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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) The same code in different forms - How to avoid? (Read 3014 times)
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The same code in different forms - How to avoid?
Jun 4th, 2011 at 3:29pm
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Sometimes it so happens that you have to provide the same facility in different forms and that requires the same code and at times it is very lengthy one. For example, I have Document Management by which one can look at the documents or insert new documents in the document subform (to be precise, it is link to the document).  Since I have to provide this facility to different people and as they work with different forms, they have to be at various places. Moreover, at times you are working with different forms and you want to have that facility right there.

This leads to having the same programming in different forms in the same application. These leads to unnecessary duplication. I am sure this will increase the time when loading as more to compile and when you have to change something in the coding, you have to do that at so many different locations. There has to be an easier way to avoid duplication and conserve the computer resources!!

Would you please show me a way?  Your feedback, guidance and help is always appreciated.
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #1 - Jun 4th, 2011 at 4:14pm
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For a single form; I believe you want to put your code in Global Code as a subroutine.  Then simply call the subroutine anytime you need it.

If you want your code available across all your forms in a single application, then place the  code in Application Property Manager>Program Application.
Select All
Subroutine ViewMyDocument()

var vFile as string = "C:\sesame2\files\MyFile.pdf"

End Subroutine

Then you can 'run' that program from any form by using the command 'ViewMyDocument()'

Hopefully, I'm on track, or one of the Pro's can swoop in and set us straight. Wink

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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #2 - Jun 4th, 2011 at 6:24pm
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Thanks Steve. If it is the same form, no problem. Put the code in Global Code of the form and that is available to all the elements of the form.  This is really the question about the scope.  The term Application Programming suggests the scope is application wide. The subroutines or functions placed in application programming should be available anywhere in the application. But I do not think so as far as I know.

That leaves us precompilation constructs such as #define and #Include but I have know idea how can I place subroutines or functions in there. Just as you said, one of the Pro's can swoop in and set us straight.   Wink
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #3 - Jun 4th, 2011 at 6:38pm
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When a line in a SBasic program begins with "#include" it is indicating to the SBasic
"preprocessor" that it should insert the contents of the named file at that point in the
SBasic source code.
#include "sbasic_include.sbas"
This example will insert the entirety of the file called "sbasic_include.sbas" into the
source code before that source code is sent to the SBasic compiler. This causes the
source code in the included file to be compiled as though it was part of the event being
This is just like pasting the contents of the file into your code.
This allows you to create libraries of functions, subroutines, variables, and constants
that you can use over and over again in all of your projects.

The above is from the programming guide. It sounds promising. Only if I know how!!!  Can I add my repeatedly used subroutines and functions to "sbasic_include.sbas"???   How?  Can you please give me example?  Do I have to place #define before the subroutine?

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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #4 - Jun 4th, 2011 at 10:03pm
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There is no way to have application-wide routines.  Application Programming only runs when the application is first started--the routines do not remain available.

On the other hand, each form has its own Global Code section, so when you switch forms you won't have access to code that is in another form just by using a procedure name.

FormRunCustomProgram can be used to run code in a different form, but that's usually poor programming practice.  Someone changing the code in the other form is not likely to check every other form for cross-form dependencies.  If the form that calls the other form's code is rarely used, it could be months or even years before the broken dependency is discovered, and at that point it might not be possible to determine what the former functionality was. Also, the form called must be open. And you can't use FormRunCustomProgram to run code in the current form.

Let's say you have a group of subroutines that reference fields in a particular form, e.g., [fields] FirstName, Surname, City.  If you put that code in a separate program file and #include it in the Global Code section of some other form that does not contain those fields, when you load that form the code won't compile.  With Sesame, either everything compiles or nothing compiles.

You can use one central external program file and #include it from various forms.  For subroutines that are specific to particular forms, in the Global Code of the calling form #define something, e.g.:

(Global Code section)
#define FORM_IS_EDUCATION_INFO "Education"

#include "Central_Program_Code_File.pgm"

if not FileExists("Central_Program_Code_File.pgm") @MsgBox("","Can't find Central Program Code Include file","")

Then in the central program file use:


(SBasic specific to that particular form)




Several caveats:

If you have multiple procedures in the code file, remember that ALL variables outside a particular procedure declaration must be defined before ANY commands.  For purposes of compilation, the #include file is simply read in at that point. So, you can't perform a command and then #include a file that starts with variable definitions and then procedure definitions because from the compiler's perspective you are defining variables after code is run.

If you can, group all procedures specific to a specific form in a single #ifdef section.

