Normal Topic Sesame Encounters problem Frequently (Read 1114 times)
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Sesame Encounters problem Frequently
Oct 7th, 2011 at 5:51pm
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Lately I am getting quite frequently the following flag:

"Sesame.exe has encountered a problem and need to close. We are sorry for inconvenience. If you are in the middle of something, the information you are working on might be lost"

On hitting close button, the client shuts down and the record working on loses the latest change.

I believe, this has to do with memory related issues. I have 4 GIG of operating memory. I am still using Windows XP with service pack3.  Also this happens when I attempt to save the record and there is extensive error checking on exit and quite a bit of posting using xResultset commands. Also most of the time, before saving the record, I have to open up MS word to print certain data using using mergefileprint () command.  If I do not do that, I am least likely to encounter this problem.

Why this problem? What can I do to get rid off this.
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Sesame Encounters problem Frequently
Reply #1 - Oct 7th, 2011 at 6:13pm
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Hello Bharat,

When you have a moment from your client system, could you send the s2_log0000.log file and the Windows Application and System logs to

To view and save the Windows logs
Click Start
Choose Control Panel
Choose Administrative Tools
Choose Event Viewer
On the Left click on Application
Click Action->Save Log File As
Give it a name such as Bharat_Application_Log.evt
Click Save
Do the same for the System log


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Sesame Encounters problem Frequently
Reply #2 - Oct 7th, 2011 at 8:10pm
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I have also noted that when Immunization is given, on exiting form, it is required to post in Inventory file and that is where error shows up sometime. I am showing my code here:


On Exit

//var vLoop as int
var vLot as String
var vCode as String
var vDescription as String
var vManufacturer as String
var vExpDate as String
var vQuantity as Int
var vProc as String
var vCombvaccine as String

var vVaccineCode as String

var vList as String
var vImmEntry as String

Subroutine IndividualVaccine (vstring as String)

var vLoop as Int
var vRSHandle as Int
var vNoOfRecords as Int
var vNDC as String
var vVISDate as String

vRSHandle = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Inventory", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!QAH=>0", "!ExpDate=>" + (@Date-1), "!VaccineCode=" + vString)
           if(vRSHandle > -1)
                 vNoOfRecords = @XResultSetTotal(vRSHandle)
                 //WriteLN ("Total Records: " + @Str (vNoofRecords))
                 XResultSetSort (vRSHandle, "ExpDate:-1")
                 //for vLoop = 1 to vNoOfRecords
                             XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSHandle, 1)

                             vCode = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "VaccineCode")
                             //WriteLN ("This is vCode Value: " + vCode)
                             if vCode = vString then

                                         vDescription = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "Description")
                                         vNDC = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "NDC")
                                         vManufacturer = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "Manufacturer")
                                         vLot = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "LotNumber")
                                         vExpDate = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "ExpDate")
                                         vExpDate = udf_formatDate (vExpDate)

                                         vVISDate = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "VISDate")
                                         vVISDate = udf_formatDate (vVISDate)

                                         vQuantity = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "QAH")
                                         vQuantity = vQuantity - 1
                                         xResultsetValue (vRSHandle, "QAH", vQuantity)

                                         If vImmEntry = "" then

                                                     vImmEntry = vDescription +", " + "NDC: " + vNDC + ", " + "Manufacturer: " + vManufacturer + ", " + "Lot#: " + vLot +  ", " + "Expiratory Date: "  + vExpDate +
                                                     ", " +  "VIS Date: " + vVISDate
                                               Else if vImmEntry <> "" then
                                                     vImmEntry = vImmEntry + @NewLine ( ) + vDescription +", " + "NDC: " + vNDC + ", " + "Manufacturer: " + vManufacturer + ", " + "Lot#: " + vLot +  ", " + "Expiratory Date: "  + vExpDate +
                                                     ", " +  "VIS Date: " + vVISDate


                                         //WriteLN (vDescription +", " + "Manufacturer: " + vManufacturer + ", " + "Lot#: " + vLot +  ", " + "Expiratory Date: "  + vExpDate)
                                         //vProc = Proc
                                   //      vProc = @Del (vProc, @In (vProc, vCode), 1)
                                         //WriteLN ("Remaining Procedure Codes: " + vProc)                  

                             //vLastName = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "Last")
                             //WriteLn(@Str(vLoop) + " Of " + @Str(vNoOfRecords) + "      First: " + vFirstName + " Last: " + vLastName)

