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Database theory question
Feb 25th, 2009 at 4:03pm
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In QA, I have many databases (orders, purchase, inventory, client, truck, pricing).  I use Xlookup to pull info from one  to the other as needed.

In designing my step-over to Sesame, I read something in a past post on this forum that got me to thinking ..... someone had said he only  has one database that contains all of his fields, and uses different forms to present different tasks (a Customer form, a Purch form, an orders form, an inventory form, etc).

What are the pluses and minuses of having one database with multiple faces (forms) designed to do different tasks, as opposed to many distinct databases  ?

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Re: Database theory question
Reply #1 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 5:27pm
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I'm not sure what you read, but you should use multiple databases for multiple kinds of data.

- Hammer
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Re: Database theory question
Reply #2 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 6:17pm
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As to Database theory and philosophy, one of the Lanticans will provide answer to your questions. But from user point of view an application having multiple databases and a database have capability to have different forms to interact with data is so much better than the Q&A approach. When we come form Q&A background, having Q&A mindset, it is little difficult to view and absorb all new horizons that Sesame provides. But from practical aspect, once you start working and utilizing all the tools and capabilities of Sesame, you will never think about Q&A except for all its limitations.

Q&A for DOS could only use so much operating memory because of the OS limitation, that consequently limited as to what Q&A could offer. When Symentec came out with Windows version, it was too much for the old platform to adjust to the new ways.

I do not see any minuses of Sesame approach of having an application with multiple databases and a database having multiple forms and also having full fledged capabilities to interact with external databases.    

« Last Edit: Feb 26th, 2009 at 5:18am by Bharat_Naik »  
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Re: Database theory question
Reply #3 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 7:08pm
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lksseven, I don't know if this will help you, but it helped me:

'Database Design for Mere Mortals'

The book helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my own database. The book doesn't speak in terms of any particular database program or programming language, it just discusses how to plan out a database, database theory. In my case it helped me clear away all the mental clutter that threatened to overwhelm me when I started out.

Anyway, good luck with your database!  Smiley
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Re: Database theory question
Reply #4 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 1:30am
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Another adjustment coming from Q&A is the terminology.  Watch for a new term in Sesame, "elements",  and the terms application and database and fields, and as being different from what you are used to in Q&A. 

And when reading other information about "generic" database tools, you may see the term tables which you should think of as databases in Sesame and Q&A.

Bob Hansen
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Re: Database theory question
Reply #5 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 2:56am
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Hammer wrote on Feb 25th, 2009 at 5:27pm:
I'm not sure what you read, but you should use multiple databases for multiple kinds of data.


it was an old post from 2005 (see below).  It seemed unusual, but 'don't ask, don't learn!'.

Re: UserSelect Question
Reply #55 - Apr 1st, 2005, 12:55pm Quote Quote
I hope this helps explains my query.

I have only 1 database named [newdispatch.db] it has many forms. My main form is called [dispatch] it has a most excellent lookup (thanks to all of you) of the customers names and fills in the customers address, phone and other info from the [CUST] form. 

The [dispatch] form also has fields named (Machine Type) (Model) and (Serial).
I have a userselect menu in the (Machine Type) field that looks up in the [Equipment list] subform of the [CUST] form and pulls up all of the equipment of that customer. That works exactly as desired and looks like this

If @in (Machine Type, "..") > 0 then

Machine type = @Popupmenu (@xlookupall("Data\newdispatch.db", Company Name, "equipment list!co_Name", "Equipment type"), "equipment type")

I would like to be able to auto fill the (Model) and (Serial) fields on the [Dispatch] form with the info from the (Machine Type) field from the subform [Equipment List]

Many of my customers have the same type of equipment (but not the same serial number) so I cant do the xlookup (abc machine) from the (machine type) field. I would have no objections of adding a key field if need be. 

This might be a better break down on my db


[Dispatch] form, fields we are dealing with (Company Name), (Machine Type), (Model), and (Serial).

[CUST] form fields (Customer Name)

Natural linked to [CUST] its subform [Equipment List] subform. fields (Equipment Type), (Model No), (Serial No), (Other Info), (co-name)

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Re: Database theory question
Reply #6 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 3:12am
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thanks, guys - Bob, Ace, Bharat (and Hammer!).

I think I have a very clear picture of the house I want to end up with - how it should look and how it should function.  It's the nitty gritty of the tools I need to learn how to use (programming language) so that I can turn my vision into reality.  But everyday it becomes more clear that my company and my customers really need this to happen. 

So, head banging here I come! 

On a specific point, having a field in a subform link with a key field in the parent form ... what should the programming look like to have that subform field pull in the open parent key field value?

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Re: Database theory question
Reply #7 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 4:27am
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I use @FormFieldValue function.
Here is some old code from a subform.  It is in OnFormEntry section:

It is a subform that is naturally linked to ClientNumber, but I like to have an element with the "Key Value" on the subform also.  On the subform, ClientNumber is ReadOnly.  The Parent form is named frmClients.

Select All
//Gets Initial Values from Parent Record
IF @ISNEW Then {
		ClientNumber  = @FORMFIELDVALUE("frmClients","ClientNumber",0)


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Re: Database theory question
Reply #8 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 5:14am
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Thanks, Bob!!!  While I'm waiting for my cat to wander back in, I'll insert this code in my POLines subform.  Between your help and watching Jennifer Aniston on The Tonight Show, it's been a good evening!

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