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Report PAGE Header
Nov 12th, 2005 at 4:41am
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Hi -

My understanding of a page header is that it would be the very first line(s) at the top of EACH page of a report.

So fas as I can discern, there is NO provision for a page header per se in Sesame's report writer.  Rather, I would need to use my browser's "page setup" to generate a page header when the report is printed.

This raises many issues for me (and I would appreciate it very much if replies could be specifically addressed to using Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 6.0 which is the browser - and only browser - that i use) .

In other report writers (such as Q&A) I could specify whether I want a page header to begin on the first page (ahead of the report header) or not to appear on the first page - so that the Report Header stood out all alone ... and for the page header to start on the second page and continue on all subsequent pages.

I want to be sure that my understanding is correct.  If so, then I want to know whether I have the same option in Internet Explorer.

I'm also assuming that if I do have a page header print on EVERY page, it will appear on the FIRST page BEFORE the REPORT HEADER.

A major concern I have about the browser page setup is that once I put something in it, it stays there unless or until I either change it or remove it.

If that is the case, then leaving it there will cause it to print on all subsequent and different reports, where it is not wanted.

And, if I do remove it, then every time I run a report, where I do want a page header, I have to remember the precise terminolgy I used previously and the precise codes I used for formatting, date inclusion, etc.  

If all this is "correct," then there is no way to save page header info with a specific report and every time I run any report, I would always have to address the page header issue.

There are still related issues to page header; however, before I once again, inadvertenly close my browser and lose all this typing (lol), I'll stop at this point, for now.    Grin



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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #1 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 5:24am
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Most of your statements are correct, unfortunately.

Reports are in HTML, which has no logical page breaks.

Browsers can provide page headers/footers but they will be at extreme top and bottom, based on physical page breaks, a function of your page and printer settings.

Although it is awkward, best methods for "REAL" page headers will be to copy/pase report into Word or Excel type of programs and use those tools to create page breaks, using their Header/Footer tools.  Macros can be made within those programs to automate the process

You could also insert some "invisible" HTML code in reports to help force page breaks in the Word/Excel macros.  Search/Replace could replace that special code with logical page breaks.

Version 2 will provide us with better tools for Page Breaks and Headers

It sounds like there might be a market there for automated browser page/printer settings utilities.  Select a stored profile and that would update the browsers settings.  Having said that, I suspect that could be done from within Sesame using file i/o utilities.......

Hmmmm, gotta think about that one a bit.......
Hope this was helpful

Bob Hansen
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #2 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 5:43am
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Bob -

I appreciate the feedback and the thoughts but must admit that it is very discouraging.

I don't want to have to resort to other programs (such as Word or Excel) to do something so inherently basic and crucial to a database program.  

I do hope there will be other simpler solutions ... if not in this version then at least in version 2.0. 

If not then I sincerely hope that serious consideration will be given to either (1) major revision of the current report generator or (2) inclusion of an alternative report generator.

Lastly, I would be very interested in how the HTML format enables viewing reports on web-sites.  How, for example, could I post a report to my web-site? 

I would be very interested in hearing how others have used this feature for viewing on the Internet ... or how they otherwise feel it enhances the report capabilities.



- Spencer

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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #3 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 4:28pm
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Report generation and document rendering are distinct and separate actions. For report rendering, your operating system (MS) defaults to using IE for rendering to a screen and an IE based DLL for rendering to a printer.

There are, fortunately, many alternatives, many of which do allow you a great deal more flexibility in regard to page headers and footers. In every case, the rendering software will consider page headers and footers to be a function of the renderer - not the generated document.

I am not talking about importing HTML into MSWord or any other "interactive" program and manipulating the document with macros, but rather using an alternative dedicated HTML renderer. Simply because "it came with your OS" does not make the MS solution the best.

The software I use on Linux (by the auther of CUPS, the most popular and highly regarded print rendering software for Unix/Linux), HTMLDoc from ESP software, is also available for Win2000/XP, and allows a lot more flexibilty than does IE with regard to page headers and footers.

docPrint from VeryPDF inc. provides hundreds of print options and formats and can be set as your default print rendering software.

There are at least 300 similar programs, many free, most very low cost (< $40). There are even programs that can convert HTML to RTF or a MSWord document and then automatically print them using MSWord's rendering engine.

