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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) MergeFilePrint() Questions (Read 10586 times)
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MergeFilePrint() Questions
Jul 19th, 2007 at 9:13pm
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I am confused (Yes once again)

Does an element name (amount of letters contained) affect how it merges with MergeFilePrint() ?

I have numerous name.Rtf files created and working well for my merge needs. My problem is when I am creating the original master RTF merge document it is often hit and miss if the data will display. Often it seems to occur when an element name is larger.

I can copy a perfectly working RTF file, rename it a new RTF file name and run it, it merges fine. I then open the RTF file change an element name. In my example I change PropertyFirst (the name of the property owner) to PropertyPODContactFirst (the name of the Pay off Demand company contact) and it will not work.

Often if I change my element name to something short it works.

I have messed with the folding digit and opening in notepad and manually editing the line but that creates all sorts of other issues for me.

Has anyone else seen this behavior using MergeFilePrint() ?

Has anyone had problems getting certain elements to merge when they try to create a MergeFilePrint() document ?

« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2008 at 9:04pm by Hammer »  

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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #1 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 9:33pm
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I know this is probably a silly question, but I have to get it out of the way.
Are you certain you are spelling the element name correctly?

- Hammer
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #2 - Jul 19th, 2007 at 9:53pm
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Hammer wrote on Jul 19th, 2007 at 9:33pm:
I know this is probably a silly question, but I have to get it out of the way.
Are you certain you are spelling the element name correctly?

Silly questions fit me well.  Smiley Unfortunately that is not the problem in this case.

I often times f5 in the name box of the property editor and copy this data and paste into my [[  ]]  (on a side note right clicking in the property editor field offers a choice of Grab Current Value- once grabbed how do I paste this? Ctrl V does not work)



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Carl Underwood
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #3 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 1:54am
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BOBSCOTT wrote on Jul 19th, 2007 at 9:53pm:
(on a side note right clicking in the property editor field offers a choice of Grab Current Value- once grabbed how do I paste this? Ctrl V does not work)

That is simply doing the exact same thing as pressing the F5 key. It's doesn't place the value in the Windows clipboard. Try it while the Name field in Property Editor is empty (and an LE is selected), and you will see that it fills in with the name of the LE.

To copy the value, you need to use Ctrl-C, or select Edit Long Value, then use the right-click Copy selection from that editor window.

It would be nice, though, if that little popup menu had the normal Cut, Copy, Paste... type choices available at the Property Editor level, rather than only in the popup editor window.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #4 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 2:36pm
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That is simply doing the exact same thing as pressing the F5 key

Thanks Carl,

I use the f5 feature all the time. I find it to be one of the handiest little features. My interpretation of grab current value was different then its actual intention. I was thinking once I f5 to retrieve the value write clicking on grab current value meant it wood cut it to a clipboard saving me my ctl c ctrl v steps.  No biggie!

Now does no other responses mean I am the only one who is having a problem with some elements and MergeFilePrint ?

Everyone else just sticks the [[ brackets around the element name and all is well?


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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #5 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 2:56pm
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BOBSCOTT wrote on Jul 20th, 2007 at 2:36pm:
Now does no other responses mean I am the only one who is having a problem with some elements and MergeFilePrint ?

Everyone else just sticks the [[ brackets around the element name and all is well?

Is there one that always fails that we can try/look at?

- Hammer
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #6 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 3:07pm
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Hammer wrote on Jul 20th, 2007 at 2:56pm:
Is there one that always fails that we can try/look at?

Sure. I will send tech support my app, 2 rtf files 1 that works everytime and 1 with only 1  element that does not. I will attach directions on the steps I use.


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Ray the Reaper
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #7 - Jul 20th, 2007 at 3:48pm
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Thanks Robert, I'll have a look at it as soon as possible.


