 2004 at 10:32am
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The trial version itself never expires. The applications themselves expire and cannot be used by the trial version if they are more than 30 days old. In this case, the original sample application was built more than 30 days ago, so it will not work with the trial version.

If you want to try this yourself, you can place a command button on the Gem Types form in the the Gems sample app that came with the trial version. Place this code in the On Element Entry event for the command button.

Select All
// This routine uses PrintString to create a formatted page including
// information from both the Main record and all of its subrecords.

var vDescription as string
var vPos as int
var vSub as int
var vSubTotal as int
var vPriceTotal as double
var vYCor as int
var vPrice as double
var vSPrice as string

//Create a new Page

// Print header
PrintString("Lantica Jewelers", 300, 25, 0, "BArial", 30, 0)

// Format and print Gem_Type, Description and Occurence
vDescription = "The " + Gem_Type + " is " + Description + @NewLine() + "That is most commonly found in "
vDescription = Vdescription + Occurrence
PrintString(vDescription, 50, @PageExtentY() + 10, 725, "Arial", 15, 0)

//Format and print Birthstone and Hardness
vDescription = "It is the birthstone for the month of " + Birthstone_Month + "."
vDescription = vDescription + " It has a Hardness of " + Hardness
PrintString(vDescription, 50, @PageExtentY(), 725, "Arial", 15, 0)

// Print Appearance
PrintString(Appearance, 50, @PageExtentY(), 725, "Arial", 15, 0)

// Print Enhancements
PrintString(Enhancements , 50, @PageExtentY(), 725, "Arial", 15, 0)

// Format and print count of Subrecords.
vDescription = "We at Lantica Jewelers are lucky enough to have " + @FormResultSetTotal("Gems") + " of these rare jewels in stock"
PrintString(vDescription, 50, @PageExtentY() + 10, 725, "Arial", 15, 0)

// Prints Sub Header 1/10 of an inch below the general description of the gem
PrintString("Current Inventory of " + Gem_Type + @NewLine(), 255, @PageExtentY() + 20, 0, "Arial", 25, 0)

//Loops through the Subrecords
vSubTotal = @FormResultSetTotal("Gems")
vSub = 1
While vSub <= vSubTotal
	VDescription = @FormFieldValue("Gems", "Gem", vSub)
	vYCor = @PageExtentY() + 2				  // Y coordinate for the values
	FormResultSetCurrentPosition("Gems", vSub)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Gem", vSub), 50, vYCor, 90, "Arial", 15, 0)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Origin", vSub), @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 75, "Arial", 15, 0)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Shape", vSub), @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 130, "Arial", 15, 0)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Color", vSub), @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 100, "Arial", 15, 0)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Size", vSub), @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 100, "Arial", 15, 0)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Weight", vSub), @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 65, "Arial", 15, 0)
	PrintString(@FormFieldValue("Gems", "Clarity", vSub), @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 90, "Arial", 15, 0)
	vSPrice = @FormFieldValue("Gems", "Price", vSub)
	vPrice = @ToMoney(vSPrice)
	vsPrice = @Decimals(vSPrice, 2)
	PrintString(@Text((9 - @len(vSPrice)) * 2, " ") + "$" + vSPrice , @PageExtentX() + 1, vYCor, 100, "Arial", 15, 0)

	vPriceTotal += vPrice  // Total price being counted up
	vSub = vSub + 1
FormResultSetCurrentPosition("Gems", 1)

//List total cost of all gems and finish the page
//Note the following line will need to be changed if a different money symbol other than $ is desired.
PrintString("Total value of Gems listed is: $" + @Decimals(VPriceTotal,2), 50, @PageExtentY() + 20, 0, "Arial", 20, 0)

The code may or may not need some adjustment to work with the trial sample app.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #2 - May 24th, 2004 at 2:27pm
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Hi Erika

Thanks for the code. It works advertized.... Wink

     Since we are on the subject of reporting, I have played quite a bit with Sesame Report Writer. Using the example in the Userguide starting on page 345, I tried to put static text (element labels) in the page header section but tey don't print. The following is mentioned in the Userguide on page 338...Sesame provides you with the ability to set page headers, footers and breaks in reports but depending on your operating system, browser version and browser settings, these may not appear in your output....I'm on Windows XP Pro and I use Outlook Express V6. What are the exact conditions or settings that would ***allow*** Page header static text to print? Could another Browser do the job?