A quick search on Google (I haven't investigated all of these thoroughly) turns up hundreds rendering / converting / printing packages that allow for better page control than is provided by MS IE:

- Aha for Windows
- FinePrint
- HandyPrint
- PrintPDF / PDFCamp
- eDockEngine / PDFToolkit
- Document2PDF
- A large product line from "Two Pilots" software
- AutoPrint
- docPrint
- ePrint
- ClickToConvert
- PrintRTF
- BatchDocPrint

All of the above were found on the first three pages of a Google search with other 100,000 results and investigated just enough to determine that they do allow for pagination control and have options to control page headers and footers. Most of the results are intended to replace either the associated print method in MS for any of a number of document types (including HTML) or are intervening print drivers with pagination controls.

If you absolutely insist that on a Microsoft only solution, you can set the default print action for HTM/HTML files to use MSWord instead of using the IE DLL. To do this, set the print action for the .HTM extension using the same settings for the RTF file extension:

These are:
Select All
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE" /x /n


[REM _DDE_Minimize][FileOpen("%1")][t=IsDocumentDirty()][FilePrint 0][SetDocumentDirty t][DocClose]


[FileOpen("%1")][FilePrint 0][FileExit 2]


Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #4 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 6:30pm
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Mark -

I appreciate your explanation; however, to me (personally) "report generation" and  "document rendering" are "behind-the-scenes" type of activities that should be part of the program and are beyond my comprehension.  It is not that I don't have the ability to comprehend it (I was one of the first people in the country who was proficient in basic programming of an IBM 360 computer before the first one was ever installed) it's just that I don't want to.

When I purchase a software product, I want to be able to perform certain basic functions that are generally an integral part of the product.  I consider that the user's ability to design and print a report - in a database product - is a prime example.

I do not want to have to learn yet other systems (unless I so choose  to futher enhance the product) to be able to perform basic functions.  And, certainly, I do not want to have to purchase (or obtain at no cost) additional software to perform such basic functions.  An analogy might be a word-processor.  An inherent tool in a Word Processor is a spelling checker (such as in Microsoft Word).  I would imagine that - since there are separate, independent spell-checkers on the market (or at least there used to be) that there are some "low-end" word processors that do not have a built-in spell-checker.  In that event, a user would have to get  "add-on" spell checker software.  That simply is not acceptable to me and I look for sophisticated products that have all the features I want built-in.

I truly don't want to belabor the point, but I think the ability to create and manipulate reports visually and when printed is crucial to a database product.

Sesame is too valuable and too great a product for me to be "disappointed" with report capabilities.  Not to "make myself right" (because everyone is entitled to their own opinion) ... but nearly everyone I talk to echoes my sentiments with regard to Sesame reports.  Even in Bob Hansen's first response to my message, he said:

Most of your statements are correct, unfortunatley.

(The word "unfortunately" was emboldened by me for emphasis).  (Certainly Bob is one of the most easy-going, agreeble and cooperative people you could ever meet).  I think it is very important for the proliferation of Sesame - and to become a  "leader" in the database industry - for this matter to be given serious consideration.

I have a strong background in computer programming (from the 360 IBM system to Q&A) and consider myself well-versed.  If the report structure is so dificult for me to utilize, I shudder to think what it must be like for a computer "novice."

Once again, I want to be very clear that - at this point in time - I doubt you could find a more staunch supporter of Sesame.  A more user-friendly -  report mechanism would only serve to enhance the product.

Having said that, I will continue to try to understand and master the current tools and try to figure out some way to make it work for me .... and will try my darndest not to belabor the point any further.  I promise!  (lol)

- Spencer

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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #5 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 7:50pm
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Lets be very clear here: The point we are talking about is not the structure of reports, the ability to generate them or render them, the sophistication or flexibility of the report writer, or the capabilities of the report renderer on your OS.

The point is that the report renderer that you chose to use (IE) puts a page header on the first page and you want to turn it off while on the first page and then turn it on again for subsequent pages

Comparing that singular point to a feature as broad as the entire spell checker in a word processor is comparing apples and orchards.

My point is that you can chose to use any number of alternative to the renderer that "came on your box".

