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Printout problem
Nov 1st, 2007 at 2:19pm
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My Workorders and Invoices use the @ symbol in text strings for noting price rates, for example: "1 Rigger, 3 hours @ $64.00 per hour, Uncrating"

However, on my printouts, everything after the @ symbol is not being printed.  Have I done something wrong with my PrintString command or is there special programming I need to put in place to make this work?

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #1 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 2:55pm
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You have to use @Replace() to replace a single @ with @@.


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #2 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 3:04pm
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OK, thanks.  Where should this be done, when the string is first generated or just before it is printed?  If the former, I can easily do it in my programming when the different elements are put together to form the string (though I'd rather not have "@@" appear on the display, because I'm sure my users will be confused by it).  If the latter I'm afraid I'll need some further advice and hand-holding as it will be a wholesale overhaul of my print routine.  Which I don't mind, but I will need help.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #3 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 3:18pm
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You could do either of those but I would recommend the later, and don't worry I'm here if you need a hand.


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #4 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 3:25pm
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Another recommendation: Write a function for this. That way, if you need to add or adjust what special characters need attention, you can do so in one place and all your PrintString code will fall into line automatically.

Select All
FUNCTION CleanPrintData(vIn as String) as String
var vRet as String

    vRet = vIn
    vRet = @Replace(vRet, "@", "@@")
    // Do any other stuff you need to do
    Return vRet


PrintString(CleanPrintData(PriceRate1), 100, 200, 0, "BArial", 33, 0)
PrintString(CleanPrintData(PriceRate2), 100, 250, 0, "BArial", 33, 0)
PrintString(CleanPrintData(PriceRate3), 100, 300, 0, "BArial", 33, 0)


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #5 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 3:41pm
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Are there any other characters I'll need to replace?

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #6 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 4:25pm
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Not that I know of.


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #7 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 7:09pm
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Can @Replace be used within the Printstring command, to alter the value of the element being printed?  That is, can
Select All
Printstring(Laborer_1, 335, vPosY + 375, 0, vFont, vSize, 0) 

Select All
Printstring(@Replace(Laborer_1, "@", "@@), 335, vPosY + 375, 0, vFont, vSize, 0) 


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #8 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 7:46pm
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Infinity wrote on Nov 1st, 2007 at 7:09pm:
Can @Replace be used within the Printstring command, to alter the value of the element being printed?

Yes, but the way I showed you will make your life much easier in the long run than embedding this in each of your PrintString calls. Up to you though.  Smiley

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #9 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 7:54pm
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Sorry Erika, I didn't see your earlier reply.  Thanks, I'll give it a try.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #10 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 8:34pm
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I'm having partial success, and am very confused by what I am seeing.

Here is one of my current print routines:

Select All
Var vWillItFit as Int
Var vTextToPrint as String
Var vMaxWidth as Int
Var vLen as Int
Var vWidth as Int

// Prints the Pickup Company name
vWillItFit = 0
vTextToPrint = CleanPrintData(Pickup_Company)
vLen = @Len(vTextToPrint)
vMaxWidth = 300 //This is the Max printed width
While((vWillItFit = 0) And (vLen > 0))
	Printstring(vTextToPrint, 0, 0, 0, vFont, vSize, 1)
	If @PageExtentX() <= vMaxWidth Then
		vWillItFit = 1
		vLen = vLen - 1
		vTextToPrint = @Left(vTextToPrint, vLen)
Printstring(vTextToPrint, 160, vPosY + 255, 0, vFont, vSize, 0) 

When the value stored in Pickup_Company is "Company @ Name", the printout is "Company".

When the value stored in Pickup_Company is "@ Name", the printout is "@ Name".


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #11 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 9:30pm
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Hello Scott,

I see what you are seeing here. I think it has to do with a problem in an underlying library and the @ symbol. I'll pass it on to development.

In the meantime what you can do is change that function Erika gave you to

Select All
FUNCTION CleanPrintData(vIn as String) as String
var vRet as String

    vRet = vIn
    vRet = @Replace(vRet, " @ ", " at ")
    // Do any other stuff you need to do
    Return vRet



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Re: Printout problem
Reply #12 - Nov 1st, 2007 at 10:19pm
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Thanks Ray.  Whew, am I relieved!  I hate to hear that there's a bug in the program but I gotta tellya, this was driving me absolutely nuts this afternoon.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #13 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 1:06am
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Infinity wrote on Nov 1st, 2007 at 10:19pm:
Thanks Ray.  Whew, am I relieved!  I hate to hear that there's a bug in the program but I gotta tellya, this was driving me absolutely nuts this afternoon.

This one isn't even our program. It's one of the base libraries. Makes it extra fun to find.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #14 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 10:27am
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This one isn't even our program. It's one of the base libraries. Makes it extra fun to find.

I don't envy you that.  Make it fun; make it a contest.

