Normal Topic Accessing HTML Help pages (Read 3105 times)
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Accessing HTML Help pages
Feb 21st, 2011 at 1:35am
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See description below. Call this with ViewHTMLHelp(PathAsString, HelpFileName)
If PathAsString is empty it will go to a default path.

This allows standardizing on a specific browser for Help screens (and using settings such as kiosk mode).

stat sHTMLBrowser as String
stat sDefaultHelpPath as String

// ======================================================================
// Opens the specified HTML document in the specified browser
// The browser is set in a static variable
// ======================================================================
Subroutine ViewHTMLHelp(vHelpPath as String, vHelpDocName as String)
     // Assumes user has FireFox installed !!!
     var CmdLine as String
     If vHelpPath = "" then vHelpPath = sDefaultHelpPath

// Delete next line to access URL's, etc.  Presumably anyone hardcoding help page locations will
// check their finished code and if it doesn't work will realize the path needs a final \.
     If @Right(vHelpPath, 1) <> "\" then vHelpPath = vHelpPath + "\"

     CmdLine = @chr(34) + sHTMLBrowser + @chr(34) + " " + @chr(34) + vHelpPath + vHelpDocName + @chr(34)
End Subroutine // ViewHTMLHelp

// Select the browser that will be used
     sHTMLBrowser = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
//      sHTMLBrowser = "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
     sDefaultHelpPath = "G:\Sesame\Help\"
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