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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #8 - Jul 24th, 2007 at 2:02pm
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Just a Followup:

Roberts problem turned out to be that the ['s and ]'s were set as one font Face and size and the name of the element was set as another font face and size. When viewed as plain text it looked something like this /fontstatement[[/fontstatementPropertyPODContactFirst/fontstatement]]

It was fixed by selecting the entire Merge Field and setting the font size and face on it.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #9 - Mar 14th, 2008 at 12:47pm
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I use [[AddressBlock]] tag in the merge doc in place of individual merge fields
to handles a blank-linesin-the-address-block problem.  And
Replace [[theDate]] merge tag with current formal date  [[Datum]] merge tag
also inserts the current date in the doc.

Since the original RFT-File after the start of the MergeFilePrint is changed. I try to do a copy from the original before the start from it over Shell. Unfortunately, the Shell runs - command not correct. I make one for mistake here surely.

Thanks for the help.

Dr. Belhareth

hier is Batch file:
copy %1  %2

MergePrintFile Code:

ar vTypeFiles as String      // Files of specified type (file extension)
var vSelectedFile as String // Selected file
var n as Int                       // Loop counter
var vDoc as String
var vAddressBlock as String
var vOutputAddressBlock as String
var vResult as String
var vDatei as String
var vDateiKopie as String

PopupSelectPosition(4, @XPos(ThisElement),@YPos(ThisElement))
vPath = "C:\Sesame2\DOCS\RFT"

vType = @Popupmenu(".txt;.doc;.pdf;.htm;.rtf","SELECT FILE")

vAllFiles = @LocalListDirectory(vPath)

For n = 1 to @CountStringArray(vAllFiles)
If @Right(@AccessStringArray(vAllFiles, n), 4) = vType
vTypeFiles = @AppendStringArray(vTypeFiles,@AccessStringArray(vAllFiles, n) )

vTypeFiles = @SortStringArray(vTypeFiles, 0)
vSelectedFile = @PopupChoiceList(vTypeFiles, vPath + "\*" + vType)
vDatei = vPath + "\" + vSelectedFile
@Msgbox("Selected file:","",vDatei)
PopupSelectPosition(0, 0, 0)

vDateiKopie =  vPath + "\2" + vSelectedFile

(??)  n = @AsynchShell("C:\sesame2\copy.bat " + vDatei + " " + vDateiKopie)

// This program uses an [[AddressBlock]] tag in the merge doc
// Read in the rtf merge doc
vDoc = @Insert(vDateiKopie)

// Compile the address block
vAddressBlock = Vorname + " " + NachName + @NL() + Firma +@NL() + Add1 + @NL() + Add2 + @NL() + Plz + ", " +  Ort

// Replace [[theDate]] merge tag with current formal date
vDoc = @Replace(vDoc, "[[Datum]]",@Dom(@ServerDate()) + "." + @Month$(@ServerDate()) + "."+ @Year(@ServerDate()) )

// Collapse any blank lines in address block
vAddressBlock = @Replace(vAddressBlock, @NL() + @NL(),@NL())

// Loop thru the address block and precede each remaining
// line with the rtf "\par" tag for a new paragraph

For n = 1 to @CountStringArray(vAddressBlock)
vOutputAddressBlock += "\par " + @AccessStringArray(vAddressBlock, n) + @NL()

// Replace the merge doc tag with the reconstituted address block
vDoc = @Replace(vDoc, "[[AddressBlock]]", vOutputAddressBlock)

// vresult = "Myresult"
If FileExists("C:\Sesame2\Myresult.rtf")  then  FileDelete("C:\Sesame2\Myresult.rtf")

// Write output file
FileOverwrite(vDateiKopie, vDoc)

     MergeFilePrint(vDateiKopieNeu, "rtf", "", "", "", "Myresult", 0)
           n = @AsynchShell("Myresult.rtf")
« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2008 at 11:43am by Amor »  

Dr. med. Amor Belhareth&&Medizin Labor &&Germany
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Carl Underwood
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #10 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 1:40am
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Since the original RFT-File after the start of the MergeFilePrint is changed.

Actually, that is not accurate. The original RTF file is not changed by Sesame. It simply reads the original file into memory, and writes the changes out to a different file. For example, in the following code sample, "Document.rtf" is read into memory, then the modified output is written to "Result.rtf" (the .rtf file extension is omitted because Sesame will use the extension specified in the extension parameter).

