Lantica Software LLC.
  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
I have been creating a lot of reports, and it is just as powerful if not more than any other report writer I've ever used including access. Sesame has turned out to be the best and easist program I've ever used since Q & A., and I've just started getting into it, I have my inventory program working the way I have always wanted it to, but never could get it to in any other program!! A super powerful program. Thank You !!!
  Robert Moore
Maintenance Supervisor (And IT person) - Greer Housing Authority

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.


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-- Learn more about Sesame Database Manager

-- Overview of Sesame Database Manager

-- Summary of Sesame Database Manager Features

------ Quickly create databases to work your way
------ Manage your information easily
------ Spend less time learning
------ Your information at your fingertips
------ Create detailed reports in minutes
------ Share your information
------ Protect your information

-- Sesame Database Manager Pricing

-- Utilities -- Sesame Extractor 1.0


-- Sesame FAQ

-- Sesame Workarounds

-- Sesame Library

------ Using Sesame The First Time - Six Easy Steps - HTML PDF
------ Word Merge 2000 - Labels - HTML PDF
------ Word Merge 2000 - Letters - HTML PDF
------ Word Merge 2003 - Labels - HTML PDF
------ Word Merge 2003 - Letters - HTML PDF
------ Word Perfect Merge - HTML PDF
------ Sorting Records - HTML PDF
------ Check For A Unique Value - HTML PDF
------ Assign Next Number Using @XLookupR - HTML PDF
------ Assign Next Number Using a Global Value - HTML PDF
------ @SelectTreeItem on a Command Button - HTML PDF
------ Entering A Program - HTML PDF
------ Setting A Custom Number Format - HTML PDF
------ Setting A Custom Date Format - HTML PDF
------ Adding a Simple Program to A Form - HTML PDF
------ Placing A Static Image Onto A Form - HTML PDF
------ Retrieving Records From A Database - HTML PDF
------ Adding Records To A Database - HTML PDF
------ Opening An Application - HTML PDF

------ Programmed Retrieves
------ Easy Merge Letters, Labels, and Envelopes from Sesame
------ Reserved Words
------ Good Programming Practices in SBasic

------ Power and Simplicity -- A Sample Sesame Application
------ Sesame, Memory and Speed

------ New Programming Features in Sesame
------ Summary of Sesame Features
------ Some Handy New Sesame Features
------ New Search Options in Sesame
------ Introducing New Form Elements in Sesame
------ Getting Your Q&A Data in Shape for Sesame
------ Terminology in Sesame
------ Sesame Import from Relational Databases
------ More on Sesame Form/Subform Capabilities
------ Sesame ODBC and Export Options
------ Date and Time in a Client-Server Environment
------ Sesame Default Retrieve and Sort Specs
------ Windows vs. DOS Interface for Q&Aers
------ What Does 'Client-Server' Mean?
------ Sesame Forms and Sub-forms
------ Field Types and Data Entry -- Q&A vs. Sesame

------ Quick Sesame Mini-Reports
------ Sesame's Form Design Undo Feature
------ New Field Formatting Options
------ New Table View Features
------ New Tools for the Database/System Administrator
------ Q&A Macros/Scripts and Sesame

-- Lantica Product Forum

-- Sesame Resources

------ Sesame Database
------ Inside Sesame
------ Sesame Training Center at Hammer Data Systems
------ Professional Computer Technology Associates -- PCTA
------ Keyword Software & Consultancy
------ John T. Dow
------ Hammer Data Systems, LLC
------ Sensible Solutions Inc.
------ Marble Publications
------ Nexus Unlimited
------ Sesame Associates of New England User Group -- S.A.N.E.
------ FLTK

-- Online Support Request Form

-- Downloads

------ Version Change Log
------ Free Downloads

Contact Us


-- Press Area

------ Press Releases
------ Lantica Software Shows Off Sesame Database Manager with Citrix GoToMeeting
------ Sesame Database Manager Offers New Editions
------ Training Workshops Announced for Sesame Database Manager
------ Sesame Database Manager Celebrates its First Birthday!
------ Sesame -- Powerful Database Management for Small Businesses
------ Lantica Software Launches Sesame Database Manager V.1.0
------ Lantica Software Announces that Pre-Sales Purchases have Exceeded Expectations!
------ Lantica Software Announces Sesame Release Date
------ Lantica Software Plans Pre-Launch Meeting
------ The SOHO Market Demands Tools Scaled to their Needs
------ Lantica Software Develops a Truly Cross-Platform Database Product for the SOHO Market
------ Lantica Software, LLC Issues Initial Beta Release of Sesame


-- Q&A HTML Translation Guide

-- Q&A PowerPoint Translation Guide

-- Q&A PDF Translation Guide

The Quick Answer Back Issue Library

-- January 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 1995 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 1996 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 1997 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 1998 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 1999 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 2000 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 2001 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- December 2002 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- January 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- Febuary 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- March 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- April 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- May 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- June 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- July 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- August 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- September 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- October 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide
-- November 2003 Symantec Q&A Database Monthly Guide

  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
I appreciate the helpful attitude of the tech support group, and the developers who try to meet the many needs of a variety of customers. Lanticans are very helpful. ...much more than expected.
Roswell - New Mexico