Normal Topic Sesame Locking computer (Read 1873 times)

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Sesame Locking computer
Jan 20th, 2016 at 1:01am
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I have 2 issues, however the primary is that when exiting out of sesame (client), many times it locks up computer. This happens daily and with several employees, it keeps me busy just running from desk to desk.  I've narrowed it down to the sesame process still in task manager. If we are lucky enough to get to taskmanager, we can kill the process and computer returns to normal.  Now the background. We have server license with 35 users and version 2.53, all on Win7 pro. All Dell optiplex with plenty of space and memory. Any advice?? need sesame to end process properly...
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #1 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 3:59pm
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Hmm We've never encountered this before.

Does it do it if the client did not have a DB file open?
When you go into Task Manager how much CPU and memory is Sesame client using?
Is Sesame installed on each machine or using a mapped network drive or UNC path and running it off the server?
How are you closing Sesame? (File->Exit, Red X or custom button)


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #2 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 6:48pm
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Hi Ray.. been awhile since we spoke... say Hi to Erica for me..
anyways, it does it if there is no .db open..  of course there was one opened. Then we close it and go on with rest of day. We would get back into client and this is where trouble happens.  Only 1 .db file is open but process is reporting 2 open.  (like a ghost, and shows on server that ghost is open).  CPU and Memory is -0-.  DB is on the server only.. client front end is this:  C:\Sesame2\Program\sesame.exe -client server /data nighthawk.db
I'm not sure how employees are closing..  I assume they are just "x"ing out...
After brief poll, employees are just "x"ing out... This is because they are too dumb to pay attention and continually hit another option in the "File" tab..  mostly they hit "save" (which is right under "close").. and this causes serious issues..  We also had to disable the buttons "New, Open,Save" because they don't pay attention

I just "x"ed mine without closing and checked taskman...  its not there at all..
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #3 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:10pm
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Hi Joe,

There is a bug in 2.5.3(fixed in 2.6.0) where under certain circumstances sometimes a client process would start, increase client count, but the client window would never display. This sounds almost like the symptoms you are seeing except it would never lock up the client computer, just merely hold up a license on the server.

X'ing out is fine, Was just wondering if there was a custom button that might be doing something. The only issues Save should cause is people seeing Sesame pause as the Server does a full save of the database, although it can cause people to become click happy as the client pauses.


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #4 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:14pm
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And they do get click happy...  let me update all to 2.6 and see if problem goes away..  i will keep you posted...  thank you sir

PS: i noticed website has changed a bit.. what do I need for the upgrade?  it appears you charge for them now?
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The Cow
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #5 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:38pm
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Nighthawk, what has changed on these systems? I've looked through your previous postings and clearly, you were not having this issue until recently.

Does this happen on all of your client computers or just some of them?

On the computers where it does happen, does it always happen?

You stated that it happens even when no database is loaded, does it also happen if the Sesame is run "standalone" rather than client/server? How about standalone with no application loaded?

Does it ever happen if you are running one of the sample applications, like Customers.db, etc?

You say that the OS is locked up when this happens, yet sometimes (not every time?) you are able to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up the task manager. When locked-up, is the mouse able to move at all. If so, does the start menu appear if you click on it? Can you move or resize any windows or double-click on any icons?

When this happens, is the Sesame window still on the screen? Does it update? Is it blank?

Ray asked about memory and CPU usage and you reported that both were at zero. A process may be using zero CPU, but isn't actually loaded if it is using zero memory. If that is the case, then for reasons unknown, Windows is holding on to an entry for Sesame, even though Sesame has ceased to be loaded, or Windows is misreporting the amount of memory that Sesame is using, which must be at least - some.

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #6 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 7:47pm
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nothing has really changed..  we moved offices, and i bought a new server, with same  stuff.. all Win7pro (so are work stations, but they arent new.. i formatted all and refreshed them).. new office was up and functional Nov 5th..  this problem is sporadically popping up on random workstations.  The problem started about a week ago..  (at least thats when they told me, but if it was this bad a month ago, i would have known).. so its a recent issue..  no new software has been installed..  When it happens, its not everytime, nor can I re-create it..  I had figured it out a couple days ago and thought it was a fluke, then I was at a workstation last night and watched it happen...  we dont run it in stand alone mode so that I cant say...we also dont load any sample databases...   we use only the 1 nighthawk.db
you dont notice anything until the computer just freezes.. you can close the client and never know its still in the process tab...  its that random
based on this is a recent issue, I can only assume some kind of windows update isnt playing nicely with sesame

forgot to answer taskman question...  its so pokey slow, I have learned to wait it out to get to taskman...  usually about 6-7 minutes...  then once i terminate the sesame process.. computer snaps back to normal
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The Cow
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #7 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 8:24pm
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I'm not asking if you run Sesame in standalone mode or with sample databases, I am asking you to run Sesame in standalone mode and/or with sample databases and tell me if the problem ever happens - as a diagnostic.

What I am trying to determine is whether the problem is coming from your application (so I need to know if it happens with other applications), is coming from the network (so I need to know if it happens standalone - which doesn't use the network), is because the Sesame executable was corrupted when copied, downloaded, or executed from a remote drive, is due to interference from a virus, security program, or firewall, or if your OS is badly corrupted or misconfigured.

If it was merely a bad Windows update, we would be getting complaints from everybody that received the update, hundreds, if not thousands, of people. But at this point, you are alone in reporting this issue.

If I remember correctly, you have a relatively large application that has been growing rapidly. Is it possible that this is occurring because your users are kicking off a lengthy operation and then hitting the "X" to close Sesame while the server is still trying to complete the lengthy operation and the client is waiting for that completion? Does this ever happen while there is little to no CPU activity on the server?

Mark Lasersohn&&Programmer&&Lantica Software, LLC
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #8 - Jan 20th, 2016 at 9:50pm
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i can try stand alone mode but i cant recreate the issue at will other than trying to open,close,open,close etc... it doesn't happen with any other application so far.. 

it is a fairly large application..  once we surpass 180k records, sesame really freaks out..  if we make it to 200k, sesame all but blows up..  so we archive every couple months and delete older data...  its always about 150k records (give or take)..

over our life with sesame, we have archived about 2 million records..   I suppose another app update could be causing it.  the only thing out of the ordinary we have is Symantec End-Point security

I will do my best to re-create the issue...
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Ray the Reaper
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Re: Sesame Locking computer
Reply #9 - Jan 21st, 2016 at 2:14pm
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NightHawk wrote on Jan 20th, 2016 at 9:50pm:
it is a fairly large application..  once we surpass 180k records, sesame really freaks out..  if we make it to 200k, sesame all but blows up..  so we archive every couple months and delete older data...  its always about 150k records (give or take)..

What are the size of the DB and DAT files? 200k records isn't all that much. If I had to guess, It sounds like at about that size the Sesame Server process wants more RAM then the server computer has available so the server system starts swapping and using the hard drive for additional RAM which is SLOW..


Raymond Yoxall Consulting
Sesame Applications, Design and Support
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