Thanks for your help Kiss


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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #3 - May 24th, 2004 at 2:37pm
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The browsers (all browsers) create their own page breaks and are quite bizarre in that the settings for what appears are stored in the registry! It makes it difficult for us to override them, although we are working on it. An upcoming version will likely allow you to set these options as part of your report design.  Since Sesame reports create a web page, it is all really one "page" until the printer gets ahold of it.

The Page Headers and Page Footers in Sesame reports can be made to appear if you place a Page Break element in a freeform section of your report. They will appear in addition to, rather than overriding the Page Headers and Footers that your browser provides. The concept of Page Headers and Footers does not mesh well with the concept of HTML. If Page Headers and Footers are paramount, you may want to explore the PrintString options.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #4 - May 24th, 2004 at 4:09pm
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Thanks again Erika

I'm not making a free form report rather, a columnar report and I don't use page break. I follow exactly the example of the Userguide. Can I still have static text appear in a page header? How?



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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #5 - May 24th, 2004 at 4:57pm
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You'd need to set it up in your browser itself. At this point, we don't have any control over it, although we may in a future release.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #6 - May 24th, 2004 at 7:17pm
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I think I understand. In Explorer, File, Page Set Up, allow you to write some text in a Header and Footer. Not very practical  Undecided since you have to change that manually for every report plus the fact that it's impossible to line up Element Labels for each collumn. Hope you come up with something in some future version.



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Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #7 - May 24th, 2004 at 8:06pm
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Try putting the static text in the "Group Header". This section tends to line up with the "Group Body" columns.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #8 - May 24th, 2004 at 8:14pm
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Hi Carl

This is what I do but this is good only for the first page of the report. If my report is 3 pages long, the columns headings (elements labels) do not repeat on page 2 and 3.

Thanks anyway


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Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #9 - May 24th, 2004 at 8:18pm
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Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I also would like them to repeat at the top of each page.

Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #10 - May 25th, 2004 at 6:27pm
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Hi Erika and Carl

One final word on using PrintString vs Report Writer with Sesame.

The Sample application....Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintString....does indeed produce a precise report formatting but it took 50 lines of code to do so by someone obviously quite familiar with Sbasic and someone who has a quite a bit of imagination to visualise each elements on the printed page and include the proper coordinates in the code. This is not easy. I hope that Sesame Report Writer is reworked to include more facilities for page headers and footers allowing quick and easy reports. Wink



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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #11 - May 25th, 2004 at 6:49pm
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The point of the sample was to demonstrate precision printing and looping through subrecords in SBasic, not to demonstrate the simplest way to create a report.

You can also do this with a report/subreport from the Report Designer, with the exception of Page Headers and Footers.

We traded Page Headers and Footers for the tremendous power and transportability of HTML. HTML can be used and imported by many other programs, such as Word, Access and Excel. HTML reports can be emailed or mounted online without any further processing. They can be interactive (clickable). They automatically adjust themselves to fit on screen or printed page. Etc... Time will tell if Page Headers are so overwhelmingly important to people that all other benefits become irrelevant.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #12 - May 25th, 2004 at 7:12pm
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No doubt that HTML is flexible, versatile etc. etc. But as a developper in FileMaker Pro for the last 7 years, I have yet to have a project not requiring reports several pages long. Any report 2 pages long or more requires a header to repeat elements labels on each page. Smart programmers like Mark and yourself should be able to trick the Report Writer and HTML to allow a page header. But as you say Quote:
Time will tell if Page Headers are so overwhelmingly important to people that all other benefits become irrelevant.

Sincerly Cheesy


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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #13 - May 25th, 2004 at 7:18pm
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In the end, Sesame does not actually print your report. On Windows the operating system's HTML Printer (an included .dll) actually prints the report. Sesame merely sees it as another document (a file). On Windows the the page header and footer information is stored in your registry(!). Sesame could alter these and then restore them when printing is complete. I've experimented a little with this technique and got it to work. But the user still does not have page by page control over the content, and the content formatting allowed by the OS is very "lightweight". Additionally, I really don't like the idea of altering your registry settings on the fly. On Unix, the printing is done by a html to postscript conversion (producing a file - not a print) that gets sent to the user specified "lp/lpr" device. Here there is some leeway in term of page header and footer specifications - but still not enough.

