Normal Topic Sesame 1.1.4 Sbasic Commands Listed (Read 912 times)
The Cow
YaBB Administrator

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Sesame 1.1.4 Sbasic Commands Listed
Mar 19th, 2006 at 6:54pm
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       "@(fn as string) as string",
       "@Ab(x as double) as double",
       "@Abs(x as double) as double",
       "@AccessStringArray(str as string, type as int) as string",
       "@Ad() as boolean",
       "@Add() as boolean",
       "AddToTranslationTable(s_from as string, s_to as string)",
       "AlternateDefaultPrinter(printer as string)",
       "@AppendStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string) as string",
       "@Application() as string",
       "@As(s as string) as int",
       "@Asc(s as string) as int",
       "@AskUser(x as string, y as string, z as string) as boolean",
       "@AsynchShell(command as string) as int",
       "@Av(... as double) as double",
       "@Avg(... as double) as double",
       "@BeenHere() as int",
       "BeenHere(state as int)",
       "BooleanElement(var a as array, ... as int) as boolean",
       "@Calendar(startDate as date, title as string) as date",
       "@Cgr(pv as double, fv as double, np as double) as double",
       "@Ch(ascii as int) as char",
       "CharElement(var a as array, ... as int) as char",
       "@Chr(ascii as int) as char",
       "Clear(var ... as string)",
       "@CloseCommandArea() as int",
       "CloseCommandArea(rn as int)",
       "@Color(var fieldName as string, textColor as int, backgrColor as int)",
       "@CompareStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string) as int",
       "@ContainsStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string, type as int) as string",
       "@ContractTreeItem(mname as string) as int",
       "@ConvertStringArrayBySeparator(str as string) as string",
       "@CountStringArray(str as string) as int",
       "@CreateNewRecord() as int",
       "@CurrentElement() as string",
       "@CursorPosition(var fieldName) as int",
       "CursorPosition(var fieldName, position as int)",
       "@D(dateStr as string) as date",
       "@Da() as date",
       "@Database() as string",
       "@Date() as date",
       "DateElement(var a as array, ... as int) as date",
       "@De(s as string, start as int, num as int) as string",
       "@Decimals(currency as string, places as int) as string",
       "@DeferredMacro(mname as string)",
       "@Del(s as string, start as int, num as int) as string",
       "@DeleteStringArray(str1 as string, pos as int) as string",
       "@Di(var ... as string)",
       "@DifferenceStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string) as string",
       "DimLimit(n as int, var a as array) as int",
       "Dims(var a as array) as int",
       "@Ditto(var ... as string)",
       "@Dm(d as date) as int",
       "@Dom(d as date) as int",
       "DoubleElement(var a as array, ... as int) as double",
       "@Dow$(d as date) as string",
       "@Dow(d as date) as int",
       "@Dw$(d as date) as string",
       "@Dw(d as date) as int",
       "@ElementBoundTo(var fieldName as string) as string",
       "@ElementBoundToType(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "@ElementIndexByName(name as string) as int",
       "@ElementName(var fieldName as string) as string",
       "@ElementNameByIndex(index as int) as string",
       "@ElementType(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "ElementType(var a as array) as string",
       "@Error() as boolean",
       "@Ex(x as double, y as double) as double",
       "@Exp(x as double, y as double) as double",
       "@ExpandTreeItem(mname as string) as int",
       "@Field(fn as string) as string",
       "FileClose(handle as int)",
       "FileDelete(fileName as string)",
       "FileExists(fileName as string) as boolean",
       "FileGetErrorMsg(errorCode as int) as string",
       "FileGetLastError() as int",
       "FileOpen(fileName as string) as int",
       "FilePos(handle as int) as int",
       "FileReadChar(handle as int) as char",
       "FileReadln(handle as int, var s as string)",
       "FileSeek(handle as int, filePos as int)",
       "FileSize(handle as int) as int",
       "FileWrite(handle as int, ... as string)",
       "FileWriteln(handle as int, ... as string)",
       "@Filename() as string",
       "@FindStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string) as int",
       "@Fn() as string",
       "ForceGroupBreak(level as int)",
       "FormCommit(FormName as string)",
       "FormFieldValue(formName as string, fieldName as string, instance as int, val as string)",
       "@FormFieldValue(formName as string, fieldName as string, instance as int) as string",
