Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Template (Read 5662 times)
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Oct 12th, 2009 at 9:02pm
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Hi -

It has been so long since I designed a particular database that I am not sure what I did.  

I have a "state" field and no matter how the text is entered, it appears in capital letters e.g. GA

I checked the programming and did not use any for that element, so I assume there is a field template.  I cannot, however, find one, nor do a get a clue when I go to property viewer for that element, nor can I find anything in the programming manual on the use of templates.

So, I would like to know how to find out where/what it is.

My "problem" is that althought the state appears in dapital letters in the database it prints (in a merge document - using exported data) the way the text was entered; e.g. GA, Ga; ga; etc.

So, my next question would be how can I get it to print the way the text appears in the database.


- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #1 - Oct 12th, 2009 at 9:12pm
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Did you check the Format setting for that element, Spencer?

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #2 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 3:19am
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Erika -

Hi Smiley,

I did check the format setting and I did look under the format setting and clicked on the other tab (I forgot that I DID find an "entry template" there; however there was no value for an entry template).  I also went to the Property view, clicked on template and pressed F5 (because I know that pulls the current "value" into the field) but there was nothing.

Also, when I first checked for programming, I only checked the State element because it seemed to me that (had I used programming) I would have put it in the "On Element Exit" event.  And, indeed, when I exit the element (no matter how I enter the text), when I exit the field, it is changed to upper case.  

Anyhow (still feeling "foolish"), I went back and checked each and every programmed element and I could not find any programming affecting that field.

So my 3 original questions are still pending but, to me, they are now even more baffling than before.  My only "defense" is that "I plead senility."  lol

- Spencer


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Re: Template
Reply #3 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 1:23pm
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Select the State element.

Look at the Property Viewer (NOT the Property Editor).

Go to the Format Tab.

Tell me what it shows for Display Format, including the bit at the end between the square braces.


- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #4 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 3:31pm
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Erika -

Just to be clear, I DID go to the Property Viewer but since I found nothing I just thought I would see if I could bring something up in the editor.

Also (while in the Property Viewer), I had also looked at the System setting (but never understand it).  I thought I would find the info in the entry template.

In any event, the Display Format shows:  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet [SYSTEM]

I'm sure I will probably still need help till I get this through my head, but in the meantime, if you could tell me where I could find the "instructions" in the Sesame guides, it might just help shed some light, while I'm waiting for further assistance.



- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #5 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 8:14pm
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OK, so it's not your Format setting. SYSTEM will use your system defaults and the sample shows mixed case, so that's fine. Entry Templates don't really do this, so it's most likely programming. I know you checked for something affecting that value, but it may be a more general bit of code that doesn't specify that particular element name.

Are any of your other elements being forced to uppercase? Is ToUpper being called anywhere in your programming?

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #6 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 9:08pm
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Erika -

I know that I did SOMETHING to cause that element to be all uppercase, because I always want the state abbreviation to appear (and print) that way.

I just exported the programming to an ascii text file and searched for toupper - and it was not found.  

it works on element exit so something is causing it.  It does not occur in any other elements.  

Even though I realize you are saying that the entry template would not do this, I would still like to know where I can find information on what it does do (for future info, if nothing else) and, of course, I still need to resolve my initial problem.


- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #7 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 9:11pm
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According to the index, information on entry templates begins on page 144 of the User Guide.

If it's not formatting and it's not programming, then there is magic of some sort happening. Can we see this application?

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #8 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 9:24pm
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Sure; how and where should I send it?

(I'm sure it's not magic and that there is simply something I am overlooking).

Is there a way I could find the "date" the publications were produced.  I looked in both the user and programming guides and could not find anything on entry template (even in the index).  Is it possible I don't have the latest version?

- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #9 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 12:02am
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Send it to

Your manuals should have the version number on the cover.

- Hammer
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Carl Underwood
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Re: Template
Reply #10 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 12:36am
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Hammer wrote on Oct 14th, 2009 at 12:02am:
Send it to

Your manuals should have the version number on the cover.