In the procedure heading block it helps to mention which form calls that procedure, e.g.:

// FORM: Status
// ======================================================================
// Set the writability of the Search tab LE's
// ======================================================================
Subroutine SetSearchReadability(vWritability as Int, vReadabilityPopup as Boolean)
     var vFieldStatus as String

     ReadOnly(Search_File_No, vWritability)
     ReadOnly(Search_Account_No, vWritability)
     ReadOnly(Search_Related_Files_Info, vWritability)

     If vReadabilityPopup
     vFieldStatus = @Select(vWritability + 1, "Writable", "Read-only (grayed)", "Read-only (not grayed)")
     @MsgBox("","Search Tab Fields: " + vFieldStatus,"")
End Subroutine // SetSearchReadability

// FORM: Status
// ======================================================================
// Set the text color of the Search tab LE's
// ======================================================================
Subroutine SetSearchTextColor(UpdateMode as Boolean)
     var fgRed      as Int = 0
     var fgGreen      as Int = 0
     var fgBlue      as Int = 0

End Subroutine // SetSearchTextColor

// (... Other procedures... )


Note that #ifdef relies on the existence of the variable, not it's value.

Of course, your procedures can be set up that one parameter passed to them will trigger different sections of the procedure, e.g.

Function BioInfo(FirstName as String, MiddleName as String, Surname as String, Birthdate as Date, BirthPlace as String, SourceForm as String) as String
  var Result as String = ""
  Result = FirstName
  if SourceForm = "Full Data" then Result = Result + " " + MiddleName
  Result = Result + " " + Surname
  if SourceForm = "Full Data" then (include the birth date and birth place)

  Return Result
End Function // BioInfo

For that function, if a "Short Data" form exists that doesn't contain MiddleName, BirthDate or BirthPlace fields, when calling the function you would have to pass it "filler" information, e.g:

(From Full Data form)

#define FORM_IS_FULL_DATA "Full Data"
vBioInfo = BioInfo(FirstName, MiddleName, Surname, BirthDate, BirthPlace, "Full Data")

(From Short Data form)

#define FORM_IS_SHORT_DATA "Short Data"
#define ALL_PERSONAL_INFO_FORMS "Short Data"
vBioInfo = BioInfo(FirstName, "", Surname, @Date, "", "Short Data")
« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2011 at 1:53am by Rick_R »  
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #5 - Jun 4th, 2011 at 10:16pm
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When you have #include files, the compiler will display errors and line numbers just as if everything was internal.  Of course, the line number won't match your line number but that's not a big problem. I find that with large program code sections, I prefer having most of the code in 1-3 files rather than all over the place in a bunch of snippets.

I say "most" because sometimes it's a lot easier to sometimes define a few variables in the LE snippet and then call the procedure rather than defining dozens of variables at the beginning of the #include file and trying to remember which variable is dedicated to which LE.
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #6 - Jun 4th, 2011 at 11:35pm
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Thanks Rick_R. Now I have something that I can work with.  Smiley Smiley  Wondering if the programming in separate files have all the inbuilt SBasic commands and functions available? Such as xResultsetsearch( ), @xLookup ( ), @Left ( ), @IN ( ),  etc. ?
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #7 - Jun 5th, 2011 at 1:53am
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An #include file simply inserts the file text at that point, just like pasting in the text.  Then the compilation continues.  An #include file can have any code that could be entered from the programming editor.

The only difference is that the programming editor has the various code and element helpers but an external editor doesn't.  The easiest way to deal with that is include the following anywhere in code entered in the programming editor:


(blank line)

You can then use the code helpers within the comment block.

By the way, SBasic has a single-pass compiler, which is why programs must be structured in a specific sequence, e.g., you can't use a top-down format where all the procedures are at the end of the program and the main program is at the beginning, because the procedure must be defined before it's called.  A two-pass compiler would go through once and note all the definitions and then compilation would be performed on the second pass.

The #include .sbas file that comes with Sesame basically just defines a slew of compiler definitions.  The biggest problem you'll find with #including external files that contain more than procedures is keeping the sequence correct that all variables outside of procedures must be defined before any code executes.