       "@FormIsNotifyForm(formName as string, flag as int) as int",
       "@FormIsStandalone() as int",
       "@FormNewRecord(formName as string) as int",
       "@FormNotifyForm(formName as string) as int"
       "FormNotifyForm(formName as string, flag as int)"
       "@FormResultSetCurrentPosition(formName as string) as int",
       "FormResultSetCurrentPosition(formName as string, rn as int)",
       "@FormResultSetTotal(formName as string) as int",
       "@FormWillClose() as int",
       "@Frac(d as double) as double",
       "@Fv(pa as double, i as double, np as double) as double",
       "@GetFromKeyboard() as int",
       "@GlobalValue(name as string) as string",
       "GlobalValue(name as string, value as string)",
       "@Group() as string",
       "@Height(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "Height(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "@Help(var fieldName as string)",
       "@Hgt(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "Hgt(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "@HideTreeItem(mname as string) as int",
       "@Hp(var fieldName as string)",
       "@ImagePath() as string",
       "@In(s as string, substr as string) as int",
       "@Insert(filename as string) as string",
       "@InsertStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string, pos as int) as string",
       "@Instr(s as string, substr as string) as int",
       "@Int(x as double) as double",
       "IntElement(var a as array, ... as int) as int",
       "@Ir(pv as double, pa as double, np as double) as double",
       "@IsBlank(var fieldName as string) as boolean",
       "@IsNew() as boolean",
       "@IsNotifyForm(flag as int) as int",
       "@It(x as double) as double",
       "@Label(var fieldName as string) as string",
       "Label(var fieldName as string, val as string)",
       "@Layout() as string",
       "@Left(s as string, n as int) as string",
       "@Len(s as string) as int",
       "@LoadCopySpec(mname as string) as int",
       "@LoadExportSpec(mname as string) as int",
       "@LoadImportSpec(mname as string) as int",
       "@LoadMassUpdateSpec(mname as string) as int",
       "@LoadRetrieveSpec(mname as string) as int",
       "@LoadSortSpec(mname as string) as int",
       "Loiter(count as int)",
       "@Lookup(key as string, column as int) as string",
       "Lookup(key as string, column as int, var field as string)",
       "@LookupR(key as string, column as int) as string",
       "LookupR(key as string, column as int, var field as string)",
       "@Lt(s as string, n as int) as string",
       "@Lu(key as string, column as int) as string",
       "Lu(key as string, column as int, var field as string)",
       "@Lur(key as string, column as int) as string",
       "Lur(key as string, column as int, var field as string)",
       "@Macro(mname as string)",
       "@Max(... as double) as double",
       "@Md(s as string, start as int, num as int) as string",
       "@Mid(s as string, start as int, num as int) as string",
       "@Min(... as double) as double",
       "@Mn(... as double) as double",
       "@Mod(x as double, y as double) as double",
       "@Mode() as int",
       "@Modified() as boolean",
       "@Month$(d as date) as string",
       "@Month(d as date) as int",
       "@Msg(s as string)",
       "@MsgBox(x as string, y as string, z as string)",
       "@Mt$(d as date) as string",
       "@Mt(d as date) as int",
       "@Mx(... as double) as double",
       "NewPage(width as int, height as int)",
       "@Newline() as string",
       "@Nl() as string",
       "@Nmb(increment as int) as int",
       "@Nmb() as int",
       "@NotifyForm() as int",
       "NotifyForm(notifyFlag as int)",
       "@Num(s as string) as string",
       "@Number(increment as int) as int",
       "@Number() as int",
       "@NumberOfElements() as int",
       "@PageExtentX() as int",
       "PageExtentX(xx as int) as int",
       "@PageExtentY() as int",
       "PageExtentY(yy as int) as int",
       "@Platform() as string",
       "@Play(... as string)",
       "@Pmt(pv as double, i as double, np as double) as double",
       "PopulateListElement(var fieldName as string, val as string)",
       "@PopupMenu(list as string, header as string) as string",
       "PopupSelectPosition(p as int, xx as int, yy as int)",
       "PrintBox(boxtype as int, xpos as int, ypos as int, width as int, height as int)",
       "PrintImage(val as string, xpos as int, ypos as int, width as int, height as int)",
       "PrintPageMargin(left as int, top as int, right as int, bottom as int)",
       "PrintPageOrientation(orient as int)",
       "PrintPagePaper(paper as int)",
       "PrintPageTray(tray as int)",
