Lantica Software LLC.
  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
  Robert Scott

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Sesame Database Manager is compatible with Symantec Q&A. Q & A users will find that Sesame uses many of the same keystrokes, the same search syntax, and almost the same programming syntax as used in a Q&A database. Sesame can also translate Q&A databases. Find out more.


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Contact Information
Lantica Software, LLC
PO Box 27
Penn's Park, PA 18940
Phone: (800) 410-6315
Attn: William Halpern - CEO

Philadelphia, PA - Decemeber 15, 2003 - Lantica Software launches Sesame Database Manager V.1.0

On December 15, 2003, Lantica Software shipped the first production copies of Sesame Database Manager. The first to receive their packages hurried to the Lantica User Forum to announce to others that their copy of Sesame had arrived. Many called the Lantica Customer Service and Technical Support lines just to say how happy they were to have received their copy of Sesame.

"This is a major milestone for us," says Bill Halpern, CEO of Lantica Software. "We've spent the four years working to bring this product to the Q&A user community and to the many SOHO users who want a database alternative designed for their use. It's great to be able to provide Sesame for these people!"

The initial shipping run is a worldwide affair. When first production run shipping is completed, Sesame will be in over 25 countries, including USA, Austria, Australia, Venezuela, Canada, Puerto Rico, Germany, United Kingdom, South Africa, Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, India, Turkey, Switzerland, Kuwait, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, and Belgium.

Sesame's compatibility with and ability to translate Symantec Q&A databases provides a future for Q&A users faced with increasing hardware and operating system incompatibilities. Its ease-of-use makes Sesame a great choice for the small business do-it-yourselfer. The truly cross-platform structure allows users the flexibility to easily move between Microsoft Windows and Linux.

For more information about Sesame, visit the Lantica Software website at

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  Learn more about Sesame Database Manager
Sesame can do everything QA did, only it does more efficiently. The best part about Sesame & Q&A is that there is no distinction between users and programmers. Users are programmers and Programmers are users !!! Practically all of us are users who could program using all the tools provided by Sesame that even neophytes can use and understand.
  Bharat Naik, MD
Director - Bronzeville Medical Center