Normal Topic XLU from Q&A is inconsistent - SOLVED (Read 637 times)
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XLU from Q&A is inconsistent - SOLVED
May 11th, 2010 at 9:43pm
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I am reading data from Q&A database to Sesame 2.5.1 application, using XLU. Simple test with one line of LU code checking for @ERROR, frequently hangs, or takes over 2 minutes.  

Q&A is in same folder as Sesame application.  I seem to recall doing something in the past in Global Code when application opened to establish a connection, made for longer startup, but made for speedier run time transfer?  Cannot recall the details......( aaargh!)

And/or Did I miss a setting somewhere, maybe in INI file to improve this data transfer?

This problem is currently happening in test mode with both files on local machine.  Final environment will have Sesame Clients on machines in one building and Q&A in another building, same location as the Sesame Server. using a wireless antenna connection.  So, this has to pass test here first.  Will try to use better Search on the forum later, out of time here now......

Thanks for listening....
Edit... Hmm,  I think the secret was doing an XLU in Application Code, not Global Code.  Will have to do some research when I get back to Sesame files....
« Last Edit: May 12th, 2010 at 1:30am by Bob_Hansen »  

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Re: XLU from Q&A is inconsistent.
Reply #1 - May 12th, 2010 at 12:31am
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I added the following code to my Application program, did not fix the problem Angry:
Select All
// ======================================
// Preload Q&A database for faster connections.  May cause slower startup.

// This is local SS path for development
vQaPath = "C:\Sesame2\Data\Company\InProcess\"
// This is Company path for final installation


	} ELSE {

Still have the problem.  I have started the application, sometimes I get the message "Q&A DATABASE WAS PRELOADED", but other times, it just hangs.  Need to force kill Sesame, go back and unlock the application file.  All files are on local C:\Sesame\Data\ tree.  Not using mapped drive, not using network connection.

Q&A database only has one Speedy field: GRADE.
Will try to do a full recover and regeneration build on the Q&A database next...... Sad

Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
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Re: XLU from Q&A is inconsistent.
Reply #2 - May 12th, 2010 at 1:05am
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More diagnosis, still have the same issue....

Used Q&A Recovery and DTF DOCTOR tools.
Recovery on SKUDATA, No Change.
DTF Doctor - One Generation / Initial Values irreparably damaged...
Fix/Repair did not fix in DTF DR
Deleted Initial Values..
Recovery again....No Change
Opened in Sesame, still hangs....
Found that SKUDATA had 72 Duplicates out of 2787 records in Speedy field.
Removed 72 dupes, 2715 records remaining, no change in Seame
Did Recovery again, and DTF DR came up clean.
One generation, no errors, Analyze Specs and Data are good.
Opened application in Sesame, same problem, Sesame hangs, getting no good/bad message....XLU is still hanging.

Answer from Anyone?


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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Re: XLU from Q&A is inconsistent.
Reply #3 - May 12th, 2010 at 1:30am
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Still chasing Q&A problem...

Copied Design Only, no records....
Opening Sesame....Got message "PROBLEM LOADING Q&A DATABASE".  That is good, what I wanted.
Did five times in a row.....that is good.
Adding one record, value to match the LU search 16PPPD
Opening Sesame....Got message "Q&A DATABASE WAS PRELOADED".  That is good, what I wanted.
Did five times in a row.....that is good.
Using normal XLU field on form, values came in instantly......GOOD!

Copied 2714 records from original file to new Copy of database
Opening Sesame....Got message "Q&A DATABASE WAS PRELOADED".  That is good, what I wanted.
Using normal XLU field on form, values came in instantly......GOOD!
XLU values are coming in OK!

It looks like problem was a corrupted Q&A file.  Problem is solved!  I certainly hope so!
At least I am in a mode where I can enter data without hanging......

Thanks for listening, sometimes it helps just to be able to talk out a problem.


Bob Hansen
Sesame Database Manager Professional
Sensible Solutions Inc.
Salem, NH
Skype ID = sensiblesolutions
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