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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Where's the ghost? (Read 3882 times)
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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #15 - Feb 6th, 2013 at 4:53am
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I've had the same intermittent experience, too.  Something connects just fine for years, and then one day 'poof', it won't connect .... gee thanks Microsoft!

Prelim update - the new(er) Win7-64 M58 desktop is blowing through all of the Sesame tasks being assigned it.  It's still early, but I kind of suspect Mark was right on the money in pointing a suspicious finger at the network card/communication electronics of the older workstation.

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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #16 - Feb 8th, 2013 at 10:45pm
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lksseven wrote on Feb 6th, 2013 at 4:53am:
I kind of suspect Mark was right on the money in pointing a suspicious finger at the network card/communication electronics of the older workstation.

Have you checked or tried to roll back the driver? Sometimes a custom driver was installed either by MS or when the system was installed, the vendor no longer supports that hardware on that OS and a newer OS update installs an updated generic driver that is not fully compatible.
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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #17 - Feb 9th, 2013 at 2:54am
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No I have not checked on the driver.  Thanks for the tip.  I will look into that.

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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #18 - Feb 12th, 2013 at 6:19pm
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Ray or Mark,

enclosed is the Application Error Log entry for when the Sesame server (running on an WinXP workstation) crashes.  The error entry is always this same error code and 'fault address' location.   So what is it telling me?   FYI, this serving workstation hasn't been rebooted in 13 days (it seems the longer between Windows reboots, the more likely the chance for crashes).

By the way, the newer Win7 workstation seems to be working swimmingly, with no sesame workstation crashes in the course of its various tasks/duties throughout the day.

Event Type:      Error
Event Source:      Application Error
Event Category:      None
Event ID:      1000
Date:            1/4/2013
Time:            3:50:51 PM
User:            N/A
Computer:      SERVER1
Faulting application sesame.exe, version, faulting module sesame.exe,
fault address 0x000f34c7.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 73 65 73   ure  ses
0018: 61 6d 65 2e 65 78 65 20   ame.exe
0020: 30 2e 30 2e 30 2e 30 20
0028: 69 6e 20 73 65 73 61 6d   in sesam
0030: 65 2e 65 78 65 20 30 2e   e.exe 0.
0038: 30 2e 30 2e 30 20 61 74   0.0.0 at
0040: 20 6f 66 66 73 65 74 20    offset
0048: 30 30 30 66 33 34 63 37   000f34c7
0050: 0d 0a

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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #19 - Feb 14th, 2013 at 2:58pm
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Hi Larry,

It's telling us that once we can replicate the issue on our system here it should be the same steps everytime. However I have not had any luck reproducing the issue but I'm still trying.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #20 - Feb 14th, 2013 at 3:33pm
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I just replaced another older XP workstation with a faster Win7 workstation (with one more replacement to go in the next couple of days).  I'll be interested to see if those replacements reduce/eliminate the random crashes (speaking to Mark's comment about the possible hardware 'timing' issue I may have in my network )

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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #21 - Feb 14th, 2013 at 3:42pm
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FWIW, 'most' of the random crashes occur when this command button is executed in the making of a sales order (it checks on various things in the Sales Order header, conditionally adds a map image, and then throws focus to the SOLines subform (LEO) to add line items).

var vSONum as int
var vNextSONum as int
var vClientID as string
var vRSc as int
var vMaplink as string
var vCount as int
var vShipToID as string
var vClientPO as string
var vClientPORequired as string
var vOrderer as string
var vPass as int
var vErrorList as string
//var vAltP as string
//var vCheck as string

var vSOTot as int
var vItemNum as string
var vItemDesc as string
var vItemQty as string
var vItemUoM as string
var vItemPrice as double
var vExtendedPrice as double
var vLoop1 as int
var vLine as string
var vItemNum2 as string
var vPrint as int

If @Group <> "clients"

If @Mode() = 1

     If @SubformVisibility("LE0") = 0
     Visibility(SummaryView, 0)
     SubformVisibility("LE0", 1)
     FormAttribute("SOLines", "CreateNewItem", ATTR_ID_READ_ONLY, "0")
     vItemNum2 = ""
     vItemNum2 = @FormAttribute("SOLines", "ItemNum", 0)
     If vItemNum2 <> ""
           FormAttribute("SOLines", "ItemNum", ATTR_ID_READ_ONLY, "1")
     FormThrowFocus("SOLines", "LaunchPad")

     else If @SubformVisibility("LE0") = 1

           vSOTot = @FormResultSetTotal("Orders!SOLines")
           vLoop1 = 1
               While vLoop1 <= vSOTot

                     vItemNum = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemNum", vLoop1)
                 vItemDesc = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemDesc", vLoop1)
                 vItemQty = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemQty", vLoop1)
                 vItemUoM = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemUoM", vLoop1)
                 vItemPrice = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemPrice", vLoop1)
                 vExtendedPrice = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "LineItemTotal", vLoop1)
                 vLine = vLine + vItemNum + " ** " + vItemDesc + " ** " + vItemUoM + " ** " + vItemQty + " ** $" + vItemPrice + " ** $" + vExtendedPrice + @NewLine() + "===============" + @NewLine()

                 vLoop1 += 1
           SubformVisibility("LE0", 0)
           Visibility(SummaryView, 1)
           SummaryView = ""
           SummaryView = vLine
            } // end LE0 = 1


