Normal Topic Limiting Mass Updates (Read 622 times)
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Limiting Mass Updates
Aug 22nd, 2016 at 4:24pm
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Hi folks,

I've gotten to the point where I'm not wanting everyone to be running freeform Mass Updates, but we do have some pre-scripted updates I wouldn't mind letting folks use.

So ... I want to create a button that creates a pop up list of approved Mass Updates, and when they click on one, it executes on whatever is retrieved.

First step, how can I pull a list of mass updates as a string?

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Carl Underwood
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Re: Limiting Mass Updates
Reply #1 - Aug 23rd, 2016 at 4:20pm
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See @SpecCommand() on page 394 of the Programming Guide.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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Carl Underwood
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Re: Limiting Mass Updates
Reply #2 - Aug 23rd, 2016 at 4:53pm
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BTW, the manual omits one of the operation types, and it's the one you want:

So you'd want to use something like one of the following, which both do the same thing:

@SpecCommand(6, 5, "")

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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Re: Limiting Mass Updates
Reply #3 - Aug 24th, 2016 at 4:16pm
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For some reason, Sesame doesn't like the full descriptors only the integers -- is that because it is looking for me to include SBAS?

Here's what I wrote ... it pulls up the mass updates I have saved, but it fails to load and/or run my chosen spec ... what am I missing?

Select All
var vSpec1 as string
var vSpec2 as string
var vSpec3 as string
var vSpec4 as string

vSpec1 = @SpecCommand(6,5,"")

vSpec2 = @containsstringarray(vSpec1,"",1)
vSpec2 = @sortstringarray(vSpec2,0)
vSpec3 = @Popupchoicelist(vSpec2,"CHOOSE AN UPDATE")

vSpec4 = @speccommand(1,5,vSpec3)
vSpec4 = @SpecCommand(3,5,vSpec3)



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Carl Underwood
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Re: Limiting Mass Updates
Reply #4 - Aug 25th, 2016 at 5:09am
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Yes, you'd need to have the following line in Global Code, or at least at the top of the event where you want to use the text descriptors:
#include "sbasic_include.sbas"

I'm not sure what you're attempting to accomplish with @containsstringarray(vSpec1,"",1). This isn't really doing anything, is it?  Smiley

The main problem is that the three @SpecCommand lines are doing the following:
1. @SpecCommand(6,5,"") is getting a list of the specs.
2. @speccommand(1,5,vSpec3) is saving specs using the selected name. But since you have not loaded a spec (they are still blank), you are effectively clearing/deleting your current specs!
3. @SpecCommand(3,5,vSpec3) is simply viewing the currently loaded specs, of which, there isn't really any because there were never any loaded.

Try this instead:
Select All
var vSpecList as String
var vSpec as String
var vResult as String

vSpecList = @SpecCommand(6, 5, "")				// Get a list of saved Mass Update specs
vSpecList = @SortStringArray(vSpecList, 0)			// Sort them

If vSpecList = ""						// Make sure there is at least one spec to show in popup list
	@MsgBox("No saved Mass Update specs found!", "", "(HINT: Save one first)")
	vSpec = @PopupChoiceList(vSpecList, "CHOOSE AN UPDATE")	// Display the list of specs
	If vSpec <> ""						// Make sure a spec name was selected
		vResult = @SpecCommand(0, 5, vSpec)		// LOAD the Mass Update spec
		vResult = @SpecCommand(2, 5, vSpec)		// RUN the Mass Update spec

You may want to add some code to check if you are actually in Update mode, and maybe a final popup asking the user to confirm before actually doing the Mass Update.

Carl Underwood
CDU Computer Consulting LLC
Epsom, New Hampshire
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