Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Wordmerge in Linux (Read 2738 times)

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Wordmerge in Linux
Apr 25th, 2007 at 9:02am
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While converting from Windows to Linux, I discovered a problem with the wordmerge button I had installed in a database.
It merges the result from a specific record with a ms word file that contains certain fields from the record.

I tried to change the script but I keep having an error. I suppose it has something to do with the path reference I use. For now I have:

var vDataPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Sesame/Docs/customer.txt"
var vDocsPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Docs
var vWordPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/"
var vListPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Sesame/Docs/list.txt"

But I think it has to be something else. Does anyone know a way out?


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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #1 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:03pm
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Hi Kris,

What error do you get?

If the error occurs when you run Test Program in Sesame, it may be the missing quote mark at the end of the second line:
var vDocsPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Docs"

- Hammer
The plural of anecdote is not data.
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #2 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:16pm
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OK, I feel a bit stupid I did not see that.

The error is gone, but now I have another problem. When I'm using Sesame and I try to merge a document, after I selct "This record only" nothing happens anymore. Any ideas why this could happen?
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #3 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:22pm
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Don't feel stupid! I can't type three lines of code without making eight syntax errors. That's what Test Program is for.   Wink

Can you post the contents of

Also, WordMerge has been through several versions. Could you post your code so we have a point of reference?

- Hammer
The plural of anecdote is not data.
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #4 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:29pm
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I got a bit further. In the preview application I get every step to merge a document, but when normally openoffice writer should open, nothing happens.

This is the content of my


This is the code of the Wordmerge I use:

var vFileHandle as Int          // For writing data file
var vHeader as String           // Data file header line
var vData as String             // Data file data line
var n as Int = 1            // General purpose counter
var vSelectedDoc as String      // Document selected from menu
var vOneOrAll as String         // Include record(s) option
var F as array[81] of String    // Mergeable fields array
var vStartingRec = @ResultSetCurrentPosition()
var vGoPrint as String

/* This program differs slightly from the one in
   Appendix 2 of the Sesame Programming Guide.
   This one gets its list of available merge documents
   from an external text file (list.txt) instead of the
   document names being hard-coded into the program.
   One may then create any number of merge documents,
   and simply edit the list.txt file (with Notepad) to
   correspond to the available merge documents */

// Next 4 lines user modifiable
var vDataPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Sesame/Docs/customer.txt"
var vDocsPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Sesame/Docs/"
var vWordPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Sesame/"
var vListPath as String = "/home/Krisla/Desktop/Sesame/Docs/list.txt"

SUBROUTINE PrintCurrentRecordOnly()

If @Askuser("Merge print the " + vSelectedDoc + " for "
+ vOneOrAll + "?","","") Then

vGoPrint = "Yes"

n = 1                  
While F[n] <> ""
     vHeader = vHeader + F[n]   + "^"
     vData   = vData   + @(F[n]) + "^"
     n = n + 1

vFileHandle = fileOpen(vDataPath)
fileSeek(vFileHandle, 0)
fileWriteLn(vFileHandle, vHeader + @NewLine() + vData)



SUBROUTINE PrintAllRetrievedRecords()

var n as Int
var i as Int = 1

If @Askuser("Merge Print " + vSelectedDoc + " for these " + @ResultSetTotal() + " retrieved records?",
"( If not, cancel this task, press F7 for a new search,"," and retrieve the records DO you want to print. )")

     vGoPrint = "Yes"

     n = 1                  
     While F[n] <> ""
           vHeader = vHeader + F[n]   + "^"
           n = n + 1

     vFileHandle = fileOpen(vDataPath)
     fileSeek(vFileHandle, 0)
     fileWriteLn(vFileHandle, vHeader)

     For n = 1 to @ResultSetTotal()


     While F[i] <> ""
           vData = vData + @(F[i]) + "^"
           i = i + 1

     FileWriteLn(vFileHandle, vData)

     @Msg("Processed Record " + n + " of " + @ResultSetTotal())
     vData = ""
     i = 1



     // Rewind to record where it all started




// Build documents menu

vSelectedDoc = @PopupMenu(
@insert(vListPath), "SELECT MERGE DOCUMENT" )

// Build which record(s) menu

vOneOrAll = @PopupMenu(
"THIS Record Only;" +
"ALL Retrieved Records;" , "SELECT RECORD(S) TO MERGE PRINT" )

If vSelectedDoc <> "" and vOneOrAll <> "" Then

     // Delete exsting data file. New one will be generated.
     If FileExists(vDocsPath + vSelectedDoc) Then