For example, if your #include file has this structure:

stat MyVar1 as string
stat MyVar2 as string
stat MyVar3 as date

Function MyFunc1() as string
End Function

Subroutine MySubrou1()
End Subroutine

Function MyFunc2() as date
End Function

MyVar1 = "(c)"
MyVar2 = "Harry Smith"
MyVar3 = @Date

Now you try this code in the calling snippet:

#include "MyExternalCode.pgm"

var MyTextVar as String

myTextVar = MyFunc1()

That won't compile, for two reasons:

1) If called from a code snippet the "stat" declarations will fail.
2) The #include file inserts executable code before you define MyTextVar.
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Carl Underwood
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #8 - Jun 7th, 2011 at 11:24pm
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No offense intended, but I think you've over-complicated the answer. It's a simple matter of including something like this in the Global Code of each form:
Select All
#include "CDU_sbasic_include.sbas" 

That happens to be the name of my custom file that contains many of the subroutines and functions that I make heavy use of. If someone wants to use the sbas file that Lantica provides with Sesame, you they can use something like this in the Global Code:
Select All
#include "sbasic_include.sbas"
#include "CDU_sbasic_include.sbas" 

Then, you just move the appropriate programming into a text file with the .sbas extension, and make sure you change the name above to match. Just make sure that the #include line is near the top of the Global Code event, before any other commands.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #9 - Jun 7th, 2011 at 11:56pm
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Thanks Carl and Rick_R.  It is very clear what needs to be done.  It do away with duplication of codes and one does not have to change the code at multiple places, but I doubt if it reduces compiling as compliler has to go through the text file when #include is detected.  Moreover, it also exposes your code to the watchful eyes.  Thanks guys.
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #10 - Jun 8th, 2011 at 12:45am
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"No offense intended, but I think you've over-complicated the answer. It's a simple matter of including something like this in the Global Code of each form: #include programfile.sbas"

It's not that simple.  If the #include file never references fields or if every field referenced exists in every form that #includes the file, that will work.  But if even just one form does not use every field referenced, the compile will fail unless you use the conditional compilation code.

It's been awhile since I worked with this.  I don't recall if it fails when the application is first loaded or the first time you load the form that doesn't contain all fields referenced.  If I remember correctly, the error is triggered when you load the form.  I'm pretty sure Sesame compiles the form when it's loaded, not when the application is started.

I have most of my large code blocks in a separate #include file even though they are form-specific, because I don't like the snippet-based coding approach. But an example that would be more likely would be where you first code a "Details" form with a lot of fields and related code and then someone says, "You know, when we're updating a record [i.e., manually changing data using a form] (or "When we first input a record") we don't need all that. Make another form like the one we already use but remove fields A, B, F, etc."

You might even plan up front to do that. In fact, you might even wind up with three forms: (1) "usual" form, (2) "input new record" form, (3) "input legacy record" form.

Regarding #3, years ago I set up a database for a collection law firm.  I set up the input screens in the order in which data would usually be created--first the account comes in, then a lawsuit is prepared, then suit is filed, etc.  We also hired two temps to go through our paper files and input existing files.  The data in those files was in reverse chronological order.  So I wound up creating separate screens that started with the post-judgment information, then went to date and type of judgment, then back to date suit was filed, etc.  Once those files were entered we never used those screens again.  Often with legacy records a lot of the "intermediate" status fields are not needed, e.g., "Y/N Itemized account in file.  Y/N Client's affidavit that account is correct in file"
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Carl Underwood
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #11 - Jun 8th, 2011 at 12:52pm
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Rick_R wrote on Jun 8th, 2011 at 12:45am:
"No offense intended, but I think you've over-complicated the answer. It's a simple matter of including something like this in the Global Code of each form: #include programfile.sbas"

It's not that simple.  If the #include file never references fields or if every field referenced exists in every form that #includes the file, that will work.  But if even just one form does not use every field referenced, the compile will fail unless you use the conditional compilation code.

Hence: ". . . just move the appropriate programming . . ."

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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Carl Underwood
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #12 - Jun 8th, 2011 at 12:59pm
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Bharat_Naik wrote on Jun 7th, 2011 at 11:56pm:
Thanks Carl and Rick_R.  It is very clear what needs to be done.  It do away with duplication of codes and one does not have to change the code at multiple places, but I doubt if it reduces compiling as compliler has to go through the text file when #include is detected.  Moreover, it also exposes your code to the watchful eyes.  Thanks guys.

Yes, you are correct. It will not improve the time it takes to compile. It can actually increase it if there is a lot of code that that particular form doesn't need. For this reason, I personally never use #include "sbasic_include.sbas" because of the increase overhead when a form first opens.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #13 - Jun 8th, 2011 at 1:13pm
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If the intent is to create portable reusable code, that code should be comprised only of functions and subroutines and reference only variables, locals only - if that can be arranged. Fields should only be directly referenced in event "snippets" and even there, as rarely as possible. That way, the same general purpose library of subroutines can not only be used on every form within an application, but can also be easily ported from one application to another, or stored in a central location and accessed and maintained without replication.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: The same code in different forms - How to avoi
Reply #14 - Jun 8th, 2011 at 2:15pm
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Thanks Mark for imparting a little wisdom in this topic as to how and when to use it.
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