Normal Topic Correct coding procedure? (Read 717 times)
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Correct coding procedure?
Apr 4th, 2009 at 3:39pm
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Is the smarter way to code a lengthy complex set of instructions (that will involve many "if"s ) to build the code from the outside in?   To build the beginning and ending brackets, test it, the build the next section inside of those outer brackets, test it, then build the next piece inside those second brackets, and so on?

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The Cow
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Re: Correct coding procedure?
Reply #1 - Apr 5th, 2009 at 2:00am
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Often, yes.

It really depends on the conditions being applied and whether the testing can be done based on the content of the data tested. In general, you should attempt to factor your code into small, data generic, routines (functions and subroutines) that can be used over and over in many different situations. These should be tested using a broad range of data, frequently. Test while building the parts, test again while assembling and connecting the general parts into a specific application, and test again with the whole assembled.

This is personal preference and many will disagree, but I tend towards top down design and bottom up implementation. Top down design means that I design starting with the highest level, most abstract requirements, and keep designing down until I am at a generic tool layer. When I stop designing and start implementing, I start by writing the low level generic tools and work my way up to the specific requirements of that application. That way I end up with a set of functions and subroutines that I can use in many different situations, both in that specific application and in future applications, and I keep an eye on only developing tools that I will likely need.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Correct coding procedure?
Reply #2 - Apr 5th, 2009 at 11:20pm
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thanks for your comments.  I have a very clear vision of the business processes I'm wanting to address, but precise programming planning and implementation is an area that I'm a rookie.  When building complex conditionals, I have a problem of getting lost in a sea of "{"s.
     But what I've roughed in this weekend is popping my buttons (in a good way). 
-Sales order ...
-enter item number ...
-look for existing Pricing record  (for this Customer/Item combo) ...
   -if found, pull appropo data from Pricing record into SalesOrder Lines record ...
   -if no Pricing record found, then pull appropo data in from Inventory record (with a msg telling user to manually enter a Price and program will auto-generate a Pricing record) ...
   -if no inventory record, then msg telling user to fill in all appropo fields and an Inventory and also a Pricing record will be auto-generated when line item is saved ...
- when 'line item saved button is pushed', code goes out and looks for Inventory record ...
     - if not found, it creates an Inventory record, then
- it looks for a pricing record ...
     - if found it compares the Price in Sales Order Lines record with the Price in Pricing record ... if different it then updates the Pricing record ...
     - if no Pricing record found, it then creates a Pricing record and populates it with the data from the Sales Order Lines record.

Currently we are inputting the orders in QA Orders database/screen, and it pulls info from Inventory  and Pricing.  But any changes and updates to Inventory and Pricing must be manually pulled up and edited ... a manual labor black hole of time and energy (and too often neglected).   This platform (when I get it polished and put in production) is going to be such a time save for us.

Code for the two fields I described above (if anyone sees holes in it, I'm very happy to get suggestions.  Like I say, I just roughed it out this weekend, and am a businessman not a programmer, so I don't have ego in my code, just a desire to be more efficient and effective).

ItemNum:: on Element Change ...
// A- find the matching Pricing record and pull in ItemDesc/UoM/Cost/Price; if no Pricing record, then
// B- find the matching Inventory record and pull in ItemDesc/UoM/Cost, and tell user to enter price manually

#include "sbasic_include.sbas"

  // first group is for vRS1

var v1ItemNum as string
var v1ClientID as String
var v1ICPid as String
var v1ClientPrice as double
var v1ItemDesc as string
var v1Cost as double                                                      // 12:45am   Pull in Pricing data
var v1UoM as string
var v1ItemCat as string
var v1ClientName as string

  // second group is for vRS2

var v2ItemDesc as string
var v2ItemCost as double
var v2ItemUoM as string
var v2ItemCat as string
var v2ItemNum as string
var v2ClientID as string
var v2ICPid as string
var v2ClientPrice as double
var v2ClientName as string

  // third group is for vRS3

var v3ItemNum as string
var v3ClientID as string

var vRS1 as int
var vRS2 as int
var vRS3 as int      // handle to verify that ItemNum exists in Inventory, and if not, tells the user to fill in all the appropriate fields and
                 // the Inventory record will be created when they save this line item
vRS1 = 0
vRS2 = 0
vRS3 = 0