We have been looking for a good HTML library to parse and print the HTML with callback notification, so that Sesame can intervene and insert page headers and footers, yet not interfere with using the HTML as a "document" as opposed to the printed piece of paper.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #14 - May 25th, 2004 at 8:26pm
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I'm glad that there is some hope Quote:
We have been looking for a good HTML library to parse and print the HTML with callback notification, so that Sesame can intervene and insert page headers and footers, yet not interfere with using the HTML as a "document" as opposed to the printed piece of paper.

I'm sure you'l find something. Hope it won't be too long.

Good luck and thanks


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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #15 - Sep 13th, 2004 at 10:55pm
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No doubt that HTML is flexible, versatile etc. etc. But as a developper in FileMaker Pro for the last 7 years, I have yet to have a project not requiring reports several pages long. Any report 2 pages long or more requires a header to repeat elements labels on each page. Smart programmers like Mark and yourself should be able to trick the Report Writer and HTML to allow a page header. But as you say

Sincerly Cheesy


Any progress on this yet?
All our Q&A application users rely heavily on multipage column reports.

Without controlled positioning of headers, footers and page numbers, we can't sell them on Sesame applications.

I thought most other Q&A users also needed these reports, but based on the lack of discussion on this subject I'm beginning to think I misjudged and that capability will remain missing.

It would be nice to finally know so I can decide whether to hang in there or cut bait.

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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #16 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 12:08am
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Your browser should be able to print Page Numbers for you. But I agree that column headers at the top of each page are needed.

Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #17 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 12:41am
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Using Mozilla 1.7.2 provides ability to create headers and footers when printing. 

Can do Headers, Footers, Left, Right, Center justification.  Auto insert date, time, custom line contents.  Can shrink to fit page, and can toggle background colors/images on/off.  Can do Page # of #. and URL.

MSIE does have ability for Header and Footer line, but only has 2 options vs. 6 for Mozilla.

Many other reasons to use Mozilla, but that is another discussion. Grin

Bob Hansen
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #18 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 10:51am
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Any progress on this yet?
All our Q&A application users rely heavily on multipage column reports.

Without controlled positioning of headers, footers and page numbers, we can't sell them on Sesame applications.

I thought most other Q&A users also needed these reports, but based on the lack of discussion on this subject I'm beginning to think I misjudged and that capability will remain missing.

It would be nice to finally know so I can decide whether to hang in there or cut bait.

We're still fighting the problem that HTML doesn't really know what a "page" is, as defined by a printer. CSS2 supports some page commands, but none of the browsers support them. *sigh*

We do know how to put page headers and footers in. The problem is that the only way to do so in Windows is to temporarily change the registry, then put it back. This is something we don't approach lightly. In addition, all the browsers want the headers and footers specified as a very cryptic and strange micro-language which most users will not know how to use. *sigh again*

We know that some of you want this. We recognize the value of the feature. We're still looking for a good way to do it. 

BTW, I notice you have emphasized page numbers. Your browser generally adds Page x of y to the top of every page by default. If this is the sticking point, that part isn't usually a problem.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #19 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 11:00pm
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Using Mozilla 1.7.2 provides ability to create headers and footers when printing.  

Can do Headers, Footers, Left, Right, Center justification.  Auto insert date, time, custom line contents.  Can shrink to fit page, and can toggle background colors/images on/off.  Can do Page # of #. and URL.

MSIE does have ability for Header and Footer line, but only has 2 options vs. 6 for Mozilla.

Many other reasons to use Mozilla, but that is another discussion. Grin

Thanks Bob & Erika,

But I don't see how this resolves the COLUMN headers problem. All I'm looking for is what Q&A has been able to do for the last 20 years. I know this isn't Q&A but assume that with over 20 years of software evolution since then someone could figure out a way to copy that capability?