Don't you mean ""?   Wink

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
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Re: Template
Reply #11 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 12:41am
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Don't you mean ""?   Wink

That's what I said. Also, I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #12 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 1:38am
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Wow, a response only one minute after an edit.  Talk about fast! Cool

Bob Hansen
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Re: Template
Reply #13 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 1:29pm
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The issue that Spencer was running into was caused by having the text element's custom format set to 'Uppercase'. The custom formatting was telling Sesame to capitalize anything that was typed into that element.

To reset the formatting of a text element:

1) Open Sesame Designer
2) Open your DSR file
3) Enter design mode on your form
4) Left click on the 'State' element
5) Left click on the 'Format' tab of the Property Editor
6) Set the 'Display Format' dropdown to 'Custom Format'
7) Set the 'Text Format' dropdown to 'As Entered'
8) Click on the Save button at the top of the Sesame Designer window
9) Select 'Close Design Tab' from the 'Commands Menu'
10) Reconcile your design change

** For more information on Formatting Elements please refer to page 120 of the 2.0 Sesame User Guide.
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Re: Template
Reply #14 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 12:48am
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AHA!  "Custom Format"  - so it wasn't magic after all.  That raises another question, however.  No matter how hard I tried I could not figure out any way to see this in the property VIEWER.  Shouldn't that be reflected - in the viewer - since it's crucial to the behavior of the element .... and how else could I tell that I had used that setting?

I know how to change it back but that takes me back to another question I asked.  If you use the custom format (don't know why I was hung up on Entry Template), is there a way to have it print as "viewed" i.e. ALL CAPS?

If not and I use programming instead (toupper) will THAT enable it to print as "viewed" i.e. ALL CAPS?

As for the Program/User Guides, I downloaded them from the web-site and do not see a version # or date issued anywhere.  


- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #15 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 1:38am
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SpencerWulwick wrote on Oct 15th, 2009 at 12:48am:
AHA!  "Custom Format"  - so it wasn't magic after all.  That raises another question, however.  No matter how hard I tried I could not figure out any way to see this in the property VIEWER.  Shouldn't that be reflected - in the viewer - since it's crucial to the behavior of the element .... and how else could I tell that I had used that setting?

It is in the Property Viewer. It's that setting I asked you to check a couple of posts ago. Display Format. You must have had a different element than State selected when you looked at it or it would have shown you what we saw in the Property Viewer when we looked at it here.

As for the Program/User Guides, I downloaded them from the web-site and do not see a version # or date issued anywhere.

I see the Release number on the first page of the pdf User Guide for 2.0. I see the Documentation version and the copyright date (2007) on the second page. I see the Documentation version and the copyright date (2007) on the second page of the pdf Programming Guide for 2.0.  

We'll get your other questions tomorrow. I'm not in the office with Sesame right now.

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #16 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 1:49am
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Erika -

I could swear that I had State selected; however when I do it now I do get a different value, which is:

Is that supposed to mean something to me?

- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #17 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 1:54am
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SpencerWulwick wrote on Oct 15th, 2009 at 1:49am:
Erika -

I could swear that I had State selected; however when I do it now I do get a different value, which is:

Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Yes. Display Format shows a sample value as formatted by your settings. See how it's all in caps? If you selected lowercase, it would all be lowercase. Etc.

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #18 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 2:05am
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I noticed that it appeared in different case but did not realize that was a display of the fields.  Also, playing around, I notice that the number in brackets [0, 1, 2, 3] corresponds to the format:
0 As entered
2 lower case
3 Inital Caps

So, my next question is just what does  LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET mean or what purpose does it serve?  And, if you can change the "number" why not just enter what the number stands for, so that it would be meaningful to the user?  Just a thought and suggestion when considering future revisions.


- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #19 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 2:12am
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SpencerWulwick wrote on Oct 15th, 2009 at 2:05am:
So, my next question is just what does  LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET mean or what purpose does it serve?  And, if you can change the "number" why not just enter what the number stands for, so that it would be meaningful to the user?  Just a thought and suggestion when considering future revisions.