Select All
MergeFilePrint("Data\Document.rtf", "rtf", "", "", "", "Data\Result", 1) 

Hmmm... Now that I've looked through your code, I realize that I may have misunderstood what you meant in the statement above.

I see that you are modifying the original RTF file before MergeFilePrint() has a chance to read it. There is another way to handle the AddressBlock.

The documentation indicates that the 5th argument (called "matches") allows us to "match" the merge field names appearing in the merge file with the element names on the form. What is doesn't tell us, is that you can also "match" a merge field name with a variable.

So, rather than modify the RTF document, you should be able to use something like the following:
Select All
MergeFilePrint(vDateiKopieNeu, "rtf", "", "", "AddressBlock=vOutputAddressBlock", "Myresult", 0) 

BTW, I see you already found out that MergeFilePrint() will not overwrite an existing file, so you definately do need to keep using this:
Select All
If FileExists("C:\Sesame2\Myresult.rtf")  then  FileDelete("C:\Sesame2\Myresult.rtf") 


Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #11 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:49pm
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Hello Carl!
I can ´t  "match" a merge field name with a variable.
MergeFilePrint hier  does not work:

MergeFilePrint(vDatei, "rtf", "", "", "AddressBlock=vOutputAddressBlock", "Myresult", 0)


Dr. Belhareth
« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2008 at 10:41am by Amor »  

Dr. med. Amor Belhareth&&Medizin Labor &&Germany
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Carl Underwood
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #12 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 1:40am
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Sorry about that.  Embarrassed    The variable must be outside of the quotes.  Roll Eyes

The correct syntax is like this:
Select All
MergeFilePrint(vDatei, "rtf", "", "", "AddressBlock=" + vOutputAddressBlock, "Myresult", 0)  

Be sure to let me know if this works - it should.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #13 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 1:15pm
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Hello Carl!
Thanks for the support.
Your proposal runs good, but unfortunately I get shut only the first line of the AddressBlocks !

My code :

/ / Compile the address blocks
vAddressBlock = first name" + " + last name + @NL() + company + @NL() + Add1 + @NL() + Add2 + @NL() + country" + " + Plz" + " + place
/ / Collapse any brightly lines in address blocks
vAddressBlock = @Replace (vAddressBlock, @NL() + @NL(), @NL() )

/ / Loop thru the blocks address and precede each remaining
// line with the rtf "\par" tag to signify new paragraph
For n = 1 to @CountStringArray(vAddressBlock)
vOutputAddressBlock += "\par " + @AccessStringArray(vAddressBlock, n) + @NL()

If FileExists("C:\Sesame2\Myresult.rtf") then  FileDelete("C:\Sesame2\Myresult.rtf")

vMatches = "AddressBlock=" + vOutputAddressBlock
  MergeFilePrint(vDatei, "rtf", "", "", vMatches,"Myresult", 0)
           n = @AsynchShell("Myresult.rtf")

Dr. Belhareth

Dr. med. Amor Belhareth&&Medizin Labor &&Germany
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Carl Underwood
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Re: MergeFilePrint() frustration.
Reply #14 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 2:27pm
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Yes, I see what you mean.

I've never tried to use multiple lines in the same variable before, but I just worked it out now.

This is the general template that works properly. It only requires one variable and no loops.
Select All
var vAddressBlock as string

// Build address block
vAddressBlock = LE1 + @NL() + LE2 + @NL() + LE3

// Remove blank lines
vAddressBlock = @Replace(vAddressBlock, @NL() + @NL(), @NL() )

// Insert RTF paragraph tags
vAddressBlock = @Replace(vAddressBlock, @NL(), "\par " + @NL())

// Delete existing output file because MergeFilePrint will not overwrite files
If FileExists("Data\result.rtf")

// Merge data with document
MergeFilePrint("Data\Document.rtf", "rtf", "", "", "Address1=" + vAddressBlock, "Data\result", 1)


Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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