I gave you a short list of easy viable alternatives that can do exactly what you want. Including one alternative that is already on your box and merely needs to be enabled.

Here at Lantica we had to make a lot of choices about the report writer. The first choice was whether to use an open standards based format (like HTML, PDF, Postscript, RTF, etc...) or use a closed proprietary format. We chose to go with an open format because they evolve over time, will exist long after Lantica is gone, can be used in thousands of other programs, and allow our user the most flexibility in regard to how they want that format portrayed. A closed format would give us (Lantica) a lot more control over how you (the end user) use that format. A closed format would disallow our reports from being used in any other program or evolving as standards evolve.

After deciding that an open format was preferrable to a proprietary format, we next had to decide how best to portray that format. If you take a look at your operating system you will see that for almost every file format on your system there are so-called "associations". It is these associations that make your operating system usable. On older OS, there are no associations (command line), and everytime you access a file you are required to chose and find the application that you prefer for that file type. MS allows the end user to set (and reset) these associations as they prefer, but does not require that you set them every time your access a file of a particular type.

Knowing that MS provides an association for HTML files, and that the user can set that association to their preferences, it was decided that Sesame should respect that association when rendering HTML. The user has expressed a preference and Sesame abides by that preference.

We take it on the chin and are fully aware that many users are unaware that they are being offered a choice, and blindly accept the defaults. But the other side of that coin is to ignore the choice they may well have actually made. If I went through the bother of finding a HTML renderer that I like better than the default, and any software then ignored that choice I made and rendered the HTML itself (ignoring my settings!), I would not consider that software to be easy to use.


Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #6 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 8:12pm
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Just so we don't lose sight of this:

Version 2.0 does include an alternative, closed format, non-HTML way of generating reports that gives you report-by-report control over page headers, page footers, etc. This new format/method was added to accomodate those of you who consider page headers and page footers to be critical to your reports.

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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #7 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 8:14pm
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Hi Mark -

Well it's obvious that I didn't understand report "rendering" because in Q&A when I ran a report everything was done by Q&A.  (If anything was being done "behind-the-scenes" I didn't know about it and it didn't matter).  If report rendering is done by my IE then that simply opens up a whole other "set of issues" for me.

Now that I know the difference I guess I would clearly prefer a "proprietary" report generator (and it sounds like I just ain't never gonna get it in Sesame) ... so that everything I needed/wanted to do regarding a report would have been done within Sesame.  Certainly whatever you chose to do in the past and choose to do in the future is your prerogative - and I respect that.

As far as my comment regarding word processors and spell checkers, I was not comparing it to just the page numbering issue but rather the entire concept.  I was simply trying to keep my explanation simple ... and apparently "it didn't work" since you see it from a different perspective.

In any event, thank you for all the information.  Case closed!

- Spencer

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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #8 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 8:17pm
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Erika -

I wish I had known that from the beginning.  It may be that the features in 2.0 will address my concerns and that would create a whole new ball game. 

It might also negate many of the comments I had included in the dicussion.

So, have you sent out my copy of version 2.0 yet?  lol

- Spencer

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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #9 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 10:10pm
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I have a strong background in computer programming (from the 360 IBM system to Q&A) and consider myself well-versed.  If the report structure is so dificult for me to utilize, I shudder to think what it must be like for a computer "novice."

Couldn't agree more. Not that it matters.  Grin
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #10 - Nov 12th, 2005 at 10:15pm
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Just so we don't lose sight of this:

Version 2.0 does include an alternative, closed format, non-HTML way of generating reports that gives you report-by-report control over page headers, page footers, etc. This new format/method was added to accomodate those of you who consider page headers and page footers to be critical to your reports.

But will it also repeat column headers on consecutive pages?
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #11 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 12:41am
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But will it also repeat column headers on consecutive pages?

Yes 2.0 can do that in both the "print only" reports and in the HTML reports.

Actually, the HTML reports in 1.1.3 can also repeat the group headers at the top of each page.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #12 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 3:44am
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Re the option to use different programs to read the generated reports.......could we could have an option within Sesame to select the report rendering program or to select the file extension so we can keep our browser associated with HTML pages, but could associate another program for the report renderer?  Perhaps this will be an option with INI files in Version 2?