Forget HTML, browsers, Godzilla, etc. Just get back to basics. I'm afraid that whatever you ultimately end up with on this track is going to be a real Rube Goldberg for an inexperienced application user.

Incidentally Erika, you say "I know that some of you want this". Does anyone have any numbers on what percentage of Q&A users bought it because of it's column report capabilities, or are you refering only to Sesame users?

I just don't understand how you can sell a DBMS that produces column reports without fixed position headers. Gotta be missing something.
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #20 - Sep 14th, 2004 at 11:42pm
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Incidentally Erika, you say "I know that some of you want this". Does anyone have any numbers on what percentage of Q&A users bought it because of it's column report capabilities, or are you refering only to Sesame users?

The word "some" was not intended to be dismissive or substitute for a precise quantification. I simply meant that some people have told us that this is important to them. Others don't miss it. Still others have not mentioned it all. Considering the huge number of features at this level contained in both Q&A and Sesame, I'd imagine it would be quite difficult to get an accurate percentage based on such a specific item.

I just don't understand how you can sell a DBMS that produces column reports without fixed position headers. Gotta be missing something.

I could list again the benefits we got in trade for some of the "page" based features, but I don't think it would make any difference. If the ability to print column headers at the top of each page of a report is the make-or-break feature for you, then that's how it is. You know your application requirements and what your priorities are.

I'm sorry you're frustrated that we don't have this particular capability. Product development involves making a lot of choices. No matter what choice we make, the Bell curve tells us that a few people will absolutely love it, a few people will absolutely hate it, and most will fall somewhere in between.  In this case, we made a choice, and it's not the right one for you. I wish we could meet all requirements all the time in a way that everybody thinks is great, but we can't. I can only say that we know this is something you want, and if we can find a way to provide it in a future version, we will.

On the upside, however, version 1.0.5 has the Preview toolbar button you asked for.  Smiley

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #21 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 7:46pm
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I said this long ago, but will say it again for the record.  I liked Q&A and converted an office into believers.Grin  Yes it  had its limits.  but with only a lttle help from the manual I could print to disk screen, or paper.  I could print forms to my style and reports that did not need to be exported to excel or a word processor to be tidied-up.  I like some of the other above miss these simple features. 
And when you cant get multiline headers,  set colume widths, set alignments or formats easily, you do get discouraged.
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Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #22 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 8:17pm
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...cant get multiline headers...

If you use the Property Editor in Designer to set the width of the header's LE to a size that is smaller than the text in the header, the text will wrap to more than one line.

You may need to set the Group Body LE to that width also. Otherwise, if the data text is wider than the header text, the column may adjust to the data width if not set.

Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #23 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 8:36pm
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Also, 1.0.5 adds the capacity for multi-line headers/footers and multiple group breaks.

- Hammer
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Carl Underwood
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #24 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 9:00pm
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I almost forgot. You could also place "<br>" (less than sign, B, R, greater than sign) in the LABEL for the header LE.


Will produce:

And if you liked the way Q&A put "=======" under the headers, you can do something like this:

To get this:

You may need to adjust the number of equal signs (or any other character you may use) to get the correct look.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
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The Cow
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #25 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 9:45pm
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And when you cant get multiline headers,  set colume widths, set alignments or formats easily

The property editor allows you to set widths, alignments, and formats. Nor does it require you to learn (read: memorize) a multitude of single letter codes, indeed it even provides live examples of the formatting. I know that for those of you who have been using Q&A for 15+ years, that having to type something like:
2,AS, SC, ST, C, T, H(25:My Column Header), F(JC, U), TL
... then pressing Shift-F6 to select fonts and text formatting actually does come naturally and easily to you. However, a newcomer might find it quite daunting, as opposed to (for example) clicking BOLD on a list of available text formats.

And while HTML reports may on occassion need to be "tidied-up" in a word processor or spreadsheet - at least they can be. The only way to import a Q&A report into anything other than Q&A is by printing to file, and then you have to go through and get rid of all the places where there are blank lines and repeated column headers for each "page" in the file because they don't correspond to the page breaks in your word processor. Not to mention having lost all the formatting information in the process.

