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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quantities (Read 6082 times)
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Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quantities
Sep 30th, 2009 at 4:50am
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I'm writing a calculation that finds all of today's records of SOLines, and gives me a summary of how many of each item was sold today.  I've gotten the list of records sorted by ItemNum, but am stumped on how to loop through each ItemNum to find its 'like' ItemNums and sum its quantities, then move on to the next ItemNum, and so on through the last ItemNum.  I will then Calculate the AvgSales/Week for each ItemNum, subtract the SumQty ordered today for that ItemNum, and the result will be the QtyToPurch so that my inventory on that item is brought back up to proper stocking level.

My critical need (I can do the rest) is how to loop through and sum up the quantities for 'like' ItemNums and then discard that ItemNum, repeat the procedure for the next set of 'like' ItemNums, etc.  

Any advice would be much appreciated.  Here is the code and some notes so far  ...

var vRSp as int
var vToday as date
var vTime as time

var vYesterday as date
var vSOTime as time
var vSODate as date
var vCutoffTime as string

var vItemNum as string
var vItemQty as string

var vTot as int
var vLoop as int
var vSONum as string
var vBO as string


vToday = @ServerDate()
vTime = @ServerTime()
writeln(vTime + " vTime")

vYesterday = @date - 1

vCutoffTime = "16:00"
vCutoffTime = @TT(vCutoffTime)
writeln(vCutoffTime + " vCutoffTime")

vRSp = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Orders!SOLines", SEARCH_MODE_OR, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!SODate=" + vToday; "!SODate=" + vYesterday)
                     If vRSp > -1  
                       // this section will discard Backorders and Orders placed before 4pm yesterday

                       vTot = @XResultSetTotal(vRSp)
                       For vLoop = 1 to vTot
                             XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop)
                             vSONum = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "SONum")
                             vSODate = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "SODate")
                             vSOTime = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "SOTime")
                             vBO = @ContainsStringArray(vSONum, "A;B;C;D;E", 0)
                             If (vBO <> "") or ((vSODate = vYesterday) and (vSOTime < vCutofftime))  
                                vLoop = vLoop - 1
                                vTot = vTot - 1                                

                       // this section will sort the SOLines records by ItemNum and give me a Writeln of the resulting list
                       XResultSetSort(vRSp, "ItemNum:-1")

                       vTot = @XResultSetTotal(vRSp)

                       For vLoop = 1 to vTot
                             XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop)
                             vItemNum = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum")
                             vItemQty = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemQtyShadow")
                             vSODate = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "SODate")
                             vSOTime = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "SOTime")
                             vItemQty = @TN(vItemQty)
                             WriteLn(vSODate + " - " + vSOTime + " - " + vItemNum + " - " + vItemQty)


                       // this section is where I need to calc the Sum of the ItemQty's for each ItemNum in the vRSp list

                       /*      below is figuring out the following:  
                             1) what is the sumQty of each ItemNum in vRSp ?
                                   a) start with first ItemNum ... vItemQty = @TN(vRSp,"ItemQty")
                             2) what is QSPW for this ItemNum?
                             3) what is the QtyAvailToSell for this ItemNum?
                             4) QSPW - QATS = QTP   AvgQty/Week - QtyAvailToSell = QtyToPurchase of this ItemNum

                             5) write this QTP to writeln
                             6) then NEXT to loop to the next ItemNum


« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2009 at 1:24pm by lksseven »  

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #1 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 6:04pm
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Add this to your variables.
Select All
Var vFinalItems as String 

and then this code will give you output like
First one is an item number, Second is the total quantity of that item number in the resultset
Third one is an item number, Fourth is the total quantity of that item number in the resultset
and so on.
Select All
	For vLoop = 1 to vTot
		XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop)
		vItemNum = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum")
		vItemQty = @TN(vItemQty)
		vFound = @FindStringArray(vFinalItems, vItemNum)
		If vFound = -1 Then
			vFinalItems = @AppendStringArray(vFinalItems, vItemNum + ";" + vItemQty)
			vItemQty = vItemQty + @ToNumber(@AccessStringArray(vFinalItems, vFound + 1))
			vFinalItems = @ReplaceStringArray(vFinalItems, vItemQty, vFound + 1)

This may need some tweaking as I don't have your files here to test with.

Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #2 - Oct 3rd, 2009 at 12:34am
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Hi Ray,

Thanks for your response.  I'll try to look at it this weekend.

Just to be sure I explained myself correctly,  if I have a result list with the following:
Item# A,    5 each
Item# A,    2 each
Item# B,    6 each
Item# C,    4 each
Item# C,    1 each
Item# C,    3 each

then I'd like to end up with just the following lines after the code has executed:
Item# A,    7 each
Item# B,    6 each
Item# C,    8 each

Once the above is accomplished, my next piece of code to tackle will enable the code to continue on and automatically create Purchase Order records to various vendors and use the above list to create individual line items in the appropriately 'just created' PO main records.

Can I get there from here?

Thank you!
« Last Edit: Oct 3rd, 2009 at 9:29pm by lksseven »  

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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #3 - Oct 5th, 2009 at 3:49am
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I've cleaned up the final result, but couldn't get Ray's code incorporated correctly.  Here is what I have, but I would like to have the code strip out the duplicate lines...

SODate ** SOTime ** Item# ** Purch ***  QTP
2009/10/01 ** 09:20 ** 1-11201 ** Purch + 16
2009/10/01 ** 10:05 ** 1-1511 ** Purch + 79
2009/10/01 ** 11:50 ** 1-1511 ** Purch + 79
2009/10/01 ** 13:43 ** 1-1511 ** Purch + 79
2009/10/01 ** 11:50 ** 1-1517 ** Purch + 9
2009/10/01 ** 13:43 ** 1-1517 ** Purch + 9
2009/10/01 ** 13:42 ** 1-5511 ** Purch + 65
2009/10/01 ** 13:42 ** 1-5511 ** Purch + 65
2009/10/01 ** 09:20 ** 1-5511 ** Purch + 65
2009/10/01 ** 09:20 ** 1-5511 ** Purch + 65
2009/10/01 ** 13:42 ** 1-5514 ** Purch + 9

Sorry to be so dense.  Seems like I need a loop within a loop, but I just can't seem to 'get' how to start with the first item, then begin a second loop looking for duplicates with the 2nd item (if dupe, xremove record; loop to next record (if dupe, xremove record); loop to next record ..

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #4 - Oct 5th, 2009 at 6:57pm
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lksseven wrote on Oct 5th, 2009 at 3:49am:
Sorry to be so dense.  Seems like I need a loop within a loop, but I just can't seem to 'get' how to start with the first item, then begin a second loop looking for duplicates with the 2nd item (if dupe, xremove record; loop to next record (if dupe, xremove record); loop to next record ..

You can either run a loop within a loop, or keep a running total in a single loop as I am doing in the example above.

When you put that code into your programming and writeln() out vFinalItems, what do you get?

Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #5 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 6:10pm
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Ok Iksseven, curiosity is killing me!  Did you find a solution to this?

I've been messing around with it without success too.


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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #6 - Oct 10th, 2009 at 2:21pm
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Ray and Tcgeo,

I apologize for the 'no show' this week.  Been biz traveling and had no chance to bang my head on this till this weekend.  But my wife asked me first thing this morning (Saturday) what I was doing today (always a question that puts a husband in 'uh oh, my day is in the crosshairs' state of mind, eh?), and I told her I was doing some programming and some quoting ... so, your question is serendipitous - I'm putting my swim suit on and getting in the pool - will report back after awhile.

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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #7 - Oct 10th, 2009 at 3:33pm
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Ok, here is my 'first draft' report-back ......

The code suggested by Ray is giving me a complete list of the ItemNum's, but not a 'sum' of the ItemQty's, only the ItemQty of the first instance of that ItemNum on the list ... for example, the highlighted in red part #56-HEW-51645a has a total of three occurrences with quantities per occurrence of 3, 2, and 2 respectively.  So the ItemQty sum should be '7', but it is adding only the first occurrence of 3 each .....