       "PrintString(val as string, xpos as int, ypos as int, width as int, font as string, fontsize as int, measure_only as int)",
       "@PromptForUserInput(q as string, def as string) as string",
       "@Pv(pa as double, i as double, np as double) as double",
       "@QuestionUser(q as string, def as string) as string",
       "RGBColor(var fieldName as string, r1 as int, g1 as int, b1 as int, r2 as int, g2 as int, b2 as int)",
       "Random(n as double) as double",
       "ReadChar() as char",
       "ReadLn(var s as string)",
       "@ReadOnly(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "ReadOnly(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "@RecordModifiedDate() as date",
       "@RecordModifiedTime() as time",
       "@RelabelTreeItem(mname as string, new_name as string) as int",
       "@Replace(s as string, old as string, new as string) as string",
       "@ReplaceByPosition(s as string, new as string, position as int, len as int) as string",
       "@ReplaceStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string, index as int) as string",
       "@Replfir(s as string, old as string, new as string) as string",
       "@Repllas(s as string, old as string, new as string) as string",
       "@Rest(x as string, y as string) as boolean",
       "@ResultSetCurrentPosition() as int",
       "ResultSetCurrentPosition(rn as int)",
       "@ResultSetTotal() as int",
       "@RevealTreeItem(mname as string) as int",
       "ReviseTranslationTable(s_from as string, s_to as string)",
       "@Right(s as string, n as int) as string",
       "@Rnd(x as double, places as int) as double",
       "@Round(x as double, places as int) as double",
       "@Rt(s as string, n as int) as string",
       "RunExitProgrammingOnCloseForm(state as int)",
       "@SearchStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string) as string",
       "@Select(n as int, ... as string) as string",
       "@SelectTreeItem(mname as string) as int",
       "@SendMail(Server as string, Subject as string, SenderUserId as string, DestUserIds as string, CcUserIds as string, BccUserIds as string, MessageBody as string) as int",
       "@ServerDate() as string",
       "@ServerTime() as string",
       "SetBooleanElement(newValue as boolean, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetCharElement(newValue as char, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetDateElement(newValue as date, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetDefaultTab(level as string)",
       "SetDoubleElement(newValue as double, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetIntElement(newValue as int, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetStringArraySeparator(str as string)",
       "SetStringElement(newValue as string, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetThisElement(element_name as string)",
       "SetTimeElement(newValue as time, var a as array, ... as int)",
       "SetTooltip(var fieldName as string, tt_text as string)",
       "@Sgn(x as double) as int",
       "@Shell(command as string) as int",
       "@SortStringArray(str as string, type as int) as string",
       "Split(var s as string, delimiters as string) as string",
       "@Sq(x as double) as double",
       "@Sqrt(x as double) as double",
       "@Standalone() as int",
       "@Std(... as double) as double",
       "@Str(s as string) as string",
       "@StringArrayElementList() as string",
       "StringElement(var a as array, ... as int) as string",
       "@SubformVisibility(formName as string) as int",
       "SubformVisibility(formName as string, rn as int)",
       "@Sum(... as double) as double",
       "@T(timeStr as string) as time",
       "@TD(x as date) as date",
       "@TM(x as double) as double",
       "@TN(x as double) as double",
       "@TT(x as time) as time",
       "@TY(x as boolean) as boolean",
       "Tab(n as int) as string",
       "@Text(n as int, s as string) as string",
       "ThrowFocus(var fieldName as string)",
       "@Time() as time",
       "TimeElement(var a as array, ... as int) as time",
       "@Timestamp() as int",
       "@Tme() as time",
       "@ToDate(x as date) as date",
       "ToLower(s as string) as string",
       "@ToMoney(x as double) as double",
       "@ToNumber(x as double) as double",
       "@ToTime(x as time) as time",
       "ToUpper(s as string) as string",
       "@ToYesNo(x as boolean) as boolean",
       "@TreeItemExpansion(mname as string) as int",
       "@TreeItemVisibility(mname as string) as int",
       "@Txt(n as int, s as string) as string",
       "@Ud() as boolean",
       "@UnionStringArray(str1 as string, str2 as string) as string",
       "@UniqueStringArray(str1 as string) as string",
