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Sesame Server on Linux
Apr 2nd, 2011 at 10:25pm
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After having some serious memory issues with our largest applications in Windows, we decided to dump Windows Server 2003 and switch to Linux Ubuntu (kept the same hardware). Here are some observations I have made during our first 10 days.

(I am brand new to Linux, but quite familiar with Windows.)

  • Installing Linux (Ubuntu version) on a formatted hard drive was very easy, and Ubuntu is free.
  • Dealing with user security and permission in linux was a real pain. Took quite a bit of searching the net, and even a Linux reinstall to get things going.
  • I had no driver issues on a Dell PowerEdge T110 Server computer (basic Xeon processor with 4GB of RAM. About $400 from Dell)
  • Mapping a folder on the network was also a bit difficult.
  • Changing Sbasic in sesame to reflect the new folder paths was easy, but tedious because we have a lot of 'xlookups' on a lot of different forms and applications (ie. C:\sesame2\data\ changed to /home/sesame/data/). Linux is also case sensitive, so sbasic programming had to be tweaked.
  • Setting up a 'shortcut' or 'launcher' to start sesame server is awkward. Perhaps Lantica has a Linux quick start guide that I overlooked?
  • I run sesame server from a terminal windows which allows the terminal window to display a live error log. Helpful, and raises a few more questions.
  • Sesame has been MUCH more stable on Linux, when running several large applications. We have yet to crash after 10 days of heavy usage.
  • Sesame runs MUCH, MUCH faster on Linux. Aps that would load in 45 seconds, now load in 4 seconds. 'formfieldvalue(), Mass Updates,  save, etc, are faster and more robust. Another big reason to upgrade. I was able to load every Ap I could get may hands on, and saw no slowdown in speed.

If you are having issues in Windows with large applications, don't hesitate to test out sesame on a free copy of Linux. You won't regret it.

I still have some 'setup' to do on Linux, but things are now VERY stable and EXTREMELY fast, so I'm very pleased.


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #1 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 3:38am
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On the same hardware, we've seen speed increases from 1.5 to 20 times faster, depending on the type of operation. Linux has superior compilers and runtime libraries. All I/O, especially network and file is much faster, as are searching and sorting. Additionally, because it is older and actually multiuser, Unix (and thus Linux) is much more secure.

In general though, for end users, easy things are a bit harder on Unix, and hard things are much easier.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #2 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 1:22am
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You don't mention whether you are running Ubuntu server or Ubuntu desktop.  Ubuntu desktop is very user-friendly.  Ubuntu server isn't.  Pretty much anyone running any Linux server version has training specifically in Unix.  (Linux is actually a version of Unix.)

If you are running the server version and it's not to late to switch, I definitely recommend switching.  There are loads of "how to" videos on YouTube for Ubuntu desktop.

As a complete newbie you will find quite a few things annoying, but after you've worked with it awhile you'll see how similar Desktop is to Windows.

A difference from Windows is that the highest level in the file system is /  All folders are descended from / -- there are no separate drive letters.

A major difference between Ubuntu and other Linux/Unix versions involves Root.  In Unix/Linux, Root is the "super user", with highest administrative rights. All users other than Root have a separate folder descended from /home, e.g., user "robert" would be in /home/robert  Root's folder, however, is attached directly, i.e. /root  Of course, root has a password.

Unlike Windows, you really don't routinely log on as "root".

Ubuntu is unique in that there is no separate user "root".  There can be, but Canonical strongly discourages it. Instead, you precede a command with "sudo", which means "Super User Do".  For instance, to copy into a system folder you would type sudo cp sourcefile targetpath

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #3 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 1:28am
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Thanks Rick. I'm using Ubuntu desktop version 10.01

I've got things running smoothly now, but still need to get some folder sharing in place so the windows users can import data from their shared Windows folders into sesame.

Also, I need to learn how to make a 'batch file' or 'launcher' to backup my sesame files to an external drive to take home each night.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #4 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 1:59am
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Below is a "script" I have used several times to install Ubuntu Desktop.

If you are only running Ubuntu as a server, a lot below will not be needed, e.g.:
- Installing Microsoft fonts
- Installing codecs
- Moving the Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons to upper right.

This assumes that all users will log in with the same name.

Ubuntu can natively access Windows shares, but Samba must be
installed for Windows machines to see the Linux machine.

Term Support) VERSION.

In setup set to boot from CDROM

Insert Ubuntu 10.10 install disk and boot

Click Install

Set clock & keyboard (default)

Set partitions manually
Delete any existing partition
Click on empty space, select Add
Create a Primary partition / about 8 GB. 8590*10^6 = 8GB That is a VERY large primary partition. Use ext4 file system for max speed.
The /swap partition should equal the physical memory and has filesystem type swap. (2148*10^6) The partition can be primary or secondary.
User data goes in a separate partition /home  (about 10GB) (For a server application this is not the main data partition.)
This is a logical partition, not a primary
As they are created the partitioner will show the mount point.
Create a logical partition /our_data type ext4  You can set the mount point from the partitioner.  This is the main data partition.

If you are going to use a separate disk for this partition, don't create this partition.  Once Ubuntu is installed, create a folder with: sudo mkdir /our_data
(Like Windows, you can mount an entire disk in a folder. If you do that, once Ubuntu is installed, format the second disk as a single partition and then mount it.  Unlike Windows, the folder where it is being mounted doesn't have to be empty.  You can put test data, make sure everything works, and then simply mount your production drive.)

"Your name" is not the "user name"
Set user name to: abc Staff
 The user name will be in /home/<username>
 (or maybe /usr/username)
Set the login name to abc-staff
Set password to abc
Set the computer name to linux-server
Set to log in automatically


System => Preferences => Monitor
Set monitor resolution

System => Preferences => Appearance => Fonts, Change the font sizes
Backgrounds => Get more backgrounds online
Select the picture, right-click, Set as Background
Theme => Radiance => Close

 Application font is used in menu bars


System => Preferences => Main Menu
-- menu Applications -- System Tools doesn't show up because
no items are selected by default.  If you click an option (e.g.
Configuration Editor), System Tools will get large and display.
Enable: Applications => System Tools
Enable: Applications => Accessories => Archive Manager
Disable: Preferences => Assistive Technologies, iBus, Bluetooth, Mouse
Disable: Administration => Startup Disk Creator, Log file viewer

Applications => System Tools => Configuration Editor
Apps => Metacity
Change button_layout to menu:minimize,maximize,close



System => Administration => Synaptic Package Manager => pwd = abc
Select ttf-mscorefonts-installer, mark for installation, Apply.
This installs Andale, Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans, Courier New,
Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, Verdana and Webdings.

Other common fonts to install: Tahoma, Lucida, Wingdings
rename them to lowercase

To install a GROUP OF fonts system-wide and allow others to use it:

1. Create a new folder on the Desktop with the target folder name,
i.e., if the target will be /.../lucida, name the desktop folder lucida
2. Download the new font(s) and extract to the desktop folder
3. In a terminal type: sudo cp -R ~/Desktop/<foldername> /usr/share/fonts/[whatever]
This will copy the entire folder to the system font folder.
 [whatever] might be lower levels, i.e., .../fonts/truetype/hebrew/script
 When you run the cp it would wind up in /fonts/truetype/hebrew/script/lucida
NOTE: You will usually want to copy the folder to /fonts/truetype
4. Delete the desktop folder.
5. Restart your application. The fonts will be available system-wide.

