Normal Topic Question about NewDocument() (Read 568 times)
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Question about NewDocument()
May 5th, 2009 at 5:01pm
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In trying to refine my label code so I can print a variable number of copies before the printer cuts the label roll (the previous code used a loop, but each label was it's own print job, so the printer cut off the label off the roll after each label), I have tried the following code using NewDocument().  But it will only print 1 copy.  I've tried substituting a hard integer instead of vQty variable, and still just one label prints.  It seems that the Finishpage() is terminating the job and sending it to the printer, rendering the NewDocument(2) and FinishDocument() code unexecuted.  Any suggestions?

#Include "sbasic_include.sbas"
var vRS2 as Int
var vItemNum as String
var vItemDesc as String
var vPONum as String

var vAnswer as String
var vFinal as Int
var vQty as Int
var vAnswer2 as String

If @Mode() < 3
vAnswer = @PromptForUserInput("Key in the Item Number you want to print labels for", "")
vItemNum = vAnswer

vRS2 = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Inventory", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!ItemNum=" + vItemNum)
If @XresultSetTotal(vRS2) = 1                        // if there is exactly one matching record in Inventory, pull data from Inventory into printstring job
    vItemDesc = @XResultSetValue(vRS2, "ItemDesc")
    vPONum = @XResultSetValue(vRS2, "CurrentPONum")
     vAnswer2 = @PromptForUserInput("How many labels would you like to print?", "")
     vQty = vAnswer2
       NewPage(840, 240)
            PrintString(vItemNum, 6, 6, 0, " ARIAL", 11, 0)
          PrintString(vItemDesc, 6, @PageExtentY(), 200, " ARIAL", 8, 0)
          PrintString("---------------", 160, 48, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
            PrintString("Company 918-xxx-xxxx", 15, 54, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
          PrintString("PO#" + " " + vPONum, 160, 54, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
            PrintString("", 15, 63, 0, " Arial", 8, 0)


    If @XresultSetTotal(vRS2) < 1
         @Msgbox("This Item # does not exist.  Reenter the number","","")

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Question about NewDocument()
Reply #1 - May 8th, 2009 at 1:12pm
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Try something like

Select All
vLoop = 1

	 While vLoop <= vQty
		  NewPage(840, 240)
			 PrintString(vItemNum, 6, 6, 0, " ARIAL", 11, 0)
			 PrintString(vItemDesc, 6, @PageExtentY(), 200, " ARIAL", 8, 0)
			 PrintString("---------------", 160, 48, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
			 PrintString("Company 918-xxx-xxxx", 15, 54, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
			 PrintString("PO#" + " " + vPONum, 160, 54, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
			 PrintString("", 15, 63, 0, " Arial", 8, 0)
		  vLoop = vLoop + 1

You'll need to declare vLoop as an int


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Question about NewDocument()
Reply #2 - May 8th, 2009 at 5:15pm
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Thank you, Ray.   I'll test it when I get to the office


Ray, no joy.  The label printer still cuts off each label. 

The printer will stream print a specified number of labels if I use Brother's label editor software, so the label printer is capable of withholding its 'cut' until the end of the print job with its own software.

It's not the end of the world for me (any single print run of labels will normally be somewhere between 1 and 7) if I can't figure a work around on individual label cuts.   Although if my needs required a print run of 50 identical labels, then individual cuts would be problematic, so I'd like to find a solution for future reference (for myself or possibly other Sesame users).

Here is the relevant section of code I used:

     vQty = vAnswer2
         vLoop = 1
             While vLoop <= vQty
                NewPage(840, 240)
                  PrintString(vItemNum, 6, 6, 0, " ARIAL", 11, 0)
                PrintString(vItemDesc, 6, @PageExtentY(), 200, " ARIAL", 8, 0)
                PrintString("---------------", 160, 48, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
                  PrintString("Company xxx-xxx-xxxx", 15, 54, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
                PrintString("PO#" + " " + vPONum, 160, 54, 0, " ARIAL", 9, 0)
                  PrintString("", 15, 63, 0, " Arial", 8, 0)
                vLoop = vLoop + 1
« Last Edit: May 8th, 2009 at 6:48pm by lksseven »  

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