End SubRoutine

If  @IsNew and DN <> "" and Not @IsBlank (IMM) and Not @ISBlank (D1) then   //Last Three conditions are to prevent misfiring


           vList = @XListValues (@FN, "Inventory!VaccineCode")
           //writeLn (vList)
           for n = 1 to @Len (vProc)
                 vVaccinecode = @Mid(vProc, n, 1)
                 If @FindStringArray (vList, vVaccineCode) > 0 then
                             IndividualVaccine (vVaccineCode)
                             //WriteLN ("You were Here")
           If @In (IMM, vImmEntry) < 1 then

                       IMM = IMM + @NewLine ( ) + vImmEntry
           PrintLabOrder (vImmEntry)     //This routine is in Global Code



Subroutine below is posted from GlobalCode:

Subroutine PrintLabOrder ( vString as String)
var vFont as String = " Times New Roman"
var vFontsize as Int = 17
var vDiag1 as String = @Right (cond1, 6)
var vDiag2 as String = @Right (cond2, 6)
var vDiag3 as String = @Right (cond3, 6)
var vName as String
var vAddress as String
var vDate as string
var vMedicareNumber as String
var vMedicaidNumber as String
var vEx as String
var vBD as String
var vSex as String
var vAge as String
var vPhone as String
var vCopy as Int = 2
var n as Int
//var vPrinter as String = "\\Vital\HP5L"
var vPrinter as String = @GlobalValue ("PrintLab")
//var vPrinter as String = "DocuCom PDF Driver"

var vImm as String

For n = 2 to 10
     SetThisElement ("D" + @str (n))
     If vImm <> "" then
                 if ThisElement <> "" then
                       vImm = vImm + ", " + ThisElement
                 vImm = ThisElement
     UnsetThisElement ( )

vAddress = @xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "Address") + ", " +
@xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "City") + ", " +
@xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "ST") + " " +
@xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "Zip")

vName = @xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "P_LastName") + ", " +
@xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "First") + " " +
@xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "MI")

vDate = @Mid (date1, 6,2) + "/" + @Right (date1, 2) + "/" + @Mid (date1, 3, 2)
vBD = @Mid (BD, 6,2) + "/" + @Right (BD, 2) + "/" + @Mid (BD, 3, 2)

vSex = @Left (Sex, 1)

If @in (Age, "Years") > 0 then
           vAge = @Replace (Age, "Years", "Y")
     Else If @in (Age, "Year") > 0 then
           vAge = @Replace (Age, "Year", "M")
     Else If @in (Age, "Months") > 0 then
           vAge = @Replace (Age, "Months", "M")
     Else If @in (Age, "Month") > 0 then
           vAge = @Replace (Age, "Month", "M")

If Ins1 = "M" then
           vMedicareNumber = RecNumber
           vMedicareNumber = ""

If Ins1 = "P" then
           vMedicaidNumber = RecNumber
Else if Ins2 = "P" then
           vMedicaidNumber = @xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "ID2")
If vMedicaidNumber <> "" then
           vMedicaidNumber = vMedicaidNumber + @xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "Chart")

vEx = @xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "vEx")

vPhone = @xlookup (@FN, RecNumber, "Index!RecNumber", "Phone")
    For n = 1 to vCopy      

     AlternateDefaultPrinter (vPrinter)
     NewPage (850, 1100)
     PrintPagePaper (28)
           //value, xpos, ypos, coln width, Font, Fontsize, Measureonly, Alignment
     PrintString (vString, 45, 25, 0, vFont,12,  0)
     If Tine <> "" and (@IsBlank (D2) or @IsBlank (D3) ) then
                 PrintString (Tine, 45, @PageExtentY ( ), 0, vFont,vFontsize,  0)
     PrintString (vImm, 45, @PageExtentY ( ), 0, vFont, 12,  0)      
     PrintString (vDiag1, 478, 120, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vDiag3, 600, 120, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintSTring (DN, 135,135, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vDiag2, 478, 135, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vName, 35, 245, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vBD, 488, 245, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vAddress, 50, 275, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vAge, 25, 310, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vSex, 80, 310, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vDate, 260, 310, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (@Time, 435, 310, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vPhone, 100, 340, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vMedicareNumber, 70, 415, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vEX, 250, 415, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (vMedicaidNumber, 310, 415, 0, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     PrintString (Lab, 112, 810, 700, vFont, vFontsize, 0)
     FinishPage( )


End SubRoutine



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