Normal Topic Another Simple Question (Read 774 times)
Blair Wettlaufer
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Another Simple Question
Oct 19th, 2005 at 5:03am
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Hi all,

I'm setting up a data entry screen that requires certain fields to be filled before allowing the saving of the record -- problem is, it's turning off my ability to save the record even though I've added the data later.  I know I'm missing something simple, can anyone help?

Here is my code, on Form Exit:
if @userid <>"admin"
     if DBCltNo = "" then @MsgBox ("Client Number Required!","","")
     if DBComRate = 0 then @MsgBox ("DB must be assigned ComRate!","","")
     if DBID = "" THEN @MsgBox ("DB Number Required!","","")
     if DBName = "" then @MsgBox ("DB Name Required!","","")
     if DBowes = "" then @MsgBox ("DB Amount Required!","","")
     if DBColl# = "" then @MsgBox ("DB Requires CollID!","","")
     if DBIncurred = "" then
     {      @MsgBox ("DB Ref Date Required - setting to 120 days ago","","")
           DBIncurred = @date-120

ELSE NotifyForm(0)

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Re: Another Simple Question
Reply #1 - Oct 19th, 2005 at 5:16am
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1.  When you cannot save later, are you getting any message?

2.  Have you tried using IF @ISBLANK(ElementName) vs. ="" ?

3.  Insert WriteLn(...........different message......) in between each of the IF lines to help see which lines are being executed when it locks you out.


Bob Hansen
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Re: Another Simple Question
Reply #2 - Oct 19th, 2005 at 12:18pm
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Your NotifyForm(1) is only conditional on @UserId not being admin.  You need to change your logic so that it also checks the state of the data. Otherwise, only admin will ever be able to save.

Also, the stack of MsgBoxes that the user must dismiss one by one may become quite annoying. Try something like this (untested):

Select All
var vOKToSave as Int
var vMsg as String

	// Assume we are OK
	vOKToSave = 1
	vMsg = ""

	// Only non-admin users are subject to validation
	If @UserID <> "admin"
		// Assemble a message containing all the errors
		// Clear the OK flag if any validation fails
		if DBCltNo = ""
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "Client Number Required!"
			vOKToSave = 0
		if DBComRate = 0
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "DB must be assigned ComRate!"
			vOKToSave = 0
		if DBID = ""
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "DB Number Required!"
			vOKToSave = 0
		if DBName = ""
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "DB Name Required!"
			vOKToSave = 0
		if DBowes = ""
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "DB Amount Required!"
			vOKToSave = 0
		if DBColl# = ""
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "DB Requires CollID!"
			vOKToSave = 0
		if DBIncurred = ""
			vMsg = vMsg + @NewLine() + "DB Ref Date Required - setting to 120 days ago"
			DBIncurred = @date-120
			vOKToSave = 0

		// If any validation failed, prevent saving and show failures
		If vOKTOSave = 0
			@MsgBox(vMsg, "", "")


- Hammer
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Blair Wettlaufer
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Re: Another Simple Question
Reply #3 - Oct 19th, 2005 at 5:54pm
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Thanks!  That seems to work ...

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