Normal Topic Notify Form (Read 1043 times)
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Notify Form
Dec 28th, 2005 at 7:08pm
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Ray -

In another message topic, you stated:
If you notice that F3 is not working for you, and you do not have NotifyForm(4) turned on, do not press it multiple times.

That brings up a couple of points for me:

1)  I have frequently needed to press F3 TWICE to delete a record.  If memory serves me right, it usually happens when I am in search mode and advanced to a "blank" record (usually containing date last modified) which I want to delete.    Is this expected behavior?  (If I use F9 to go back a record, then as far as I can tell the "blank" record is saved).

2) If I do use NotifyForm(4) then how can I easily delete the record should I consciously decide that I want it gone?

I noticed NotifyForm(0) to allow saving.  Would this make it easier to save a record?  For example, if I modify a record and then switch to search mode, I get a warning that the record has not been changed and have to select Navigation/Save Record before I can proceed (which is a nuicance). 

If NotifyForm(0) will not "fix" this problem, then I want to again request that the option to leave a record be changed.  Instead of asking "Do you want to continue (without saving the record)" I would like to have the option to (1) continue without saving the record OR (2) SAVE the record and continue.


- Spencer

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #1 - Dec 28th, 2005 at 7:49pm
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Hello Spencer,

1) You only ever have to press F3 once to delete a record. If you have advanced past your last record and your on form entry programming is setting a field value, you still only have to hit F3 once. What you may have been seeing is if you delete the last record in a result set you are put into extend mode which is a blank record if your programming changes this record then it may appear to be exactly like the partially blank one that you just deleted when in reality it is a brand new record.  So you are not deleting the same record twice you are deleting two seperate records.

2) You would need to set NotifyForm(-4) or NotifyForm(0) to clear the NotifyForm(4) flag. NotifyForm(0) just clears the NotifyForm() flags that have been set. It does not affect normal saving.

I do not see it as a problem that we do not automatically save any change that you make and that we warn you that the changes that you have made have not been saved.

That feature request that you submitted has been handed over to development and is in the list of future enhancements.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #2 - Dec 28th, 2005 at 9:10pm
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Ray -

1) You only ever have to press F3 once to delete a record. If you have advanced past your last record and your on form entry programming is setting a field value, you still only have to hit F3 once. What you may have been seeing is if you delete the last record in a result set you are put into extend mode which is a blank record if your programming changes this record then it may appear to be exactly like the partially blank one that you just deleted when in reality it is a brand new record.  So you are not deleting the same record twice you are deleting two seperate records.

I understand.  So, my next question is:  Is there a way to delete the "blank" record without bringing up another "blank" record that I have to delete?  The bottom line is that I would like to press F3 once and be done with it.  Smiley

I do not see it as a problem that we do not automatically save any change that you make and that we warn you that the changes that you have made have not been saved.

I am not saying that is is a "problem" (per se) that you do not automatically save changes --- although I personally would very much prefer it.  This is especially true, if we could have an "undo" option so that we could revert to the original record, in the event an unwanted change was made.

But, what I am saying is that it is clearly a nuisance to have to go through so many clicks - to simply do what I want in the first place and there has to be a better way to deal with this.

Coincidentally, here's exactly what I was doing when I was notified of your last reply to this message.  

I made a change to a record and wanted to retrieve another reocord.  So ....

1.  I pressed F7

2.  I had to then press "No, I don't want to close this record."

3.  I had to then press Navigation to open the menu options.

4.  I had to then press Save Record to save my changes.

5.  On this attempt, I pressed save record once and "it didn't take" so I was back to Pressing F7.

6.  I was again back to (#1 above), having to press "No, I don't want to close this record."

7.  I then had to press Save record twice to get it to actually save the record.

8.  I had to press F7 (twice) to get to where I wanted to be in the first place -- which is retrieve spec mode.

Even if save record had "worked" in step 4, I still would have had to make 4 or 5 clicks to simply save the record and switch modes.  In either case, I think this is an extraordinary amount of extra effort to simply save a record and change modes.  So, once again I would prefer:

1) automatic save with a simple "undo" option.