To install individual fonts:
1. Open a root terminal.
2. If the target folder does not exist create it: mkdir /usr/share/fonts/<whatever>/<target>
3. In the root terminal open a file browser: nautilus
4. Select the font files to be copied.
5. Paste them into the target folder.
6. Restart.

In Windows Lucida fonts are at C:\Program Files\Java\ and
C:\Program Files\Corel\

Also create an msfonts folder for Tahoma, Wingdings, etc.
In a terminal: mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msfonts

SET UP SAMBA (Lets Windows machines access Linux.)

Open a terminal, copy and paste the following and run it:
sudo apt-get install samba samba-common samba-common-bin winbind system-config-samba

** DO NOT INSTALL SWAT! It removes all comments, etc., from smb.conf

System => Administration => Samba
(This runs system-config-samba)
Preferences => Samba Users => Add User
Unix Username => abc-staff
Windows Username: abc-staff
Samba password: abc

Click the plus sign (Add Share)
Click Browse, select the directory to share
The share name is what the network will see: \\servername\sharename
Set the directory to /our_data and share name data_folders
Set Writable and Visible
Tab Access => Only certain users
Click abc-staff
To change later: System => Administration => Samba, select share => File => Properties

Preferences => Server Settings => Basic
Leave the workgroup as workgroup
Change the description
Server Settings => Security
Preferences => Samba Users
change the password for abc-staff to abc

***ALTERNATIVE -- probably NOT needed
How to manually edit the smb.conf file:
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /home/abc-staff/Templates/smb.conf-template
gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
Save As /home/abc-staff/Templates/abc-smb.conf
sudo cp /home/abc-staff/Templates/abc-smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf
Test the file: testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf
(Restart samba) sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Applications => Accessories => Terminal => Edit => Profile Preferences
(fore: #0000a0, back: white)

User name: linux-server\abc-staff
Password: abc

To manually edit smb.conf:
sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

-- copy & paste contents of custom smb.conf

System => Preferences => Startup Applications
Turn them off here

System => Administration => Synaptic Package Manager => pwd = abc
Search for cups-pdf => Apply

System => Administration => Printing
Right-click on printer, select Shared
Server => Settings => Advanced Server Settings
Publish Shared Printers
Allow Remote Administration
Do not preserve job history

System => Preferences => Main Menu

Install MPlayer
Right-click on MPlayer SCREEN, Preferences
Increase cache size to 8192 (kb), set audio quality to mid
Exit MPlayer, restart it

System => Preferences => Screensaver
uncheck Lock screen when screensaver is active
Test: Open a terminal, type: gnome-screensaver-command -a
This blacks the screen.  Move the mouse.

(Also possibly)
Applications => System Tools => Configuration Editor
apps => gnome-power-manager => lock
uncheck gnome_keyring_hibernate and gnome_keyring_suspend

Synaptic Package Manager => build-essential

Terminal: sudo apt-get install bleachbit
Bleachbit is like CrapCleaner
Sweeper will also do this.
System Janitor

Synaptic Package Manager: search for xserver-xorg-xvideo
Remove unused drivers

If the mobo has an AGP card, changing the AGP Aperture size
in the BIOS can speed up the video. The system uses 4k pages
of system RAM when the video card RAM runs low. An address
translation table called GART accepts memory calls from the CPU
and translates those to memory page addresses so the CPU sees
a contiguous address space. The more memory the video card has
the smaller the aperture should be.

Preferences => Appearance => Visual Effects => Extra
Terminal sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager

CODECS (Medibuntu)
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Google Medibuntu community documentation
Add Medibuntu as a repository
This is done by copying and pasting (right-click, can't Ctrl-V) into a terminal.
Follow the instructions on the page. You have to copy & paste several times.

Try to view a WMV file. It will search for codecs and install them. This is a
time-consuming process (abt 20 min) that requires repeated steps. (The sudo works fast.)

Open a Nautilus browser (Places)
Navigate to your destination
Menu => Bookmarks => Add Bookmark (Ctrl-D)

Applications => Accessories => Terminal
sudo chmod a=rwx /our_data

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Linux desktops
Reply #5 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 2:22am
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Some general info for Linux newbies:

Linux uses a very small kernel.  The windowing system, the printing subsystem, are all completely separate. There are several desktops. Two of the most popular are Gnome and KDE ("K Desktop Environment"). With the next version of Ubuntu, "Natty Narwahl" version 11.4, Canonical is switching to the "Unity" interface (which is still in development).

Programs developed for the KDE desktop generally begin with "k" and programs developed for Gnome begin with "g", i.e., "gedit" is a text editor.  If you have desktop installed and you try to install a program from the other desktop, the installation manager will automatically determine all the necessary programs, download them and install them. Unless you really need to use programs from both, it's better to just select one desktop.  You can run any of the programs from either desktop (i.e., if you prefer Gnome but you want to run a KDE program, you don't have to switch desktops.)

Because the two desktops are both popular, pre-Version 11 Ubuntu defaults to Gnome and a version called Kubuntu defaults to KDE.

Gnome defaults to 4 separate desktops (see the lower right-hand corner).  You can easily switch to one of the 4 desktops and suddenly "where did all my programs go?"
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #6 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 4:02am
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Ubuntu has the Update Manager and Synaptec Package Manager, used to install and update software.

When you run those on a regular basis all of a sudden when you go to boot you will come into something similar to the list of options you get if you press F8 while Windows is booting.  You will see a list of kernel versions and if you don't touch anything one will be started automatically.

Here is how to delete the older versions.

1) Open a ROOT terminal
2) Type: uname -a
3) That shows the kernel version currently running. Note it.
4) Start Synaptic Package Manager
5) In Quick Search search for linux-generic
6) Installed versions have a green checkbox. On the versions to be removed right click and select Mark for Complete Removal
7) Click Apply

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #7 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 2:30pm
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Rick, thank you VERY much. This is great info. I'll spend some time digesting this, and then post my results soon.


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux (more general)
Reply #8 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 4:05am
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Generally, there is no difference between Unix and Linux, so I'll only mention Linux.

Unlike Windows, Linux is case-sensitive.  Although you can use filenames like "January 2011 Report.xls" standard practice is to use all lowercase and hyphens, not spaces, i.e., january-2011-report.xls

There is a very good reason for avoiding spaces, apostrophes, etc., in filenames--octal is Linux's native language and some programs, etc., will automatically replace punctuation with the hex equivalent, preceded by %.  So you might name a file "January Payments Report" and a program might automatically change that to January%20Payments%20Report.

Unlike Windows, file extensions are not meaningful. Note that to a certain extent Ubuntu does not follow this convention.

By default no file is executable.  You have to set the program's permissions. That is done with the command-line utility chmod.  (Ubuntu has a graphical interface to do that.)

Case-sensitivity applies to all aspects. Linux utilities have an incredible range of options and parameter flags are also case-sensitive, i.e., cp whatever -r and cp whatever -R would produce different results.

The philosophy behind Linux utilities, names, etc., is that the user knows what s/he's doing. Until Ubuntu, virtually all Linux users were hard core geeks with formal college course work in Unix. The "dummies" were Windows power users with a background in system administration and programming. The idea is that if you're not comfortable with the command line, skip Linux. Also, you'll be using various utilities a lot. So it's easier to learn the command name once and then type something short rather than type long names that are easier to remember.  Hence, "cp" = Copy; "ls" = List (= Windows Dir), "mv" = Move, etc.