       "@Update() as boolean",
       "@Us(list as string) as string",
       "Us(list as string, var field as string)",
       "@UserSelect(list as string) as string",
       "UserSelect(list as string, var field as string)",
       "@Userid() as string",
       "@Usl(list as string) as string",
       "Usl(list as string, var field as string)",
       "@Var(... as double) as double",
       "@Visibility(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "Visibility(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "@Width(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "Width(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "Write(... as string)",
       "WriteLn(... as string)",
       "@Wth(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "Wth(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "@XLR(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "@XListValues(fn as string, xf as string) as string",
       "@XLookup(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "XLookup(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, xlf as string, var df as string)",
       "@XLookupAll(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "@XLookupR(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "XLookupR(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, xlf as string, var df as string)",
       "@XLookupSourceList(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "@XLookupSourceListAll(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "@XPos(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "XPos(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "XPost(fn as string, xk as string, kvf as string, entry as string, xtf as string, ... as string)",
       "XPostR(fn as string, xk as string, kvf as string, entry as string, xtf as string, ... as string)",
       "XPostall(fn as string, xk as string, kvf as string, entry as string, xtf as string, ... as string)",
       "@XUserSelect(fn as string, xf as string) as string",
       "XUserSelect(fn as string, xf as string, var df as string)",
       "@XUserSelectR(fn as string, xf as string, xdf as string, startr as string, endr as string) as string",
       "XUserSelectR(fn as string, xf as string, xdf as string, startr as string, endr as string, var df as string)",
       "Xlr(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, xlf as string, var df as string)",
       "@Xlu(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, lf as string) as string",
       "Xlu(fn as string, key as string, xkf as string, xlf as string, var df as string)",
       "@Xus(list as string, xf as string) as string",
       "Xus(fn as string, xf as string, var df as string)",
       "@Xusr(fn as string, xf as string, xdf as string, startr as string, endr as string) as string",
       "Xusr(fn as string, xf as string, xdf as string, startr as string, endr as string, var df as string)",
       "@YPos(var fieldName as string) as int",
       "YPos(var fieldName as string, val as int)",
       "@Year(d as date) as int",
       "@Yr(d as date) as int",

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Carl Underwood
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Re: Sesame 1.1.4 Sbasic Commands Listed
Reply #1 - Mar 19th, 2006 at 8:37pm
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I notice that you have listed both @FormIsStandalone and @Standalone. Aren't these the same thing, or does @Standalone refer to the Server/Client situation?

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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The Cow
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Re: Sesame 1.1.4 Sbasic Commands Listed
Reply #2 - Mar 19th, 2006 at 8:48pm
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They are the same thing. A lot of these abbreviations for others. I made this list by extracting a portion of our keyword table.

@FormIsStandalone should be (and is) renamed, in that it became something of a standard around here that if the name starts with "Form" then the command runs on the specified form, as opposed to running on the current form.

I should probably take it off the list - at least for 2.0.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Sesame 1.1.4 Sbasic Commands Listed
Reply #3 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 6:32pm
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Just incase any one was wondering, The syntax for HighlightLE() is missing from the list above.

It is
HighlightLE(var FieldName as String, Start as Int, End as Int)

An example of this is,

Select All
HighlightLE(Company, 0, @Len(Company)) 


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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