2) failing the automatic save, my original request for one click to save the record (or not) and advance to the selected mode.  Something like:  "Your changes have not been saved. Do you want to save them before closing the record?"    Yes   No

Thanks for forwarding my original request for future consideration.  I would appreciate it very much, if you would also forward these additional comments.

I would also appreciate hearing from others on this issue.  Surely, I can't be the only one who finds it so annoying.  And, in the unlikely event no-one finds it annoying, I would like to know whether anyone sees any problem with my alternate suggestions.


- Spencer

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #3 - Dec 28th, 2005 at 9:59pm
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Ray -

I understand.  So, my next question is:  Is there a way to delete the "blank" record without bringing up another "blank" record that I have to delete?  The bottom line is that I would like to press F3 once and be done with it.  Smiley

Well my suggestion would be to think twice about the code that is filling in values on a new record so that you have to delete it. If no programming is changing values on a new record then as soon as you hit F9, that record will no longer be there. So if you move that code or write that code so it does not fill in values on a blank record that does not need to be filled in, then you will not have to worry about deleting blank records as Sesame will not save them.

I am not saying that is is a "problem" (per se) that you do not automatically save changes --- although I personally would very much prefer it.  This is especially true, if we could have an "undo" option so that we could revert to the original record, in the event an unwanted change was made.

There already is a way to revert back to the Saved record and discard any unsaved changes up to this point. Undo Current Form (Shift+F7) which is under the Edit Commands folder on the tree.

But, what I am saying is that it is clearly a nuisance to have to go through so many clicks - to simply do what I want in the first place and there has to be a better way to deal with this.

Coincidentally, here's exactly what I was doing when I was notified of your last reply to this message. 

I made a change to a record and wanted to retrieve another reocord.  So ....

1.  I pressed F7

2.  I had to then press "No, I don't want to close this record."

3.  I had to then press Navigation to open the menu options.

4.  I had to then press Save Record to save my changes.

5.  On this attempt, I pressed save record once and "it didn't take" so I was back to Pressing F7.

6.  I was again back to (#1 above), having to press "No, I don't want to close this record."

7.  I then had to press Save record twice to get it to actually save the record.

8.  I had to press F7 (twice) to get to where I wanted to be in the first place -- which is retrieve spec mode.

Even if save record had "worked" in step 4, I still would have had to make 4 or 5 clicks to simply save the record and switch modes.  In either case, I think this is an extraordinary amount of extra effort to simply save a record and change modes.

Unless you clicked off the tree between step 3 and 4 the Save command would have worked. The only reason you ever have to double click anything on the tree is because focus is not on there. Focus was on the tree though because you expanded the Navigation folder. There is an easier way. In the upper left hand corner there is a button with a blue Floppy Disk on it, which does a complete save which includes saving the current record, so you do not have to deal with the tree at all.

I would also appreciate hearing from others on this issue.  Surely, I can't be the only one who finds it so annoying.  And, in the unlikely event no-one finds it annoying, I would like to know whether anyone sees any problem with my alternate suggestion

Personally I do not find the current way annoying. I hate automatic saves. How far back should the undo go, Should the data go back to the way it was when I first entered the record or should it go back to the way it was the last time I the user clicked Save Record. Automatic Saves would slow down Sesame in Client/Server and in Standalone because Sesame would be doing a save every time you changed an element. If you want Sesame to save every time you change an element you can put an @SelectTreeItem() call in the Form On Element Change event that calls the Save Record option on the tree. Chances are you are not going to like it.

The other way only allows you to save or not save. It does not allow you to return to the form that you were on. I know I have on several times hit Esc by accident and the current message box has saved me from having to go back in, find the record I was working on, and make the changes that I still needed to make.  All I currently need to do is click No, go back in and keep typing up my record.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #4 - Dec 28th, 2005 at 10:21pm
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Ray -

I had completely overlooked the "save application" icon because I want only the record to be saved.  Nevertheless, that might come in handy, so thank you for pointing it out.

