Normal Topic Spreadsheet View (Read 1559 times)

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Spreadsheet View
Apr 1st, 2005 at 3:24pm
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BOBSCOTT recently helped me set up a database and showed me this to put in a button to display my result set in a spreadsheet style. The problem is it opens in a minimized window and I need it to open full screen. He did not know if there was a way to do this with code, he thought I might need to do something with a macro but suggested I ask the experts on the forum for suggestions.

Thank you in advance,

Nick Bartoles

// Activates Table View

      var vtable as int

     Vtable=@selectTreeitem ("Search Update Menu!Other Commands!Table View (Shift-F6)")

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Re: Spreadsheet View
Reply #1 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 4:10am
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Re: Spreadsheet View
Reply #2 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 6:27am
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Hi Nick...

Just to let you know that I may have something here for you in the next few days.  Shocked

What I have now works with prompting.  But it now needs some debugging to automate it.  Roll Eyes

Stay tuned......

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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Re: Spreadsheet View
Reply #3 - Apr 4th, 2005 at 2:15pm
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Thank you very much. You are very kind to help.
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Re: Spreadsheet View
Reply #4 - Apr 4th, 2005 at 5:02pm
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Hi Nick.....

Progress to final solution is now held up due to a problem with @AsynchShell that is being addressed in another posting.  Stay tuned......


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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Re: Spreadsheet View
Reply #5 - Apr 5th, 2005 at 4:36am
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My problem with @AsynchShell() is almost resolved, trying to eliminate the black box ..... need some more answers from Erika.

I am working on making a routine to do this with code, but the short term, you can do it now solution, is to just double-click on the Caption or Title bar of the Table View window.  You can do that on most sizeable Windows windows.

But trying to resolve this with code has moved me into making options to Maximize, Move, Resize the window.  Should be available in phases........

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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Re: Spreadsheet View
Reply #6 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 8:32pm
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Hello Nick_Bartoles

I need to have you send me an email so that I can send you my beta FullTableView utility. 

To use the utility, put the following line on a Command Button (Full Table View?) in the OnEnter section
Select All

And put the following SubRoutine into your Global Code:
Select All
SubRoutine subSSTableViewMaximize()

/*	=================================================================
Purpose: Maximize Table View of the current database beneath the form
Developed by Bob Hansen, Sensible Solutions Inc., Salem, NH
Contact information:, 603-898-8223.
Version information: Last Modified on Apr 05, 2005.

1.  This code is based on Sesame, version 1.1.2
2.  Make folder "SensibleSolutions" under Sesame\Utilities folder and store SS.exe file there.

1.  This code should be installed in Global Code section for the form
2.  On Element Entry::btnShowTableView needs one line: subSSTableViewMaximize() (Any name for button is OK).

Explanation of Process:
1.  Table View is opened that is underneath the current form.
2.  A temporary WSF file is created containing the contents necessary to execute the Sensible Solutions utility.
3.  The utlity file is executed, and returns control back to Sesame.
4.  The temporary WSF file is deleted.
*/	//=================================================================

							//* lines to be modified by user
var vOK as Int						//To accept result of various functions
var vSSPath as String					//*Path of Sensible Solutions utilities and temp files
var vSSUtility as String				//*Filename of Sensible Solutions utility
var vDatabase as String					//Name of DATABASE, not the Form.  Value is CaseSensitive
var vParameter1 as String				//*Parameter 1 to be passed in Shell
var vParameter2 as String				//*Parameter 2 to be passed in Shell

var vFileHandle1 as String				//Handle to manage temp WSF file
var vWsfFile as String					//*Filename of temp WSF file
var vJobID as String					//WSF Job ID
var vLanguage as String					//WSF Language ID
var vObjShell as String					//WSF Shell contents
var vContent as String					//*Contents of temp WSF file

vSSPath = "C:\Sesame\Utilities\SensibleSolutions\"
vSSUtility = "SesameTableViewMaximize.exe"
vDatabase = @Database
vParameter1 = "/DatabaseTableView=" + vDatabase
vParameter2 = "/MaximizeView=1"

vWsfFile = "TableViewMax.wsf"
vWsfFile = vSSPath + vWsfFile
vJobID = "<Job id='SesameTableViewMaximize'>"
vLanguage = "<script language='VBScript'>"
vObjShell = "Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject(" + @Chr(34) + "WScript.Shell" + @CHR(34) +")"

//vContent="C:\Sesame\Utilities\SensibleSolutions\SesameTableView.exe /DatabaseTableView=tblRooms /MaximizeView=1"
vContent = @CHR(34) + vSSPath + vSSUtility + " " + vParameter1 + " " + vParameter2 + @chr(34)

//Start Function Execution =======================================

// Activate Table View
vOK=@selectTreeitem ("Search Update Menu!Other Commands!Table View (Shift-F6)")

//Delete WSF file if it exists
If FileExists(vWsfFile) THEN {

//Create Temp WSF File =======================
vFileHandle1 = fileOpen(vWsfFile)

//Write to File =======================
//Write WSF file header block
FileWriteLn(vFileHandle1, vJobID)
FileWriteLn(vFileHandle1, vLanguage)
FileWriteLn(vFileHandle1, vObjShell)

//Write WSF file content
FileWriteLn(vFileHandle1,"objShell.Run " + vContent)

//Write WSF footer block

//Close WSF file

//Run Utility File

//Delete File =======================
Loiter(500)					//*Need delay or file is deleted before WSF is executed.
If FileExists(vWsfFile) THEN {

End SubRoutine 

This subroutine creates a temp WSF file that calls a Utility Program that I created for the full view.  It deletes the temp file when done.  For this to work you will need the executable utility.  If you will send me your emal address then I will send you the executable program and installation instructions.

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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