If @Mode() = 0
    vPass = 1

    If @IsBlank(SONum)
     //SubformVisibility(LE0, 0)
      else If (@IsBlank(SONum) = 0)
       //SubformVisibility(LE0, 1)

       vShipToID = ShipToID
       vClientPO = ClientPO
       vOrderer = Orderer
       vClientID = ClientID
       vMaplink = ""
       //vAltP = AltP
       //vCheck = @ContainsStringArray(vClientPO, "card", 0)

            vRSc = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Client", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!ClientID=" + vClientID)
       If vRSc > -1

                    vCount = @XResultSetTotal(vRSc)
                 If vCount = 1
                       vClientPORequired = @XResultSetValue(vRSc, "ClientPORequired")
                       vMaplink = @XResultSetValue(vRSc, "MapLink")
                       If @IsBlank(Orderer)
                             vErrorList = vErrorList + @NewLine() + " [X] Orderer field must contain the name of the customer who placed this order" + @NewLine()
                             vPass = 0

                       If (vClientPORequired <> "") and @IsBlank(ClientPO)
                             vErrorList = vErrorList + @NewLine() + " [X] a PO# is required for this customer" + @NewLine()
                             vPass = 0

                       If (vAltP = "") and (@Left(vClientID,4) = "1007") and (vCheck <> "")
                             vErrorList = vErrorList + @NewLine() + " [X] If client is TU and PO is Pcard and item is copy paper, be sure to enter a 'P' in AltP field" + @NewLine()
                             vPass = 0

                       If vPass = 0
                             Writeln(@NewLine() + @NewLine() + "  The above must be corrected before you can proceed with this order")
                                   else If vPass = 1
                               { //begin vPass = 1

                                   If (vShipToID = "")
                                         If vMapLink <> ""
                                               Map1 = vMaplink

                                   If @SubformVisibility("LE0") = 0
                                         Visibility(SummaryView, 0)
                                         SubformVisibility("LE0", 1)
                                         FormAttribute("SOLines", "CreateNewItem", ATTR_ID_READ_ONLY, "0")
                                         vItemNum2 = ""
                                         vItemNum2 = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemNum", 0)
                                         //vItemNum2 = @FormAttribute("SOLines", "ItemNum", 0)
                                         If vItemNum2 <> ""
                                               FormAttribute("SOLines", "ItemNum", ATTR_ID_READ_ONLY, "1")
                                         FormNotifyForm("SOLines", 6)
                                         FormThrowFocus("SOLines", "LaunchPad")

                                      else If @SubformVisibility("LE0") = 1
                                               vSOTot = @FormResultSetTotal("Orders!SOLines")
                                               vLoop1 = 1
                                                   While vLoop1 <= vSOTot

                                                         vItemNum = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemNum", vLoop1)
                                                     vItemDesc = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemDesc", vLoop1)
                                                     vItemQty = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemQty", vLoop1)
                                                     vItemUoM = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemUoM", vLoop1)
                                                     vItemPrice = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "ItemPrice", vLoop1)
                                                     vExtendedPrice = @FormFieldValue("SOLines", "LineItemTotal", vLoop1)
                                                     vLine = vLine + vItemNum + " ** " + vItemDesc + " ** " + vItemUoM + " ** " + vItemQty + " ** $" + vItemPrice + " ** $" + vExtendedPrice + @NewLine() + "===============" + @NewLine()

                                                     vLoop1 += 1
                                               SubformVisibility("LE0", 0)
                                               Visibility(SummaryView, 1)
                                               SummaryView = ""
                                               SummaryView = vLine
                                             } // end LE0 = 1

                                   } // end vPass = 1

                    } // end vCount = 1

           } // end vRSC > -1


     }//end of be

    } // end of b

} // end of a

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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #22 - Feb 15th, 2013 at 11:47pm
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Regarding timing--and this is just a shot in the dark--by any chance are the Win 7 machines running a 1GB network interface and the XP machines are running 100 Mbps and the network can handle 1GB?
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Re: Where's the ghost?
Reply #23 - Feb 16th, 2013 at 12:06am
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Hi Rick,

All computers (Win7 and XP) are running 1gb network interface. 

I just put two more Win7-64bit (8gb) wrkstns online today (both with double monitors, so now I'm a hero with my office staff - at least for 48 hours ...).  So I'll be very interested to see what the next couple of weeks brings in the way of crashes/glitches.

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