Lantica Software LLC.
  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
These users want a very basic easy to use database that does a lot of basic things simply and easily without to many bells and whistles. I believe Lantica has provided such a product. Sesame can be used out of the box without much fuss to accomplish many tasks. Very little learning is involved to accomplish many of the basic database features. At the same time they have laid the groundwork for users who want more features, more control and more sophisticated applications. From a user standpoint I get the best of all worlds, a building block approach to my application. I can start with the basic and if I desire to put the effort in and learn more, I can add much more power to my application. Thank you Lanticans for giving us a product that is so versatile and gives our applications the ability to grow in the future. I am only one user but I know my feelings are felt by many others and with customer loyalty a great product and time you will make Sesame's path the beaten path.
  Robert Scott

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.



This area provides links to information and resources for users of Symantec Q&A. While, Sesame Database Manager is Q&A compatible, it is a separate product and is not a new version of Q&A.

Information for Q&A Users on

The Q&A to Sesame Translation Slideshow provides a quick look at a simple Q&A translation.

The Sesame FAQ has a number of answers relating to interaction and conversion between Q&A and Sesame.

The Sesame Library has articles relating to interaction and conversion between Q&A and Sesame.

A Q&A Translation Guide is available for learning about how to convert to Sesame from Q&A.

Übertragung von Datenbanken von F&A zu Sesame

Support for Q&A

Support for Q&A is provided by Professional Computer Technology Associates (PCTA)

Q&A database newsletter

The Quick Answer Back Issue Library - 1995 through 2003

Back issues of the popular monthly newsletter dedicated to the Symantec Q&A database.

  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
I have been creating a lot of reports, and it is just as powerful if not more than any other report writer I've ever used including access. Sesame has turned out to be the best and easist program I've ever used since Q & A., and I've just started getting into it, I have my inventory program working the way I have always wanted it to, but never could get it to in any other program!! A super powerful program. Thank You !!!
  Robert Moore
Maintenance Supervisor (And IT person) - Greer Housing Authority