Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerIn Sesame because of separate design module, you can keep on working on design, programming changes and debugging while other people keep on working with the existing application.
Bharat Naik, MD Director - Bronzeville Medical Center
Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.
------ Using Sesame The First Time - Six Easy Steps - HTMLPDF
------ Word Merge 2000 - Labels - HTMLPDF
------ Word Merge 2000 - Letters - HTMLPDF
------ Word Merge 2003 - Labels - HTMLPDF
------ Word Merge 2003 - Letters - HTMLPDF
------ Word Perfect Merge - HTMLPDF
------ Sorting Records - HTMLPDF
------ Check For A Unique Value - HTMLPDF
------ Assign Next Number Using @XLookupR - HTMLPDF
------ Assign Next Number Using a Global Value - HTMLPDF
------ @SelectTreeItem on a Command Button - HTMLPDF
------ Entering A Program - HTMLPDF
------ Setting A Custom Number Format - HTMLPDF
------ Setting A Custom Date Format - HTMLPDF
------ Adding a Simple Program to A Form - HTMLPDF
------ Placing A Static Image Onto A Form - HTMLPDF
------ Retrieving Records From A Database - HTMLPDF
------ Adding Records To A Database - HTMLPDF
------ Opening An Application - HTMLPDF
Learn more about Sesame Database ManagerWe are now fully transferred onto the Sesame software. Our transition was virtually flawless, which was due, in great part, to your efforts in keeping the Sesame application similar in appearance to our old Q&A files. Even our least "computer savvy" employees were easily able to work their way through the Sesame menu system with only a few minutes training.
Paul N. Chevalier Director of Quality and Product Engineering - Dia-Com Corporation