As for the automatic save option, it is clear that you and I will never see eye-to-eye on that but that does not change my feelings about it.

I am NOT saying that the form should be saved any time an element is changed (and I can see where that would cause a slowdown).  I AM saying that it should be saved when you are "closing" the form by taking some other action (other than Shift/F7).  This is typical of most other databases, including MS Access.  Any time you leave a record, it is automatically saved.  In addition, you can click anywhere on the left column to save a record at any point.

As for "how far back to go" how far back does Shift/F7 go?  Ideally, I would like to see progressive undo's so that each undo would reverse the last action taken element by element, etc.  If that is not feasible then - in my opinion - it should revert to the status of the record when it was opened.

In a "best case" scenario, if I "give up" and try to train myself to ALWAYS (ugh) save a record before I leave it, I still have to:

1)  Click on Navigation (TWICE - because it wasn't focused)

2)  Click on Save Record

3)  Click on F7 (TWICE - in spite of the fact that the menu was focused and, perhaps, because the focus was on a different section of the menu.)

Even if I got accustomed to this, I would still find it annoying because I would have to do this every time I changed a record.  In the normal process of "updating" a database, this is done over and over and over again.

- Spencer

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #5 - Dec 28th, 2005 at 10:32pm
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In a "best case" scenario, if I "give up" and try to train myself to ALWAYS (ugh) save a record before I leave it, I still have to:

1)  Click on Navigation (TWICE - because it wasn't focused)

2)  Click on Save Record

3)  Click on F7 (TWICE - in spite of the fact that the menu was focused and, perhaps, because the focus was on a different section of the menu.)

I just tried this here with a couple of Sesame applications and it only takes four clicks for me. Two to expand navigation, One to Save, and One to Click Search (F7)

Even if I got accustomed to this, I would still find it annoying because I would have to do this every time I changed a record.  In the normal process of "updating" a database, this is done over and over and over again.

If you have to do it over and over again, why not program a command button that saves the current record and returns you to the search mode. It is just a couple lines of code.

Select All
Var vSuccess as Int

If @Update Then
	vSuccess = @SelectTreeItem("Search Update Menu!Navigation!Save Record")
	vSuccess = @SelectTreeItem("Search Update Menu!Search (F7)")


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #6 - Dec 28th, 2005 at 10:46pm
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OK Ray -

First, to address your suggestion about a command button, I had already thought of that and still don't like the idea of being "forced" to save each record.  Granted, though, it would still be better than what I currently have and I guess I should try it.

But, what about another way of dealing with this issue?!

It is a "given" that any company offering a product/service needs to satisfy as many customers as possible.  Certainly - as a whole - I see an earnest effort to incorporate changes requested by customers and you all should certainly be applauded for that.

In this case, it seems that if I am satisfied, you (and as a user of the database, also a "customer") might not be happy with the change.

So - what about a change that could satisfy everyone?  What about incorporating a "global" type option and let each individual user decide.  This would be similar (I would think) to the Application Default Path settings where each user decides what his or her own path should be.  Provide an application "default" where the user can choose whether or not to provide automatic saves.

If the user chooses no, then let the program function as it currently does (except for changing the option to close the record - to provide the option of closing the record with or without saving the change).

If on the other hand, the user chooses yes (to automatic saves) then save the record and allow the user to "move on."

Once again, I would appreciating your incorporating these additional comments with my original request, for the designer(s) to consider.


- Spencer

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Carl Underwood
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Re: Notify Form
Reply #7 - Dec 29th, 2005 at 2:57am
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I have gotten into the habbit of always pressing F10 before pressing F7.

That's just one extra keystroke (2 total), which is simpler than Ray's 4 mouse clicks, or the 8 steps it has taken you is some cases. Plus, hitting F10 & F7 on the keyboard is quicker than navigating the mouse to the correct line in a congested menu tree.

(You could also use F9 before F7, if your programming is causing complications in extend mode.)

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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