Lantica Software LLC.
  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
I've tried for many years to understand how to write database applications but however hard I tried I never "Got It". That was until I discovered your Sesame. Absolute magic.
  Phil Brown
Lincolnshire, UK -

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.


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Lantica Software, LLC
PO Box 27
Penn's Park, PA 18940
Phone: (800) 410-6315
Attn: William Halpern - CEO

Febuary 15, 2005 - Training Workshops Announced for Sesame Database Manager

Lantica Software, makers of Sesame Database Manager 1.1, today announced that Hammer Data Systems, LLC, a consulting company owned by the lead developers of Sesame, will hold a series of Sesame training seminars and workshops at their facility in Northeast Ohio beginning in May 2005. The training sessions, which will be kept small, range from one-day workshops to multi-day comprehensive courses on advanced concepts.

The courses cover a wide range of topics including application design, programming techniques, setup and daily use, integration with other popular programs, and translating Symantec Q&A databases.

As the main developers of Sesame, Erika Yoxall and Mark Lasersohn, the owners of Hammer Data Systems have a unique ability to provide students with insight into and in-depth knowledge of Sesame. "We're looking forward to holding these classes," said Yoxall, "People are already doing such interesting and exciting things with Sesame. We hope the workshops and seminars will help them to grab hold of the reins and really make the most of their applications."

Hammer Data Systems is currently surveying to finalize the course content and scheduling. Potential attendees can participate in the survey at

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  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
Sesame is easy to use program and it is especially made for non-programmers and neophytes like myself. Compared to other programs in the market, learning curve is gentler.
  Bharat Naik, MD
Director - Bronzeville Medical Center