Something to consider is that, for much of the current business world (including small business), a report printed on paper is absolutely the last thing anyone wants. Reports have become an active principle - a document. We have a number of Q&A clients who have to deliver reports to their customers. The comment we most often hear is that, while they like being able to do their work in Q&A, their customers consider the reports produced by Q&A to be unacceptable. They just aren't "pretty" enough. The customer wants it via email. They want to import it into Excel and resort it by different columns. They want to forward it to their boss and three colleagues after annotating/amending it. They have little to no interest in printing it, because they really don't want paper. These are all real world business requirements that Q&A just can't meet. Sesame, as a current product, needed be capable of handling the "active" quality of today's reporting requirements. 

Over and beyond pagination issues, a report is not just a table anymore. Reports often need to be accompanied by additional charts, spreadsheets, and explanatory text, summaries, and conclusions, cover sheets, and occasionally indexes. Nevermind tables of contents. Many times, the contents of a report need to be folded into and combined with the reports of others  as they progress, being edited, amended and appended.

Being able to make a simple table is a good thing. And being able to do so simply is also good.  But having to renumber all of your columns if you insert a new column - isn't simple. Having to remember numerous pnuemonic (and not so pnuemonic) codes, isn't simple. Having to type that code into a field that cannot accomodate it (try typing in a radio button or a choice list) isn't simple. Being completely unable to use my report for anything other than a printed table, is frustrating beyond all else.

Hammer here: Here's a actual real world example. Last week, Bill Halpern asked me for some figures. I pulled up my Sesame database and ran the report he wanted in Preview. When it came up in my browser, I hit the Send Page button, put in Bill's email address and hit Send. Done. He had a nicely formatted report in his email, where he could look at it however he wanted, including using his browser to instantly make the text larger. And I didn't have to print it out and fax it to him!  Grin

In addition, if he wanted, he could immediately forward it to the accountant, search inside it for a particular item using his browser/email search function, or drop it into the business plan he was creating in Word. No muss, no fuss, no bother. 

-- The Cow and Hammer (together)

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #26 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 10:35pm
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   Something to consider is that, for much of the current business world (including small business), a report printed on paper is absolutely the last thing anyone wants.

Evidently my customers and I are no longer in the business world. They still want printed reports.
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #27 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 10:54pm
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  Something to consider is that, for much of the current business world (including small business), a report printed on paper is absolutely the last thing anyone wants.

Evidently my customers and I are no longer in the business world. They still want printed reports.

Gotta strongly agree with Pineberry.

Sounds like the tail wagging the dog.
We rely heavily on Q&A column reports for our own business, as do the users of our applications. If we told them "a report printed on paper is absolutely the last thing anyone wants", we'd get thrown out the door.

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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #28 - Sep 21st, 2004 at 11:20pm
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I fully agree too.  Paper reports are wanted by almost everyone I work with.

Need some report features that are not available right now?  Use any other writer of your own choice that you may have now.......How?  Use ODBC.

Do you have any stand alone Report Writers (Crystal, Target)?  Do you have any other programs that have built in Report Writers(Access, FoxPro)?

Use an ODBC link to Sesame from Access, Crystal Reports, FoxPro, Target, etc.  Now use their tools to generate your reports.


Bob Hansen
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Sensible Solutions Inc.
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #29 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 11:31am
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Please don't take our statements to mean that we are not still working towards a way to get the "page" oriented functions for you. We know that you are frustrated that column headers don't repeat at the top of each page when you print to paper.

However, I'm frustrated too. I've spent years listening to Q&A users and consultants express dissatisfaction with Q&A reports. I've spent years listening to my clients pass on the complaints of their customers about Q&A reports. I've spent years creating workarounds, batch files, macros and specialized exports to produce the output required by customers.  It's frustrating to me that the tremendous functionality provided is dismissed as worthless because of page header issues.

When we made this choice for Sesame's reports, we were making a choice  designed to open up what we could do in the future. This choice has provided a huge amount of functionality and almost infinite expandability, including (given a little time to do so) the implementation of the "page" functions.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #30 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 12:14pm
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It seems to me that as a whole the respondants to this have taken one line, completely out of context and used it and it alone to support their argument. Of course, people want printed reports. Maybe it should have been phrased "the last thing people want is to be limited to only printed reports".