A lot of utility names are based on geek humor.  For instance, what Windows users call a command prompt Unix calls a shell.  Unlike Windows, there are many shells.  The original was called "sh".  Someone expanded that a bit.  Someone named Bourne expanded it more, leading to "bash", which stands for "Bourne Again shell".

Linux utilities include a detailed set of on-line manuals referred to as "man" pages.  You can routinely get help by typing man commandname

There are a number of Linux "distros". Red Hat and Novelle are the two largest but they basically sell complete software "stacks" referred to as LAMP, which stands for Linux, Apache server, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python. Folks using those would normally have experienced Linux system admins.

Software is mainly distributed in "packages" using one of two formats: .rpm (Red Hat Package Manager) or .deb for Debian (the Linux "fork" that includes Ubuntu.) Ubuntu includes Synaptec Package Manager which takes care of most of the technical aspects of downloading and installing software on an Ubuntu system. Because the package management system coordinates "file dependencies", you can't mix installers.  If you are using Ubuntu/Debian, you can't install an rpm package.

You will also see references to a "tarball", "make" and compiling.  Historically, most Linux/Unix software was distributed as source code in a compressed format (tar stands for tape archive) and it was compiled with the "make" utility. Ubuntu has pretty much eliminated the need for that.  Unless you need some oddball utility you will probably never need to use "make".

There is a HUGE amount of high quality free software available for Ubuntu. Most university, industry and government research projects that develop software for particular in-house activities develop for Linux, not Windows.  Because a lot of it is done under research grants, they either are required to or voluntarily make the code public. Generally, binary files are not available, but the installer packages will determine what other files are necessary and download and install those and compile everything automatically.

Unlike Windows, there is no central folder for programs equivalent to C:\Program Files.  Programs generally wind up in one of several places.  Although this can be confusing if you have downloaded source code and are trying to decide where to put it, that generally is not a problem with Ubuntu because the target location will be predefined in the installer.

There is a version called Portable Ubuntu, although it is not the latest Ubuntu version. It loads on top of Windows. So, you can have your Linux programs running in Portable Ubuntu and your Windows programs running simultaneously.

There is a program called WINE which emulates Windows. Basically, it takes Windows API calls to system routines and reroutes them to the equivalent Linux routines. has a commercial version that is normally a bit more advanced, although they do donate their code to the overall WINE project.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #9 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 4:09pm
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Thank you, Rick. You are a wealth of knowledge, and you have kept me from straying too far into the weeds.

If you test sesame on Linux, I'd like to know if you see the same kind of increase in performance as we have.


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #10 - Apr 6th, 2011 at 5:50pm
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I only have personal Sesame at home, where I have been basically working on a replacement for part of our QA system because "someday" we'll need it.

We have an outside consultant who was involved in setting up the QA system around 15 years ago.  Although he basically hasn't been involved in years, every time I suggest something my boss goes running to him and he often nixes the idea.  When we needed to replace our Windows 2000 Server with its 512MB PC-133 memory and 1GHz processor I suggested Linux on a modern motherboard, which could be done for around $200.  (That's where I started working with Linux.)  He told my boss, "Your company's clients are running Windows, so you'll need Windows for compatibility" even though the server never contacts our clients and the users are running Windows.  So we'll definitely never be using multi-user Linux in a production environment and we probably won't be using anything with Sesame until extended support for XP ends in 2014.  (We set up XP as our "server" operating system for QA.  Everything else is on a Win 2008 Server machine.)
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #11 - Apr 13th, 2011 at 5:41pm
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Something worth mentioning:

After a fresh Linux Ubunto 10.01 install to my 64-bit pc, I could not get sesame server to start. It appears that Linux installed 64bit drivers only which would not run Sesame. I used the below command to install a '32-bit library' and sesame fired right up. Let me know if this is not the optimal method:

Select All
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs 

Just fyi.


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #12 - Apr 13th, 2011 at 6:05pm
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Those are probably the correct set of libraries to run a 32 bit application on the 64 bit OS.

... but these are not drivers. They are runtime libraries, like DLLs on Windows.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #13 - Apr 13th, 2011 at 6:11pm
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Thanks for confirming, Mark. You have really helped make our transition from Windows to Linux smooth.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux Which version (Ubuntu)
Reply #14 - Apr 24th, 2011 at 7:07am
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Above I have a "script" I have used with Ubuntu Desktop versions 10.04 and 10.10.

I just tried setting up 11.04 and the script will not work "right out of the box".

The Gnome 2.x interface has a single menu-type bar at the top and in the upper right corner are Applications Places System.

System opens to Preferences and Administration.  Between the two of those most system settings can be found.

11.04 defaults to the "Unity" interface, which has an application launcher icon bar on the left side of the screen.  It does not provide access to the various System settings.  When you try to change to Gnome as the default interface, searching on the Web just pulls up loads of things about Gnome 3, which is not yet supported by Ubuntu.

Here are the instructions, courtesy of Adrian Kingsley-Hughes at

It’s actually pretty simple to choose between Unity and the classic UI.

  1. Log out of Ubuntu 11.04
  2. At the log on screen select the user you want to log in as
  3. At the bottom of the screen you’ll notice a task bar appear -  this allows you to switch between different modes
  4. Select Ubuntu Classic
  5. Log in as normal
  6. If you want Unity back, repeat the steps but instead choose Ubuntu

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #15 - Apr 24th, 2011 at 7:18am
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Regarding the Gnome/Unity interfaces, once the server is all set up, you might actually prefer Unity.  It basically leaves almost the entire screen free except for a vertical row of launcher icons on the left side.
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Sesame/Linux (window management buttons)
Reply #16 - Apr 28th, 2011 at 3:31am
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In case someone else runs into this ...

Linux comes with a fancy window/desktop management program called Compiz-Fusion.  It lets you do all sorts of things like wobbly windows, switching between desktops on a single monitor, etc.  (Compiz is not part of the Ubuntu default install.  It can be installed from Synaptic Package Manager.)

I was checking out the different options and I noticed that suddenly all my window-management buttons disappeared.  (I change the default combo that appears in the upper left corner to mimic Windows in the upper right  corner.)

Turns out one of the Compiz options is Window Decoration.  If that is not checked you get a window pretty much equivalent to this text box -- no window title bar, etc.  If you accidentally turn off the bar, do this:

System -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager (usually referred to as CCSM) -> Effects -> check Window Decoration

(By the way, when setting hotkeys, the Windows key is referred to as <Super>.)
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Ubuntu and Gnome 3
Reply #17 - May 1st, 2011 at 5:20am
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For those unfamiliar with Linux (which is essentially a Unix clone), it is fundamentally different from Windows. Actual Linux itself consists of a very small kernel.  Most functionality is added with subsystems as desired.  Basic Linux does not include a graphical/windowing system, a print subsystem, etc.  Software to add those (e.g., X-Windows and CUPS - Common Unix Print System) command-line and graphical shells, etc., are put together as a "distro" that now normally includes an office suite, PDF/graphics/video editing and many other functionalities.

Two of the most popular graphical shells are KDE (K Desktop Environment) and Gnome.  In April Gnome released the Gnome 3 interface, which is a from scratch rewrite that takes advantage of modern graphics hardware acceleration, etc.