10:20 vTime
16:00 vCutoffTime
SODate ** SOTime ** Item# ** Purch ***  QTP
vFinalItems - 1-11201;2;1-11203;2;1-11221;2;1-1370;5;1-142235;8;1-1511;2;1-1514;2;1-5511;2;50-

although, as I've refined my thinking on my goal, I don't even need the ItemQty as part of my ResultSet.  All I want is to have the 'ItemNum's sold today' put in a ResultSet, and then have the duplicates stripped out, leaving me with a ResultSet where each ItemNum occurs only once.  From that ResultSet I can then vLoop on each ItemNum and do the calcs that I want to come afterward.  So if I want to obtain a ResultSet of ItemNums, then I think I need a loop within a loop to strip out the dupes, instead of a 'string array list', don't I?

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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #8 - Oct 10th, 2009 at 8:12pm
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Here is my 2nd draft, using homegrown code.  It doesn't work because if there are, for example, 3 line items of ItemNum 56-HEW-51645A, it's stripping out all three, not just the last two lines of that ItemNum...  I'm attempting to:
1) start with the first vRSp record, with vItemNum = ItemNum.  
2) begin an interior loop that compares the remaining records (vItemNum2)   with the first record vItemNum, and if =, then delete vItemNum2, then loop to the next record within the interior loop, etc.
3) after interior loop is finished, then it comes back to the second record in the primary loop, and the process repeats

I know I'm thrashing around here - no lunch, running out of time this afternoon, so I'm spaghetti throwing...

                 // the following section will attempt to remove duplicates from the record set

                       vTot = @XResultSetTotal(vRSp)

                       XResultSetSort(vRSp, "ItemNum:-1")
                       For vLoop = 1 to vTot
                             XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop)
                             vItemNum = ToUpper(@XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum"))

                                   For vLoop1 = 2 to vTot

                                         XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop1)
                                         vItemNum2 = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum")

                                         If vItemNum2 = vItemNum
                                             vLoop1 = vLoop1 - 1
                                             vTot = vTot - 1

                             vTot = @XResultSetTotal(vRSp)


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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #9 - Oct 10th, 2009 at 11:20pm
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ok, here's draft #3.  I think it works, although I haven't had time to really test it thoroughly yet (and I'm sure the structure is ghastly to skilled programmers).  But, not posted as "here's how to do it!", but more as a work in progress, here it is - the code along with the result ...

                 // the following section will attempt to remove duplicates from the record set

                       vTot = @XResultSetTotal(vRSp)
                       XResultSetSort(vRSp, "ItemNum:-1")
                       For vLoop = 1 to vTot
                             XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop)
                             vItemNum = ToUpper(@XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum"))
                             vCurPos = @XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp)
                             vTotD = vTot - 1
                             vCurPos = vCurPos + 1

                             For vLoop1 = vCurPos to vTotD
                                   XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop1)
                                   vItemNum2 = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum")
                                   If vItemNum2 = vItemNum
                                       vLoop1 = vLoop1 - 1
                                           vTotD = vTotD - 1
                                       vTot = vTot - 1


                          vTot = @XResultSetTotal(vRSp)


2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 1-142235 ** Purch + 18
2009/10/09 ** 09:31 ** 1-5511 ** Purch + 113
2009/10/09 ** 11:27 ** 54-106R00461 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 09:18 ** 54-H-Q5952A ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:05 ** 55E-310-7890HY ** Purch + 2
2009/10/09 ** 14:14 ** 55E-383942X ** Purch + 5
2009/10/09 ** 15:23 ** 55E-5P ** Purch + 7
2009/10/09 ** 15:01 ** 55E-CC364A ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:01 ** 55E-Q2610A ** Purch + 2
2009/10/09 ** 16:12 ** 55E-RC4127X ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 09:23 ** 56-108R00723 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 09:27 ** 56-108R00726 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 09:23 ** 56-H-C6578AN ** Purch + 2
2009/10/09 ** 09:27 ** 56-H-C8767WN ** Purch + 4
2009/10/09 ** 09:27 ** 56-H-C9363WN ** Purch + 5
2009/10/09 ** 09:27 ** 56-H-C9393AN ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 09:27 ** 56-H-C9396AN ** Purch + 2
2009/10/08 ** 16:29 ** 56-HEW-51645A ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 11:27 ** 63-42377801 ** Purch + 2
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 66-AVE-18160 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 66-AVE-8366 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-AAG-70950G05 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-AAG-A1102 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-AAG-DMW16328 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-AAG-G20000 ** Purch + 2
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-AAG-G21000 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-AAG-G40000 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-AAG-G52000 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-AAG-SK62500 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-AAG-SW705X50 ** Purch + 3
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-HOD-0124 ** Purch + 2
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-HOD-331HD ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:20 ** 75-HOD-378 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-SMD-75410 ** Purch + 1
2009/10/09 ** 15:07 ** 75-UNV-12121 ** Purch + 1

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #10 - Oct 12th, 2009 at 3:39pm
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I see where the error was in my code. It was simply a Copy/Paste Error between my working code and trying to adapt it to use your names.