Access, Crystal, and others offer - modern reports that are more than simply a table in isolation on a forced printed page - or worse, an ASCII file with forced page breaks.

The intent of the response on my part (and Erika's) was to refute the claim made by Foster that Q&A reports provide enough, and that they are (in relation) to Sesame - easy to generate.  Foster, may well be right in that for his business Q&A reports are enough. But that does not address the many cases where they are not. A Q&A report, hits the wall relatively early and cannot go any further, and to be taken to the end of its own limitations requires extremely obscure and nonstandard language (report codes). Once generated it is unalterable without losing all of its formatting and inserting inappropriate page breaks, headers and footers.

These limitations cannot be surmounted in Q&A. Sesame uses a standard language that is well known and accepted. Sesame reports can be altered after they have been generated. Sesame reports can be imported and used in thousands of other programs. 

When the claim is made that Q&A reports are easy to generate, it can only mean that the "claimer" either memorized a couple dozen codes with their accompanying arguments and syntax, or they are not using them. But, it cannot be reasonably claimed that these codes are "easy" to learn and memorize. An actual beginner in Q&A is immediately lost. We are not born knowing Q&A report codes, and there is no alternative to their memorization.

It is true, that by using HTML as the medium for Sesame reports we had to sacrifice the automatic and user controlled pagination. But, given that HTML is an accepted language world wide, by thousands of other applications and programs, has become an accepted document language by indexing systems, search systems, word processors, spreadsheets, and other databases, it seemed a very small price to pay.

It has been our policy to accept (and catalog) the users'  opinions and comments about Sesame, and to answer with technical solutions where we can (we have a better than 90% success rate).  In light of that, let me say that we do hear you, and we are (and have been) investigating ways to manage the "pagination issues" inherent to HTML. We are also looking into a "print only" format for reports that wil not use HTML to allow for the repetition of column headers and footers on page breaks.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #31 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 12:15pm
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I was told ten years ago that we were going paperless, so what is all these boxes of paper doing in my office, in my company the ones in higher places do not understand computers or do not trust that the info will be there when they need it, so for instance I have to print two reports each years consisting of approx 60-pages, really they only look at the last page "Total's"."Avg", but they still want to file the sixty pages why? beats me ! But until people's minds catch up with computer technology I will have to print paper reports, and when they want one of these reports they usually give me a hour to produce it, that has almost grinded my Sesame Application Dev to a halt, the header on each page I can live without, but the complexity to create a report quickly in Sesame I can't. I purchased Sesame ver 1.0 knowing that I more than likely would not be happy until it reached ver 5.0 or >.I'm very pleased with Sesame overall it is a great DBMS with powerful features that I haven't touched on. It has a super technical staff, so I believe its future is bright, "To me" its weakest point is its report writer. And really I need to spend a little more time in it, right now I've spent about 8-hours in it, being successful in creating the report and getting it to look acceptable about 50%. My bosses offices have many file cabinets in them, all 95% full, I have 22 yrs here I have 2-Drawers about 1/2 full, 90% of my work is on the computer and filed in it. Heck I still can't get them to use instant messenger, get a faster internet line "still on modems" and they don't like e-mail, so paper is a way of life around here, and I look foward to the day when they see the reports the way Mark & Erica do, it will be a great day. Wink

« Last Edit: Oct 29th, 2004 at 7:32pm by proudpoppy »  
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #32 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 12:32pm
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Got some good responses, but still would like to know how you get column width as I get a report of 5 or 6 characters and is there an easy way to right align a column of numbers so that with or without a decimal they will lign up?
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #33 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 12:47pm
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Got some good responses, but still would like to know how you get column width as I get a report of 5 or 6 characters

The Width setting is available from the Property Editor.

and is there an easy way to right align a column of numbers so that with or without a decimal they will lign up?

I'm not sure what you mean. Normally, a column of numbers is formatted so that they all have the same number of decimal places, in which case, right-aligning is easy. If you are treating them as text and looking for something like this:


...that requires some doing, because it's not actually right or left aligned.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #34 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 1:08pm
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I have tried width and it did nothing or in some cases did not "stick".  Several changes do not seem to "stick" , but no clear pattern.
As for columns, look on page 354.  $ sign lines up nice but not cents.  Column would look even more rough if dollar amounts  varied in number of digits, i.e. $1.00 or $20.00.
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #35 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 1:19pm
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To right-align a column, select the report element (you'll probably also want to select it's matching header and footer element - if any). On the Look Tab in the Property Editor, select one of the right align choices from the Label Alignment dropdown. I recommend number 9 - Right Top.