There are a number of major Linux distros, especially Red Hat, Suse (from Novell) and Debian.  Ubuntu, from Canonical, is based on Debian.  Ubuntu is unique in that it has a standard release schedule: an LTS (Long Term Support) version is released each April (x.04) and October (x.10).  In 11.04, Canonical switched from Gnome 2.3 as the default shell to its own Unity shell.

Although future versions of Ubuntu will support Gnome 3, 11.04 officially does not.  Canonical said that it would be too big a step to add support for a shell that was still in development.  There are unofficial packages from the Gnome 3 group that will install Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 11.04.

I installed the packages and tried them.  Although the installation is pretty straightforward, I do not recommend installing them.  Although it didn't break anything, there are a lot of nuisance things like no power-off icons.  If a menu or dialog box contains italics the text is replaced by small rectangles.  The advanced graphics driver doesn't seem to work--which means that simple things like the minimize/maximize/close buttons don't appear.  (See previous post re Window Decorations.)  Although the layout is very different, the style of the icons have a somewhat cartoonish look a lot like Windows XP.

It seems there is a way to set "themes" but I haven't found it.  The default is pretty much grayscale--imagine Windows 7 Explorer with the directory trees all in grayscale, etc.

Particularly for a server, I don't see anything in the Gnome 3 shell that would be particularly desirable.  If the machine is basically going to handle a few things like start and stop Sesame, backup, etc., once the configuration is set up, for normal use the Unity interface will probably be best  (left-side vertical bar of application icons).  Alternatively, the Gnome 2.3 interface that comes with all Ubuntu versions to date gives a pretty clean desktop while still providing quick access to everything.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #18 - May 6th, 2011 at 5:53pm
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I just wanted to let you know that I for one, appreciate your updates on using Linux in general and using Sesame on Linux in particular.
BTW, have you tried Linux Mint? Its main version is based on but improved on Ubuntu. There are other versions, including Debian as well. Take a look.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #19 - May 6th, 2011 at 9:42pm
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Actually, I haven't used Sesame on Linux.  Over the years I tried various versions of Linux and flat-out gave up because it was so geeky and required so much research, etc., to get it working.  With one distro I literally spent about 100 hours trying to get X Windows to work and finally gave up completely.  About 2-3 years ago I tried Suse and that worked fairly well.  But the problem I always ran into was that I couldn't get standard video formats (mainly WMV) to work.

Ubuntu has gone out of its way to make the desktop version user friendly and now even the video formats work.  I did find it frustrating at first, but I was warned by various articles at ZDNet and Tech Republic, "Remember--Linux is not Windows."  I wrote up the "script" mainly for my own use (I have installed Ubuntu now maybe 10 times) because I realized I would not be installing it often enough to remember between installs.  The script makes it a lot easier to do the initial install (including things like the Microsoft Core Fonts and Samba) and once that's up and running most Windows power users will find it pretty easy to do anything else they would want to do.

I still mainly use XP because I have all the software I need and it's all Windows-specific.  The last time I did a full Windows install with all the applications it took over 100 hours.  (For example, I have about five different wordprocessors, and about 7 graphics editing programs.)  My Windows 7 install crashed and had to be reinstalled and I'm in no rush to spend that time again just because the icons and default screen backgrounds are a lot prettier than XP.  (I have a pretty unusual setup -- one 1.5TB disk partitioned as 100GB for XP and the rest for data, 40GB hard disk for Ubuntu 11.04 and 80GB hard disk for Win 7, each boot disk entirely independent.  Eventually I'm going to get a 64GB SSD for either the XP or Win 7.)
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #20 - May 14th, 2011 at 6:27am
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Well, here's an interesting little experiment I tried just for the heck of it ...

As mentioned, I have an unusual setup--one hard disk partitioned as C:\ and D: for data, with Win XP on the C:\ drive,  a second boot drive with Win 7 and a third boot drive with Ubuntu 11.04, each completely independent but accessing the same data. (Ubuntu loads way, way faster.)

I set up Mozilla Thunderbird (email) in XP and redirected the email folders to D:\.  I then installed Thunderbird under Win 7 and redirected to the same folders.  Just for the heck of it, I just installed Thunderbird in Linux and redirected to the same NTFS folder--and everything seems to be working fine (except that Linux doesn't auto-mount the Windows drive, although I could set it to do that).

By the way, all Mozilla products use random sequences for the user profile.  When redirecting, you don't have to use the same profile.  I redirected from c:\...\vfqzvnr1.default to d:\...\rick.default and it worked fine.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Code editor
Reply #21 - May 14th, 2011 at 7:48am
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In developing under Windows, I have found it generally easier to put most of the code in a few .pgm files that I edit with Notepad ++, rather than using the built-in program editor.

I was just looking for an HTML editor for Ubuntu and ran across a multi-programming-language editor called Bluefish.  It's not WYSIWYG, so I'm not interested in using it for HTML pages, but it looks like it would be pretty good for SBasic and various scripting languages (and HTML if you write source code).  It can be added with Ubuntu => Applications => Ubuntu Software Center => Get Software => Developer Tools => Web Development => Bluefish Editor
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - "login" as Root
Reply #22 - May 19th, 2011 at 2:55am
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Unlike most versions of Linux/Unix, Ubuntu strongly discourages setting up a separate user account named "root", although it can be done.

Under Ubuntu, the default file manager is named nautilus.  To open the file manager with root-level permission, open a terminal and type gksu nautilus

A dialog box will open asking your password.  (The same as happens if you precede certain commands with sudo or if you open Synaptic Package Manager.) When you enter that a file manager will open with root-level access.  Closing the terminal will not also close the file manager.

gksu and sudo both allow "run with elevated privileges".  The difference is that sudo is used only with command-line utilities (e.g., sudo apt-get) and gksu is used to start GUI programs from the command line in a terminal.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - updating
Reply #23 - May 29th, 2011 at 5:00am
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My script above says to create a root partition about 8GB, which is very large.  I recently did an install with a 4.3GB root and everything was fine. I have been installing various programs and I got a message that it was running low on disk space.  (I have added a lot of programs that would not be on a server.  This was a 330MB website editing suite.)

A lot of books on Linux say that most programs, etc., wind up in /home, which I have as a large separate partition.  I found out that if you share them they wind up in /usr, which I did not have set up as a separate partition.

As mentioned above, you can simply mount an additional partition in a folder.  I had left about 11GB unallocated, so I created a new partition, copied /usr to that, and mounted it.  (I have two machines with Linux.  To avoid problems of trying to change the active program folder, I mounted the drive on the second machine and made the changes there.  You edit a text file named fstab.conf (File System Table).

Once I did that, everything worked properly.  However, every time the reorganized drive booted, immediately after POST it would display a message:

    error: file not found
    error: no suitable mode

I found out that the file grub.cfg file needs to be rewritten.  To do that, open a terminal (Applications => Accessories =>Terminal) and type:

    sudo update-grub

(no spaces around the hyphen.  As with all Linux/Unix programs, names and parameters are case sensitive.)

GRUB stands for Grand Unified Bootloader and it is actually GNU GRUB.

In my case, I have three separate boot drives, one for XP, one for Win 7 and for Ubuntu. Because I want them completely independent, I had to disconnect the Windows drives.  If I left them installed when I updated GRUB, it would automatically have installed a multi-bootloader menu (modify the MBR).
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Mint
Reply #24 - May 30th, 2011 at 9:08pm
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I just wanted to let you know that I for one, appreciate your updates on using Linux in general and using Sesame on Linux in particular.
BTW, have you tried Linux Mint? Its main version is based on but improved on Ubuntu. There are other versions, including Debian as well. Take a look."