If @Mode() = 0
  SONum = @FORMFIELDVALUE("Orders","SONum",0)            // this  first section fills in SONum, SODate, ClientID, ItemCustPriceID
  SODate = @FormFieldValue("Orders", "SODate", 0)
  ClientID = @FormFieldValue("Orders", "ClientID", 0)
  ClientName = @FormFieldValue("Orders", "ClientName", 0)
  v3ItemNum = ItemNum
  v3ClientID = ClientID
  ItemCustPriceID = (v3ClientID + "+" + v3ItemNum)
  v1ItemNum = ItemNum
  v1ClientID = ClientID
  v1ClientName = ClientName
  ItemCustPriceID = (v1ClientID + "+" + v1ItemNum)
  v1ICPid = ItemCustPriceID
                                                         // **** vRS1 **** This section will find the matching ItemCustPriceID in Pricing and plug that
                                                     // ClientPrice into the SOLines!Price field

  vRS1 = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Pricing", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!ItemCustPriceID=" + v1ICPid)
   If vRS1 > -1
                                                                 // Confirm exactly one matching record
     If @XResultSetTotal(vRS1) = 1
                                                                 // Confirm that the Pricing record is not locked
       If @XResultSetLocked(vRS1) = 0      
                                                                 // Get the ItemDesc, UoM, Cost, and ClientPrice to plug into this SOLines record
         v1ItemDesc = @XResultSetValue(vRS1, "ItemDesc")
       v1UoM = @XResultSetValue(vRS1, "UoM")
       v1Cost = @XResultSetValue(vRS1, "Cost")
         v1ItemCat = @XResultSetValue(vRS1, "ItemCat")
       v1ClientPrice = @XResultSetValue(vRS1, "ClientPrice")
       FORMFIELDVALUE("SOLines","ItemDesc", 0, v1ItemDesc)
       FORMFIELDVALUE("SOLines","ItemUoM", 0, v1UoM)
       FORMFIELDVALUE("SOLines","ItemCost", 0, v1Cost)
       FORMFIELDVALUE("SOLines","ItemCat", 0, v1ItemCat)
       FORMFIELDVALUE("SOLines","ItemPrice", 0, v1ClientPrice)
         Margin = (1-(v1Cost/v1ClientPrice))

        @Msgbox("PricingRecord is locked","enter data manually","")                  // If @XResultSetTotal(vRS1) = 0, then vRS2 runs next
     If @XResultSetTotal(vRS1) = 0                              // if there is not a Pricing record, then pull item data from Inventory!ItemNum record
       v2ItemNum = ItemNum
       vRS2 = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Inventory", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!ItemNum=" + v2ItemNum)      // **** vRS2 **** starts here
        If vRS2 > -1
                                                         // Confirm exactly one matching record
          If @XresultSetTotal(vRS2) = 1
                                                         // Confirm that the Inventory record is not locked
          If @XResultSetLocked(vRS2) = 0
                         // Get the ItemDesc, Cost, UoM and plug into the appropo fields in this SOLines record
              v2ItemDesc = @XResultSetValue(vRS2, "ItemDesc")
            v2ItemUom = @XResultSetValue(vRS2, "ItemUoM")
            v2ItemCost = @XResultSetValue(vRS2, "ItemCurrentCost")
              v2ItemCat = @XResultSetValue(vRS2, "ItemCat")
            FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemDesc", 0, v2ItemDesc)
              FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemUoM", 0, v2ItemUoM)
            FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCost", 0, v2ItemCost)
              FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCat", 0, v2ItemCat)
              @Msgbox("Not an existing Pricing record.","Enter Price manually, and ","a new Price record will be created when you press +Item button")

            @Msgbox("The Inventory Record is locked","Try again","")
       If @XresultSetTotal(vRS2) = 0
         @Msgbox("there is no Inventory record.","Enter all required data for this line item and +Item button will then build Inventory Record as line item is saved","")
      XResultSetClose(vRS2)      // closes Result Set 2 that was pulling in Inventory info because there wasn't a Pricing record
   XResultSetClose(vRS1)      // closes Result Set 1 that was pulling in Pricing record info      

and AddThisLineItem:Shockedn element entry ...
// C- this command will update Existing, or create a new, Pricing record, and then save the SOLines line item and create a new SOLines record.
// It will use XResult to find and update the existing Pricing record, or use XResult to create a new Pricing record and plug
//     in all relevant data (ItemCustPriceID, ClientID, ItemNum/ItemDesc/ItemPrice/ItemCost/Margin/PorM/PriceDate

#include "sbasic_include.sbas"

var vTemp as Int         // this will be used to @createNewRecord at the end
var vRS4 as int            // handle to verify that ItemNum exists in Inventory
var vRS5 as int            // handle for RecordSet to update existing or make new Pricing record