Lorem ipsum is standard sample text. Predates computers, actually. It's text that is commonly used when one doesn't want people distracted by what the sample words mean but still want valid-looking word/letter distribution.
Check out

The Lorem ipsum is the sample value for text fields. Date fields have a sample date. Number fields have a sample number. Etc.

The stuff in the square braces is the internal format and can be much more complicated than a single number. Date and number formats in particular. So we show the sample data and include the internal format in square braces for our reference in troubleshooting situations.

- Hammer
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Lantica Support

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Re: Template
Reply #20 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 1:23pm
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SpencerWulwick wrote on Oct 15th, 2009 at 12:48am:
If ... I use programming instead (ToUpper) will THAT enable it to print as "viewed" i.e. ALL CAPS?

The ToUpper command can be used On Element Change to convert anything that has been entered into the element to uppercase. The programming you will want to use is included in an example below.

My_Text_Element :: On Element Change
  My_Text_Element = ToUpper(My_Text_Element)

More information on the ToUpper() command can be found on page 421 of the 2.0 Programming Guide.
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Re: Template
Reply #21 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 2:45pm
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Ben -

Thanks, much, for helping.   You made it so easy - I decided to just experiment for myself regarding the printing.

I removed the Custom Format, added the toupper programming to the State field, saved and applied the DSR changes to my DB

I then went to the DB, did a mass update (toupper) on the STATE element, ran my export, printed my merge letter and it printed correctly (i.e. all upper case) so that answers my printing question when  using programming instead of custom format.  For all practical purposes, I'll just forget about using custom format in the future and just "do it myself" through programming.

Erika -

Now that you explained the lorum ipsum "stuff", I recall having asked you about it at the training session I had attended "way back when."  I remember telling you then - and I still view it that way - that whenever I see it, I think it must be LATIN and means nothing to me.  Ironically - instead of using sample text that is meaningful (e.g. As fORMatted, UPPER CASE etc. as I illustrated above) the lorum ipsum DISTRACTED me (exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do) and NEGATED (instead of helping) my getting any value from the display.  With that in mind - and given that I doubt the average person is familiar with lorum ipsum - I would still encourage you to consider changing the illustration - in future revisions.   Just an opinion; perhaps it would be helpful to hear from others in this regard.


- Spencer

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Re: Template
Reply #22 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 2:51pm
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Thanks for the input, Spencer.

- Hammer
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Re: Template
Reply #23 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 3:11pm
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Erika -

You're welcome ... and thank you, once again, for all your help.

By the way, it turns out that I did NOT have the latest versions of the user/programming guides (I thought I had downloaded it recently but apparently all I had done was moved the old copy on my computer to a more recent folder).

In any event I downloaded the latest version and was able to do a simple search to get me directly to the entry template information I had been looking for.

It was very nice "being in touch" with you again so this exchange was both helpful in regard to my Sesame needs and, on a personal level, just plain makes me feel good.  I really need to spend a little more time here - and will do just that.   Thanks

- Spencer

- Spencer

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Carl Underwood
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Re: Template
Reply #24 - Oct 18th, 2009 at 2:29am
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SpencerWulwick wrote on Oct 15th, 2009 at 2:45pm:
...whenever I see it, I think it must be LATIN and means nothing to me.  Ironically - instead of using sample text that is meaningful (e.g. As fORMatted, UPPER CASE etc. as I illustrated above) the lorum ipsum DISTRACTED me (exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do) and NEGATED (instead of helping) my getting any value from the display.  With that in mind - and given that I doubt the average person is familiar with lorum ipsum - I would still encourage you to consider changing the illustration - in future revisions.   Just an opinion; perhaps it would be helpful to hear from others in this regard.

I have to admit that I found myself thinking the same thing the first time I saw "Lorum ipsum...", until I did an Internet search to find out what it really was. So, I agree that it was more of a distraction for the first few weeks, before I researched it.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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