Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerSesame has endless potential and has already become FAR more flexible than anything WE can currently do in Q&A. I appreciate the opportunity to share our experience with Sesame, seeing that we are committed and will be using it for a LONG time!
Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.
It's your information. You shouldn't be hampered in how you manage it. Off-the-shelf programs tend to be good at just one thing while vertical market software can cost a fortune and be impossible to customize. Sesame is different... [READ MORE...]
Manage your information easily
Advanced database management software shouldn't require an advanced degree to use. Adding and updating your information should be easy and accurate. You need to be able to quickly find exactly what you're looking for... [READ MORE...]
Spend less time learning
When it comes to creating and using databases, Sesame inherits much of the highly-acclaimed simplicity of Symantec's Q&A. For example, you can click on the form, begin typing, add a ":" or "<", and you've just created a field with its label... [READ MORE...]
Your information at your fingertips
Unlike today's bloated software programs with their sprawling, cumbersome interfaces, Sesame is compact, fast, and lets you quickly and smoothly navigate between tasks... [READ MORE...]
Create detailed reports in minutes
Summarizing your information is one of the most important jobs a database manager can do for you. The question is: How easy is it? Sesame offers a variety of report types including columnar, freeform and combination in a centralized design facility that lets you quickly create the reports you need with all the summary information (totals, counts, etc.) you could want... [READ MORE...]
Share your information
Sesame is a powerful, flexible and network-savvy database manager designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of uses and users. Networkability isn't something added on — it's built right in. How you share the information in your databases is totally up to you... [READ MORE...]
Protect your information
If security is high on your list of priorities, Sesame won't disappoint you. You can control access to your applications right down to the form and field level using a variety of sensible options... [READ MORE...]