Normal Topic which is most practical way to keep prospects . . (Read 1701 times)
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Natalie Gann

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which is most practical way to keep prospects . .
Apr 22nd, 2005 at 3:57pm
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They want to keep all the prospects in a db & we already have all the customers in a db.

Since (unfortunately) many of the prospects will never end up as customers, I didnt want to put them all in the same db. It just didnt seem rational. However, if there is no practical way to program a button or something to move a prospect over to the customer db I might just do that.  ( I was thinking something easy so salesmen could do contracts too.) I have been looking over the XLookup commands and am sure I could work something out but I tend to do things the hard way sometimes. Would there be a more streamline way to do this?


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Re: which is most practical way to keep prospects
Reply #1 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 4:44pm
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I would suggest that you reconsider keeping them in the same database  Create a new field for status.  Actually, use three fields:
Status - Description - StatusEffectiveDate. 

Then you can add info and have a life cycle of status codes.  Perhaps something like:
Prospect - can have multiple types, maybe based on contact status or source.
Negotiating - Now considering quotes, etc.
Customer -  Have recived an order
Inactive - No order in past 30/60/360? days
Closed - Will be no future orders.

Based on Status you can have different fields made Visible/Iinvisible.  You can have status codes updated automatically based on other activities:  When a Quote is entered, status is upgraded to Negotiating.  When Sales Order is places, status is upgraded to Customer.  Regular routine can be run for aging on alll clsasses to determine actions and/or change in status.

I find that using a Status code is much less maintenance, just need to include Status in Retrieve Specs.  Status codes could also be numbers, and the categories I noted above are status descriptions.  Number the status codes with gaps, like 1,5,10,20,50 so you can add more codes in future, in between existing numbers and not need to renumber them for newer ranking.

If you also track the dates that status changes you can start to get some meaningful marketing analysis tools.

Now you can see how long it takes to convert prospects to  Customers, how long you keep customers before they stop placing orders, etc.  What percentage go from Prospect to Closed immediately, and how long that takes.

And all the information re contacts, credit ratings, business levels, etc. are entered and maintained only once.

You can use OnFormEntry with security to limit who can see what based on Status.  Some people can add/edit records, some can change status, etc.  Fields can be made Visible/Invisible, ReadOnly, etc.

But your needs will vary from business to business.  When you say most of your prospects will never become customers, then perhaps separate databases makes more sense.  It may be a tradeoff between numbers of records and performance hits and filtering with Retrieve Specs.

You will get many other opinions on this, so this is my contribution.


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Re: which is most practical way to keep prospects
Reply #2 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 4:57pm
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WOW! Quite a contribution, Thanx.
I just realized, however, I already have the inventory in the same db & I need to get the item and the customer on the same page so I am going to have to import something, somewhere. (I am going to have to find more than 4 hrs a week for this somewhere, this is TOO much!) Then there are the service tickets . . . I may wait for some of the major decisions till after the beginner programing class. We sell & service pianos by the way. the customer tracking  & status codes you mentioned will be helpful in knowing how far behind they are getting in service, closed for the ones that move out of the country etc.

Thanx again

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Re: which is most practical way to keep prospects
Reply #3 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:29pm
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I see: Quote:
I already have the inventory in the same db
and I am curious about the terminology you are using.  I know that as a former (and current) Q&A user, there was a lot of confusion about these terms as we moved into Sesame.  And I am much more conscious of the terms being used.

Do you have Customer and Inventory in the same "database" or the same "application"? 

The "application" is the Filename.db that you open with Sesame File, Open.  The "database" is the collections of data that use forms for data maintenance within the "application".  One application usually contains many databases.

In either case, I think that both Inventory and Customers can/should be in the same application, but should be in different databases.  If they are in the same database now, then I wonder if you should step back and pause in your development and review the structure of your databases. 

I just hate to see you put a lot of limited time into something that could benefit from a solid foundation that was set up specifically for your needs.  It is real easy to fall  into "flat-file" design concepts from Q&A type databases vs. using the hierarchical benefits that Sesame offers.

There are plenty of resources here who can help with your design needs, just explain what you want to use Sesame for, and I think that many suggestion will be provided for you. 

You can start by listing the applications and databases within them that you have.  Which if any are using subforms?


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Natalie Gann

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Re: which is most practical way to keep prospects
Reply #4 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 5:57pm
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I will be happy to clarify. I only have 1 application. The inventory is in the same database as the customers. The original plan was for the salesman to search by serial#, pull up the piano and enter the customer info. I was going to put a check box that is only visible/accessable to admin to make it an accepted part of the customer file. Now I think I will do this with a status code per your suggestion. Have it default to 100 for just purchaced, then change when delivered & again for had 1st tuning etc.
I have the beginning prospect form in a seperate db in the same application. The idea was, we sell all the pianos and need to keep track of them. Some prospects take years to become customers or not. The people that will enter info in the prospect db may or may not be all that computer savy. I don't want them to have the slightest chance to accidentally muck up the customer db. (Originally I was going to put the pianos on a sub-form since one person could have several pianos. I wimped out. I guess I need to go back to at least square 3 if not square 1.)
Thanx for your help.
I am afraid I am too muddled & over my head today to get much more done. Other things coming in. be back nxt wk I guess.


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Re: which is most practical way to keep prospects
Reply #5 - Apr 22nd, 2005 at 8:00pm
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Based on your description, I would suggest your initial thought are almost correct.  I would keep Prospects and Customers in the same database, with a status code.  Maybe rename from Prospects to more encompassing name like ContactsInfo.

But I would also have a separate database for the Pianos. 
This is probably what you are referring to as Inventory.  What you identify as Inventory sounds like Customer Service/Warranty type of info vs. classical inventory.  Inventory is usually owned by you, purchased for resale, on consignment, etc. 

From your description, you should consider having a record
for each Piano sold, and each should have its own status code for maintenance in addition to Customer(XLU info from Prospects.), Serial NO., Date Purchased, Delivered Tuned, PartsReplaced, NextTuneUpDate, etc.

You could possibly include Sales Order info in here also.  This depends on how you want to do Invoices, Billing, and other accounting functions.  But that might be too much too soon.  Get comfortable with the basic Prospect/Piano/CustomerService info first.

Off line question....Is Mr. Opper Nokkity on your staff?.
I understand that he is the best piano tuner available. 
You may have heard that "Opper Nokkity only tunes once!"

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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