Normal Topic Report breaks (Read 1150 times)

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Report breaks
Mar 29th, 2011 at 2:00pm
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I want to be able to do No Repeat breaks in a report without doing subtotals such as I could in Q&A with AS,CS.
For instance with column 1 being Date Paid, column 2 being Customer. I want the date shown in column 1 for the first row and for it not to be shown until the date changes and I want the customer's name to be shown for the first instance and not repeated and I want these to be done without breaking for subtotals.
How do I do it?
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Re: Report breaks
Reply #1 - Mar 29th, 2011 at 6:09pm
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Hello magicfish,

Below are the steps you will want to follow to get the look you want in your report.
[i]Note: This is a pretty straight-forward process, the steps are a little long winded as I try to explain exactly what you need to look for. If you need further assistance, let us know.[/i]

     1) Start Sesame Designer and open your design file (DSR)
     2) Enter Report Design mode by selecting 'Reports > [Database_Name] > [Report_Name]'
     3) In Report Design mode, left click once on 'Group Header 1'. This will open the 'Report Section Properties' window.
     4) In the 'Report Section Properties' window, set 'Group Management' to "Add new group after this one". Click on 'Perform Selected Action'.
     5) In the 'Report Section Properties' window, left-click on the 'Ok' button.
     ** You will now have two group header rows and two group footer rows. 'Group Header 1' and 'Group Header 2' / 'Group Footer 1' and 'Group Footer 2'

     6) In Report Design mode, left click once on 'Group Header 2'. This will open the 'Report Section Properties' window.
     7) In the 'Report Section Properties' window, set 'Group Management' to "Add new group after this one". Click on 'Perform Selected Action'
     8) In the 'Report Section Properties' window, left-click on the 'Ok' button.
     ** You will now have three group header rows and three group footer rows. 'Group Header 1', 'Group Header 2' and 'Group Header 3' / 'Group Footer 1', 'Group Footer 2' and 'Group Footer 3' 

     9) Ensure that all column header text is in the 'Group Header 1' row. 'Group Footer 1' should contain your text and summary calculation elements.
     10) Leave the rows of 'Group Header 2' and 'Group Header 3' / 'Group Footer 2' and 'Group Footer 3' empty.
     11) Left-click once on 'Group Header 2' to open 'Report Section Properties'
     12) Set 'Break Element' to "Date Paid" and check the box labeled 'No Repeat'.
     13) Click 'OK'
     14) Left-click once on 'Group Header 3' to open 'Report Section Properties'
     15) Set 'Break Element' to "Customer" and check the box labeled 'No Repeat'.
     16) Click 'OK'      

     ** You should now have a report that will produce something like the following:

03/01/2011      John Smith      $10.00
           Jane Sampleson      $60.00
03/02/2011      Fred Rubble      $30.00
           Wilma Flagstone      $40.00
---- etc ----
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Re: Report breaks
Reply #2 - Mar 29th, 2011 at 7:24pm
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That works great for the no repeat breaks! Thanks.
I had a Line in Group Header 4 which printed a line between the column headers and the actual data. After your changes, it printed a line after each Customer break. I deleted the Line in Group Header 4 and all the lines disappeared. OK, I can live without the line.
In Group Footer 4, I have Spaces and Static Text boxes with "=========" to print this above the Total. This now prints after each Customer break. I want the "=========" to only print above the final total. Where do I move the Spaces and Static Text boxes? To Group Footer 2?
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Re: Report breaks
Reply #3 - Mar 29th, 2011 at 7:44pm
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Getting Your Footer Separator In Place

1) Click on 'Group Header 1'.
2) Set 'Group Management' to "Add new group after this one".
3) Move your static text elements that contain "====" into the new group footer that was created (should be Group Footer 2)


Adding Your Header Separator

I had a Line in Group Header 4 which printed a line between the column headers and the actual data.

If you follow the steps above to add a non-breaking footer row for your "="s,  you should now be able to make use of Group Header 2 for your divider line.  Here's how:

1) Left-click into the row of 'Group Header 2'
2) Add a "Line" element to the row
3) Add enough Spacer elements to the row so that each row of your report design has the same number of elements
4) Count the number of elements in 'Group Header 2' (including the line element), we will need that number in a minute.
5) Left-click on the Line element in 'Group Header 2'
6) Click on the 'Position' tab of the Property Editor
7) Click in the width box and type "cN" (where N is the number of elements in 'Group Header 2')
    ** This tells Sesame to span N number of columns when it draws the line
8) Click on the arrow pointing to the right to apply the change.
9) Select all of the Spacer elements in the 'Group Header 2' row
    ** This can be done by Shift-Clicking each element.
10) Click on the 'Other' tab of the Property Editor
11) Set the option for 'Visible' to "No"
12) Save your changes

** You now have a simple divider that spans the width of your report.
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Re: Report breaks
Reply #4 - Mar 29th, 2011 at 8:20pm
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Got the ==== now.
Added the Line element as you instructed. I now have a blank line between the column heads and the data, not a line. Yes, I double checked and the element says "Line". The blank line is just as acceptable as the line; it just doesn't make sense.

Now for the hard question - where do I learn all this? I have learned a lot from trial and error and I really appreciate your help here and the help of Ray The Reaper on another issue,but this is very time consuming. Is there a manual or something with detailed instructions for reports?

Thanks again.
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Re: Report breaks
Reply #5 - Mar 31st, 2011 at 3:19pm
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Added the Line element as you instructed. I now have a blank line between the column heads and the data, not a line.

Double check the properties for your line element. You may have accidentally set it to be invisible.

Now for the hard question - where do I learn all this?

The User Guide covers all of the methods for building reports. We'll try to cover more "special case" techniques (spanning multiple columns, adding css, adding html, etc) in future knowledge-base articles.

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Re: Report breaks
Reply #6 - Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:36pm
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Double check the properties for your line element. You may have accidentally set it to be invisible.

I've checked  and it's visible.

The User Guide covers all of the methods for building reports. We'll try to cover more "special case" techniques (spanning multiple columns, adding css, adding html, etc) in future knowledge-base articles.

I've been trying to get the time to read the User Guide straight through instead of bit by bit as I'm looking for something specific, but finding time is getting worse not better. I've converted a couple of the Q&A databases enough to be able to use them but I haven't done the hardest one yet.
Thanks again for the assistance.

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