     // Fields available for merging
     F[1] = "Nummer";
       F[2] = "Numm.advokaat";
       F[3] = "zie notas";
     F[4] = "W.K.";
       F[5] = "Lid KVG";
       F[6] = "Mutualiteit";
     F[7] = "Naam";
       F[8] = "Voornaam";
       F[9] = "Voor";
     F[10]= "Verhoging door herziening";
       F[11]= "Adres";
       F[12]= "Nr";
     F[13]= "Postnummer";
       F[14]= "Gemeente";
       F[15]= "Tel.";
       F[16]= "70";
       F[17]= "2de rolnummer";
     F[18]= "naam vertegenwoordig(st)er";
     F[19]= "beroep t/attest";
     F[20]= "adm.beroep/adm.beroep";
     F[21]= "betreft";
     F[22]= "tegen beslissing";
     F[23]= "te verdedigen";
     F[24]= "medisch b. op besliss.min.";
     F[25]= "onderz.";
     F[26]= "rolnummer";
     F[27]= "advokaat";
     F[28]= "inleiding";
     F[29]= "verdaagd";
     F[30]= "bijzondere rol";
     F[31]= "doorhaling";
     F[32]= "voorkeuze begeleidende arts";
     F[33]= "aangestelde deskundige; - dr.1";
     F[34]= "- dr.2";
     F[35]= "- dr.3";
     F[36]= "andere discipline";
     F[37]= "discipline";
     F[38]= "datum deskundig onderzoek";
     F[39]= "inhoud voorlopig verslag";
     F[40]= "verslag aan client j/n";
     F[41]= "uitstel gevraagd";
     F[42]= "bemerkingen";
     F[43]= "datum bemerkingen";
     F[44]= "inhoud definitief verslag";
     F[45]= "110";
     F[46]= "tweede eis";
     F[47]= "eindzitting";
     F[48]= "datum eindvonnis";
     F[49]= "inhoud eindvonnis";
     F[50]= "advies advocaat h.beroep";
     F[51]= "start 2000";
     F[52]= "brief zaak afgehandeld";
     F[53]= "brief dossier op bureel";
     F[54]= "dossier meegenomen";
     F[55]= "auditoraat nr.";
     F[56]= "notas";
     F[57]= "huisdokter";
     F[58]= "ikvt";
     F[59]= "it";
     F[60]= "haanb";
     F[61]= "mw";
     F[62]= "numm.ministerie";
     F[63]= "numm.riziv";
     F[64]= "verblijf adres";
     F[65]= "naam contact adres";
     F[66]= "verzaking aanvraag";
     F[67]= "zaak beroepscommissie";
     F[68]= "gift j/n";
     F[69]= "b.numm.";
     F[70]= "ref. compensatiekas";
     F[71]= "lid numm. C.M.";
     F[72]= "verklaring client";
     F[73]= "1";
     F[74]= "150";
     F[75]= "2";
     F[76]= "geboortedatum";
     F[77]= "geboortepl.";
     F[78]= "3";
     F[79]= "rijksregister nr.";
     F[80]= "terug voorkomen";

     If vOneOrAll = "THIS Record Only" Then

     If vGoPrint = "Yes" Then
           // Start Word via Word.bat and pass doc filename.            
           n = @Shell(vWordPath + " " + @Chr(34) + vDocsPath + vselectedDoc + @Chr(34))
           If n = 1 Then
           @MSgbox(vDocsPath + vSelectedDoc,"word.bat not found or something else wrong.","")
           @Msgbox(vDocsPath + vSelectedDoc + " doesn't exist.","","Aw shucks!")

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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:32pm
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I keep making progress: after merging a record, openoffice writer opens, but with a blank page instead of the document I wanted to merge the record with. I guess it has something to do with the syntax in
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #6 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:43pm
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If oowriter is in your path, you shouldn't need anything in except:

oowriter $1

If it isn't in your path, then you need the full path to it. For example:

/usr/bin/oowriter $1

The $1 picks up the name of the document you want to open so Open Office knows what doc you want.

- Hammer
The plural of anecdote is not data.
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #7 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:53pm
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Thank you so much. At this point I get the openoffice document I want. Now I only have to try to set up the merge fields in openoffice
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #8 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 1:06pm
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And here is my next problem. Is there a way to connect fields in openoffice to a text document (in this case customer.txt) where the fields are separated by a "^"?
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #9 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 1:42pm
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Kris wrote on Apr 25th, 2007 at 1:06pm:
And here is my next problem. Is there a way to connect fields in openoffice to a text document (in this case customer.txt) where the fields are separated by a "^"?

Hello Kris,
In Open Office Writer it is possible to specify how your text file is formatted. You should receive an email shortly that contains step by step instructions for setting up a merge document in Open Office.

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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #10 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 2:13pm
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You should receive an email shortly that contains step by step instructions for setting up a merge document in Open Office.

I'll also add these instructions to the Sesame Library when I get a minute.

- Hammer
The plural of anecdote is not data.
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #11 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:09pm
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Thank you! Your excellent guide brought me a huge step closer, although I still have a (minor) question.

I can use the .txt file as a data source and I can insert fields from it in the writer document. Then I save it, with the fields in it, and I close it. When I try to merge another record I notice the fields are no longer active and I have to insert them again manually. Is there a way to save my document so that I only have to make it up once (I hope you understand what I mean, because english is not my mother language)?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #12 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:29pm
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Kris wrote on Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:09pm:
I can use the .txt file as a data source and I can insert fields from it in the writer document. Then I save it, with the fields in it, and I close it. When I try to merge another record I notice the fields are no longer active and I have to insert them again manually?

Thanks in advance!

When you saved the writer document that you added the fields to, did you save over the existing file or did you save it as a new document. If you saved the changed document as a new file, you will need to point Sesame at that version of the document.

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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #13 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:33pm
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No, I saved it over the existing file.
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Re: Wordmerge in Linux
Reply #14 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 6:38pm
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Problem solved!

If you save the document as a MS Word document, the fields disappear. If you save the file as an .odt they stay where they should stay.

I'm gonnan test it some more, but I think for the moment I have what I want: merging records from Sesame with Openoffice.

Hammer and Ben, thank you very much for your invaluable help !!
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