That would seem to provide a wide range of flexibility.

Sorry I was unable to provide details about Version 2 when I mentioned it in my first reply.  Just had good expectations from the Users Conference, but could not recall the specifics.

I think that Lantica developers have heard us re reports and are planning on responding.  For now, we just need to find ways to work with what we have.

Thanks Mark for the list of alternatives that we can consider.  How do we set the print rendering software for default?  You provided some code, but how/where is this executed?  Can this be done in Sesame?  Have to consider distribution in a network where different users may have different browsers.  Don't want to have to set up each workstation individually.


Bob Hansen
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #13 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 3:04pm
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Re the option to use different programs to read the generated reports.......could we could have an option within Sesame to select the report rendering program or to select the file extension so we can keep our browser associated with HTML pages, but could associate another program for the report renderer?  Perhaps this will be an option with INI files in Version 2?

That would seem to provide a wide range of flexibility.

Under Windows there is really no need. Windows keeps different file associations for each of the different "verbs". These are the menu items you see when right-clicking on a file, and include both "Open" and "Print". If you wish to keep your current preference for browser, but change the HTML print renderer, you would only change the "Print" verb.

I may well add it to the INI file for the operating systems that do not keep file associations.

There is already an environment variable: "SESAME_PRINT_COMMAND" that will override the default association in either Windows or Linux, when printing reports in Sesame. Simply set that variable to the command you prefer and Sesame will use it.
Thanks Mark for the list of alternatives that we can consider.  How do we set the print rendering software for default? 

Most of the packages will simply ask when they are installed if you want that package to be the default. In some case they will install as a print driver, in which case you tell them to be the default by going to Control Panel / Printers, and right clicking on that driver and select "Set as default printer" on the menu that appears.

If the package neither asks, nor is a print driver - Go to Control Panel and select "Folder Options". A dialog will appear. Select the "File Types" tab. Select HTM from the list of extensions. Press the "Advanced" button. Select "Print" from the list of "verbs" or actions. Select "Edit". A second dialog will appear. There is (in most cases) only one field that needs edited: "Application used to perform action". This field is simply a command line (like in the icon properties). Fill it in with the invocation for the program you prefer.
You provided some code, but how/where is this executed?

That code was the invocation code for MSWord to cause to it to load a file (any of the file types it supports) print it immediately and then exit. If you follow the instructions above for changing the file association for the "print verb", you will see that I simply listed the field contents in the order they appear. I would've listed the labels for the fields in the dialog, but I am at home using Linux and couldn't remember them off the top of my head. But, they are the same as those listed for the RTF file type, so you can cut & paste from there.
Can this be done in Sesame? 

Yes. As I mentioned above, Sesame uses an environment variable "SESAME_PRINT_COMMAND".

If you wish to actually change the default system wide, you can use the instructions above. It may be possible to automate the process with regedit from the command line.
Have to consider distribution in a network where different users may have different browsers.  Don't want to have to set up each workstation individually.

It really doesn't have to do with their preferred browser. Sesame does provide a different environment variable for both the browser and the print renderer, they can be set independently. Windows also sets the associations independently. On Windows I use Netscape as my browser, but my HTML print renderer is the default:
Select All
rundll32.exe C:\winnt\system32\mshtml.dll,PrintHTML

The mshtml.dll exists whether or not you have or use IE, it simply the same print renderer that IE uses. MSOffice, on the other hand, uses msohtmed.exe.

You can, under Windows, set folk's desktops to all have the same settings within a Domain or Workgroup, but that it is a question best left to one of the MS system administration forums.


Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Report PAGE Header
Reply #14 - Nov 13th, 2005 at 6:20pm
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But will it also repeat column headers on consecutive pages?

Yes 2.0 can do that in both the "print only" reports and in the HTML reports.

Actually, the HTML reports in 1.1.3 can also repeat the group headers at the top of each page.

I probably should have been more specific. Will it also repeat column headers on consecutive pages in MS/IE, or still just Gecko based browsers?

Also, based on your response, are "group" headers the same as "column"  headers? If so, is it more accurate to use the term "group headers" instead of "column headers" even though they're actually column headers? Not being critical, just want to be sure we're talking about the same thing.

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