As I mentioned, I haven't tried Mint.  I recently saw a review on ZDNet by a tech blogger who regularly uses Ubuntu, OpenSUSE (based on Novell) and Mint 10.  He said that Mint 11 Release Candidate is noticeably faster than the latest Ubuntu release.  After a week he installed it on his main work laptop.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Windows backup
Reply #25 - Jun 18th, 2011 at 8:36am
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As I mention above, I have a triple-boot system (3 separate hard disks).  Windows doesn't recognize the file system on the Linux disk so it doesn't assign it a drive letter.

Right now I'm running Win 7 and getting ready to run Acronis True Image, the free version from Western Digital.  I selected Backup and it shows all the disks and recognizes the various Linux partitions except that it shows the file system types as ext3 and they are actually ext4.  Although I'll be backing up the Win 7 partition, it looks like the Windows version of Acronis would be able to back up a Linux drive.  (If the Linux drive is a SATA in a hot-swap socket, it would be a simple matter to get a USB "toaster" adapter and temporarily move it to a Windows machine.)
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #26 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:21pm
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We're still trucking nicely using Linux for our Sesame Server. However, I'm seeing something funny and could use some help.

On occasion, our windows clients can't see one or two aps sitting on the Linux server in the 'file open' dialog. The DB and DAT files do exist and permissions appear to be the same as all the other aps in the same folder. (read, write, execute, owner)

The 'hidden' aps will open just fine (when loaded from the command line).

Any thoughts on this?


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #27 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:32pm
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Do their filenames start with a dot (period ".")?

Unlikely cause, even if so.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #28 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:38pm
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No, the filenames are 'products.db' and 'products.dat'.

I'm seeing a similar (possibly related) issue. I created a new folder in my '/data' folder which is also not visible from within the Sesame 'file open' dialog. I attempted to set permissions and ownership, and I THINK I did it correctly, yet it still remains hidden in sesame.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #29 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:42pm
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Is your rootdirs.ini file limiting what is visible?

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #30 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:51pm
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It doesn't appear so. My rootdirs.ini contains these two lines:


The windows client has access to all the files and folders within the /data folder (except products which is hidden)

FYI, in the past, I've tweaked rootdirs.ini but would see no effect. Perhaps it is being ignored. Does each client read the file on the server when connecting, or does the server read it once at startup?
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #31 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:55pm
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Steve_in_Texas wrote on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:51pm:
Does each client read the file on the server when connecting, or does the server read it once at startup?

Neither. The server reads files/directories when requested to by the client.

Can you send me the result of running "ls -laR" in the data directory?

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #32 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 4:28pm
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When I run ls -laR from within the /data folder, the results are enormous, showing all folders and subfolders for most of my network.

Perhaps this may help; my issue started at the same time I added a folder within /data that mapped to my windows network share.

I'll try to send the results for just the /data folder, assuming that's what you want.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #33 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 4:56pm
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Do you have the Windows machine/partition mapped using NFS and Samba?

That may well be the problem. It is not unlikely that some part of that is timing out.

Turn it off temporarily and see if the problem persists.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #34 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 5:02pm
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Thanks Mark and Erika. I unmounted the folder and then deleted the folder and sesame now shows all my files again. Smiley

If you have any suggestion for properly setting up a windows shared folder within reach of my windows users, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I'll experiment and post my findings here. (Windows users need to have access to a shared folder within /data on the server, for importing into sesame.)


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #35 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 5:09pm
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It is likely that reconfiguring your current setup, without drastic change, may remedy the immediate problem. How are you configuring and mounting the share?

Do you know about the /etc/fstab file?

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #36 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 5:15pm
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Yes, I have been using /etc/fstab with good results, but the map point is not in the /data folder so the users can't access it from within Sesame. Perhaps I just need to include it in the rootdirs.ini file on linux server? Maybe I can just move the map point into the /data folder?

I'm slowly learning Linux, but I'm apprehensive to make any changes because Sesame is SO HAPPY with the current setup...and therefore, I am too. Smiley
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #37 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 5:23pm
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If you wish people to have access to it from within Sesame (or let Sesame have access at all), it must be in a directory listed in the rootdirs or the CWD for the server.

You may be able to accomplish this leaving fstab as is, and using the ln ("link") command. This command lets you have a file or directory in two places at the same time.

If I specify:
ln -s /home/me/ADir/FileA /home/me/BDir

The FileA will appear in both Adir and in BDir. It is really the same singular actual file existing only in ADir. But it is "linked" in BDir as well.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #38 - Jun 22nd, 2011 at 5:35pm
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Thanks Mark. Sounds like that should work. I'll learn up on it and report back.


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #39 - Jul 1st, 2011 at 8:21pm
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Steven J. Vaughn-Nichols has written an article, "The Five Best Linux Desktop Distributions" that may be helpful:

Realistically, the newer Linux desktop distributions are generally somewhat easier to work with than Windows XP/7 and performance is generally better.  They should be quite adequate for most Sesame applications.  As a practical matter, anyone running a system with so many users, transactions, etc. that they need a full-blown server operating system will probably already have IT people with advanced Linux skills who can handle the (non-GUI) server versions.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Changing "Places"
Reply #40 - Jul 5th, 2011 at 3:54am
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Ubuntu with the Gnome 2.3 interface looks a lot like a non-ribbon Windows application in that there are drop-down text-label menus in the upper left hand corner. The standards are Applications, Places and System.  A new location is added in Places with Connect to Server. To change an entry, from Places select any folder, which will open the Nautilus file manager. Then click Bookmarks => Edit Bookmarks.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #41 - Jul 6th, 2011 at 6:40pm
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Steve_in_Texas wrote on Apr 2nd, 2011 at 10:25pm:
Changing Sbasic in sesame to reflect the new folder paths was easy, but tedious because we have a lot of 'xlookups' on a lot of different forms and applications (ie. C:\sesame2\data\ changed to /home/sesame/data/).

Hi Steve! I just saw this bit.

This is where relative paths shine. If you use relative paths from your current working directory instead of absolute paths, you can move your applications at will and everything will fall into place.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #42 - Jul 6th, 2011 at 6:46pm
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Thanks Erika. I can see the benefits and I'll definitely put this into practice.


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Dual booting Linux and Windows affects system time
Reply #43 - Aug 21st, 2011 at 2:20am
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For awhile I have been seeing problems that occasionally my Windows computers are ahead by about 6 hours (Central Time). I first noticed the problem on a machine with a 2004-era motherboard running XP and it persisted even when changing the CMOS battery. I recently replaced the motherboard in my main computer and noticed the same thing.  That now mainly runs Win 7 but is also set up for XP.  (Home edition in all cases.)

I was checking various tech postings assuming this was a Window flaw.

As described below, it turns out the problem has to do with dual-booting Linux.  As with that user, for each of my machines they are not set up with a bootloader--Linux was installed with no Windows drives present so it wouldn't make any changes to the Windows install.

This is from

    If you boot more than one OS on a PC, it is a dual boot, at least as far as this issue is concerned, even if one of them resides on an external drive.

    Both Linux and Windows read the RealTimeClock (RTC) when they are booted.

    Pacific Time is GMT-7 at this time of year, so at 1 PM Pacific Daylight Time, it is 8 PM GMT.

    Windows assumes the RTC is set to the local time. It does not make any adjustments for the Time Zone you've entered, it simply displays the RTC time and the Time Zone.