While you're digging in there, is it possible to redesign PrintString() so that it can handle @ symbols without jumping through hoops (to coin a phrase)?  Seems like just about everybody will need to print the symbol at some point, what with email addresses being so ubiquitous.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #15 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 11:20am
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Infinity wrote on Nov 2nd, 2007 at 10:27am:
While you're digging in there, is it possible to redesign PrintString() so that it can handle @ symbols without jumping through hoops (to coin a phrase)?  Seems like just about everybody will need to print the symbol at some point, what with email addresses being so ubiquitous.

I'm not sure, but that's actually why I suggested you make the cleaner a function. So that, if we do manage that, you can comment out the one @Replace rather than having to chase it through all your PrintString statements.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #16 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 11:34am
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Thanks.  I am using the Function and it is working well, replacing "@" with "at".  Which is fine for my Invoice printouts where they break out rates ("1 hour at $57.00", for example), but will not work for email addresses (which I'm not currently having to print, but I'm sure I will someday).

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #17 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 11:59am
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Hello Scott,
I see what you are seeing here. I think it has to do with a problem in an underlying library and the @ symbol. I'll pass it on to development.

It's funny, but before I started using the function, I was hard coding @replace() statements into my Invoice printout, using a variable.  I.E.:
Select All
Var vNewString as String

// Prints the job description
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_1, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 15), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_2, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 35), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_3, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 55), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_4, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 75), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_5, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 95), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_6, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 115), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_7, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 135), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_8, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 155), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_9, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 175), 0, vFont, vSize, 0) 

And this was working (and is still working) for every line on my Invoice except the top portion, where I print the Company Name, Address, Contact, P.O. Number, etc.  When I tried it in in my Workorders, it worked for all the details of the Delivery customer, but none of the Pickup customer, which is strange because it's exactly the same data coming from different but identical elements.  The problem seems to be randomly, eccentrically selective.

As it stands now, I'm using the function to replace "@" with "at" everywhere on my Workorder, and on the top section of my Invoice.  The bottom section of my Invoice has the hard coding you see above (replacing "@" with "@@") and is happily printing the @ symbol on every line that shows a "description @ rate" string.  It's perverse, but it's working.

Let me know if you'd like to see the code, maybe it will help with your investigation.


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #18 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 12:06pm
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Whether the problem manifests seems to be related to the width of the value against the width of the "box" it prints inside. Some values with @ will print fine just by doubling the @. Others will not. We have not yet tracked down the exact circumstances that cause failure.

This can be seen in other places than PrintString. For example, a static text element containing @@ will show this behavior if resized just so.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #19 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 12:12pm
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Ah, I see, that makes sense.  In general, it's working for every string I do not limit width, and failing for the ones I do.  Good to know, thanks.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #20 - Nov 2nd, 2007 at 12:34pm
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A related question....  I just tried an experiment with a record that has a long value on a line whose width I do not regulate (80 characters) to see if its length would cause an embedded "@" symbol to make it truncate.  The whole thing printed but, curiously, the line wrapped at just shy of 7 inches from the left margin, and I can't figure out why.  Visually, I have another inch or more for the line to print on before wrapping.  The code for the printstring is:
Select All
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_1, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 15), 0, vFont, vSize, 0) 

vNewString is a String variable.  The other variables are:
vPosY1 = 330 (330 from the top of the form)
vFont = "Sans Serif"
vSize = 16
and my page is set up as
Select All
PrintPageMargin(0, 0, 18, 0) 

What am I overlooking?

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Printout problem
Reply #21 - Nov 6th, 2007 at 6:20pm
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You're not overlooking anything. It's related to the the same problem as the text not appearing if it has a @ in it.


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #22 - Sep 7th, 2011 at 1:50pm
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I apologize for resurrecting such an old topic, but this issue popped up for me again, when one of my dispatchers placed an @ symbol in a line of text that usually would not contain such a symbol.  My current programming for printing this section is:
Select All
// Prints the job description
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_1, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 15), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_2, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 35), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)
vNewString = @Replace(Desc_line_3, "@", "@@")
PrintString(vNewString, 20, (vPosY1 + 55), 0, vFont, vSize, 0)

This has been working well so far because most of the lines in the "Description" section are short, and generally everything fits.  But one line of her's was long, and the @ symbol made it wrap the last inch and a half onto the next line (even though there's space available on the line it's supposed to be on) which overwrote text on that next line.

Anyway, long story, but my question is, has Development been able to tackle this issue in the latest releases?  I'm using Sesame Version 2.0.6 right now.

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Re: Printout problem
Reply #23 - Sep 7th, 2011 at 5:58pm
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Hello Scott,

Looking in the change log I see an entry for 2.5.2 that says

Fix to allow @@ to be printed using PrintString without affecting wrapping.

So I believe this one should be fixed.


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Re: Printout problem
Reply #24 - Sep 10th, 2011 at 11:27am
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Thanks Ray!!

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