That should do it for you.  Smiley

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #36 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 2:14pm
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Sad It seems to be all or nothing  Sad
If I set width at 35 (characters?) then all report elements are set to that.  If I set Right Top as alignment then all elements are Right Top set.
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #37 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 2:30pm
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Sad It seems to be all or nothing  Sad
If I set width at 35 (characters?) then all report elements are set to that.  If I set Right Top as alignment then all elements are Right Top set. 

That's not how it works. Only those elements selected when you applied the setting should be affected.  If that's not what you're seeing, get in touch with Support so they can take a look at your Report.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #38 - Sep 22nd, 2004 at 4:34pm
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Hello Foster,

I just got your database and I think you are confused as too what you are seeing.

In the report IRBOXLIST you have widths of, in order, 48, 90, 60, 48, 120, 60. If you click the "Look/Position" tab of the Property Viewer, found directly below the Property Editor, you will see the width settings.

The Property Viewer displays the settings for the currently selected item. Property Editor is where you change the settings for the currently selected item. Property Editor holds the values that you have set so far this session, so you can set them to the next element you select, if you wish to.

A nice explanation of Property Editor vs. Property Viewer can be found on page 79 of the Sesame Users Guide.

Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #39 - Sep 30th, 2004 at 5:03pm
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Thanks for the help Grin  I can know get needed reports printed.  Just two suggestions: Fix it so we can get totals AND grand totals that line up!  Give us a way to print  more then one form to a page other then writing and embeding a program in a database.  OK, I will shut up now Lips Sealed
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #40 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 10:44am
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Fix it so we can get totals AND grand totals that line up!

This is do-able with any version of Sesame since 1.0.2, by using more than one view in the report and setting the column widths.

This is extremely easy to do in 1.0.5, by using more than one group (no need to set column widths).

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #41 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 12:14pm
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Thanks for reply Smiley   Happy to hear about fix in 1.0.5.  I was under impression that views were NOT bound to columns and would not line up no matter how many space cells one created.  Wish I could have been at the conference and maybe I would have learned a thing or two!
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #42 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 12:29pm
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For version 1.0.2 through 1.0.4:
View are not bound to columns - but the group within a view (all groups are in a view) are bound to columns. Because you can then set the widths the same for a set of columns in the group the same in the two views, you end up with columns that are the same size and position in each of the two views.

For version 1.0.5:
Just create a new group within the same view. No need to set widths.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #43 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 12:36pm
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Thanks for reply Smiley   Happy to hear about fix in 1.0.5.  I was under impression that views were NOT bound to columns and would not line up no matter how many space cells one created.  Wish I could have been at the conference and maybe I would have learned a thing or two! 

As Cow says, in 1.0.4, you can use Width settings combined with multiple Views to get Grand Totals to line up. This method does not use the View Header and Footer.

Views are not bound to Group columns, however, in 1.0.5, you can have multiple Groups. If you add a Group that does not break, it will behave much like a View Header/Footer, but will be bound to the columns.

- Hammer
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Re: Printing Records and Subrecords with PrintStri
Reply #44 - Oct 29th, 2004 at 7:34pm
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Well it has been a month since I posted above, and to be fair to Sesame & the Team who created it, I have been creating a lot of reports, and due to inexperience above I posted that the report writer was the weakest point in Sesame I was dead wrong, it is just as powerful if not more than any other report writer I've ever used including access, I hope I can keep my big mouth shut   Lips Sealed and stop raging Sesame when it just being ignorant of  Sesame that's the problem, Sesame has turned out to be the best and easist program I've ever used since Q & A., and I've just started getting into it, I have my inventory program working the way I have alway's wanted it to, but never could get it to in any other program!! And it took about 20 hours  from beginning to end. My application is 70% complete. A super powerful program. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Thank You !!!
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