Normal Topic Mass Update - Date Format (Read 1035 times)

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Mass Update - Date Format
Apr 30th, 2015 at 10:04pm
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I'm trying to do a mass update to all dates across the database that are now entered as (i.e. 3-1-14, 3-1-2014) I need to change them to (3/1/2014). Has anyone had experience with this type of programming? I am not a programmer by any means any help would be appreciated.  Smiley
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Mass Update - Date Format
Reply #1 - May 1st, 2015 at 2:10pm
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Is the element holding the value bound to a date field or is it bound to a string field?


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Mass Update - Date Format
Reply #2 - Jul 23rd, 2015 at 5:22pm
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Some are bound to a date and some are bound to text. Not sure how to see if they are bound to string.
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Mass Update - Date Format
Reply #3 - Jul 23rd, 2015 at 7:18pm
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Hello Vegas,

String and Text are the same thing really. Text fields hold strings. I apologize if I confused you.

For the ones bound to date, you simple need to change the display format in Sesame Designer.

For the ones that are bound to text, if all that is ever stored in that element is a date then I would recommend changing the field type to Date. If the date is mixed in with other data, You'll need a Mass Update like the following:

Select All
Var vData as String
Var vDatePositions as String
Var vLoop as Int
Var vCnt as Int
Var vDate as Array[3] of String
Var vWhich as Int
Var vStart as Int
Var vPos as Int
Var vLength as Int
Var vOffset as Int
Var vOldDateSep as Char
Var vNewDateSep as Char

//Pull element value into a string for easy manipulation
vData = ElementName

vOldDateSep = "-"
vNewDateSep = "/"

//Search for dates that have 1 or 2 digits then a dash then 1 or 2 digits then a dash and then 2 or 4 digits
vDatePositions = @RegexFindString(vData, "\d{1,2}" + vOldDateSep + "\d{1,2}" + vOldDateSep + "\d{2,4}", 1)
If vDatePositions <> "" Then
	vLoop = 1
	vOffset = 0
	vCnt = @CountStringArray(vDatePositions)
	While vLoop <= vCnt
		//Loop through each date found in the data
		vWhich = 1
		vDate[1] = ""
		vDate[2] = ""
		vDate[3] = ""
		//Get the start position and the length of the Date found.
		vStart = @TN(@AccessStringArray(vDatePositions, vLoop)) + vOffset
		vLength = @AccessStringArray(vDatePositions, vLoop + 1)
		vPos = vStart
		While vPos < (vStart + vLength)
			//Loop through the Date found character by character and place it into the array depending on how many dashes we have encountered.
			If @Mid(vData, vPos, 1) = vOldDateSep  Then
				vWhich = vWhich + 1
				vDate[vWhich] = vDate[vWhich] + @Mid(vData, vPos, 1)
			vPos = vPos + 1
		//If it's a 2 digit year
		If @Len(vDate[3]) = 2 Then
			vOffset = vOffset + 2
			//The next bit of code guesses that if the year is a two digit year that is greater than 15 that you mean 1900's
			If @TN(vDate[3]) > 15 Then
				vDate[3] = "19" + vDate[3]
				vDate[3] = "20" + vDate[3]
		vData = @Left(vData, vStart-1) + vDate[1] + vNewDateSep + vDate[2] + vNewDateSep + vDate[3] + @Right(vData, @Len(vData)-(vStart + vLength)+1)
		//Advance by 2 to skip to the next occurence of a date
		vLoop = vLoop + 2

//Set value back to the element
ElementName = vData 

I highly recommend making a backup before attempting this or any Mass Update. You'll need to replace ElementName with the name of the element you want to process.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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