    Linux assumes the RTC is set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (Equivalent to GMT for this discussion). It reads the clock, then applies the Time Zone offset, and displays this adjusted time.

    So, if the RTC is set to 1300 (1 PM), Windows reads it, converts to 12 hour format if needed, and displays 1 PM, and the Time Zone.
    Linux reads the RTC, checks what Time Zone you've entered, adds the offset (-7 in this case), converts to 12 hour format if needed, and will display 6AM and the Time Zone.

    The problem arises if Linux is set to check the time online and update the RTC. Online time sources provide the GMT time.
    If Linux thinks the RTC is set to UTC, it does a direct compare, sees the RTC is off by 7 hours and corrects it, changing it to 2000 (8 PM).
    Windows on the other hand, converts the Internet time to local before comparing.

    Windows, when not connected to a Domain, checks the time online once a week.

    Linux may be set to check the time much more frequently, and may check as soon as an internet connection is detected after boot, so may adjust the clock before the display is even initialized, so you may never see that the time is off when you boot into Linux, it's being synced online too fast.

    It could also be that Linux is seeing the RTC as local time, but whatever service is checking the time online is not, so once an online check is done, the RTC is set wrong. Linux never looks at the RTC except at boot, so won't show that it has been changed.

    So you have to tell Linux that the RTC is set to Local time, not UTC, so it will behave like Windows does.

I have been looking for a Windows utility that will automatically update the RTC every time I boot but so far I haven't found one.  There is a program w32tm.exe included in Windows but it only looks to a local time server on the LAN--you can't tell it to check any on-line time server.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #44 - Aug 21st, 2011 at 7:47pm
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Have you seen Dimension4? I used to use this some time ago. I once used it briefly to automatically set the clock upon login when the motherboard battery was dead. This kept things working okay until I had time to get a new battery.

If I remember correctly, it has an option to set the clock upon opening it, and I simply put a shortcut to it in the Startup folder. There may be a more effective way to use it, but this did the trick for the short time I needed it to do that.

Carl Underwood
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Dual booting Linux and Windows affects system time
Reply #45 - Aug 22nd, 2011 at 2:07am
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Thanks! I hadn't noticed before, but when Linux first boots it shows the time as 5 hours slow.  (current time 8:45 pm Central Daylight Time, system time 3:45 pm)  Within about 30 seconds the time is automatically corrected.

I installed Dimension 4 under Windows 7 and it automatically checks the time and corrects. Some of the defaults need to be changed but it can be set to automatically sync and then exit and the maximum number of hours to auto-correct can be set.
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Re: Ubuntu - switching Unity / Gnome
Reply #46 - Sep 3rd, 2011 at 5:32am
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I'm doing a new Ubuntu install and, as mentioned above, ver. 11.04 defaults to the Unity interface, not Gnome ("Classic")

I mention some instructions to switch, but for some reason when I log out it doesn't give me the option to log back in.

Rick_R wrote on Apr 24th, 2011 at 7:07am:
Here are the instructions, courtesy of Adrian Kingsley-Hughes at

It’s actually pretty simple to choose between Unity and the classic UI.

  1. Log out of Ubuntu 11.04
  2. At the log on screen select the user you want to log in as
  3. At the bottom of the screen you’ll notice a task bar appear -  this allows you to switch between different modes
  4. Select Ubuntu Classic
  5. Log in as normal
  6. If you want Unity back, repeat the steps but instead choose Ubuntu

Here's another way that doesn't require logging out:

  1. Click on the power symbol in the upper right corner.
  2. Click System Settings.
  3. Under Groups (left side), click System
  4. Click Login Screen, Unlock, enter password, Authenticate
  5. In "Select [ Ubuntu ] as default session" select Ubuntu Classic.

You can also set whether a login sound will be played and other options.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - 32 or 64 bit
Reply #47 - Sep 14th, 2011 at 2:48am
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Here's something interesting I found out about Ubuntu 32-bit Linux.  There is a standard called Physical Address Extension (PAE) that allows 32-bit operating systems to address much more than 3.2 GB of RAM.  x86 processors have hardware that changes the addressing scheme to 36 bits, allowing use of 64GB of RAM completely transparently.

If you install 32-bit Ubuntu on a system with less than 3.2GB it will install the standard kernel.  If you install it on a system with more than 3.2GB (even one 4GB stick), it automatically installs a kernel version that handles PAE.  The only way you can tell is that when it is booting the kernel name will end with -pae.
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Air Force's Lightweight Portable Security Linux
Reply #48 - Sep 26th, 2011 at 8:58pm
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I haven't tried it but it looks like it could be interesting:

    "The Software Protection Initiative (SPI) under the direction of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the US Department Of Defense recently created Lightweight Portable Security (LPS). Like the name indicates, this is a small Linux desktop distribution that’s designed for secure use.

    LPS is designed to boot from a CD or USB pen-drive on any Intel-based computer. It doesn’t install anything. It’s designed solely to run solely in memory and to leave no traces behind when you’re done running it.

    According to the SPI, LPS “allows general Web browsing and connecting to remote networks. It includes a smart card-enabled Firefox browser supporting Common Access Card (CAC) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards, a PDF and text viewer, Java, and Encryption Wizard - Public.” With it you can turn your untrusted Windows or Mac home or public system into a trusted network client. “No trace of work activity (or malware) can be written to the local computer.”"

It would be interesting to see about adding a custom Sesame Linux application. Even a fairly large database (several gigabytes) could easily fit on a 16GB USB.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #49 - Oct 18th, 2011 at 1:04am
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We're seeing a few server crashes during the past few weeks. (Server log shows 'Segmentation Fault').

I'm cleaning up some sbasic and purging some old records and it seems to be helping. However, Does anyone suggest upgrading from Ubuntu desktop to Ubuntu Server for more stability?

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #50 - Oct 18th, 2011 at 2:25pm
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Steve_in_Texas wrote on Oct 18th, 2011 at 1:04am:
We're seeing a few server crashes during the past few weeks. (Server log shows 'Segmentation Fault').

I'm cleaning up some sbasic and purging some old records and it seems to be helping. However, Does anyone suggest upgrading from Ubuntu desktop to Ubuntu Server for more stability?

Probably better to ask what changed than to change what you know didn't.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #51 - Oct 18th, 2011 at 3:31pm
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The only changes I can point to are:
1. Increased number of records and data
2. Added new forms and sbasic to existing aps

If there are no obvious advantages to Ubuntu Server in regards to how it manages memory or improves stability over Ubuntu Desktop, then I'll just focus on cleaning up the sbasic and re-organize forms/data to work more efficiently.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #52 - Oct 18th, 2011 at 4:31pm
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Another change, and perhaps the most dramatic one; we changed internet providers, and cable modem, and therefore, all new network router settings (dhcp, LAN Ip numbers, etc.)

After this change, clients now get a 10 second 'delay' when they start a connection to the sesame server.

I'll check router settings and try a different 24 port switch tonight to see what happens.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #53 - Oct 19th, 2011 at 4:44pm
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Steve_in_Texas wrote on Oct 18th, 2011 at 1:04am:
However, Does anyone suggest upgrading from Ubuntu desktop to Ubuntu Server for more stability?

