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another subform qestion
Mar 13th, 2015 at 5:52pm
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I wrote a code that i can add a new customer on the fly to a customer database from my dispatch database using xresultsetcreatenewrecord.
Is it possible to do the same to a sub form in the customer database from the dispatch database also? or i'm i just getting..... GREEDY?

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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #1 - Mar 15th, 2015 at 2:52pm
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Yes Flip, that can be done and I use that very frequently in my program. The process is:

1. You create subform record just as you create normal record.

2. Open Parent Record (of course the Resultset)

3. You reparent the child record (Subform record) to Parent (Mainform record)

I have pasted important part of one of my codes to do that just to give you an idea that how it could be done.

Select All
If @clientLocalValue ("Process") = "Success" and vDescription <> ""then  //only when processed properly - to avoid putting value in Document subform

							vChildRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Client!Documents", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Chart==")

							If vChildRSID > -1 then
									xResultSetCreateNewRecord (vChildRSID)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "RecNumber", vRecNumber)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "DateAdded", vDateAdded)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "Chart", vChart)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "Description", vDescription)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "View", vView)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "FileName", vFileName)
									xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "Key", vKey)
									//since it is processed from Index Database - to be reparent later either in Menu through button or Physical Form On Exit Event of DX2 when Record is New
									//xResultSetValue (vChildRSID, "Marker", 1)

									xResultSetClose (vChildRSID)


							vParentRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Client", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Chart=" + vChart)

								If @XResultSetLocked (vParentRSID) = 1 Then
										@MSGBox ("Parent ResultSet is Locked", "The Document will not go to DocumentSubform", "Process it from Other Database")


							If vParentRSID > -1 then
									vRecordsFound = @XResultSetTotal (vParentRSID)

									If vRecordsFound = 1 then
											//ClientLocalValue ("DocToBeReParented", "Yes")   // ReParenting will be either done in Menu or DX2 on  Exit Event of Physical when Record is New

											vChildRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Client!Documents", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Chart=" + vChart, "!Key=" + vKey)

											If vChildRSID > -1 then
													If @XResultSetTotal (vChildRSID) = 1 then

											                               // xResultSetSort (vChildRSID, "DateAdded:1")  //Since this is just one record, sorting will not work
															xResultSetReparent (vParentRSID, "DocumentSubForm", vChildRSID)

															If @Error = 1 then
																	WriteLN ("Reparent Failed")

													xResultSetClose (vChildRSID)


										Else if vRecordsFound = 0 then
											WriteLN ("Chart " + vChart + " Does not exist in Client Database!!! Please Correct it" )
											vFailureIndicator = 1
										Else if vRecordsFound > 1 then

											WriteLN ("Chart " + vChart + " has Multiple Entries in Client Database!!! Please Correct it" )
											vFailureIndicator = 1

									XResultSetClose (vParentRSID)

							xResultSetClose (vChildRSID)       // for additional precaution - in case if it is not closed
							xResultSetClose (vParentRSID)		// for additional precaution - in case if it is not closed


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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #2 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 9:37pm
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XResultSetReparent!! Thank you for your help

Still not re parenting.. I even double checked the field name argument like it says to in the book, all the other code works well. Do you see anything obvious?

Select All
var vChildRSID as Int
var vParentRSID as Int

If (@FormResultSetTotal("Customers:(Update)") = -1)

		If (Callstatus = "open")
				vChildRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Customers!Equipment", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!equipment_type==")
				If vChildRSID > -1
						If @XResultSetTotal(vChildRSID) = 0

								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Equipment_Type", Machine_Type)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "other_info", eqinfo2)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Model_No", DModel)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Serial_No", DSerial)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Last_Updated_On", CallDate)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Co_Name", CompanyName)
				vParentRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Customers", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!co_name=" + CompanyName)
	 			If vParentRSID > -1
						vChildRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Customers!Equipment", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Co_Name=" + CompanyName, "!Equipment_Type=" + Machine_Type)
						If vChildRSID > -1
								If @XResultSetTotal(vChildRSID) = 1
										xResultSetReparent(vParentRSID, "Equiplist", vChildRSID)
                                                                                @msgbox("","Makes it to here okay","")


		@MsgBox("YOU are in Update Customers", "Please close out of it and try again", "")


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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #3 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 10:27pm
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Is EquipList is the Subrecord field name? I believe the Subrecord Field name goes there.

xResultSetReparent(vParentRSID, "Equiplist", vChildRSID)
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #4 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 10:38pm
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The subform setting dialog box is important here. Make certain it is naturally linked. I am attaching here my subform setting dialog box.