//  this group below is variables for vRS4 in SOLines
var v4ItemNum as string
var v4ItemCat as string
var v4ItemDesc as string
var v4ItemUoM as string
var v4ItemPrice as double
var v4ItemCost as double
var v4ItemMargin as double
var v4ItemCustPriceID as string
var v4ClientID as string
var v4SODate as date
var v4ClientName as string

  // this group below is for vRS5

var v5ItemNum as string
var v5ItemCat as string
var v5ItemDesc as string
var v5ItemUoM as string
var v5ItemPrice as double
var v5ItemCost as double
var v5ItemMargin as double
var v5ItemCustPriceID as string
var v5ClientID as string
var v5SODate as date
var v5ClientName as string
var v5PorM as string

var vp5ItemPrice as double

If (@Mode() = 0) // and (@IsBlank(ItemNum) = 0)

  v4ItemNum = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemNum", 0)
  vRS4 = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Inventory", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!ItemNum=" + v4ItemNum)
   If vRS4 > -1  // if there is not an inventory record, then make one
     If @XResultSetTotal(vRS4) = 0
      v4ItemNum = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemNum", 0)
      v4ItemCat = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCat", 0)
      v4ItemDesc = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemDesc", 0)
      v4ItemUoM = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemUoM", 0)                        
      v4ItemPrice = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemPrice", 0)
      v4ItemCost = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCost", 0)
      v4ItemMargin = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "Margin", 0)
      v4ClientID = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ClientID", 0)
      v4ClientName = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ClientName", 0)
      v4ItemCustPriceID = (v4ClientID + "+" + v4ItemNum)
      FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCustPriceID", 0, v4ItemCustPriceID)

      XResultSetValue(vRS4, "ItemNum", v4ItemNum)
      XResultSetValue(vRS4, "ItemCat", v4ItemCat)
      XResultSetValue(vRS4, "ItemDesc", v4ItemDesc)
      XResultSetValue(vRS4, "ItemUoM", v4ItemUoM)
      XResultSetValue(vRS4, "ItemCurrentCost", v4ItemCost)

If (@Mode() = 0)
    vp5ItemPrice = @XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ClientPrice")           // compare SOLines Price to Pricing Price
    v5ItemPrice = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemPrice", 0)
    v5ItemNum = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemNum", 0)
    v5ItemCat = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCat", 0)
    v5ItemDesc = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemDesc", 0)
    v5ItemUoM = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemUoM", 0)
    v5ItemCost = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCost", 0)
    v5ItemMargin = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "Margin", 0)
    v5SODate = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "SODate", 0)
    v5ItemCustPriceID = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCustPriceID", 0)
    v5ClientID = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ClientID", 0)
    v5ClientName = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ClientName", 0)
    v5PorM = @FormFieldValue("Orders", "PorM", 0)

   vRS5 = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Pricing", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!ItemCustPriceID=" + v5ItemCustPriceID)
    If vRS5 > -1  // if there IS a matching Pricing record and the SOLine Price doesn't match the Pricing Price, then plug
            // the SOLines price and cost and marg and date into Pricing record
     If @XResultSetTotal(vRS5) = 1
       If v5ItemPrice <> vp5ItemPrice                              // if SOLines!Price <> Pricing!Price, then update Pricing record with SOLines data
         XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ClientPrice", v5ItemPrice)
         XResultSetValue(vRS5, "Cost", v5ItemCost)
         XResultSetValue(vRS5, "Margin", v5ItemMargin)
         XResultSetValue(vRS5, "PriceDate", v5SODate)
         XResultSetValue(vRS5, "PricingNoteField", "hello2")

     If @XResultSetTotal(vRS5) = 0                                // if there isn't a matching Pricing record, then create a Pricing record and plug in data from SOLines
       v5ItemCustPriceID = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemCustPriceID", 0)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ItemCustPriceID", v5ItemCustPriceID)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ClientID", v5ClientID)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ClientName", v5ClientName)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "PriceOrMargin", v5PorM)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ItemNum", v5ItemNum)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ItemDesc", v5ItemDesc)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ItemCat", v5ItemCat)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "ClientPrice", v5ItemPrice)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "Cost", v5ItemCost)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "UoM", v5ItemUoM)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "Margin", v5ItemMargin)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "PriceDate", v5SODate)
       XResultSetValue(vRS5, "PricingNoteField", "Hello new record")

vTemp = @CreateNewRecord()

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