Normal Topic Send a Calendar/ICS Invite (Read 11438 times)
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Location: Cambridge, Ontario
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Send a Calendar/ICS Invite
Jan 22nd, 2018 at 7:43pm
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Hey folks ... with the ineffable skills of Ray, I was able to build a Calendar email invite function in our sales database to handle timed calls!

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stat vFileName as string
stat vData as string
stat vSubject as string
stat vMessage as string
stat n as int
stat q as int

stat vStaffInfo as string
stat vDBID as string
stat vCallDate as date
stat vCallTime as time
stat vCallInvite as string
stat vContact as string
stat vTelephone as string

vStaffInfo = @xlookupsourcelist(@FN,@userid,"Staff Screen!StaffRef","staffname;staffemail")
vCallDate = @promptForUserInput("Scheduled Call Date?",CltNxt)
vCallTime = @PromptForuserinput("Scheduled Call Time?","09:00")
vCallInvite = @PromptForUserInput("Schedule For",@accessstringarray(vStaffInfo,2))
vContact = @PromptForUserInput("Person To Call",CltCt1)
vTelephone = @PromptForUserInput("Number To Call",CltTel1)

if vCallDate <> "" and vCallTime <> "" and vCallInvite <> ""
	vFileName = "S:\Data\RawData\" + CLTID + "-" + @num(@serverdate()) + "-" +@num(@servertime()) + ".ics"

	q = FileOpen(vFileName)

	vData =
	"BEGIN:VCALENDAR" + @newline() +
	"PRODID:-//Lantica Corporation/Sesame 2.6.4/KDC-ICC/3.214//EN" + @newline() +
	"VERSION:2.0" + @newline() +
	// "METHOD:REQUEST" + @newline() +

	"BEGIN:VTIMEZONE" + @newline() +
	"TZID:Eastern Standard Time" + @newline() +

	"BEGIN:STANDARD" + @newline() +
	"DTSTART:" + "16011104T020000" + @newline() +
	"TZOFFSETFROM:-0400" + @newline() +
	"TZOFFSETTO:-0500" + @newline() +
	"END:STANDARD" + @newline() +

	"BEGIN:DAYLIGHT" + @newline() +
	"DTSTART:16010311T020000" + @newline() +
	"TZOFFSETFROM:-0500" + @newline() +
	"TZOFFSETTO:-0400" + @newline() +
	"END:DAYLIGHT" + @newline() +

	"END:VTIMEZONE" + @newline() +

	"BEGIN:VEVENT" + @newline() +
	"ATTENDEE;CN=" + vCallInvite + ";RSVP=FALSE:mailto:" + vCallInvite + @newline() +
	"CLASS:PUBLIC" + @newline() +
	"CREATED:" +@num(@serverdate()) + "T" + @num(@servertime()) + "Z" + @newline() +
	"DESCRIPTION: \n\n" + @newline() +
	"DTEND;TZID=" + @chr(34) + "Eastern Standard Time" + @chr(34) + ":" + @num(vCallDate) + "T" + @sum(@num(vCallTime)+5) + "00" + @newline() +
	"DTSTAMP:" + @num(@serverdate()) + "T" + @num(@servertime()) +"Z" + @newline() +
	"DTSTART;TZID=" + @chr(34) + "Eastern Standard Time" + @chr(34) + ":" + @num(vCallDate) + "T" + @num(vCalltime) + "00" + @newline() +
	"LAST-MODIFIED:" + @num(@serverdate()) + "T" + @num(@servertime()) + "Z" + @newline() +
	"LOCATION:Sesame DR Screen" + @newline() +
	"ORGANIZER;" + @newline() +
	"PRIORITY:5" + @newline() +
	"SEQUENCE:0" + @newline() +
	"SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-ca:Call DBID 200662" + @newline() +
	"TRANSP:OPAQUE" + @newline() +

	"X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1" + @newline() +
	"X-MS-OLK-APPTSEQTIME:" + @num(@serverdate()) + "T" + @num(@servertime()) + "Z" + @newline() +
	"X-MS-OLK-CONFTYPE:0" + @newline() +

	"BEGIN:VALARM" + @newline() +
	"TRIGGER:-PT5M" + @newline() +
	"ACTION:DISPLAY" + @newline() +
	"DESCRIPTION:Reminder" + @newline() +
	"END:VALARM" + @newline() +
	"END:VEVENT" + @newline() +


	// Writeln(vData)

	vSubject = "Scheduled Call For " + CltID + " -- " + CltName + " -- " + vTelephone + " -- " + vContact
	vMessage = "Calendar"

	n = @sendmail("",vSubject,@accessstringarray(vStaffInfo,2),vCallInvite,"","",vMessage,"","SECRETPASSWORD",vFileName)
	@msgbox("Can't Schedule Call","Without A Time and Date","Try Again")

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