There is no difference in that regard.  The difference between Server and Desktop is that Server doesn't include GUI, OpenOffice, etc. Unlike Windows, a Linux distro consists of the Linux kernel and various unrelated programs "cobbled" together, primarily made available under the GNU license.  The "additional" programs include the GUI video system, CUPS (the printing subsystem), and may other things Windows users consider to be an integral part of the basic OS. ("Cobbled together" should not be taken a derogatory here.)

A major problem with Ubuntu Server edition is that it assumes you are a Linux guru because otherwise, why would you be running a server edition? If you would feel comfortable running a heavy-duty Unix system using only the command line and character-based utilities, you will be okay with Ubuntu Server, although it won't improve stability. Otherwise, even if you feel comfortable with Ubuntu Desktop you'll be pretty much lost with Server because for the most part the various GUI programs simply aren't included.
« Last Edit: Oct 19th, 2011 at 6:02pm by Rick_R »  
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #54 - Oct 19th, 2011 at 4:54pm
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Thanks Rick. I'd be lost without a GUI on Ubuntu.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Ubuntu 11.10
Reply #55 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:34am
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Hold off on updating to Ubuntu 11.10 final release (Desktop). As with a previous release, shutdown doesn't work.  It just returns you to the logon screen.  The only way to shut down without the command line is a hard powerdown.  The change happened somewhere between beta 2, which worked correctly, and the final release version.  (I haven't tried shutdown from the command line but it probably would work.)
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux - Ubuntu 11.10
Reply #56 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 12:56pm
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Rick_R wrote on Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:34am:
Hold off on updating to Ubuntu 11.10 final release (Desktop). As with a previous release, shutdown doesn't work.  It just returns you to the logon screen.  The only way to shut down without the command line is a hard powerdown.  The change happened somewhere between beta 2, which worked correctly, and the final release version.  (I haven't tried shutdown from the command line but it probably would work.)

While I would also recommend not upgrading until things are ironed out a bit, I am running 11.10 on one computer with no problems at all (and can shutdown from the desktop GUI), and on another computer can't boot at all without loading the older kernel. So... mileage will vary.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #57 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 2:24pm
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We were running 10.10. 64-bit O.S. Last night, (before I read these last 2 posts) I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on a new pc and then copied my sesame folders over to the new machine. (The transition was VERY easy thanks to Sesame's great portability.)

User's made one tiny change to their shortcuts and, so far, things are running well. I'll post an update after we give it a thorough test.

Besides running on new hardware, I am running the 32-bit OS on a 64-bit pc, hoping that this may help with stability.

I see no issues at all with booting/restarting/shutting down on the 11.10 update, but I am grateful for all your input thus far.

PS. With Ray's blessing, I moved one of my largest 'archive' databases to a separate sesame server on the same machine (ports 20022:20023) to help keep some memory free on the main sesame server (default ports).

Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #58 - Oct 23rd, 2011 at 5:46pm
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I just ran an update on 11.10 and now it shuts down properly from the GUI.  As mentioned above, several releases earlier the exact same problem happened--wouldn't shut down from the GUI and then an update several days after the official release fixed it.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #59 - Oct 23rd, 2011 at 6:29pm
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An update: After moving to all new hardware on thursday, we only had 1 Segmentation Fault in 2 days. VERY encouraging.

Saturday, all was good. However, Sunday morning, remote users were constantly being 'kicked off' the server about every 20 minutes. The server showed no signs of trouble, but users could not stay connected. My local connection appeared to be stable, however.

I rebooted the modem and router, and even moved the sesame server back to the old pc, but users were still getting booted.

Monday, we will try the new sesame.exe file that Ray sent me.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #60 - Oct 23rd, 2011 at 6:50pm
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oops, my local connection was also dropped.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #61 - Oct 23rd, 2011 at 7:18pm
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Steve_in_Texas wrote on Oct 23rd, 2011 at 6:50pm:
oops, my local connection was also dropped.

Sesame2, whether for Windows or Linux, does require reliable network connections. Sesame3 should be somewhat more forgiving.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #62 - Oct 23rd, 2011 at 9:34pm
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I think the problem is deeper than just a 'flaky network'. Clients are getting booted after only a few seconds, so something must be out of whack.

Moved sesame server back to the new pc after ANOTHER reboot, and all seems fine now.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #63 - Oct 24th, 2011 at 4:15pm
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Monday morning, local users are staying connected and sesame is running like a champ!  Hope it sticks.

Still some issues with remote clients (a frozen client while browsing records) which Sesame3 may cure.

We're back in high-gear! Seems like the server PC just needed one more reboot.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #64 - Nov 1st, 2011 at 6:04pm
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Sesame clients and server have been 100% stable and fast for 7 days straight. I have refrained from making any changes in the past 10 days.

In a few days, I will attempt to move Sesame Server back to the original Linux box and see if the stability holds. (I am tempted to install the newest OS with 32-bit lib files on that box, first.)

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #65 - Nov 16th, 2011 at 7:37pm
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I ran across this in a review of SUSE's latest Linux distribution:

"Want to run a private cloud? No problem. OpenSUSE comes with customized Eucalyptus, OpenNebula and OpenStack. It also supports ownCloud 2. This is a do-it-yourself Web-based storage cloud application. OpenSUSE claims that “ownCloud is different from solutions like Google Docs, Dropbox or Ubuntu One in that it lets you own the data."
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #66 - Dec 10th, 2011 at 4:22am
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Right now I'm trying LinuxMint 12 ("Lisa") which is based on the latest version of Ubuntu.  I'm actually running a "live" DVD.

The latest version of Ubuntu, 11.10 uses Ubuntu's new Unity interface, with an option to use Gnome 3 instead. A lot of users, including me, don't like either of them. They both have a very kludgy, "Gotta know exactly what you want to do in order to start" feeling. Ubuntu 11.10 no longer supports Gnome 2.

Gnome 2 has a simple menu bar across the top with drop-down text menus. The Mint group is in the process of developing their own interface that will fit on top of Gnome 3 and make it have the look and feel of Gnome 2 while allowing access to the Gnome 3 features.

Mint 12's default interface has a look and feel fairly similar to Windows 7, with the start menu in the lower left-hand corner.

According to an article by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols at ZDNet, Mint is now the most popular Linux distribution and Ubuntu has dropped to fourth place and according to another article by him (I can't find at the moment) Ubuntu has been in a steady decline for several years.

I've been using Ubuntu for over a year and I've only been using Mint literally a few minutes and it already feels a lot more comfortable than Ubuntu's Unity interface. Although Gnome 3 is different from Unity, it too just feels incredibly awkward.  I'm going to be installing Mint on one of my extra drives and I'll probably be switching to that for Linux.
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Major problems with Ubuntu 12.04
Reply #67 - May 10th, 2012 at 5:08am
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If anyone is looking to update to Ubuntu 12.04 desktop, there are major problems with the video drivers. In many cases, whether using an on-line update or an install disk, the system loads the initial Ubuntu splash screen (Ubuntu in white, moving dots in red), the screen goes black, and then ... nothing. The video card is outputting a signal, since the monitor doesn't show "no signal".

With 11.10 and an NVidia video card, sometimes it would initialize to just purple--but you could still type in your password and when it accepted that it would initialize properly, and if you then logged out it would stay correct.  Annoying but still usable. That's not what happens with 12.04.

It doesn't seem limited to particular hardware, although most of the people complaining about it are using NVidia hardware.  It has also been reported on Radeon hardware. You can't use the install disk to do a disk repair because the install disk has the same problem.  Judging from the on-line comments it doesn't seem limited to just one build (32-bit, 64-bit, Intel/AMD).

