Normal Topic DOS command causing error without Loiter (Read 1194 times)
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DOS command causing error without Loiter
Mar 20th, 2012 at 11:24pm
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I am using following code to prepare a record in pdf file. Sometimes this may be 100 pages or more. Since I use DOS command to copy, move and delete files, they are relatively slow and sbasic runs ahead of them and gives me error. I have placed @Loiter ( ) but it is arbitrary and you do not know how long wait is required for the subject record. I am concerned about getting error especially in the bigger file as 5 second loiter might not be enough for that, while 5 seconds might be plenty for other records.  How can I make sure that irrespective of size of the record, I should not get the error because of slowing down because of DOS commands.

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var vPrinter1 as String = "DocuCom PDF Driver"
var vPrinter2 as String = @GlobalValue ("ServerDefaultPrinter")
var vPath1 as String = "C:\PDFiles\"
var vPath2 as String = "C:\Assembly\"
var vPath3 as String = "C:\Sesame2\Records\"
var vPage1 as Int
var vSuccess as Int
var vRS as Int
var vLoop as Int
var vTotalRecords as Int
var vVisitDate as Date
var vName as String = First + " " + P_LastName

var vFiles as String
var vFilesWithPath as String
var vFinalFile as String
var n as Int

var vString1 as String

var vRSHandle as Int
var vDescription as String
var vFilename as String
var vExtFields as String = ""
var vNoOfRecords as Int

		AlternateDefaultPrinter ("DocuCom PDF Driver")
		vSuccess = @Shell ("Del " + vPath1 + "*.pdf" )
		vSuccess = @Shell ("Del " + vPath2 + "*.pdf" )

	vRS = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Physical", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Chart=" + Chart)    // Since Physical also have Chart element and Chart# never changes
	if(vRS > -1)
		//AlternateDefaultPrinter (vPrinter1)
		vTotalRecords = @XResultSetTotal(vRS)
		for vLoop = 1 to vTotalRecords
			XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRS, vLoop)

			vVisitDate = @XResultSetValue(vRS, "Date1")
			vPage = 1
			vStopReset = 0
			Printing_Physical (vVisitDate)



vFiles = @LocalListDirectory ("C:\PDFiles\")

If @CountStringArray (vFiles) > 1 then
		vFiles = @SortStringArray (vFiles, 0)
		For n = @CountStringArray (vFiles) downto 1

				If vFilesWithPath = "" then
						vFilesWithPath = @Chr (34) + vPath1 + @AccessStringArray (vFiles, n) + @chr (34)
						vFilesWithPath = vFilesWithPath + ";" + @Chr (34) + vPath1 + @AccessStringArray (vFiles, n) + @chr (34)



		vFilesWithPath = @Replace (vFilesWithPath, ";", " ")
		//WriteLN (vFilesWithPath)
		vFinalFile =  vPath1 +  vName  + " " + @Month(@Date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date) +  "-visitnotes" + ".pdf"
		//WriteLN (vFinalFile)
		vSuccess = @Shell ( "PDFill.exe MERGE " + vFilesWithPath + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) )
		//vSuccess = @Shell ( "PDFill.exe MERGE " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile1 + @chr (34) + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile2 + @chr (34) + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) )
		//vSuccess = @AsynchShell (@Chr (34) + vFinalFile + @Chr (34))   //This code opens up the file


		//vFileName = vPath1 + vName + " " + @Month(@Date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date)+ ".pdf"
		//vSuccess = @AsynchShell (@Chr (34) + vPath1 + vFiles + @Chr (34))

						vString1 = "CMD /C Move " + @Chr(34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) + " " + vPath2 //If spcace is present it needs to be in quotes
						//WriteLn (vString1)

						CreateAProcess (vString1)  //CreateAProcess requires cmd /c to open up Shell but does not require in @Shell command

						//vSuccess = @Shell (vString5)

Loiter (5000)   //Merging and Moving are taking time

//*********** Now Working with Documents File

//========= Following Routine Check the Documents file Exists on not and if does not give you choice to delete that record before merging them in pdf files

			vRSHandle = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Index!Documents", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Chart=" + Chart)

		If vRSHandle > -1 then
				xResultSetSort (vRSHandle, "DateAdded:1")
					n = @XResultSetTotal (vRSHandle)

					While n >= 1
							xResultSetCurrentPosition (vRSHandle, n)
							vDescription = @xResultSetValue (vRSHandle, "Description" )
							//WriteLN (vDescription)
							vFileName = @xResultSetValue (vRSHandle, "FileName" )  //Checking it again to make certain that no good record is deleted)
							//WriteLN (vFileName)
							If Not Fileexists (vFileName)
									If @AskUser (vDescription + " file does not exist, Do you Want to Delet the Record?", "", "") then
											xResultSetDeleteRecord (vRSHandle)
							//WriteLN (@str (n))
							n = n - 1

				xResultSetClose (vRSHandle)


