Normal Topic Precedence Alert (Read 822 times)
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Precedence Alert
Nov 21st, 2007 at 6:19pm
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In 2.0.3 I put the following code into the On Element Entry event of a command button, fully expecting nothing to happen when I clicked the button:

Select All
If NOT False AND NOT True Then
	WriteLn( "Why am I here?" )

If (NOT False) AND (NOT True) Then
	WriteLn( "I am here." ) 

Much to my surprise, "Why am I here?" was dumped to the Slate, proving once again the value of the old mantra "When in doubt, use parentheses."
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Re: Precedence Alert
Reply #1 - Nov 30th, 2007 at 11:25pm
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I quickly looked at snipets and  by what I can tell, those  two statements should be equivalent
The order of operations  would have the not expressions be evaluated first and then the and statement

Since you are inverting the boolean expressions,  the and statement should always eval to false.
In my head I can see what sesame is really doing is this :
Select All
If NOT (False AND NOT True) Then
	WriteLn( "Why am I here?" ) 

It appears that sesame isn't following order of operations for whatever reason and is just going straight across the expression
I dusted off the sesame programming manual and it says that it evals not before and expressions

Most of these don't apply to sesame obviously but should show how the order of operations should go:
Simple Assignment Operator

    =      Simple assignment operator

Arithmetic Operators

    +      Additive operator (also used for String concatenation)
    -      Subtraction operator
    *      Multiplication operator
    /      Division operator
    %      Remainder operator

Unary Operators

    +      Unary plus operator; indicates positive value (numbers are positive without this, however)
    -      Unary minus operator; negates an expression
    ++        Increment operator; increments a value by 1
    --          Decrement operator; decrements a value by 1
    !          Logical compliment operator; inverts the value of a boolean

Equality and Relational Operators

    ==      Equal to
    !=      Not equal to
    >      Greater than
    >=      Greater than or equal to
    <      Less than
    <=      Less than or equal to

Conditional Operators

    &&      Conditional-AND
    ||      Conditional-OR
    ?:      Ternary (shorthand for if-then-else statement)

Type Comparison Operator

    instanceof      Compares an object to a specified type

Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

    ~      Unary bitwise complement
    <<      Signed left shift
    >>      Signed right shift
    >>>      Unsigned right shift
    &      Bitwise AND
    ^      Bitwise exclusive OR
    |      Bitwise inclusive OR

as parenthesis, they should be used to make the code clearer and easier to follow, just blindly adding them when in doubt isn't a good practice to follow.
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The Cow
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Re: Precedence Alert
Reply #2 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 12:05am
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nelsona wrote on Nov 30th, 2007 at 11:25pm:
as parenthesis, they should be used to make the code clearer and easier to follow, just blindly adding them when in doubt isn't a good practice to follow.

They should always be used around every expression in every programming language that supports them - always. That way the programmer is explicit and exact with the compiler as to the order they expect, in every single case.

Letting the compile decide is always a bad idea.

SBasic supports the "usual" (though not universal) order of operations for mathematic operations. All others are undetermined and should always be explicitely set by the programmer using parenthesis. Math operations should also always be braced in parenthesis, even if they do default to the order you expect.

Again, this is good practice in any programming language - not just SBasic.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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