Various people are recommending various workarounds, but they all are roughly equivalent to manually editing an old-style Windows .ini file -- if you know which file to edit.  Unlike Windows, the operating system is spread out over I'd say more than 100 subfolders. I tried booting from the 11.10 CD and then editing the appropriate video config file but none of the recommended workarounds say where that is.  They all assume you can get some kind of video and then run a config program from a terminal.

LinuxMint 12, which is based on 11.10, doesn't have these problems.  The LinuxMint project says that because their distro is based on Ubuntu their new version normally is distributed a month after the latest Ubuntu version. However, they have already forked the desktop and they're saying they're not fully compatible with Ubuntu.
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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #68 - Jun 6th, 2014 at 11:40am
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HI there,
I am somewhat fighting with sesame on ubuntu here too. I am setting up the server on ubuntu running sesame as a deamen, the software being located in the home of the users "sesame" under ~seame/bin/Sesame2.
I am porting from a Windows server with a 3-user license. Now wher do I place the license and rootdirs.ini files?
I have tried the Sesame2, Sesame2/Program and Sesame2/bin (where the start-script is located) directories to no avail.
Any help higly apreciated!!!
best C.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #69 - Jun 6th, 2014 at 3:15pm
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The license file needs to be in the current working directory for the Sesame process. That path is determined by how you invoke the process. There are several different ways to do so in Linux.

If you want to make sure that it is always uses the same license path, no matter how Sesame is invoked, you need to set the environment variable "SESAME_LICENSE_PATH" to the full path (including filename) where the license file resides.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #70 - Jun 7th, 2014 at 9:32am
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Hi MArk,
thanks for your quick reply, long time no hear!!

I tried to set the variable in the /etc/environment file to make it available at boot. It does not seem to work, however I will have to try again on Monday, cause my remote connection has crashed/rdp does not start anymore.
On my second problem: where does the rootdir.ini have to be.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #71 - Jun 7th, 2014 at 1:53pm
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If you using the system-wide "/etc/environment" file, you should be able to check whether it is correct with printenv or export (with no arguments). Remember it is the full path, including filename.

The environment variable for the rootdirs file is "SESAME_ROOTDIRS_PATH". It is also the full path with filename.

You can skip setting either of these variables by determining where you CWD is when you launch, and placing the files there. Both the various shells and Sesame itself have means of reporting the CWD.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #72 - Jun 12th, 2014 at 2:06pm
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Hi Mark,
after including the variables in the startscript in /etc/init.d and explictely exporting them it is now working, tanks for your help here.
However, I have now encountered a far more serious problem now:
All number, figures, ammounts etc are interpreted strangely!
I have written a booking program for a travel agent that has been running for 9 years now on a MessyWindows PC.
We had planned to move it to linux (Ubuntu 12.04) now for quite some time. Since the Windwos-PC is breaking down, now was the time!
The effect now is that all bookings and all relate information (available rooms, prices etc) are screwed-up. E.g. a trip cositing 799€ now is somewhat like 400Billion!!
Any idea?
I could provide you the databse, if you give me your email.
best Carsten

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #73 - Jun 12th, 2014 at 4:22pm
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That sounds like you are having "locale" issues with the OS and numbers. Check what the OS thinks you are using for a decimal point and for the thousands separator. Then check what Sesame is using. Make sure both agree with what you were using when the data was entered and what you want to use in the future.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #74 - Jun 12th, 2014 at 6:00pm
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I have experimented a bit more and it seems the error only occurs when Sesame is started during the boot process of the server (i.e. via init.d). If I start it manually invoking the script in /etc/init.d it will run fine (just the € sign is screwed up!!!).

Here is the startscrip I use in init.d

--------------- Start ---------------

#! /bin/sh


# Provides:          skeleton
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Example initscript
# Description:       This file should be used to construct scripts to be
#                    placed in /etc/init.d.

# Author: Carsten Rietbrock <>
# Please remove the "Author" lines above and replace them
# with your own name if you copy and modify this script.

# Do NOT "set -e"

# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the script
DAEMON_ARGS="-daemon -server "
# USERID=sesame

# Exit if the package is not installed
[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0

# Read configuration variable file if it is present
[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME

# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables
. /lib/init/

# Define LSB log_* functions.
# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.2-14) to ensure that this file is present
# and status_of_proc is working.
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

# Function that starts the daemon/service
     # Return
     #   0 if daemon has been started
     #   1 if daemon was already running
     #   2 if daemon could not be started
     start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
           || return 1 &
     start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- \
           $DAEMON_ARGS \
           || return 2 &
     # Add code here, if necessary, that waits for the process to be ready
     # to handle requests from services started subsequently which depend
     # on this one.  As a last resort, sleep for some time.

# Function that stops the daemon/service
     # Return
     #   0 if daemon has been stopped
     #   1 if daemon was already stopped
     #   2 if daemon could not be stopped
     #   other if a failure occurred
     start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
     [ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2 &
     # Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
     # and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
     # If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
     # that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
     # needed by services started subsequently.  A last resort is to
     # sleep for some time.
     start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
     [ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2 &
     # Many daemons don't delete their pidfiles when they exit.
     rm -f $PIDFILE
     return "$RETVAL"

# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
do_reload() {
     # If the daemon can reload its configuration without
     # restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
     # then implement that here.
     start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
     return 0 &

case "$1" in
     [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"
     case "$?" in
           0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
           2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
     [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
     case "$?" in
           0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
           2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
       status_of_proc "$DAEMON" "$NAME" && exit 0 || exit $?
     # If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
     # and leave 'force-reload' as an alias for 'restart'.
     #log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC" "$NAME"
     #log_end_msg $?
     # If the "reload" option is implemented then remove the
     # 'force-reload' alias
     log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
     case "$?" in
           case "$?" in
                 0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
                 1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
                 *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
            # Failed to stop
           log_end_msg 1
     #echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
     echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
     exit 3


--------------------- End --------------


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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #75 - Jun 12th, 2014 at 6:04pm
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Sorry I didn't see your reply.

I use "," as the decimal separator and "." as the thousands sign.
I am not sure, how to check what ubuntu is using during boot and when it changes.
It appears that everything is fine once the system has finished booting appart from the € sign.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #76 - Jun 12th, 2014 at 8:23pm
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If you just kick off the server normally - not at boot, do you see the same numeric issue?

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #77 - Jun 13th, 2014 at 6:44am
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When I start the sesame server normally I do not see the problem. It seems to be running fine.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #78 - Jun 13th, 2014 at 2:27pm
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Then it appears that you have hit the bug on the head. The locale information that you are normally using is not being set soon enough to cover running a daemon.

I haven't seen this (in the US), so I'll have to do some google searches to see if this is common problem, with a common solution.

In the meantime you might want to set up your shell script (that launches Sesame) to set the locale environment variables for Sesame.

Or, you could write a new shell script for use with cron, that checks if Sesame is running every 10 minutes or so, and if not - launches it. That way Sesame will start well after your system is fully booted.

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Re: Sesame Server on Linux
Reply #79 - Jun 14th, 2014 at 1:29pm
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How are you launching your daemon on boot? Did you manually edit files in init.d? Are you using a utility do daemonize Sesame? If so, which? With what settings?

Making sure that it is launched after the locale settings for the system have been established depends on the method you are using and the run-level set. You should be trying to cause it to be launched as late as possible during the boot sequence.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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