Your way will work you just have to do that loop inside of a loop and than another loop inside of a loop to get the total of the Item Qty.

Select All
	For vLoop = 1 to vTot
		XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSp, vLoop)
		vItemNum = @XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemNum")
		vItemQty = @TN(@XResultSetValue(vRSp, "ItemQtyShadow"))
		vFound = @FindStringArray(vFinalItems, vItemNum)
		If vFound = -1 Then
			vFinalItems = @AppendStringArray(vFinalItems, vItemNum + ";" + vItemQty)
			vItemQty = vItemQty + @ToNumber(@AccessStringArray(vFinalItems, vFound + 1))
			vFinalItems = @ReplaceStringArray(vFinalItems, vItemQty, vFound + 1)


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #11 - Oct 12th, 2009 at 8:58pm
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Thanks Ray!

By the way, this report is proving remarkably accurate to the mostly manual technique that we've used for decades.  Several weeks of parallel testing, and if it continues to hit its marks, we'll be automated on that side of things to a large degree. 

Somehow my brain grasps the mental juggling of result sets and loops better than it does string arrays.  Is that true for most people?

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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #12 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 12:58am
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Hi Iksseven,

Hope you got all of your honey do’s completed and that you enjoyed the pool!

I also hope you don't mind a question on this.

I’ve placed Ray’s latest code from today to the end of the code from your first post.

When I writeln(vFinalItems) this is my result.

20:12 vTime
16:00 vCutoffTime

(letters = ItemNum ,  numbers = ItemQty)

Are you getting the same result as I am or is there a step I’m missing?

If I understood what you were wanting correctly, the desired result in my example would be;
aaa;2   bbb;4  ccc;6  because in the database there are two entries for ItemNum aaa, each with an ItemQty of 1,  two entries for ItemNum bbb of 2 each, and two entries for ccc of 3 each.

Any light you could shed on this would be appreciated as I see the value in what you’re doing and would like to get a grasp on the programming of it.

Thank you,

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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #13 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 4:53am
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Hi Brandon,

I haven't had a chance to try Ray's code posted by him at 10:39am today. 

you are correct in the desired outcome should be:   
aaa;2   bbb;4  ccc;6  because in the database there are two entries for ItemNum aaa, each with an ItemQty of 1,  two entries for ItemNum bbb of 2 each, and two entries for ccc of 3 each.

In this instance, I may leave my code (the loop within a loop) in place, as I seem to grasp it better for some reason.

Here is the long form of my output, and the short form then follows, which just states the ItemNum and the quantity to be replenished in order to bring my stocking levels back to a 'Average Sales per Week' quantity ... I think it's going to be a real labor and brain-drain saver ...

Long form:
Date             Time     Item#   Qty      AvgSalesPerWeek
2009/10/12 - 15:12 - 1-5511 - 1 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]
2009/10/12 - 15:12 - 1-5511 - 2 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]
2009/10/12 - 15:14 - 1-5511 - 3 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]
2009/10/12 - 08:31 - 1-5511 - 1 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]
2009/10/12 - 14:05 - 1-5511 - 2 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]
2009/10/12 - 10:10 - 1-5511 - 5 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]
2009/10/12 - 09:04 - 1-5511 - 1 ** [ 184vASPW - 143vQATS = 41vQTP ]

Short form:

SODate **     SOTime ** Item# **   Purch ***  QTP

2009/10/12 ** 15:12 ** 1-5511 **   Purch       + 41

I run this report late in the afternoon.  It calculates the Items and Qtys needed to be put on Purchase Orders to vendors before the end of the day.

Good luck!

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Re: Summing a list of multiple ItemNums and Quanti
Reply #14 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 11:06am
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Great thanks, and good luck to you too.
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