Subform_Setting.jpg ( 76 KB | 82 Downloads )
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #5 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 11:35pm
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Display form "Equipment List"

"Automatic (natural links)"


#5 "Tables"

I even tried it leaving the vChildRSID open and did the @msgbox("", vChildRSID,"") double checked spelling also.
funny thing is my popup box uses a key field "co_name" to populate so it shows up, just not the subform of the customer database. its just an orphan

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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #6 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 11:55pm
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Hi Flip,
vChildRSID = @XResultSetSearch(@FN, "Customers!Equipment", SEARCH_MODE_AND, SEARCH_SYNTAX_QA, "!Co_Name=" + CompanyName, "!Equipment_Type=" + Machine_Type)

With above code, you might be pulling out more than one subrecord. You want to have just the record you just created. Please check that. I would rather use something like SerialNumber or Key, that way you know that there cannot be more than one record and it is the record that you just created.  I do not think Equipment_Type is a unique field for you. May be with CompanyName and Equipment_Type may make it Unique sometimes. I could be wrong here as I do not know your database structure.
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #7 - Mar 18th, 2015 at 12:49am
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Computers works well with numbers. I create one unique number for chart or record that goes in both parent and child records. It is text field (String)

Select All
If @Mode ( ) = 0 and Name <> "" and Record = "" then  //Name is the required field - This code  will create record in Attachment Database, so one can attach a file while addting the record
							//Record Number required before before subrecord is created

		If @IsNew = 1 and Record = "" then

				vRecordNumber = @TN (@GlobalValue ("RecordNumber")) + 1

							Globalvalue ("RecordNumber", @str (vRecordNumber))

							vNumberExtension = "00000" + @GlobalValue ("RecordNumber")
							vNumberExtension = @Right (vNumberExtension, 5)
							Record = vNumberExtension




This comes very handy if for any reasons parent and children gets separated... it has one to many relations and you can easily reparent them.

The other unique field only goes in the SubDatabase, I called that Key field. It is just used to choose the last child record created.

Select All
vNextNumber = @ToNumber (@GlobalValue ("RecordLocator")) + 1
								//WriteLn ("This is Next Number " + vNextNumber)
								GlobalValue ("RecordLocator", vNextNumber)
								vNextNumber = @text (7 - @Len (vNextNumber), "0") + vNextNumber
								vKey = vNextNumber

Problem here could be, one ends up choosing multiple or none records either in child resultset or parent resultset. Using Numerical value (eventhough technically it is string) make it easier to deal with them to select one record each.
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #8 - Mar 18th, 2015 at 2:06am
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Thank you Bharat
My machine_type field is a unique key field, it consists of both a letters and numbers about 25 characters.
Running tests on the code it is retrieving the correct single parent form and the correct single subform it's just not re parenting........?

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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #9 - Mar 18th, 2015 at 3:44am
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Looking at the creation of the child record, all of the values are coming directly from elements and not from variables. Where are you initiating this from?

Select All
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Equipment_Type", Machine_Type)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "other_info", eqinfo2)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Model_No", DModel)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Serial_No", DSerial)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Last_Updated_On", CallDate)
								XResultSetValue(vChildRSID, "Co_Name", CompanyName)


All of the above seems to be elements of the form where you are initiating this code.. Is that so?

XResultSetValue ( ) command post the value.
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #10 - Mar 18th, 2015 at 3:13pm
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I had gone through the same path...

But there is other way if you have to make subrecord from the same database form.
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #11 - Mar 18th, 2015 at 3:46pm
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Since you are making the subform record from the same database form that the subform is attached to, you will have to use following method.

Select All
					If @clientLocalValue ("Process") = "Success" and vDescription <> ""then  //only when processed properly - to avoid putting value in Document subform

						If vDescription <> "" and @FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Description", 1) = "" then

								//nn = @FormNewRecord ("Scripts2")
								//WriteLN ("vLoop = " + @str (vLoop))
								//WriteLN ("nn = " + @str (nn))
								FormresultsetCurrentPosition ("Documents", 1)

								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "RecNumber", 1, vRecNumber)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "DateAdded", 1, vDateAdded)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Chart", 1, Chart)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Description", 1, vDescription)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "View", 1, vView)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "FileName", 1, vFileName)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Key", 1, vKey)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Print", 1, @Chr (252) )

								FormCommit ("Documents")

						Else if vDescription <> "" and @FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Description", 1) <> "" then

								nn = @FormNewRecord ("Documents")
								//WriteLn ("The value on nn = " + @Str (nn) )

								//WriteLN ("vLoop = " + @str (vLoop))
								//WriteLN ("nn = " + @str (nn))

								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "RecNumber", nn, vRecNumber)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "DateAdded", nn, vDateAdded)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Chart", nn, Chart)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Description", nn, vDescription)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "View", nn, vView)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "FileName", nn, vFileName)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Key", nn, vKey)
								FormFieldValue ("Documents", "Print", nn, @Chr (252) )

								Formcommit ("Documents")



First it checks whether the first record is blanked or not. Logic is the first record in the subform always exists. If it is blank you just fill it up. Subsequent record you make and fill it up. 

I have gone through this frustrations in the past. But now it is clear. If you make subrecord from other database, you use XResultset command. If you make it from the same database form, you use @Formfieldvalue ( ). I am quite sure this should work for you.
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Re: another subform qestion
Reply #12 - Mar 18th, 2015 at 8:21pm
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I think I am starting to understand.

My command code is written in a 3rd database called "Dispatch" and it is parenting it to something...(unknown) as it does not show up as an orphan, and it is located in the "Customers" subform named "Equipment". If I take out the re parenting it will show up as orphan.
Either way it does not show up in the parent form "Customers".

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