//******************************Convert RTF and PDF File *****************************************************************************************

vFinalFile =  vPath1 +  vName  + " " + @Month (@date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date) + "-Documents" + ".pdf"

//Loiter (5000) 

vSuccess = @Shell ("Del " + vPath1 + "*.pdf" )  //Give Little time before a file is there to be moved

vRSHandle = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Index!Documents", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Chart=" + Chart, "!Print=<>NO")
if(vRSHandle > -1)
		vNoOfRecords = @XResultSetTotal(vRSHandle)

			for vLoop = 1 to vNoOfRecords
			XResultSetCurrentPosition(vRSHandle, vLoop)
			vFileName = @XResultSetValue(vRSHandle, "FileName")
			if @Right (vFileName, 3) = "rtf" then

					//vSuccess = @Shell ( "c:\htmltools\htmltools.exe "  + "-margin 30x30x30x30" + " " + vFileName + " "  + @Replace (vFileName, "RTF", "PDF"))
					//"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i c:\images\test.rtf -o c:\images\test.pdf

					//vSuccess = @Shell ( @chr (34) + "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" + @Chr (34)  + " -s ShowOfficeUI=1"  + " -i " + vFileName + " -o "  + @Replace (vFileName, "RTF", "PDF"))

					//vFileName = @Replace (vFileName, "RTF", "PDF")
					vSuccess = @Shell ( "RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n " +  @Chr (34) + vPrinter1 + @chr (34) )
					MergeFilePrint(vFileName, "rtf", "", "", vExtFields, "", 0)

			Else if @Right (vFileName, 3) = "pdf" then
					vSuccess = @Shell ("Copy " + @Chr (34) + vFileName + @Chr (34) + " " +  @Chr (34) + vPath1 + "Document" + @str (vLoop) + ".pdf" + @Chr (34) )


			//WriteLn (vString)

vFiles = @LocalListDirectory ("C:\PDFiles\")

If @CountStringArray (vFiles) > 1 then
		vFilesWithPath = ""   //Reset the value of vFileWithPath

		vFiles = @SortStringArray (vFiles, 0)
		For n = @CountStringArray (vFiles) downto 1

				If vFilesWithPath = "" then
						vFilesWithPath = @Chr (34) + vPath1 + @AccessStringArray (vFiles, n) + @chr (34)

						vFilesWithPath = vFilesWithPath + ";" + @Chr (34) + vPath1 + @AccessStringArray (vFiles, n) + @chr (34)



		vFilesWithPath = @Replace (vFilesWithPath, ";", " ")
		//WriteLN (vFilesWithPath)
		//vFinalFile =  vPath1 +  vName  + " " + @Month(@Date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date) +  "-visitnotes" + ".pdf"
		//WriteLN (vFinalFile)
		vSuccess = @Shell ( "PDFill.exe MERGE " + vFilesWithPath + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) )
		//vSuccess = @Shell ( "PDFill.exe MERGE " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile1 + @chr (34) + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile2 + @chr (34) + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) )
		//vSuccess = @AsynchShell (@Chr (34) + vFinalFile + @Chr (34))   //This code opens up the file


		//vFileName = vPath1 + vName + " " + @Month(@Date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date)+ ".pdf"
		//vSuccess = @AsynchShell (@Chr (34) + vPath1 + vFiles + @Chr (34))  //This is only if you want to open one page

						vString1 = "CMD /C Move " + @Chr(34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) + " " + vPath2 //If spcace is present it needs to be in quotes
						//WriteLn (vString1)

						CreateAProcess (vString1)  //CreateAProcess requires cmd /c to open up Shell but does not require in @Shell command

						//vSuccess = @Shell (vString1)

//==========================Now Combining file in Assembly folder and moving it to C:\Sesame2\Records\

Loiter (5000)    //It seems like moving as well as merging above  is taking time

vFinalFile = vPath3 + vName  + " " + @Month (@date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date) + ".pdf"
//WriteLN ("Final File = " + vFinalFile )

vFiles = @LocalListDirectory ("C:\Assembly\")

//WriteLN ("Files in Assembly Folder = " + vFiles)

If @CountStringArray (vFiles) > 1 then
		vFilesWithPath = ""   //Reset the value of vFileWithPath

		vFiles = @SortStringArray (vFiles, 0)
		For n = @CountStringArray (vFiles) downto 1

