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Question while I wait on Boxed Manuals
Feb 7th, 2009 at 11:48pm
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I can't seem to get off the starting line.   I want to have a LineItem db that is a subform of PurchaseOrder db form, and also a subform of SalesOrders db form.    I have been advised to use natural linking.  What I have done is this:

- created a LineItem db, a Purchase Order db, and a SalesOrder db.
- I added the LineItem db as a subform in the PurchaseOrder db.
.         the LineItem db then shows up under the PurchaseOrder db, and displays the 'LineItem!Form'. I
- I added the LineItem db as a subform in the Order db.
- The LineItem db shows up under the Orders.db on the menu tree, but no form.  So I added a layout form and called it  sLineItem.

         But when I saved it and reconciled the app, then the sLineItem form doesn't show up under the SalesOrder.db.   It shows up under the PurchaseOrder.db (under the LineItem form that is under the PurchaseOrder.db).
         And the LineItem.db under the SalesOrder.db on the menu tree still says I need to design a layout for it.

Please advise (I hope my description is clearer than my thinking!!)

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Re: Question while I wait on Boxed Manuals
Reply #1 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 1:01am
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You need a SalesOrders database and a SOLines sub database under SalesOrders.
You need a PurchaseOrders databae and a POLines sub database under Purchase Orders.
All four forms will each have their own form.

A lot of elements, and programming is often very similar fot xxxOrders and xxxLines.  So, to save work it is possible to have one database for Sales and Purchase Orders, where an Order Type is selected.  Then you can have one sub database for OrderLines so you only have two databases vs. four.  Labels for field elements can change based on the Order Type selected, but this may be more complex if you are just getting started.

At this time, just stay with the four databases as noted above.  It might be easiest to unlink all the forms and databases.  That way you can keep the designs and just relink them. 

As a design practice, even with natural linking, I also make an additional Read Only field on my subdatabases that holds the "KEY" value of the Parent Record, like you have with a relational link.  This would usually be the Sales/Purchase Order number.  This is very helpful for retrieving records at the subform standalone level, looking for orphans, etc..  Not necessary for you to understand that right now to set up your database structure.

The PDF help files that you received with the program are identical to the Hard Copy Manuals, so no need to wait for them, just use Adobe Reader now.


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Re: Question while I wait on Boxed Manuals
Reply #2 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 3:07am
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Thanks, Bob!  I'll follow your advice.  I had a thought - what if I build an Inventory database that will serve two purposes - 1) the POLines sub db can update (via on-exit programming) the just-placed-PO-current ItemCost into the Inventory db, and  2) the SOLines sub db can pull that updated POLines!ItemCost into its own ItemCost field when entering a sales Item#.   

That way an item cost change is instantly knowable by others on the network as they enter quotes and sales orders and purchase orders.   Does that make sense?

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Re: Question while I wait on Boxed Manuals
Reply #3 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 4:20am
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The Inventory elements sound good.   There are many approaches, but doing immediate update to Inventory is an acceptable approach.

You might consider the following elements in Inventory:
Most Recent Vendor. (From the PO)
Most Recent PO# (From the PO)
Most Recent PO Date (From the PO)
Most Recent Cost (From the PO)
Std Cost (aome formula calculated on Most Recent Cost.)
LastDateStdUpdated (set a formula to update Std Cost a few times per yr, vs. every PO)
Selling Price (a formula calculated based on Std Cost.)

My extra elements are to support a Standard Cost system, where costs are usually updated one/twice a year.  You described using Dynamic Costing.  You could also be doing LIFO/FIFO which gets more complicated.  You could have multiple locations for each part, or Lot Controls with pricing/values for each location/LotID.  Locations can have a Status like Available/ToScrap/Inspection, and the QtyAvailable could depend on the locations.

Having these elements on each item number makes immediate values available without lookups.
There are many other elements that could be included, depends on how you want to control Inventory
Some typical elements include ABCClass(Based on dollar value)/UM for Inventory/UM for Purchasing/UM for Sales/Reorder Point/MinOrderQty/MaxOrderQty/EconomicOrder Qty/LotSizeMultiple/CycleCountFrequency/LastDateCounted/LastCountAmount/YTDPurch
asedUnits/YTDPurchasedDollars/YTDSoldUnits/YTDSoldDollars/MTD values in addition to YTD values/QtyOnHand/QtyAllocated/QtyAvailable/TotalInventoryValue.  Many of those values can be run and seen in reports, but having the elements makes the values instantly available every time you look at the record.  These elements can be organized onto different Tabs and made Invisible under certain conditions or for certain users.

There is nothing wrong with your initial description.  I am just accustomed to supporting more complex inventory systems from manufacturing firms.

Good Luck......

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
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Re: Question while I wait on Boxed Manuals
Reply #4 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 4:03pm
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While reading your first paragraph I was patting myself on the back, as my current QA Inventory platform does include Last Vendor, Last Cost, Last PO, Last Date, Last Qty  purchased (via overnight posting routines).
      But you left me eating dust when you shifted into a higher gear in the second paragraph and ensuing paragraphs.

Your idea of a 'standard cost' calculation every 3 or 4 months was very interesting.  I could see how that would make good sense in a manufacturing environment.  For many of our mainline inventory items, though, I unfortunately don't have that kind of elbow room luxury.  Many of the HP@ items we sell are in the 5 to 10% margin range, which doesn't leave any room for error if we want to make a profit on those repetitive sales.    As an example, effective Feb 1, HP raised their wholesale costs en masse on about 150 items an average of 5 to 8%, which takes all the cream off of an 8 - 10% profit margin.  If I waited 3 months for my pricing/invoicing to catch up, I'd be getting skinnier quick.  

I'll rescramble my design structure via your suggestions, and baby step to the next dilemma  Embarrassed

I've got about 15 clients for whom I've built on line Order Screens (using Excel, then converting (via SpreadsheetConverter) to a java-enabled html page, then using HTML Password Lock tool to encrypt the Order Screen for access only by that specific client.
              As you can imagine, the maintenance on keeping the Order Screens up-to-date is ridiculously tedious and time consuming (a client might have 60 or 70 items on the screen, and 20 or 30 of those items will, over a 3 or 4 month period, either go up in cost or the client will get rid of those printers and get different cartridge-using printers).
              Part of my real motivation is that I will need to offer more and more of an online presence to my clientele, and do it efficiently so that it can be profit-possible for me to do so.   I hope to get my Sesame client/server platform up and running so that I can perhaps setup a scenario where the clients come in to my network on their browser through a SSL VPN  Appliance (such as NetGear SSL312) and be presented with a screen which presents them only with a Sesame client logon screen.  They login with their specific password and are taken directly to the Order Entry screen, and this specific password has then enabled a lookup of only their specific items and pricing.  They enter their order and print the order (on my network printer!) and then leave.  
That method - if it's possible - eliminates almost all of the manual maintenance of a client's online access to their products and pricing.    
My plan B (if Plan A isn't quite doable) is for Sesame to generate HTML page reports of the clients items and pricing, and then tweak those into Order Screens and uploaded to my website.  Not quite as elegant, but better than my current mostly manual efforts.

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