				If vFilesWithPath = "" then
						vFilesWithPath = @Chr (34) + vPath2 + @AccessStringArray (vFiles, n) + @chr (34)

						vFilesWithPath = vFilesWithPath + ";" + @Chr (34) + vPath2 + @AccessStringArray (vFiles, n) + @chr (34)



		vFilesWithPath = @Replace (vFilesWithPath, ";", " ")
		//WriteLN ("Files From Assembley = " + vFilesWithPath)
		//vFinalFile =  vPath1 +  vName  + " " + @Month(@Date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date) +  "-visitnotes" + ".pdf"
		//WriteLN ("Final File = " + vFinalFile)
		vSuccess = @Shell ( "PDFill.exe MERGE " + vFilesWithPath + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) )
		//vSuccess = @Shell ( "PDFill.exe MERGE " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile1 + @chr (34) + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile2 + @chr (34) + " " + @chr (34) + vFinalFile + @chr (34) )
		vSuccess = @AsynchShell (@Chr (34) + vFinalFile + @Chr (34))   //This code opens up the file


		//vFileName = vPath1 + vName + " " + @Month(@Date) + "-" + @DOM (@date) + "-" + @Year (@date)+ ".pdf"
		vSuccess = @AsynchShell (@Chr (34) + vFilesWithPath + @Chr (34))  //This is only if you want to open one page

vSuccess = @Shell ( "RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /y /n " +  @Chr (34) + vPrinter2 + @chr (34) )// Default Printer in place again


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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #1 - Mar 21st, 2012 at 12:37pm
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how about inserting a loop that checks for the appearance of the newly created pdf file once per second until the file is detected?

-shell to create new pdf file
- loop
    - check for new file
      if yes, end loop; if no, loiter(1000), then loop again to check
      if yes, end loop;  if no, loiter(1000) then loop again to check

I guess you'd have to build in a safety 'out' in case the file doesn't ever get created (if loop = 15 times, then stop loop and send @Error message

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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #2 - Mar 21st, 2012 at 3:06pm
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Thanks for your input. It seems like it was DOS MOVE command that was dragging the system. I removed the Move command by creating the file in the folder where it was supposed to be moved. I removed Loiter ( ) command altogether and I have not seen the error message yet. Hopefully this will solve the problem, otherwise I will run the loop as you suggested and see if DOS command was successfully completed before throwing in the other commands. Thanks again.
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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #3 - Mar 21st, 2012 at 4:18pm
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No problem.  This thread got me to thinking about where in my own code I might be able to utilize a 'loop till SUCCESS' technique. 

Best Regards,

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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #4 - Mar 21st, 2012 at 9:40pm
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To be on safer side I placed the following code after DOS Command through @Shell ( ).

Select All
For n = 1 to 10

		If FileExists (vLastFile)
				n = 10
				Loiter (1000)



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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #5 - Mar 22nd, 2012 at 4:04am
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Sweet!  Simple and elegant.  I'll find places for that, too.

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #6 - Mar 22nd, 2012 at 1:20pm
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For a loop like that it's recommended that you use a quit flag rather than increasing the counter when you need to quit. Something like

Select All
Var n as Int
Var vFileExists as Int

n = 1
vFileExists = 0

While ((n <= 10) And (vFileExists = 0))

	If FileExists (vLastFile)
		vFileExists = 1
		Loiter (1000)
	n = n + 1

This also allows you to check, after the loop is done, to see if the file ever was found or not, simply by checking one integer and not having to do another FileExists() call.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #7 - Mar 22nd, 2012 at 3:16pm
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Thanks Ray for your sound advice. I am not using While loop as much as I use For ...Next loop. But with a second thought the same thing can be implemented also in For --Next loop too. Such things can avoid a lot troubles.  Thanks again.
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: DOS command causing error without Loiter
Reply #8 - Mar 22nd, 2012 at 3:35pm
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Bharat_Naik wrote on Mar 22nd, 2012 at 3:16pm:
Thanks Ray for your sound advice. I am not using While loop as much as I use For ...Next loop. But with a second thought the same thing can be implemented also in For --Next loop too. Such things can avoid a lot troubles.  Thanks again.

For -- Next loops are too basic of a loop to use a quit flag with as they simply increase or decrease until they match the "To" number. On the other hand a While loop equates the conditional to True or False, no matter how many little conditionals there are inside strung together with And's and Or's , before deciding to break or not.

Yes it can reduce a lot of troubles by using a quit flag, and is even recommended on Pages 71-72 of the Sesame 2 Programming guide for breaking out of a loop.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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